All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Changed the behavior of the "Manage Time" card action to first prompt a user selection that leads to individual trackings. This update addresses recent issues in Trello where the popup doesn't provide overflow scrolling for all users. Hopefully, this will reduce the likelihood of this problem recurring.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Changed IAM based authentication for CDK to use OIDC
- Fixed an issue with time tracking / estiamtes data exporter not being able to pull cards data if the /all API responded with more than 1.000 cards. We will now fall back to fetch closed, open and visible cards one-by-one to try and display as much data as possible. Disclaimer added to both pages when this is happening.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Removed Optro. Now everyone has pro features for free!
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Updated node from 18 -> 20
- Fixed locale issues with estimation input not always accepting decimals. Now it's statically configured for en-GB locale.
- Fixed some cases of UI scroll when estimates, time spent and total estimate exceeded the visual limit.
- Removed Jest and associated code as there was no actual tests.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Fixed possible performance issues related to auto-start feature. Card badges was registered even when settings for auto-start feature was disabled.
- Fixed possible performance issues related to card badges for showing other peoples trackings. Badge was set to refresh every 60 second, even though it technically never needs to manually refresh as events are automatically synced across multiple clients. Increased it to 300 to avoid too many updates happening.
- Fixed auto-start getting cancelled again at next card tick for auto-stop feature
- Fixed change estimate not properly supporting decimals
- Fixed data exporters being empty.
- Added sortable columns on data trackings/estimates exporter.
- Added pagination on data trackings/estimates exporter.
- Changed up entire UI by adding Primevue.
- Updated packages to latest version matching version selectors.
- Fixed an issue causing time spent & estimate to become the same on the data exporter.
- Added time spent fields on data exporter for estimates (Pro feature).
- Updated Lambda functions node version from 14 -> 18.
- Fixed time spent calculation for notification feature. Timers currently running was not considered in the total time spent that was used to see if notification should be sent.
- Changed sorting of labels both in the dropdown & table column under data exporter to be alphabetically #114
- Added new contextmenu item under board button to display the current Activity timer version. This is useful for debugging purposes to ensure users run the latest version.
- Updated packages to latest version matching selectors in package.json
- Changed Cache-Control headers of deployment so that browsers never cache the assets. This will help with pushing new releases out.
- Added new board contextmenu item that indicates if an active timer is running. #101
- Added support for Trello's new theme mode. Dark mode now actually looks OK & board button in light mode is no longer black.
- Updated packages to latest version matching selectors in package.json
- Fixed developer documentation mentioning yarn instead of npm
- Fixed an issue where timezone wasn't properly handled when filtering time ranges in data exporter
- Updated dependencies (including major version of CDK)
- Removed Google Analytics since it's not GDPR compliant by default
- Changed yarn out with npm
- Made export page remember your choice of columns
- Added board id/name to available columns in data exporter
- Added total time spent under 'Manage time'
- Added prettier, updated eslint config and formatted the code
- Added running tracking's to 'Manage time' & allow for them to be stopped by others
- Changed 24hr format instead of 12hr format
- Changed 'Time spent' to also include running tracking's
- Fixed issue with estimate data exporter not showing all cards when cards did not have any trackings.
- Added powerup visibility settings. You can now control if all, board members or specific members should be able to access powerup data from the UI.
- Fixed issue with data exporter being blank when unauthorized.
- Added better error handling for data exporter when in incognito. Instead of a permanent loader it will now properly display that incognito might be the issue. With other unrecognized errors it will notify the user about this.
- Fixed issue with powerup not loading in incognito.
- Added refresh buttons for both data exporters. This fetches fresh data set. Very useful for scrum masters when having 1 window open to keep an eye on the estimates while planning the sprint.
- Fixed issue with date from/to filtering on time tracking data exporter. Choosing both a from & to date caused it to show all previous tracking from, the from date.
- Fixed issue with large data sets on trackings & estimates where rows suddenly duplicate. This also solves UI glitches with columns not refreshing when choosing different columns in Edge.
- More fine tuned RestApi access scopes. Now data exporter only requires read access - while auto timer start requires read & write.
- Made webhooks & RestApi access clearing more intelligent. It will now when clearing RestApi access de-register any webhooks registered. Webhooks will now also automatically de-register when auto timer start is disabled.
- Added board button for clearing RestApi access. Allowing users to remove Activity timer's access to read or write data on behalf of the user.
- Re-wrote the entire repository. Now features: Vue3, TypeScript, Vite & CDK (infrastructure)
- 'Activity timer history' board button has been re-worked to 'Data exporter - Time tracking'. This new data exporter features a whole lot of filters and grouping options (filtering is a Pro feature)
- Added new data exporting tool for estimates. Being a scrum master just got a whole lot easier! (filtering is a Pro feature)
- Added ability to manually add time tracking when no other time trackings have been added yet.
- Fixed issue with estimates since last release that caused estimates to not recognize the current user. The effect of this was that you could not delete estimates & couldn't see who made them. This is now resolves & you'll be able to view estimates with no user attached to it.
- Made it possible to view trackings from previous users on a board. They will now appear as N/A on a card under "Manage time" or "Time spent".
- Fixed issue with manually adding time being assigned to "undefined" user - causing it to be invisible.
- [BETA] Added auto-start timer feature. Automatically starts registering time when cards are moved to a specific list. This feature can be enabled on the power-up settings page. I've put a BETA label on this as it's highly subject to change due to the unknowns about added cost to hosting the power-up.
- Added threshold for registering trackings. If trackings added by manually starting / stopping the timer is less than x settings (default 30). Then power-up rejects the time tracking. This is to combat the 4096 character limit on power-ups for storage. You think 30 is too much or too little? Change it on the power-up settings page.
- Optimized card badge rendering by caching the member id.
- Added ability to see other peoples active trackings under 'Manage time'. #41
- Added ability to manually add trackings. #38
- Fixed issue in Firefox where clicking 'Authorize' nothing happened. #40
- Fixed issue with plugin responsiveness after exceeding the 4096 character limit. #32
- Merged UI optimizations for "Manage time" #30 - thanks to @jonez1 for looking into this.
- Added sentry for better bug tracking.
- Updated all packages.
- Added new CSV export featuring a full export of all time ranges tracked and not just a total count.
- Possible fix for invalid token issue when opening 'Activity timer history' view.
- Fixed issue with 'Activity timer history' not loading when access token from authentication expires or otherwise becomes invalid. Activity timer will now fallback to re-authenticate if any exception occurs.
- Deletion of estimates
- Clear estimates.
- Shared in-progress trackings so others can see real-time tracking of others as they're tracking.
- When starting a tracker while already having one running it will now stop the other tracker.
- Exporting of past tracking through history view.
- Added a icon that's shown on the card in the list view when other members are tracking on a card.
- Added power-up settings to toggle estimate feature.
- Added notifications feature to get notified when you near your estimates time.
- Fixed issue when deleting time ranges of a specific member accidentally deleting time ranges for other members.
- Fixed issue with timer not initially showing with
as time on board list when starting.
- Added back clear functionality. Now available under
Manage time
together with a confirm. - Added new estimate functionality. Each member can now put an estimate on the card. This will later be used for possible notifications when nearing the end of a estimate.
- Removed
Clear data
- Fixed wrong label used for no members paragraph under new history page.
- Changed time format from
toHh Mm
. - changed update timer for card badge in board from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. This is due to us removing seconds from time format.
- Fixed issue when changing start time on a time range not having current start as initial value.
- Added new history view to filter through past trackings.
- Initial release