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Releases: dascritch/cpu-audio


02 Oct 09:31
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RELEASE NOTES version 7.1

New features

  • You can set some global parameters via a <script data-cpu-audio> tag in the <head> of the host page (#185)
  • Can scroll the viewport of the page on the player when clicking on a temporal link. Parametrable setting (#60)
  • Being able to not include global.css on host page (#181)
  • Automated ID prefix for not identified <audio> is now parametrable (#186)


  • Hash parameters are now case insensitive
  • Instantiation may be missed during the page lifecycle. Better way to check if host page DOM is really ready or not
  • Application chapters_builder should stop zero-ing time input in some situations
  • Better style on focused <summary>
  • Do not insert global <style> in page if webcomponent is not supported by the browser (I know, this is a late situation)


  • Node 18 support for build (incomplete)
  • Locales are modularized : each language has its own file, in src/locales (#189)
  • Some libs moved in ./src sub-directories, big sources were split in functionality segments.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 7.0.3...7.1


10 Aug 18:12
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New features

  • Panels unfoldable via the use of <details open><summary> (#75)
  • Sticky panel title (#75)
  • Adding a CSS variable --cpu-line-height to fine tune line-height property (was hard-coded to 1.2, I needed a 1.0 for Roboto on CPU website)


  • Should no more use numbered headers <hx>, but generic tags instead, to not confuse a11y tools
  • Should no more use <h5> for title <strong id="title"> must be enough
  • Correcting title="" on cue points, should not put HTML tags anymore (#178)
  • Updating npm version due to a vulnerability
  • Updating webpack parameters, to really use native imports
  • Alas, the built goes upper than 50 000 bytes. But so close ;)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 6.99.3...7.0.3


27 Apr 10:42
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INCOMPATIBLES CHANGES : Nothing incompatible changed is you only used HTML layout or CSS variables. But, there may be some work to adapt previous cpu-audio.js (< 7.0) to cpu-audio version and above 7, only and only if you used the javascript API on document.CPU or component.CPU. We hope Javascript coders will enjoy most of thoses changes, and discuss about them in our tickets.

RELEASE NOTES versions 7.0 to 7.0.2

  • Changing license from GPL to LGPL (#174)
  • Removing an example that incits a bad habit
  • Correct credit for @tdd
  • Regression on <a> tags with actions (#170), released as 7.0.1
  • Simplify examples/Usage_controller.html

RELEASE NOTES version 7.0

New features


  • Removing annoying interactions from Safari iOS (#138)
  • Resolving graphic glitches on Safari, SVG aren't correctly calculated on iOS (#138)
  • Production files are now more logically created in build/ instead of directory/
  • <CPU-Controller> cannot be instanced twice
  • Methods and parameters names have been unified camelCase. Changes are incompatible with versions <7.0 (#112)
  • Title parameter in Element.CPU.addPlane() is now in planePoint
  • Element.CPU.removeHighlightsPoints() was too generic. Modification in parameters (#109)
  • Element.CPU.build_chapters() and Element.CPU.build_playlist() are no more public API
  • Some accessibilities issues on keyboard behavior and time line (#116)
  • Don't hide nymore the mouse cursor over the time-line (#133)
  • Reduce repaints, graphic glitches
  • An unuseful focusable was removed
  • Restauring alternative fine browsing mode on Safari (#150)
  • Do not change color when changing mode play→loading→play (#114)
  • Resolving a probable issue on fine navigation panel on handheld
  • Play/pause button may have issues if Chrome got numerous webcomponents in the same page
  • An translation error may occurs in shareable URL. We remove audio id if we are not in same URL
  • Issue with intermittent .replaceAll() resolved
  • When changing component title, its title="" must follows
  • Attributes hide, mode and glow weren't properly checked
  • Leave error mode if template is recompleted
  • Update controller playlist panel if current playlist has changed
  • Removing a <CPU-Audio> will remove its reference in playlists
  • Heavy simplification of the fine-position panel management
  • Pop-up on time-line may have incorrectly displayed “0:00”
  • Too many problems in documentations in gh-pages, links to config and chaptering applications are now absolute (#135)
  • Do not show panels when in error state
  • Disambiguation in renaming findContainer() in findCPU() (#142)
  • Faster instantiation time, removing <template> from host page (#148)
  • Documentation re-formated (#134)
  • HTMLAudioElement.CPU_Update() and HTMLAudioElement.CPU_Controller() going private (vestigial use) (#143)
  • Build lib still under 50,000 bytes


