If you want to sync one collection with several stores you can use Dynamic Stores from Akita.
First create a Store with unique id:
export class MovieStore extends EntityStore<MovieState> {
constructor() {
// Use guid() to generate a unique id (per component) for this store
super(initialState, { name: `movie-${guid()}` });
Note that you don't need to add
Then the Query:
export class MovieQuery extends QueryEntity<MovieState> {
constructor(protected store: MovieStore) {
The CollectionService
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
@CollectionConfig({ path: 'movies' })
export class MovieService extends CollectionService<MarketplaceState> {
constructor() {
IMPORTANT: We don't provide the store here because we want this service to work with several stores.
And the component:
selector: '[genre] movie-filter',
templateUrl: './movie-filter.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./movie-filter.component.css'],
providers: [MovieStore, MovieQuery],
export class MovieFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@Input() genre: string;
private sub: Subscription;
public movies$: Observable<Movie[]>;
private service: MovieService,
private query: MovieQuery,
private store: MovieeStore
) {}
ngOnInit() {
// Get the store name of the local store
const storeName = this.store.storeName;
// Define a query constraint specific to this component
const queryConstraint = [where('genre', 'array-contains', this.genre)];
// Specify the storeName as StoreOption
this.sub = this.service.syncCollection(queryConstraint, { storeName }).subscribe();
this.movies$ = this.query.selectAll();
ngOnDestroy(): void {
Now you can do:
<movie-filter genre="horror"></movie-filter>
<movie-filter genre="fiction"></movie-filter>
This will generate 2 stores with their own query.