author | categories | date | draft | short | title | ||
cunnie |
2015-10-24 13:52:48 -0700 |
true |
How to deploy a publicly-accessible, extremely lean Concourse CI server
The World's Smallest Concourse CI Server |
Continuous Integration (CI) is often used in conjunction with test-driven development (TDD); however, CI servers often bring their own set of challenges: they are usually "snowflakes", uniquely configured machines that are difficult to upgrade, re-configure, or re-install. [snowflakes]
In this blog post, we describe deploying a publicly-accessible, lean (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 15GB disk) Concourse CI server using a 350-line manifest. Upgrades/re-configurations/re-installs are as simple as editing a file and typing one command (bosh-init).
We must confess to sleight-of-hand: although we describe deploying a CI server, the worker is too lean to run any but the smallest tests. The deployed CI Server we describe can't run large tests.
We will address that shortcoming in a future blog post where we describe the manual provisioning of local workers. The process isn't difficult, but including it would have made the blog post undesirably long.
In the following steps, we demonstrate creating a Concourse CI server, for our open source Android project, BlabberTabber.
We follow the instructions to prepare our AWS account.
After we have completed this step, we have the information we need to populate our BOSH deployment's manifest:
- Access Key ID, e.g. AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Secret Access Key, e.g. 0+B1XW6VVxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Availability Zone, e.g. us-east-1a
- Region, e.g. us-east-1
- Elastic IP, e.g.
- Subnet ID, e.g. subnet-1c90ef6b
- Key Pair Name, e.g. bosh, aws_nono
- Key Pair Path, e.g. ~/my-bosh/bosh.pem, ~/.ssh/aws_nono.pem
Although we created an AWS Security Group in the previous step, it doesn't suit our purposes—we need to open the ports for HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443). We create a concourse Security Group via the Amazon AWS Console:
- VPC → Security Groups
- click Create Security Group
- Name tag: concourse
- Description: Rules for accessing Concourse CI server
- VPC: select the VPC in which you created in the previous step
- click Yes, Create
- click Inbound Rules tab
- click Edit
- add the following rules:
Type of Traffic | Protocol | Port Range | Source IP CIDR | Notes |
SSH (22) | TCP (6) | 22 | | debugging, agents |
HTTP (80) | TCP (6) | 80 | | redirect |
HTTPS (443) | TCP (6) | 443 | | web |
Custom TCP Rule | TCP (6) | 2222 | | agents |
Custom TCP Rule | TCP (6) | 6868 | | bosh-init |
- click Save
We decide to use HTTPS to communicate with our Concourse server, for we will need to authenticate against the webserver when we configure our CI (when we transmit our credentials over the Internet we want them to be encrypted).
We purchase valid SSL certificates for our server [Let's Encrypt] . Using a self-signed certificate is also an option.
We use the following command to create our key and CSR. Note that you should substitute your information where appropriate, especially for the CN (Common Name), i.e. don't use
openssl req -new \
-keyout \
-out \
-newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes \
-subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/[email protected]'
We submit the CSR to our vendor, authorize the issuance of the certificate, and receive our certificate, which we will place in our manifest (along with the key and the CA certificate chain).
We configure a DNS A record for our concourse server to point to our AWS Elastic IP. We have the following line in our zone file: A
We create a private ssh key for our remote worker:
ssh-keygen -P '' -f ~/.ssh/worker_key
We will use the public key in the next step, when we create our BOSH manifest.
We create the BOSH manifest for our Concourse server by doing the following:
- download the redacted (passwords & keys removed) BOSH manifest
- open it in an editor
- search for every occurrence of FIXME
- update the field described by the FIXME, e.g. update the IP address, set the password, set the Subnet ID, etc....
For those interested, our sample Concourse manifest was derived from Concourse's official sample bosh-init manifest and modified as follows:
- added an nginx release to provide SSL termination (i.e. HTTPS) while bypassing the need for an ELB ($219.14/year [ELB-pricing] ). This was also why we enabled ports 80 and 443 in our AWS Security Group.
- added a postgres job and configured our Concourse server to use that instead of Amazon RDS in order to eliminate RDS charges, but we suspect the savings to be insignificant.
- configured the web interface to be publicly-viewable but require authorization to make changes
- added our remote worker's public key to
We install bosh-init by following these instructions.
