This project displays treehouse user profile data.
No live demo at this time
Read and parse an external file (such as JSON or CSV) into your application and display some data from that in your app - Json data hosted on treehouse is parsed into the site and used to display a visual representation of accomplishments made on Treehouse
Retrieve data from an external API and display data in your app (such as with fetch() or with AJAX) - Ajax call is made to obtain users profile data
Create and use a function that accepts two or more values, calculates or determines a new value based on those inputs, and returns a value - One example is the function passing in skill and point values to create a representation of points earned for indivual skills compared to total points
Calculate and display data based on an external factor (ex: get the current date, and display how many days remaining until some event) - AM & PM Groups of Badges
Visualize data in a graph, chart, or other visual representation of data - Similar to githubs contribution graph badges are displayed with a visual indication of the time of day they were complete