When enabled, a user must confirm its email identity via confirmation before the real form shows up.
This feature is disabled by default.
# enable the feature
enabled: true
# redeem_mode:
# choose between "delete" or "devalue"
# - "delete" (default): The double-opt-in session token gets deleted, after the form submission was successful
# - "devalue": The double-opt-in session token only gets redeemed but not deleted, after the form submission was successful.
redeem_mode: 'delete'
# delete open sessions after 24 hours (default). If you set it to 0, no sessions will be deleted ever.
open_sessions: 24
# delete redeemed session after x hours (default 0, which means: disabled)
redeemed_sessions: 0
By default, the DoubleOptInType
form type only contains a emailAddress
field to keep users effort small.
If you want to extend the form, you may want to use a symfony form extension.
Additional Info:
is required and you're not allowed to remove it- Additional fields will be stored as array in the DoubleOptInSession in
The EmailChecker
Validator is automatically appended to the emailAddress
This validator only triggers, if you've configured at least one email checker service - read more about it here
Based on given output workflow, you may want to use the double opt in data in given channel:
If DOI is active, the submitted mail object will receive two additional parameters:
- _form_builder_double_opt_in_token
- _form_builder_double_opt_in_session_email
DOI information can't be rendered by default since the rendering heavily depends on your implementation.
Checkout out this part in templates/email/form_data.html.twig
to show DOI data within your submitted mail data.
Use the additional fields on the right side to add DOI information to the mail template editor.
Currently not implemented
Currently not implemented