The general workflow for contributing to this project is outlined in this document.
If you find a bug in this project, see an error, have trouble following the documentation, have a question about the project, or you just think that something could be improved (this is bound to happen)... just create an issue!
For more information on how issues work, check out GitHub's Issues guide.
- Check existing issues for your issue. Search through open and closed issues to see if what you’re running into has been addressed already.
- Be clear about what your problem is: What was the expected outcome? What happened instead? Detail how someone else can recreate the problem.
- Link to examples recreate or display the problem with screenshots, screencasts, or code examples.
- Include system details like what the browser, library or operating system you’re using and its version.
- Paste error output or logs in your issue or in a Gist. If pasting them in the issue, wrap it in three backticks:
so that it renders nicely.
If you find a problem (or have an idea for improvement) and you can generate a solution yourself, then you are ready to patch the project. So you have to get a fork of the project, do first your changes in your working copy and finally you'll submit a Pull Request in order to integrate your changes. So the maintainers can compare your branch to the existing one and decide whether or not to incorporate (pull in) your changes.