diff --git a/.github/workflows/CronWorkflow.yml b/.github/workflows/CronWorkflow.yml
index 173b3c9..ef87183 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CronWorkflow.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CronWorkflow.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: Playwright / Sanity / Cron
- - cron: '0 */23 * * *'
+ - cron: '0 6 * * *'
diff --git a/Utils/pageobjects-tsc/4_Resume.ts b/Utils/pageobjects-tsc/4_Resume.ts
index 5a51370..a1f0206 100644
--- a/Utils/pageobjects-tsc/4_Resume.ts
+++ b/Utils/pageobjects-tsc/4_Resume.ts
@@ -4,49 +4,21 @@ export class Resume {
readonly page: Page;
readonly ResumeTitle: Locator;
- readonly CoursesTitle: Locator;
- readonly MySkillsTitle: Locator;
- readonly FirstCourse: Locator;
- readonly FirstCourseTitle: Locator;
- readonly FirstCourseCompleted: Locator;
- readonly FirstCourseDescription: Locator;
- readonly SecondCourse: Locator;
- readonly SecondCourseTitle: Locator;
- readonly SecondCourseCompleted: Locator;
- readonly SecondCourseDescription: Locator;
- readonly SecondCourseDownload: Locator;
- readonly ThirdCourse: Locator;
- readonly ThirdCourseTitle: Locator;
- readonly ThirdCourseCompleted: Locator;
- readonly ThirdCourseDescription: Locator;
- readonly SkillsDiv: Locator;
- readonly SkillsNameAndPercentage: Locator;
- readonly SkillsDownloadCV: Locator;
- readonly SkillsInfo: Locator;
+ readonly ResumeCVBtn: Locator;
+ readonly CoursesTitles: Locator;
+ readonly CoursesTimeStamp: Locator;
+ readonly CoursesDescription: Locator;
+ readonly CoursesBtns: Locator;
constructor(page: Page)
this.page = page
this.ResumeTitle = page.getByTestId('ResumeTitle');
- this.CoursesTitle = page.getByTestId('CoursesTitle');
- this.MySkillsTitle = page.getByTestId('SkillsTitle');
- this.FirstCourse = page.getByTestId('Course1');
- this.FirstCourseTitle = this.FirstCourse.locator('h3');
- this.FirstCourseCompleted = this.FirstCourse.locator('time');
- this.FirstCourseDescription = this.FirstCourse.locator('p');
- this.SecondCourse = page.getByTestId('Course2');
- this.SecondCourseTitle = this.SecondCourse.locator('h3');
- this.SecondCourseCompleted = this.SecondCourse.locator('time');
- this.SecondCourseDescription = this.SecondCourse.locator('p');
- this.SecondCourseDownload = this.SecondCourse.locator('a');
- this.ThirdCourse = page.getByTestId('Course3');
- this.ThirdCourseTitle = this.ThirdCourse.locator('h3');
- this.ThirdCourseCompleted = this.ThirdCourse.locator('time');
- this.ThirdCourseDescription = this.ThirdCourse.locator('p');
- this.SkillsDiv = page.getByTestId('SkillsDiv');
- this.SkillsInfo = page.getByTestId('SkillsInfo');
- this.SkillsNameAndPercentage = this.SkillsInfo.getByTestId('SkillsName');
- this.SkillsDownloadCV = this.SkillsDiv.locator('a');
+ this.ResumeCVBtn = page.locator('#resume a').last();
+ this.CoursesTitles = page.locator("#resume h3");
+ this.CoursesTimeStamp = page.locator("#resume time");
+ this.CoursesDescription = page.locator("#resume p");
+ this.CoursesBtns = page.locator("#resume li a");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/files/MyResume.pdf b/src/assets/files/MyResume.pdf
index a43efeb..6248e2b 100644
Binary files a/src/assets/files/MyResume.pdf and b/src/assets/files/MyResume.pdf differ
diff --git a/src/components/About/index.js b/src/components/About/index.js
index 4cb940f..c3beb94 100644
--- a/src/components/About/index.js
+++ b/src/components/About/index.js
@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ export default function About() {
I work with: Playwright Typescript, Github Actions, Postman.
I'm learning: Jenkins, ISTQB, Docker, Ruby.
