Installer scripts for arch-linux that also automates a lot of setup steps and installs additional usefull software like i3 window manager, a login manager, a bunch of developer tools like urxvt terminal emulator, vim, zsh, software for configuring a network connection, software for controlling volume settings, google chrome, etc (for a full list see PACKAGES variable in
NOTE: This installer supports only UEFI/GPT layout; for more details, see
- Create a bootable arch-linux USB and boot into it in UEFI mode
- Create some swap partition using a tool of your preference e.g fdisk
- mkswap /dev/<swap_partition>
- swapon /dev/<swap_partition>
- Create a root partition
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/<root_partition>
- mount /dev/<root_partition> /mnt
- Check for existent EFI partition. You should have one if you're planning to dualboot alongside another OS that you have installed (e.g windows). If you're missing it, you have to create it. See:
- mkdir /mnt/efi && mount /dev/<efi_partition> /mnt/efi
- [ Optional ] Create any additional partition, format it and mount it wherever you want under /mnt
- pacman -Sy && pacman -S git
- git clone --recursive && cd os-setup
- Edit config.template with your information removing any additional user rows if you don't need them
- ./ --config config.template