  • Made a call on
  • gh-pages jekyll theme changed
  • Using standard ECMA imports (#110)
  • Using ECMA5+ classes, getters, setters, rests & spreads (#115)
  • Renamed files (#110)
  • Better separation between public objects and private methods (#110)
  • Use npm to catch dependencies
  • Leaving Google Closure for webpack : too many bugs, too old
  • Using a more aggressive linter
  • Using css-minify for compressing css, instead of home-boiled regex (#56)
  • Using html-minifier for compressing html, for the exact same reasons (#56)
  • Reduce CSS and HTML compressions operations if no need to freshen (#56)
  • Re-inverted play/pause button semantic (#116)
  • QUnit removed from repo, provided via npm
  • QUnit-puppeteer integrated into
  • Automated links from MD (or examples.html) to examples and applications
  • Playlist are now using the standard API, with special code for CPU-Controller (#109)
  • Some builders are removed from Element.CPU, to avoid expose them in public API
  • gh-pages re-organized (#135)
  • A documentation for theme builders

6.99.3 beta release

30 Mar 05:19
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6.99.3 beta release Pre-release

INCOMPATIBLES CHANGES : Nothing incompatible changed is you only used HTML layout or CSS variables. But, there may be some work to adapt previous cpu-audio.js (< 6.7) to cpu-audio version and above 7, only and only if you used the javascript API on document.CPU or component.CPU. We hope Javascript coders will enjoy most of thoses changes, and discuss about them in our tickets.

New features


  • Removing annoying interactions from Safari iOS (#138)
  • Resolving graphic glitches on Safari, SVG aren't correctly calculated on iOS (#138)
  • Production files are now more logically created in build/ instead of directory/
  • <CPU-Controller> cannot be instancied twice
  • Methods and parameters names have been unified camelCase. Changes are incompatible with versions <7.0 (#112)
  • Title parameter in Element.CPU.addPlane() is now in planePoint
  • Element.CPU.removeHighlightsPoints() was too generic. Modification in parameters (#109)
  • Element.CPU.build_chapters() and Element.CPU.build_playlist() are no more public API
  • Some accessibilities issues on keyboard behavior and time line (#116)
  • Don't hide nymore the mouse cursor over the time-line (#133)
  • Reduce repaints, graphic glitches
  • Do not change color when changing mode play→loading→play (#114)
  • Resolving a probable issue on fine navigation panel on handheld
  • Play/pause button may have issues if Chrome got numerous webcomponents in the same page
  • An translation error may occurs in shareable URL. We remove audio id if we are not in same URL
  • Issue with intermittent .replaceAll() resolved
  • When changing component title, its title="" must follows
  • Attributes hide, mode and glow weren't properly checked
  • Leave error mode if template is recompleted
  • Update controller playlist panel if current playlist has changed
  • Removing a <CPU-Audio> will remove its reference in playlists
  • Heavy simplification of the fine-position panel management
  • Pop-up on time-line may have incorrectly displayed “0:00”
  • Too many problems in documentations in gh-pages, links to config and chaptering applications are now absolute (#135)
  • Do not show panels when in error state
  • Documentation re-formated (#134)
  • Build lib still under 50,000 bytes


  • Made a call on
  • gh-pages jekyll theme changed
  • Using standard ECMA imports (#110)
  • Using ECMA5+ classes, getters, setters, rests & spreads (#115)
  • Renamed files (#110)
  • Better separation between public objects and private methods (#110)
  • Use npm to catch dependencies
  • Leaving Google Closure for webpack : too many bugs, too old
  • Using a more aggressive linter
  • Using css-minify for compressing css, instead of home-boiled regex (#56)
  • Using html-minifier for compressing html, for the exact same reasons (#56)
  • Reduce CSS and HTML compressions operations if no need to freshen (#56)
  • Re-inverted play/pause button semantic (#116)
  • QUnit removed from repo, provided via npm
  • QUnit-puppeteer integrated into
  • Automated links from MD (or examples.html) to examples and applications
  • Playlist are now using the standard API, with special code for CPU-Controller (#109)
  • Some builders are removed from Element.CPU, to avoid expose them in public API
  • gh-pages re-organized (#135)


23 Feb 13:20
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New features

  • Colour of the chapter lines under the time-line is now configurable (--cpu-cue)
  • Colour of the border points in timeline, when you play a end-specified segment (as in #0,60), is now configurable (--cpu-timeline-limits)
  • Live chapter editor has been deeply revised
  • New public API functions, mainly on planes and points editions
  • Custom events are fired, (documented in API page). They are CPU_ prefixed
  • API get inject specific styles features. Very useful for specific annotations presentations. (Preparatory works for #76)
  • Adding some examples how to use API (#66, #101)
  • Adding a convert.IsoDuration public method, datetime="" attribute in <time> needing a specific duration format in ISO 8601
  • User-defined annotation planes can have cue times hidden (#106)
  • Users can add volume and playrate controls, but we let them program it, as documented here