We use bosh-init to deploy Concourse using the manifest we created in the previous step. In the following example, our manifest is named concourse-aws.yml:
bosh-init deploy concourse-aws.yml
Finished deploying (00:12:15)
Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00)
Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)
A deployment takes ~12 minutes.This gist contains the complete output of the bosh-init deployment.
We browse to
We download the fly
CLI by clicking on the Apple icon (assuming that your workstation is an OS X machine) and move it into place:
install ~/Downloads/fly /usr/local/bin
We follow Concourse's Getting Started
instructions to create our first pipeline. We
add tags [ "micro" ]
to the sample Concourse pipeline
so that the job is run on our "micro" worker (in
our BOSH manifest, we tag the worker that
is colocated on our t2.micro Concourse
server "micro" so that we can steer small jobs
to it).
cat > hello-world.yml <<EOF
- name: hello-world
- task: say-hello
platform: linux
image: "docker:///ubuntu"
tags: [ "micro" ]
path: echo
args: ["Hello, world!"]
We configure the pipeline (remember to substitute the username and password in the manifest, and, for "user:password" below):
fly -t "https://user:[email protected]" set-pipeline -p really-cool-pipeline -c hello-world.yml
You can see the gist of the output here.
Type y when prompted to apply the configuration.
Refresh to see our newly-created pipeline:
Next we unpause the job
- click the "≡" (hamburger) in the upper left hand corner
- click the "▶" (play button) that appears below the hamburger. This will un-pause our pipeline and allow builds to run.
- click Log in with Basic Auth
- authenticate with the atc's account and password (these can be found in the manifest, and
- click the "≡" (hamburger) in the upper left hand corner (yes, again)
- click the "▶" (play button) that appears below the hamburger. The banner at the top of the screen will switch from light-blue to black. The page should look like this:
We kick off our job:
- click the hello-world rectangle in the middle of the screen.
- click the "⊕" button in the upper right hand side of the screen
We see that the job completes successfully by the pea-green color. We click ">_ say-hello" to see the output:
We have demonstrated with the ease with which one can deploy a CI server using a combination of Concourse and bosh-init, a deployment which takes less than a quarter hour from start (no disk, no OS) to finish (a publicly-accessible, up-and-running CI server) and which is easily re-deployed.
We recognize that our deployment is incomplete, that it lacks the workers necessary to run jobs of any consequence. We will describe how to manually provision workers in our next blog post.
One of the benefits of the Concourse/bosh-init combination is that Concourse stores its state on a persistent disk, so that re-deploying the CI server (e.g. new OS, new Concourse) won't cause the loss of the pipeline configuration or build history.
The yearly cost of running a Concourse server is $80.34. Note that this does not include the cost of the worker. Had we chosen to implement the recommended m3.large EC2 instance for a worker, it would have increased our yearly cost by $713.54 [m3.large] .
Here are our costs:
Expense | Vendor | Cost | Cost / year |
---|---|---|---| cert | | $14.85 3-year [inexpensive-SSL] | $4.95 |
EC2 t2.micro instance | Amazon AWS | $0.0086 / hour [t2.micro] | $75.39 |
We'd like to thank Rob Dimsdale of the Concourse team for reviewing the manuscript for accuracy and completeness.
[snowflakes] Even the most innocuous changes to a CI server can be fraught with anxiety: two years ago when we were migrating one of our development team's Jenkins CI server VM from one datastore to another (a very low-risk operation), we needed to have several meetings with the Team's product manager and the anchor before they were willing to allow us to proceed with the migration.
[Let's Encrypt] Let's Encrypt is a "free, automated, and open" Certificate Authority which issues valid SSL certificates free of charge. We are eagerly awaiting its launch, which hopefully will happen within the next few weeks.
[ELB-pricing] ELB pricing, as of this writing, is $0.025/hour, $0.60/day, $219.1455 / year (assuming 365.2425 days / year).
[m3.large] Amazon effectively charges $0.0814/hour for a 1 year term all-upfront m3.large reserved instance.
[inexpensive-SSL] One shouldn't pay more than $25 for a 3-year certificate. We used SSLSHOP to purchase our Comodo Positive SSL, but there are many good SSL vendors, and we don't endorse one over the other.
[t2.micro] Amazon effectively charges $0.0086/hour for a 1 year term all-upfront t2.micro reserved instance.