[ Index | Exercise 3.5 | Exercise 3.7 ]
- Learn how to customize the behavior of objects by redefining special methods.
- Change the way that user-defined objects get printed
- Make objects comparable
- Create a context manager
Files Created: None
Files Modified: stock.py
All Python objects have two string representations. The first
representation is created by string conversion via str()
(which is called by print
). The string representation is
usually a nicely formatted version of the object meant for humans.
The second representation is a code representation of the object
created by repr()
(or simply by viewing a value in the
interactive shell). The code representation typically shows you the
code that you have to type to get the object. Here is an example
that illustrates using dates:
>>> from datetime import date
>>> d = date(2008, 7, 5)
>>> print(d) # uses str()
>>> d # uses repr()
datetime.date(2008, 7, 5)
There are several techniques for obtaining the repr()
in output:
>>> print('The date is', repr(d))
The date is datetime.date(2008, 7, 5)
>>> print(f'The date is {d!r}')
The date is datetime.date(2008, 7, 5)
>>> print('The date is %r' % d)
The date is datetime.date(2008, 7, 5)
Modify the Stock
object that you've created so that
the __repr__()
produces more useful output. For example:
>>> goog = Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.10)
>>> goog
Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.1)
See what happens when you read a portfolio of stocks and view the resulting list after you have made these changes. For example:
>>> import stock, reader
>>> portfolio = reader.read_csv_as_instances('Data/portfolio.csv', stock.Stock)
>>> portfolio
[Stock('AA', 100, 32.2), Stock('IBM', 50, 91.1), Stock('CAT', 150, 83.44), Stock('MSFT', 200, 51.23),
Stock('GE', 95, 40.37), Stock('MSFT', 50, 65.1), Stock('IBM', 100, 70.44)]
What happens if you create two identical Stock
objects and try to compare them? Find out:
>>> a = Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.1)
>>> b = Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.1)
>>> a == b
You can fix this by giving the Stock
class an __eq__()
method. For example:
class Stock:
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Stock) and ((self.name, self.shares, self.price) ==
(other.name, other.shares, other.price))
Make this change and try comparing two objects again.
In Exercise 3.5, you made it possible for users to make nicely formatted tables. For example:
>>> from tableformat import create_formatter
>>> formatter = create_formatter('text')
>>> print_table(portfolio, ['name','shares','price'], formatter)
name shares price
---------- ---------- ----------
AA 100 32.2
IBM 50 91.1
CAT 150 83.44
MSFT 200 51.23
GE 95 40.37
MSFT 50 65.1
IBM 100 70.44
One issue with the code is that all tables are printed to standard out
). Suppose you wanted to redirect the output to a file
or some other location. In the big picture, you might modify all of
the table formatting code to allow a different output file. However,
in a pinch, you could also solve this with a context manager.
Define the following context manager:
>>> import sys
>>> class redirect_stdout:
def __init__(self, out_file):
self.out_file = out_file
def __enter__(self):
self.stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self.out_file
return self.out_file
def __exit__(self, ty, val, tb):
sys.stdout = self.stdout
This context manager works by making a temporary patch to sys.stdout
to cause
all output to redirect to a different file. On exit, the patch is reverted.
Try it out:
>>> from tableformat import create_formatter
>>> formatter = create_formatter('text')
>>> with redirect_stdout(open('out.txt', 'w')) as file:
tableformat.print_table(portfolio, ['name','shares','price', formatter)
>>> # Inspect the file
>>> print(open('out.txt').read())
name shares price
---------- ---------- ----------
AA 100 32.2
IBM 50 91.1
CAT 150 83.44
MSFT 200 51.23
GE 95 40.37
MSFT 50 65.1
IBM 100 70.44
[ Solution | Index | Exercise 3.5 | Exercise 3.7 ]
Advanced Python Mastery
A course by dabeaz
Copyright 2007-2023
. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License