+ My skills:
+ ◻️ ✅ Playwright (automation)
+ ◻️ ✅ CI/CD - GitHub Actions
+ ◻️ ✅ GIT
+ ◻️ ✅ GraphQL - Altair
+ ◻️ ✅ REST API - Postman
+ ◻️ ✅ TypeScript
+ ◻️ ✅ Jira / Asana
+ ◻️ ✅ Agile / Scrum
+ ◻️ ✅ SQL - PostgreSQL / pgAdmin
+ ◻️ ✅ ISTQB Methodologies
diff --git a/src/components/Resume/BarGraph.js b/src/components/Resume/BarGraph.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5e538..0000000
--- a/src/components/Resume/BarGraph.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-export default function BarGraph({ name, percent }) {
- return (
- Resume
+ Resume & Courses
- Courses
@@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ export default function Resume() {
Download Certificate
- -
- -
+ -
+ I've learned SQL for querying databases and performing data analysis.
I'm confident in listing SQL and PostgreSQL on my resume.
+ -
+ BDD - Behavioral Driven Development
+ I learned the basics, workflow, and implementation of BDD in projects.
+ -
+ C# programming language
+ I learned C# basics, including variables, loops, and objects.
I also covered OOP concepts, exception handling, and file operations.
+ -
- Next on my radar: ISTQB
+ Foundation Level
This milestone is set as my next goal to become an outstanding QA tester.
diff --git a/tests/2_Home.spec.ts b/tests/2_Home.spec.ts
index 6857c32..b8d33f8 100644
--- a/tests/2_Home.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/2_Home.spec.ts
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ test('Home_Text_Visibility @core', async ({browser})=>
await test.step("Check if the info/credits text is visible & check the text", async () => {
await expect(home.InfoMessage).toBeVisible();
- await expect(home.InfoMessage).toHaveText("This page is for automation testing purposes. View it in desktop view only.");
+ await expect(home.InfoMessage).toHaveText("This page is for automation testing purposes.View it in desktop view only.");
await test.step("Check if the Welcome text is visible & check the text", async () => {
diff --git a/tests/4_Resume.spec.ts b/tests/4_Resume.spec.ts
index 3e436a9..f6e68d5 100644
--- a/tests/4_Resume.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/4_Resume.spec.ts
@@ -29,23 +29,21 @@ test('Resume_General_Sections_Visibility @core', async ({browser})=>
await sidebar.ResumeTab.click();
- await test.step("Check if the titles and download CV are visible", async () => {
- await expect(resume.CoursesTitle).toHaveText("Courses");
- await expect(resume.MySkillsTitle).toHaveText("My Skills");
- await expect(resume.ResumeTitle).toHaveText("Resume");
- await expect(resume.SkillsDownloadCV).toHaveText("Download CV");
+ await test.step("Check if the title and download CV are visible", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.ResumeTitle).toHaveText("Resume & Courses");
+ await expect(resume.ResumeCVBtn).toBeVisible();
await test.step("Check download CV button on click", async () => {
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download');
- await resume.SkillsDownloadCV.click();
+ await resume.ResumeCVBtn.click();
await downloadPromise;
await page.close();
-test('Resume_Courses_Check_each_course @core', async ({browser})=>
+test('Resume_Courses_Check_Each_Course_Part1 @core', async ({browser})=>
test.info().annotations.push({type: "severity", description: "Critical"});
@@ -66,42 +64,51 @@ test('Resume_Courses_Check_each_course @core', async ({browser})=>
await sidebar.ResumeTab.click();
- await test.step("Check playwright automation course", async () => {
- await expect(resume.FirstCourseCompleted).toHaveText("Completed on September, 2022");
- await expect(resume.FirstCourseDescription).toContainText("Learned how to use JS and TS");
- await expect(resume.FirstCourseTitle).toHaveText("Playwright automation");
+ await test.step("Check 1 Course - Playwright automation", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(0)).toHaveText("Completed on September, 2022");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(0)).toContainText("Learned how to use JS and TS");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(0)).toHaveText("Playwright automation");
- await test.step("Check javascript and typescript course", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SecondCourseCompleted).toHaveText("Completed on August, 2022");
- await expect(resume.SecondCourseDescription).toContainText("Learned both programming languages");
- await expect(resume.SecondCourseTitle).toHaveText("JavaScript and TypeScript");
- await expect(resume.SecondCourseDownload).toHaveText("Download Certificate");
+ await test.step("Check 2 Course - JavaScript and TypeScript", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(1)).toHaveText("Completed on August, 2022");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(1)).toContainText("Learned both programming languages");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(1)).toHaveText("JavaScript and TypeScript");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesBtns.nth(0)).toHaveText("Download Certificate");
await test.step("Check the Download Certificate btn", async () => {
const [CertificatePage] = await Promise.all([
- resume.SecondCourseDownload.click()
+ resume.CoursesBtns.nth(0).click()
await expect(CertificatePage).toHaveURL("https://www.sololearn.com/Certificate/CT-HATAHI2L/png");
await CertificatePage.close();
- await test.step("Check next on radar course", async () => {
