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Releases: cypress-io/cypress


19 Jul 07:27
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Released 07/06/2015


  • Proxied jQuery: $ onto cy as cy.$ and specific class methods: Event, Deferred, ajax, get, getJSON, getScript, post.
  • Proxied moment onto cy as cy.moment.
  • The url will now automatically be restored when hovering over the Command Log to indicate the state of the URL at the time the command ran.
  • .click() now accepts an optional: position argument (center, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight). Center is still the default.
  • .click() now accepts an optional x and y coordinate argument, which is relative to the top left corner of the element. Fixes #50.
  • Click docs have been updated to reflect these changes.


  • onBeforeLoad and onLoad callbacks to cy.visit() are now invoked with cy as the context.
  • Cypress logo now displays in About Page.


  • Internal refactoring to Cypress.Mouse.


19 Jul 07:27
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Released 07/04/2015


  • Added About page in desktop application annotating the current version.
  • cy.fixture() now supports these additional extensions: .html, .txt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tif, .tiff.
  • Image fixtures will be sent back as a base64 string.
  • Html fixtures will be prettified and saved back over the original.


  • Added more tests around various areas of the desktop application and ID generator.


19 Jul 07:23
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Released 06/23/2015


  • Prevent infinite loop due to a trifecta of rare circumstances with .click(). Clicking will now retry sync after it attempts to scroll past the element covering up the desired clickable element. Fixes #46.


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/11/2015


  • Command logging has been upgraded to support "page events", which are different than commands. Now events which happen (XHR/page load/url change/spies/stubs/mocks) log out visually differently and do not use a command number. This should be easier to parse what was a real command and what was a page event.
  • When the url changes this is now logged as a page event, and its onConsole logs what caused it to change.


  • Internal refactor / improvements to support long lived runnable objects to work with page events.
  • Request Commands (now page events) have now been renamed to 'XHR'.
  • cy.document() now returns the raw document object instead of a jQuery wrapped document object.
  • When .its() or .invoke() fails it will include the current subject n the onConsole log.
  • cy.wait() now logs out when its referenced aliases, and its onConsole output displays the XHR return values.
  • cy.hash() and cy.url() no longer pass the return value as the command log's message, which made no sense and was unlike every other command.


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/09/2015


  • Traversal methods now correctly return their $el even when {log: false} option is passed.


  • .type() now works with contenteditable attributes.


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/09/2015


  • When Cypress detects a page loading event it will now clear out the subject so the next commands cannot reference previous page DOM elements.
  • .check() and .uncheck() will no longer output additional error'd commands when their associated click fails.


  • .type(), .clear(), .check(), .uncheck() now all take {force: true} options to force the click to happen and skip additional clickable checks.
  • Now when you click the giant yellow failure messages if the error is a CypressError instead of logging nothing it will now find the command associated to that error and display the same message as if you clicked the failed command.


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/08/2015


  • .clear() and .type() no longer output additional error'd commands hen their associated click fails.
  • Changed scrolling elements into view to use top strategy instead of bottom which fixes times where the middle of an element was not yet in he viewport. Fixes #42.


  • .submit() now errors if it's been called on >1 form element. Fixes #41.
  • Coordinates and hitboxes are now logged and displayed on .clear() and .type().


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/06/2015


  • Improved clicking algorithm to reduce edge cases where element could not be clicked but should have been able to be clicked.


  • .click() accepts {force: true} which will force it to issue the click event and bypass checking to ensure element is physically clickable.
  • Elements which are children of a container with overflow are automatically scrolled prior to a click (which is an abstraction around real user behavior).
  • Elements that are covering up an element you targeted for .click() are now logged out in the command console.
  • All elements are now logged out as real DOM elements instead of jQuery wrapped elements. This has several upsides. Chrome will allow you to immediately interact with these elements, drilling into their contents, displaying the element box model on hover, etc. This prevents you from having to expand the jQuery elements and click "Reveal in Elements Panel".


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/06/2015


  • Custom commands no longer error out if they are the very first cy command.


19 Jul 07:22
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Released 06/05/2015


  • cy.clearCookie() and cy.clearCookies() have been added as new commands.
  • Cypress will automatically clear all cookies before each test run.
  • Named the spec + app iframe so that inside of Chrome Dev Tools the iframe selector will clearly distinguish which iframe is your application versus Cypress.


  • Hitbox is no longer covered up by element layers on DOM revert.
  • Finally tracked down and fixed edge case causing empty view to display when tests were not empty. Fixes #13


  • cy.visit() now accepts {log: false} to prevent logging out (useful in custom commands).
  • cy.contains() is now scoped by default to the <body> instead of document which prevents it from returning elements in the head like title.