+Enum Constants
+Enum Constant |
+Description |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-elim
+ |
+ Arith – Division by constant elimination
+ \[
+ t / c = t * 1/c
+ \]
+ where \(c\) is a constant.
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-gt
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-gt
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-lt
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-leq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-lt
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-minus
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-uminus
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-tighten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-eq-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-leq-norm
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mul-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mul-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mult-dist
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mult-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-neg-neg-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-cancel1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-cancel2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-real-eq-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-geq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-gt
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-leq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-lt
+ |
+ Arithmetic - strings predicate entailment
+ \[
+ (>= n 0) = true
+ \]
+ Where \(n\) can be shown to be greater than or equal to \(0\) by
+ reasoning about string length being positive and basic properties of
+ addition and multiplication.
+ |
+ Arithmetic - strings predicate entailment
+ \[
+ (>= n 0) = (>= m 0)
+ \]
+ Where \(m\) is a safe under-approximation of \(n\), namely
+ we have that \((>= n m)\) and \((>= m 0)\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-int-elim-to-real
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-real-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-overwrite
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-self
+ |
+ Arrays – Expansion of array range equality
+ \[
+ \mathit{eqrange}(a,b,i,j)=
+ \forall x.\> i \leq x \leq j \rightarrow
+ \mathit{select}(a,x)=\mathit{select}(b,x)
+ \]
+ |
+ Equality – Beta reduction
+ \[
+ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1 \ldots t_n) = t\{x_1 \mapsto t_1,
+ \ldots, x_n \mapsto t_n\}
+ \]
+ The right hand side of the equality in the conclusion is computed using
+ standard substitution via Node.substitute .
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-conf
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-de-morgan
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-dup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-double-not-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-nrefl
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-implies-de-morgan
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-eq-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-ite-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-xor-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-de-morgan
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-dup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-taut
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-comm
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-nrefl
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-refl
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-true
+ |
+ Bitvectors - Combine like terms during addition by counting terms
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-two
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-concat-pullup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--0
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-and
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-or
+ |
+ Bitvectors - Extract continuous substrings of bitvectors
+ \[
+ bvand(a,\ c) = concat(bvand(a[i_0:j_0],\ c_0) ...
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-add
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-and
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-mul
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-or
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-xor
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-comp-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-extract-merge
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-merge-
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-to-mult
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-and
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-or
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-xor
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-4
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-extract
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-mult-leading-bit
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-not
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-whole
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-children
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-else
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-if
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-else
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-if
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--0
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lt-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--add
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--sub
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2b
+ |
+ Bitvectors - Extract negations from multiplicands
+ \[
+ bvmul(bvneg(a),\ b,\ c) = bvneg(bvmul(a,\ b,\ c))
+ \]
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nand-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-add
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-idemp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-mult
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-sub
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nor-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-idemp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-neq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-sle
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-ule
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-ult
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-xor
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-concat-pullup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redand-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redor-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-repeat-eliminate-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-repeat-eliminate-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-saddo-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdivo-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sge-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sgt-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--0
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminate-0
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--4
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
+ |
+ Bitvectors - Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination
+ See M.Gok, M.J.
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ssubo-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sub-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uaddo-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-pow2-not-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uge-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-urem
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-max
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-add-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-ones
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-2
+ |
+ Bitvectors - Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination
+ See M.Gok, M.J.
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-pow2-not-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-usubo-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xnor-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-concat-pullup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-duplicate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-not
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-ones
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-zero
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminate
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminate-0
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-ule
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule distinct-binary-elim
+ |
+ Builtin – Distinct elimination
+ \[
+ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, \ldots, tn) = \bigwedge_{i \neq j} t_i \neq t_j
+ \]
+ |
+ Datatypes - collapse selector
+ \[
+ s_i(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = t_i
+ \]
+ where \(s_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) selector for constructor \(c\).
+ |
+ Datatypes - collapse tester
+ \[
+ \mathit{is}_c(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = true
+ \]
+ or alternatively
+ \[
+ \mathit{is}_c(d(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = false
+ \]
+ where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.
+ |
+ Datatypes - collapse tester
+ \[
+ \mathit{is}_c(t) = true
+ \]
+ where \(c\) is the only constructor of its associated datatype.
+ |
+ Datatypes - constructor equality
+ \[
+ (c(t_1, \ldots, t_n) = c(s_1, \ldots, s_n)) =
+ (t_1 = s_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = s_n)
+ \]
+ or alternatively
+ \[
+ (c(t_1, \ldots, t_n) = d(s_1, \ldots, s_m)) = false
+ \]
+ where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.
+ |
+ Datatypes – Instantiation
+ \[
+ \mathit{is}_C(t) = (t = C(\mathit{sel}_1(t),\dots,\mathit{sel}_n(t)))
+ \]
+ where \(C\) is the \(n^{\mathit{th}}\) constructor of the type of
+ \(t\), and \(\mathit{is}_C\) is the discriminator (tester) for
+ \(C\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-refl
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-symm
+ |
+ Quantifiers – Exists elimination
+ \[
+ \exists x_1\dots x_n.\> F = \neg \forall x_1\dots x_n.\> \neg F
+ \]
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-neg-lookahead
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-eq-branch
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-false-cond
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-neg-branch
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-not-cond
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-neg-lookahead
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-true
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-true-cond
+ |
+ Arithmetic - strings predicate entailment
+ \[
+ (= s t) = c
+ \]
+ \[
+ (>= s t) = c
+ \]
+ where \(c\) is a Boolean constant.
