dminit - initialises DMPACK databases
dminit --help
dminit --version
dminit --type type --database file [--force] [--sync] [--wal]
The dminit utility program creates beat, log, and observation databases. No
action is performed if the specified database already exists, unless
command-line argument --force
is passed.
A synchronisation table is required for observation and log synchronisation with an RPC server. The argument may be omitted if this functionality is not used.
Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) should be enabled for databases with multiple readers.
- --database, -d file
File path of the new SQLite database.
- --force, -F
Force creation of tables even if the database already exists.
- --help, -h
Output available command-line arguments and quit.
- --sync, -s
Add synchronisation tables. Enable for data synchronisation between client and server.
- --type, -t [beat|log|observ]
Type of database, either beat, log, or observation.
- --version, -v
Output version information and quit.
- --wal, -W
Enable Write-Ahead Logging.
Create a beat database:
$ dminit --type beat --database beat.sqlite --wal
Create a log database with remote synchronisation tables:
$ dminit --type log --database log.sqlite --sync --wal
Create an observation database with remote synchronisation tables:
$ dminit --type observ --database observ.sqlite --sync --wal
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