- await expect(resume.ThirdCourseCompleted).toHaveText("To be completed");
- await expect(resume.ThirdCourseDescription).toContainText("This milestone is set as my next goal");
- await expect(resume.ThirdCourseTitle).toHaveText("Next on my radar: ISTQB");
+ await test.step("Check 3 Course - Postman Backend Automation", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(2)).toHaveText("Completed on June, 2023");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(2)).toContainText("Learned how to automate backend testing with Postman.");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(2)).toHaveText("Postman Backend Automation");
+ });
+ await test.step("Check the Check my code btn", async () => {
+ const [PostmanCodePage] = await Promise.all([
+ webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
+ resume.CoursesBtns.nth(1).click()
+ ]);
+ await expect(PostmanCodePage).toHaveURL("https://www.postman.com/interstellar-eclipse-418940/workspace/api-automation-course-workspace/overview");
+ await PostmanCodePage.close();
await page.close();
-test('Resume_MySkills @core', async ({browser})=>
+test('Resume_Courses_Check_Each_Course_Part2 @core', async ({browser})=>
test.info().annotations.push({type: "severity", description: "Critical"});
- test.info().annotations.push({type: "Description", description: "This test verifies if the skills sections has loaded properly"});
+ test.info().annotations.push({type: "Description", description: "This test verifies if all courses has loaded properly"});
const webContext = await browser.newContext();
const page = await webContext.newPage();
@@ -118,28 +125,28 @@ test('Resume_MySkills @core', async ({browser})=>
await sidebar.ResumeTab.click();
- await test.step("Check the first skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(0)).toHaveText("JavaScript65%");
- });
- await test.step("Check the second skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(1)).toHaveText("TypeScript60%");
- });
- await test.step("Check the third skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(2)).toHaveText("Playwright - Autmation testing80%");
+ await test.step("Check 4 Course - SQL", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(3)).toHaveText("Completed on July, 2023");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(3)).toContainText("I've learned SQL for querying databases");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(3)).toHaveText("SQL");
- await test.step("Check the fourth skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(3)).toHaveText("Creating documentation90%");
+ await test.step("Check 5 Course - BDD - Behavioral Driven Development", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(4)).toHaveText("Completed on September, 2022");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(4)).toContainText("I learned the basics, workflow, and implementation of BDD");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(4)).toHaveText("BDD - Behavioral Driven Development");
- await test.step("Check the fifth skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(4)).toHaveText("Manual frontend testing90%");
+ await test.step("Check 6 Course - C# programming language", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(5)).toHaveText("Completed on September, 2023");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(5)).toContainText("I learned C# basics");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(5)).toHaveText("C# programming language");
- await test.step("Check the sixth skill and its percentage", async () => {
- await expect(resume.SkillsNameAndPercentage.nth(5)).toHaveText("Manual backend testing65%");
+ await test.step("Check 7 Course - ISTQB Foundation Level", async () => {
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTimeStamp.nth(6)).toHaveText("To be completed on 13.10.2023");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesDescription.nth(6)).toContainText("This milestone is set as my next goal");
+ await expect(resume.CoursesTitles.nth(6)).toHaveText("ISTQB Foundation Level");
await page.close();
diff --git a/tests/5_Projects.spec.ts b/tests/5_Projects.spec.ts
index f6825cf..14941ba 100644
--- a/tests/5_Projects.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/5_Projects.spec.ts
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ test('Projects_Check_Each_Project @core', async ({browser})=>
await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(0)).toHaveText("A Pinterest alternative for many other things.");
await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(0).nth(0)).toHaveText("Automation / Playwright");
await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(1).nth(0)).toHaveText("Manual");
- await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(0)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:646/1*gMiUPuRGC36nxZHe2zthOg.png");
+ await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(0)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://d4y70tum9c2ak.cloudfront.net/contentImage/cp-xkfWuQLB8A-LnxHmXAXyjr697tiDTJ-H-hSl1VjA/resized.png");
await test.step("Check the first tile link", async () => {
@@ -92,39 +92,58 @@ test('Projects_Check_Each_Project @core', async ({browser})=>
await SecondTileLink.close();
- await test.step("Check the third tile info", async () => {
- await expect(projects.ProjectName.nth(2)).toHaveText("Payment Social Platform (NDA)");
