diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7ac5466c7..aa9b33c98 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1159,7 +1159,9 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* null-byte RLE decode: rleDecode
* null-byte RLE encode: rleEncode
* payments.changeStarsSubscription
+ * payments.convertStarGift
* payments.fulfillStarsSubscription
+ * payments.getStarGifts
* payments.getStarsGiftOptions
* payments.getStarsGiveawayOptions
* payments.getStarsRevenueAdsAccountUrl
@@ -1170,7 +1172,9 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* payments.getStarsTopupOptions
* payments.getStarsTransactions
* payments.getStarsTransactionsByID
+ * payments.getUserStarGifts
* payments.refundStarsCharge
+ * payments.saveStarGift
* payments.sendStarsForm
* smsjobs.finishJob
* smsjobs.getSmsJob
diff --git a/docs b/docs
index 1f9cb6873..a08656066 160000
--- a/docs
+++ b/docs
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1f9cb6873101c39811bbe165aeefee90ec39f7aa
+Subproject commit a08656066e6ecbe4dc2b3cae13ea457253574974
diff --git a/src/Namespace/Channels.php b/src/Namespace/Channels.php
index 7018f95e9..6cdb1c2d1 100644
--- a/src/Namespace/Channels.php
+++ b/src/Namespace/Channels.php
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ public function createForumTopic(array|int|string|null $channel = null, string|n
* @param ?int $floodWaitLimit Can be used to specify a custom flood wait limit: if a FLOOD_WAIT_ rate limiting error is received with a waiting period bigger than this integer, an RPCErrorException will be thrown; otherwise, MadelineProto will simply wait for the specified amount of time. Defaults to the value specified in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/PHP/danog/MadelineProto/Settings/RPC.html#setfloodtimeout-int-floodtimeout-self
* @param ?string $queueId If specified, ensures strict server-side execution order of concurrent calls with the same queue ID.
* @param ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation Cancellation
- * @return array{_: 'messages.forumTopics', order_by_create_date: bool, count: int, topics: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'inputReplyToStory', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, message: string, entities?: list, media?: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|string|array, date: int, effect?: int}}>, messages: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, message: string, media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_markup?: array, entities?: list, views?: int, forwards?: int, replies?: array{_: 'messageReplies', comments: bool, replies: int, replies_pts: int, recent_repliers?: list, channel_id?: int, max_id?: int, read_max_id?: int}, edit_date?: int, post_author?: string, grouped_id?: int, reactions?: array{_: 'messageReactions', min: bool, can_see_list: bool, reactions_as_tags: bool, results: list, recent_reactions?: list, top_reactors?: list}, restriction_reason?: list, ttl_period?: int, quick_reply_shortcut_id?: int, effect?: int, factcheck?: array{_: 'factCheck', need_check: bool, country?: string, text?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageService', peer_id: array|int|string, out: bool, mentioned: bool, media_unread: bool, silent: bool, post: bool, legacy: bool, id: int, from_id?: array|int|string, reply_to?: array{_: 'messageReplyHeader', reply_to_scheduled: bool, forum_topic: bool, quote: bool, reply_to_msg_id?: int, reply_to_peer_id?: array|int|string, reply_from?: array{_: 'messageFwdHeader', imported: bool, saved_out: bool, from_id?: array|int|string, from_name?: string, date: int, channel_post?: int, post_author?: string, saved_from_peer?: array|int|string, saved_from_msg_id?: int, saved_from_id?: array|int|string, saved_from_name?: string, saved_date?: int, psa_type?: string}, reply_media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, action: array{_: 'messageActionEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatCreate', title: string, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditTitle', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditPhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatAddUser', users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeleteUser', user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink', inviter_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelCreate', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatMigrateTo', channel_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom', title: string, chat_id: array|int|string}|array{_: 'messageActionPinMessage'}|array{_: 'messageActionHistoryClear'}|array{_: 'messageActionGameScore', game_id: int, score: int}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSentMe', charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload: string, info?: array{_: 'paymentRequestedInfo', name?: string, phone?: string, email?: string, shipping_address?: array{_: 'postAddress', street_line1: string, street_line2: string, city: string, state: string, country_iso2: string, post_code: string}}, shipping_option_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSent', recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, invoice_slug?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPhoneCall', video: bool, call_id: int, reason?: array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy'}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionScreenshotTaken'}|array{_: 'messageActionCustomAction', message: string}|array{_: 'messageActionBotAllowed', attach_menu: bool, from_request: bool, domain?: string, app?: array{_: 'botAppNotModified'}|array{_: 'botApp', id: int, access_hash: int, short_name: string, title: string, description: string, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSentMe', credentials: array{_: 'secureCredentialsEncrypted', data: string, hash: string, secret: string}, values: list, files?: list, plain_data?: array{_: 'securePlainPhone', phone: string}|array{_: 'securePlainEmail', email: string}, hash: string}>}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSent', types: list}|array{_: 'messageActionContactSignUp'}|array{_: 'messageActionGeoProximityReached', from_id: array|int|string, to_id: array|int|string, distance: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionInviteToGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetMessagesTTL', period: int, auto_setting_from?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCallScheduled', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, schedule_date: int}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatTheme', emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByRequest'}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSentMe', text: string, data: string}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSent', text: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftPremium', currency: string, amount: int, months: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicCreate', title: string, icon_color: int, icon_emoji_id?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicEdit', title?: string, icon_emoji_id?: int, closed?: bool, hidden?: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeer', button_id: int, peers: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatWallPaper', wallpaper: array{_: 'wallPaper', id: int, creator: bool, default: bool, pattern: bool, dark: bool, access_hash: int, slug: string, document: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}|array{_: 'wallPaperNoFile', id: int, default: bool, dark: bool, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}, same: bool, for_both: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftCode', via_giveaway: bool, unclaimed: bool, boost_peer?: array|int|string, months: int, slug: string, currency?: string, amount?: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayLaunch', stars?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayResults', stars: bool, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int}|array{_: 'messageActionBoostApply', boosts: int}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe', button_id: int, peers: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChat', chat_id: array|int|string, title?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChannel', channel_id: int, title?: string, username?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}>}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentRefunded', peer: array|int|string, charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftStars', currency: string, amount: int, stars: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int, transaction_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPrizeStars', boost_peer: array|int|string, unclaimed: bool, stars: int, transaction_id: string, giveaway_msg_id: int}, ttl_period?: int}>, chats: list, users: list, pts: int} @see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/messages.ForumTopics.html
