Fit structural equation models (SEM) including factor analysis, multivariate regression models with latent variables and many other latent variable models while correcting estimates, standard errors, and chi-square-derived fit measures for a complex sampling design. Incorporate clustering, stratification, sampling weights, and finite population corrections into a SEM analysis. Wrapper around packages lavaan and survey.
You can install the current stable version of this R package from CRAN by doing install.packages("lavaan.survey")
at the R command line. If you want the bleeding edge development version from GitHub, install devtools and do devtools::install_github("daob/lavaan.survey/lavaan.survey")
The accompanying paper can be found at
Please cite this software DOI and the JSS article at
Oberski, DL (2014). "lavaan.survey: An R Package for Complex Survey Analysis of Structural Equation Models". Journal of Statistical Software,Vol. 57, Issue 1.