- await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(2)).toContainText("A Social plaform for easier payment options");
- await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(2)).toHaveText("Manual");
- await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(2)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://erepublic.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/343c604/2147483647/strip/true/crop/770x374+0+69/resize/1440x700!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ferepublic-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Faa%2F6b%2F1a5404996431a2071cf7a016cadf%2Fshutterstock-cash-payments.jpg");
- });
- await test.step("Check the third tile link", async () => {
- const [ThirdTileLink] = await Promise.all([
- webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
- projects.ProjectLink.nth(2).click()
- ]);
- await expect(ThirdTileLink).toHaveURL("https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/J8DhyqDJiZtjb3oOcbPEyA5aLxo=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Term-Definitions_NDA-438a26fefa014d06b83b75b02d8403a6.jpg");
- await ThirdTileLink.close();
- });
- await test.step("Check the fourth tile info", async () => {
- await expect(projects.ProjectName.nth(3)).toHaveText("Weird West");
- await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(3)).toContainText("Weird West is an action role-playing video game");
- await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(3)).toHaveText("Manual");
- await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(3)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1097350/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1683561276");
- });
- await test.step("Check the fourth tile link", async () => {
- const [FourthTileLink] = await Promise.all([
- webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
- projects.ProjectLink.nth(3).click()
- ]);
- await expect(FourthTileLink).toHaveURL("https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097350/Weird_West_Definitive_Edition/");
- await FourthTileLink.close();
- });
- await page.close();
+ // await test.step("Check the third tile info", async () => {
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectName.nth(2)).toHaveText("My E2E Automation Project");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(2)).toContainText("My E2E Automation Project with Playwright");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(0).nth(2)).toHaveText("Automation / Playwright");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(1).nth(2)).toHaveText("Manual");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(2)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:646/1*gMiUPuRGC36nxZHe2zthOg.png");
+ // });
+ // await test.step("Check the third tile link", async () => {
+ // const [ThirdTileLink] = await Promise.all([
+ // webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
+ // projects.ProjectLink.nth(2).click()
+ // ]);
+ // await expect(ThirdTileLink).toHaveURL("https://github.com/datguychen/My-Portfolio-Page/actions");
+ // await ThirdTileLink.close();
+ // });
+ // await test.step("Check the fourth tile info", async () => {
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectName.nth(3)).toHaveText("Payment Social Platform (NDA)");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(3)).toContainText("A Social plaform for easier payment options");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(3)).toHaveText("Manual");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(3)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://erepublic.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/343c604/2147483647/strip/true/crop/770x374+0+69/resize/1440x700!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ferepublic-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Faa%2F6b%2F1a5404996431a2071cf7a016cadf%2Fshutterstock-cash-payments.jpg");
+ // });
+ // await test.step("Check the fourth tile link", async () => {
+ // const [FourthTileLink] = await Promise.all([
+ // webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
+ // projects.ProjectLink.nth(3).click()
+ // ]);
+ // await expect(FourthTileLink).toHaveURL("https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/J8DhyqDJiZtjb3oOcbPEyA5aLxo=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Term-Definitions_NDA-438a26fefa014d06b83b75b02d8403a6.jpg");
+ // await FourthTileLink.close();
+ // });
+ // await test.step("Check the fifth tile info", async () => {
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectName.nth(4)).toHaveText("Weird West");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectDescription.nth(4)).toContainText("Weird West is an action role-playing video game");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTags.nth(4)).toHaveText("Manual");
+ // await expect(projects.ProjectTileImg.nth(4)).toHaveAttribute("src","https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1097350/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1683561276");
+ // });
+ // await test.step("Check the fourth tile link", async () => {
+ // const [FifthTileLink] = await Promise.all([
+ // webContext.waitForEvent('page'),
+ // projects.ProjectLink.nth(4).click()
+ // ]);
+ // await expect(FifthTileLink).toHaveURL("https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097350/Weird_West_Definitive_Edition/");
+ // await FifthTileLink.close();
+ // });
+ // await page.close();