+ * @return array{_: 'messages.forumTopics', order_by_create_date: bool, count: int, topics: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'inputReplyToStory', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, message: string, entities?: list, media?: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|string|array, date: int, effect?: int}}>, messages: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, message: string, media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_markup?: array, entities?: list, views?: int, forwards?: int, replies?: array{_: 'messageReplies', comments: bool, replies: int, replies_pts: int, recent_repliers?: list, channel_id?: int, max_id?: int, read_max_id?: int}, edit_date?: int, post_author?: string, grouped_id?: int, reactions?: array{_: 'messageReactions', min: bool, can_see_list: bool, reactions_as_tags: bool, results: list, recent_reactions?: list, top_reactors?: list}, restriction_reason?: list, ttl_period?: int, quick_reply_shortcut_id?: int, effect?: int, factcheck?: array{_: 'factCheck', need_check: bool, country?: string, text?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageService', peer_id: array|int|string, out: bool, mentioned: bool, media_unread: bool, silent: bool, post: bool, legacy: bool, id: int, from_id?: array|int|string, reply_to?: array{_: 'messageReplyHeader', reply_to_scheduled: bool, forum_topic: bool, quote: bool, reply_to_msg_id?: int, reply_to_peer_id?: array|int|string, reply_from?: array{_: 'messageFwdHeader', imported: bool, saved_out: bool, from_id?: array|int|string, from_name?: string, date: int, channel_post?: int, post_author?: string, saved_from_peer?: array|int|string, saved_from_msg_id?: int, saved_from_id?: array|int|string, saved_from_name?: string, saved_date?: int, psa_type?: string}, reply_media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, action: array{_: 'messageActionEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatCreate', title: string, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditTitle', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditPhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatAddUser', users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeleteUser', user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink', inviter_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelCreate', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatMigrateTo', channel_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom', title: string, chat_id: array|int|string}|array{_: 'messageActionPinMessage'}|array{_: 'messageActionHistoryClear'}|array{_: 'messageActionGameScore', game_id: int, score: int}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSentMe', charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload: string, info?: array{_: 'paymentRequestedInfo', name?: string, phone?: string, email?: string, shipping_address?: array{_: 'postAddress', street_line1: string, street_line2: string, city: string, state: string, country_iso2: string, post_code: string}}, shipping_option_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSent', recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, invoice_slug?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPhoneCall', video: bool, call_id: int, reason?: array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy'}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionScreenshotTaken'}|array{_: 'messageActionCustomAction', message: string}|array{_: 'messageActionBotAllowed', attach_menu: bool, from_request: bool, domain?: string, app?: array{_: 'botAppNotModified'}|array{_: 'botApp', id: int, access_hash: int, short_name: string, title: string, description: string, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSentMe', credentials: array{_: 'secureCredentialsEncrypted', data: string, hash: string, secret: string}, values: list, files?: list, plain_data?: array{_: 'securePlainPhone', phone: string}|array{_: 'securePlainEmail', email: string}, hash: string}>}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSent', types: list}|array{_: 'messageActionContactSignUp'}|array{_: 'messageActionGeoProximityReached', from_id: array|int|string, to_id: array|int|string, distance: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionInviteToGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetMessagesTTL', period: int, auto_setting_from?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCallScheduled', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, schedule_date: int}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatTheme', emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByRequest'}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSentMe', text: string, data: string}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSent', text: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftPremium', currency: string, amount: int, months: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicCreate', title: string, icon_color: int, icon_emoji_id?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicEdit', title?: string, icon_emoji_id?: int, closed?: bool, hidden?: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeer', button_id: int, peers: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatWallPaper', wallpaper: array{_: 'wallPaper', id: int, creator: bool, default: bool, pattern: bool, dark: bool, access_hash: int, slug: string, document: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}|array{_: 'wallPaperNoFile', id: int, default: bool, dark: bool, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}, same: bool, for_both: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftCode', via_giveaway: bool, unclaimed: bool, boost_peer?: array|int|string, months: int, slug: string, currency?: string, amount?: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayLaunch', stars?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayResults', stars: bool, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int}|array{_: 'messageActionBoostApply', boosts: int}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe', button_id: int, peers: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChat', chat_id: array|int|string, title?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChannel', channel_id: int, title?: string, username?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}>}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentRefunded', peer: array|int|string, charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftStars', currency: string, amount: int, stars: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int, transaction_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPrizeStars', boost_peer: array|int|string, unclaimed: bool, stars: int, transaction_id: string, giveaway_msg_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionStarGift', gift: array{_: 'starGift', limited: bool, id: int, sticker: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list