This file summarizes notable changes for each release, but does not describe internal changes unless they are particularly exciting. This change log is ordered chronologically, so each release contains all changes described below it from its series or lower.
- http4s 0.20.0-M5
- specs2 4.3.6
- Ruby Version fix for CI
- github4s
- sbt-release
- TSV Parser
- cats-core 1.5.0
- cats-effect 1.1.0
- fs2 1.0.2
- refined 0.9.3
- Http4s 0.20.0-M4
- cats-effect 1.0
- fs2 1.0
- http4s 0.20.0-M1
- Switched Model to use NonEmptyList as fully empty Headers/Rows are not allowed
- Fixed a bug in parsing CSV's with trailing newlines due to ambiguous specification