Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.
- Xcode 7.0, iOS 9.0 SDK, watchOS 2.0 SDK
- iOS 9.0 and watchOS 2.0
##How to build
- Change the "Team" setting on [General] for each target.
- Setup HealthKit for the WatchKit extension target.
[note] ScreenShots will be available after the official release of watchOS 2 because of NDA. Some images are picked from WWDC session videos which are publicly opened by Apple.
Access to Accelerometer data using CoreMotion.
Access to Gyroscope data using CoreMotion.
Counting steps demo using CMPedometer.
###Heart Rate
Access to Heart Rate data using HealthKit.
###Table Animations
Insert and remove animations for WKInterfaceTable.
###Animated Properties
Animate width/height and alignments.
###Audio Rec & Play
Record and play audio.
###Picker Styles
WKInterfacePicker styles catalog.
###Taptic Engine
Access to the Taptic engine using playHaptic method.
Present an alert or action sheet.
###Animation with Digital Crown
Coordinated Animations with WKInterfacePicker and Digital Crown.
###Interactive Messaging
Sending message to phone and receiving from phone demo with WatchConnectivity.
###Open System URL
Open Tel or SMS app using openSystemURL: method.
###Audio File Player
Play an audio file with WKAudioFilePlayer.
###Network Access (by KAMEDAkyosuke)
Get an image data from network using NSURLSession.
##Known Issues
- Audio Rec & Play
- Can't record on a real watch device. (Works on simulator)
- Heart Rate
- Under development
- Open System URL
- Phone doesn't launch...
- It's based on the Apple's document.
works with same way. I have no idea why it doesn't work!
Shuichi Tsutsumi
##Special Thanks
Icons are designed by Okazu