+ |
+ Booleans – Negation Normal Form with normalization
+ \[
+ F = G
+ \]
+ where \(G\) is the result of applying negation normal form to
+ \(F\) with additional normalizations, see
+ TheoryBoolRewriter.computeNnfNorm.
+ |
+ Quantifiers – Macro connected free variable partitioning
+ \[
+ \forall X.\> F_1 \vee \ldots \vee F_n =
+ (\forall X_1.\> F_{1,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{1,k_1}) \vee \ldots \vee
+ (\forall X_m.\> F_{m,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{m,k_m})
+ \]
+ where \(X_1, \ldots, X_m\) is a partition of \(X\).
+ |
+ Strings - strings substring strip symbolic length
+ \[
+ str.substr(s, n, m) = t
+ \]
+ where \(t\) is obtained by fully or partially stripping components of
+ \(s\) based on \(n\) and \(m\).
+ |
+ This enumeration represents the rewrite rules used in a rewrite proof.
+ |
+ Quantifiers – Merge prenex
+ \[
+ \forall X_1.\> \ldots \forall X_n.\> F = \forall X_1 \ldots X_n.\> F
+ \]
+ where \(X_1 \ldots X_n\) are lists of variables.
+ |
+ Quantifiers – Miniscoping
+ \[
+ \forall X.\> F_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge F_n =
+ (\forall X.\> F_1) \wedge \ldots \wedge (\forall X.\> F_n)
+ \]
+ |
+ Quantifiers – Unused variables
+ \[
+ \forall X.\> F = \forall X_1.\> F
+ \]
+ where \(X_1\) is the subset of \(X\) that appear free in \(F\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-all-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-merge
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-none
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-swap
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-diff-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-comp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-cstring
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-empty
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigma
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigma-star
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-all
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstring
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstring-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-dup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-none
+ |
+ Strings - regular expression intersection/union inclusion
+ \[
+ (re.inter\ R) = \mathit{re.inter}(\mathit{re.none}, R_0)
+ \]
+ where \(R\) is a list of regular expressions containing `r_1`,
+ `re.comp(r_2)` and the list \(R_0\) where `r_2` is a superset of
+ `r_1`.
+ |
+ Strings - regular expression loop elimination
+ \[
+ re.loop_{l,u}(R) = re.union(R^l, \ldots, R^u)
+ \]
+ where \(u \geq l\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-loop-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-opt-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-all
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-dup
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-none
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-unit
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-nth-unit
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-concat
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-unit
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-minus
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-singleton
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-union
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-choose-singleton
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-eq-singleton-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-comm
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-member
+ |
+ Sets - empty tester evaluation
+ \[
+ \mathit{sets.is\_empty}(\epsilon) = \top
+ \]
+ where \(\epsilon\) is the empty set, or alternatively:
+ \[
+ \mathit{sets.is\_empty}(c) = \bot
+ \]
+ where \(c\) is a constant set that is not the empty set.
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-singleton
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-member
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-subset-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-comm
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-member
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-at-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-char
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-char-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eq-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-base
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-base-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-concat-find
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-is-emp
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-leq-len-eq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-lt-len
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-refl
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-split-char
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-false
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false2
+ |
+ Strings - string in regular expression concatenation star character
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in\_re}(\mathit{str}.\text{++}(s_1, \ldots, s_n), \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) =\\ \mathit{str.in\_re}(s_1, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) \wedge \ldots \wedge \mathit{str.in\_re}(s_n, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R))
+ \]
+ where all strings in \(R\) have length one.
+ |
+ Strings - regular expression membership consume
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in_re}(s, R) = b
+ \]
+ where \(b\) is either \(false\) or the result of stripping
+ entailed prefixes and suffixes off of \(s\) and \(R\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-contains
+ |
+ Strings - regular expression membership evaluation
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in\_re}(s, R) = c
+ \]
+ where \(s\) is a constant string, \(R\) is a constant regular
+ expression and \(c\) is true or false.
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-inter-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-range-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfold
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfold-rev
+ |
+ Strings - string in regular expression sigma
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar})) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) = n)
+ \]
+ or alternatively:
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ge n)
+ \]
+ |
+ Strings - string in regular expression sigma star
+ \[
+ \mathit{str.in\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ \% \ n = 0)
+ \]
+ where \(n\) is the number of \(\mathit{re.allchar}\) arguments to
+ \(\mathit{re}.\text{++}\).
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfold
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfold-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-single
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-single-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-neg-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfold
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfold-rev
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-union-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-no-contains
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-concat-rec
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-replace-inv
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-in-range
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-update-inv
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-nth-elim-code
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-empty
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-no-contains
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-self
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine3
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine4
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat1
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat2
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-range
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-start
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-start-neg
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-str
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-eq-empty
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-full
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-full-eq
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-include
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-include-pre
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-skip
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-elim
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-one
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-concat
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-upper
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-concat
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-lower
+ |
+ Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-geq-elim
+ |