All Tranquility APIs need a Beam to get started. The simplest way to create a Beam is to use the DruidBeams builder. The minimum requirements are:
- Event type, which could be something simple like
Map<String, Object>
or could be any type you choose. Unless you provide a custom serializer, this event type must be serializable by Jackson. - Timestamper, which tells Tranquility how to extract timestamps from your event type.
- Druid cluster location.
- Druid indexing configuration, including dimensions, aggregators, a queryGranularity, and so on.
- CuratorFramework instance pointing to a ZooKeeper cluster used for coordination and Druid service discovery.
Many other options are configurable as well.
Full configuration reference is available at:$
These examples use DruidBeams with the Core API. However, the DruidBeams creation process is the same for all APIs, not just the Core API.