- None
- Compatibility for Magento 2.2.x
- None
- Move PHPUnit test from tests to tests/unit folder for integration test compatibility reasons
- None
- Add missing interfaces for actions and repositories
- Replace class type hints for EeProductBunchProcessor with interfaces
- Fixed invalid order of method invocation in tearDown() method
- None
- None
- Replace type hints for actions in product bunch processor with interfaces
- None
- Configure DI to passe event emitter to subjects constructor
- None
- Refactored DI + switch to new SqlStatementRepositories instead of SqlStatements
- Fixed invalid multiple product update
- Add product cache warmer functionality for optimized performance
- None
- Remove unncessary SQL statements for stock status create/update operation
- Add fix to ignore missing columns or columns with empty values when persisting inventory data
- None
- Fixed invalid Magento Edition in etc/techdivision-import-price.json
- None
- None
- Update configuration files for refactored file upload functionality
- None
- Refactor attribute import functionality
- None
- Add import_product_url_rewrite.observer.clear.url.rewrite to delete operation in techdivision-import.json
- None
- Removed invalid clear URL rewrite observer from default configuration file
- Completely remove URL rewrite handling
- Fixed invalid comparision in method EeBunchSubject::isUrlKeyOf()
- Update class EeProductBunchProcessor (for integration testing purposes)
- None
- None
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite creation
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite handling in replace operation
- None
- None
- Refactoring for better URL rewrite + attribute handling
- Add generic configurations for product price + inventory import
- Add generic LastEntityAndRowIdObserver that loads the product by the SKU found in the CSV file and set the row ID as lastRowId
- None
- Add custom system logger to default configuration
- None
- Refactor to optimize DI integration
- None
- Switch to new plugin + subject factory implementations
- None
- Use Robo for Travis-CI build process
- Refactoring for new ConnectionInterface + SqlStatementsInterface
- None
- Remove archive directory from default configuration file
- None
- Refactoring Symfony DI integration
- Bugfix for invalid PK loading
- None
- None
- Add isUrlKeyOf() method to EeBunchSubject
- Add AttributeSetObserver to media workflow in generic configuration file etc/techdivision-import.json
- None
- Update default configuration file
- None
- Integrate Symfony DI functionality
- None
- Refactoring for DI integration
- None
- Stop processing attributes when attribute value is empty
- None
- Switch to EeAttributeObserverTrait
- None
- Optimisations to use protected variables instead of methods
- None
- Make observer methods protected instead of public
- Fixed add-update operation issue that prevents importing new data
- None
- None
- Implement add-update operation
- None
- Switch to new create/delete naming convention
- None
- Renaming processors because of changes in techdivision/import-product
- Add Robo.li composer dependeny + task configuration
- None
- Move EeCleanUpObserver to Observers directory
- None
- Refactoring to allow multiple prepared statements per CRUD processor instance
- None
- Refactoring + Documentation to prepare for Github release