Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | str | Element type (slot, ie_slot or drive) | [optional] |
slot_ach | int | Slot in autochanger | [optional] |
state | str | Element state: E - empty, F - full | [optional] |
mediaid | int | Media identifier | [optional] |
volume | str | Volume name | [optional] |
mediatype | str | Media type | [optional] |
pool | str | Pool name | [optional] |
lastwritten | str | Date and time last write to volume | [optional] |
whenexpire | str | Expiration date and time | [optional] |
volbytes | int | Number of bytes written on volume | [optional] |
volstatus | int | Volume status | [optional] |
slot_cat | int | Slot in the Catalog database | [optional] |