+ ""+
+ "Category | "+
+ "Active | "+
+ "Handled | "+
+ "Resolved |
incidents = ""
for(i = 0;i"
incidents = incidents + "
+ incidents = incidents + "
We hope the information we provided could help you monitor the status of incidents and therefore make informed decisions accordingly.
+ "That is the end of our half-hourly report summary.
+ "Should you need further information for any purposes, you may navigate to our website, cacadcmssingapore.scalingo.io
+ "Thank you very much.
Best regards,
CMS Singapore"
// console.log(incidents)
// Meteor.call('sendEmail', "dbakti1605@gmail.com", "PM Update", email + incidents);
- // Meteor.call('sendEmail', "jm.joshua.martin@gmail.com", "PM Update", incidents);
+ // Meteor.call('sendEmail', "jm.joshua.martin@gmail.com", "PM Update", email + incidents);
}, 5000);
function GetMinuteDiff(a, b) {
var diff = a - b;