CUDAProb3++ calculates the effect of 3-flavor neutrino oscillation for neutrinos propagating through a sphere with piecewise constant density. Given a matter profile (body), a list of trajectories through this body, and a list of neutrino energies, CUDAProb3++ can propagate the neutrinos for all pairs of (trajectory, neutrino energy) in parallel on multiple CUDA-capable GPUs, or on the host using multi-threading.
Computations can be performed in either 32-bit single-precision (float) or 64-bit double-precision (double)
CUDAProb3++ is a header-only CUDA implementation of Prob3++
1.Create propagator
CUDAProb3++ provides three different classes for computing. All classes have a template parameter which specifies the floating point datatype to use, i.e. FLOAT_T=float or FLOAT_T=double
// cpu propagator with 4 threads
std::unique_ptr<Propagator<FLOAT_T>> propagator( new CpuPropagator<FLOAT_T>(n_cosines, n_energies, 4));
// Single GPU propagator using GPU 0
std::unique_ptr<Propagator<FLOAT_T>> propagator( new CudaPropagatorSingle<FLOAT_T>(0, n_cosines, n_energies));
// Multi GPU propagator which uses GPU 0 and GPU 1
std::unique_ptr<Propagator<FLOAT_T>> propagator( new CudaPropagator<FLOAT_T>(std::vector<int>{0, 1}, n_cosines, n_energies));
2.Specify neutrino parameters and simulation settings
propagator->setEnergyList(energyList); // set energy list
propagator->setCosineList(cosineList); //set cosine list
propagator->setMNSMatrix(theta12, theta13, theta23, dcp); // set mixing matrix. angles in radians
propagator->setNeutrinoMasses(dm12sq, dm23sq); // set neutrino mass differences. unit: eV^2
propagator->setDensityFromFile("models/PREM_12layer.dat"); // set density model
propagator->setProductionHeight(22.0); // set neutrino production height in kilometers above earth
3.Perform calculation
propagator->calculateProbabilities(cudaprob3::Neutrino); parameter is either cudaprob3::Neutrino or cudaprob3::Antineutrino
4.Get results
FLOAT_T prob = propagator->getProbability(i, j, ProbType::m_e); // returns probability P(nu_m -> nu_e) for cosine bin i and energy bin j
A complete example is shown in example/main.cpp
To compile and run the example code, please set the GPU architecture flag in the Makefile according to your architecture.