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An image depicting an example of the default data-table component


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  1. Installation Steps
  2. Props Documentation

# Installation Steps

  • Using npm

    $ npm i @visa/visa-charts-data-table
  • Using yarn

    $ yarn add @visa/visa-charts-data-table

# Props Documentation

# Data Table Props <>

The data-component expects to be utilized within a Visa Chart Component, we do some data preparation in each chart to try and map chart data into a structure that is meaningful for an accompanying data table. Properties for this component are documented below, but you should also refer to a Visa Chart Component to see detail on how this sub-component is leveraged.

Name Type Default Value(s) Description
margin object (custom type) IBoxModelType Expects the margin property to be passed from a visa chart components chart. This prop is used to determine button placement, when visible.
padding object (custom type) IBoxModelType Expects the padding property to be passed from a visa chart components chart. This prop is used to determine button placement, when visible.
isCompact boolean false Set to true by each visa chart component, renders a more compact version of the data table.
hideDataTable boolean false If true, hides the data table button (but it is still available to screen reader users).
uniqueID string undefined ID used to identify chart (must be unique per data table), helpful for validation messages. A string must be passed.
tableColumns string[] undefined Populates the column headers of the table, in order.
data object[] undefined Populates the content/rows of the table, data needs to be aligned to tableColumns provided.
unitTest boolean false When set to true, adds testing attributes to the rendered data-table components for ease of selection during unit testing.

IBoxModelType Definition

Name Type Default Value(s) Description
top number height * 0.01 Sets the top margin/padding for the chart container.
bottom number height * 0.01 Sets the bottom margin/padding for the chart container.
left number width * 0.01 Sets the top margin/padding for the chart container.
right number width * 0.01 Sets the top margin/padding for the chart container.