- Fixing support for taints for GPU enabled node pools
- Add more supported Python versions. This plugin can now 3.10 and 3.11
- Drop of support for python 2.7
- Update Nvidia driver location
- Update Nvidia driver to the latest version
- Fix adding new node pools with explicit virtual network full resource id
- The default node type is no longer a burstable one but a D8s_v5 (32 GB RAM, 8vCPU)
- Add support of cluster and node OS upgrade policy at cluster creation (Supported only with python 37+ codeenv)
- Feature: new action to add a node pool to a cluster
- Allow forcing a different subscription when using user assigned managed identities for credentials
- Improve error display for cluster starts in regions without availability zones
- Fix deleting of node pools by resizing them to 0 nodes
- Add more supported Python versions. This plugin can now use 2.7 (deprecated), 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
- Fix vnet auto-attach managed identity when let AKS provision the control plane identity
- Support GPU out-of-the-box
- Add ability to manually set additional cluster settings
- Explicit dependency on
<0.7 mssrest
- Fix node taints
- Fix resource group mixup when specifying custom resource group and reuse of host's network settings
This release brings a whole new system to manage identities and credentials
- Feature: Add support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7.
- Feature: Support for 3 new auth modes: default env, managed identity (with client id), managed identity (with resource id)
- Feature: Support for AKS user assigned identities, defaults to inherit DSS identity
- Feature: Support for AKS managed identities, with ACR auto-attach (and auto-detach at stop), VNet auto-attach (and detach at stop)
- Feature: Tag support
- Feature: Auto-detect resource group and location, defaults to same as DSS Node
- Feature: Auto detect subscription id for all auth modes
- Feature: multi-AZ deployment option for node groups
- Feature: Custom node resource group
- Bugfix: Stop/Detach not longer relies on current parameters set but on actual deployed cluster values.
- Allow nodepools with a minimum of 0 nodes (allowed for user node pools)
- Users can now create node pools with specific modes.
- Add node labels and node taints to AKS nodepools
- Fix
Test network connectivity
macro when the hostname is already an IP.
- Minor fix on cluster autoscaler
- Explicit definition of the code-env package versions
- Minor fix on Azure API calls.