  • Check race condition or already called web-commponent
  • Interface may be stucked in loading state. Now, we cannot display "wait" mode if a first play didn't occured first.
  • Annotations points are sorted by timecode (#68)
  • Reducing repaints on panels point draws
  • Some events are passive, others are better once-called
  • Won't try to autoplay anymore, as this behaviour is really annoying. You can still revert to this mode with document.CPU.autoplay parameter (#103)
  • Returns from document.CPU.jumpIdAt and trigger.hashOrder aren't used. We can async them
  • We try to preload duration metadata when the mouse cursors goes over the timeline on a not know duration and not streamed source (#88)
  • github-pages trigger strange problems, numerous CPU-audio instances
  • Chrome returned more than one activeCue, strange regression
  • Lot of corrections in chapters panels/tracks due to surprising behaviour of Chrome :
    • multiple TextTracks.activeCues creating race conflicts but only in some specific conditions,
    • chapter tracks not displayed if duration not seen in time, refreshing timeline when duration is certainly known,
    • unuseful refreshes
  • Removed Chapter editor from github pages due to a sync problem. Now available as a standalone and not yet skinned page with better explanations


  • Tests and examples moved in their own subdirs
  • Using arrow functions, modernizing code
  • Updating Google Closure to v20200719
    • Removing --jscomp_off internetExplorerChecks
    • Moved to ECMAScript 2019 as output (Object.fromEntries seems enough available)
    • Annotations updated
    • Erroneous @brief annotations changed to @summary
    • … but a lot of bugs in Closure, as TextTracks objects aren't declared as iterable, a surprising “Property replaceAll never defined on String” and so on…
  • We have a surprising bug in Chrome that avoid to use audiotag.currentTime=<number> ONLY if the source is hosted on localhost, if your local server doesn't support HTTP response 206 (partial content). If you need to local test on Chrome, please user file:/// protocol or a complete web server.
  • An applications sub-directory is created by the way
  • Mask error from Google Closure that doesn't recognize string.replace().replaceAll()
  • Primitives for package github (#86). “to be done”


09 Feb 18:20
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A lot of bug fixes, ameliorations and complements for streamed media, a11y issues, and some tricks documented. Version 6.5 got a small graphic glitch. This one weights again under 50,000 bytes.

New features


  • Action icon is a three-dots instead of a share (#92)
  • Blocked autoplay may do loop on events and stressing reloading audio source (#93)
  • Use css contain to help browser perfs (#85)
  • Correct play from position on the timeline when metadata not preloaded (#88)
  • Stop playing an audiotag when scrobbing another one (mainly for Chrome, (#89))
  • Removed vestigial elements : Unuseful “elapsed” progress bar and element.CPU.update_buffered() were re-activated during beta and did graphic glitch.
  • Document ways to generate pictures for waveform="" attribute.
  • Do not intercept keys when modified (as in Alt+ #98)
  • Have a proper chapters list : nav > ul > li
  • Some CSS tweaks to help browser perfs (#85)
  • “wait” animation is now more consistent (#93)
  • Avoid inconsequent DOM refreshes (#28)


Making of

Those posts are mainly in French, sorry


09 Feb 14:15
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A lot of bug fixes, ameliorations and complements for streamed media, a11y issues, and some tricks documented.


New features


  • Action icon is a three-dots instead of a share (#92)
  • Blocked autoplay may do loop on events and stressing reloading audio source (#93)
  • Use css contain to help browser perfs (#85)
  • Correct play from position on the timeline when metadata not preloaded (#88)
  • Stop playing an audiotag when scrobbing another one (mainly for Chrome, (#89))
  • Removed vestigial elements : Unuseful “elapsed” progress bar and element.CPU.update_buffered() were re-activated during beta and did graphic glitch.
  • Document ways to generate pictures for waveform="" attribute.
  • Do not intercept keys when modified (as in Alt+ #98)
  • Have a proper chapters list : nav > ul > li
  • Some CSS tweaks to help browser perfs (#85)
  • “wait” animation is now more consistent (#93)
  • Avoid inconsequent DOM refreshes (#28)


Making of

Those posts are mainly in French, sorry


06 Aug 06:34
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This is mainly a stability release, with some work on streamed media.

New features

  • Time-line can be hidden via hide="timeline"
  • Streamed media can be indicated in <audio> with data-streamed attribute



Making of

Those posts are mainly in French, sorry


18 Jul 10:35
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New features




Making of

Those posts are mainly in French, sorry


18 Jun 10:20
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Stupid error on an event