Specification Status: DIF Ratified Specification
Latest Stable version: identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/v2.1
Editors: Sam Curren (Indicio), Tobias Looker (Mattr), Oliver Terbu (ConsenSys)
Contributors: Sam Curren (Indicio), Tobias Looker (MATTR), Oliver Terbu (ConsenSys), Kyle Den Hartog (MATTR), Baha Shaaban (SecureKey), Drummond Reed (Evernym), Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs), Troy Ronda (SecureKey), George Aristy (SecureKey), Vyacheslav Gudkov (DSR), Alexander Shcherbakov (DSR), Alexander Martynov (DSR), Daniel Buchner (Microsoft), Devin Fisher (Evernym), Orie Steele (Transmute), Brian Richter (Aviary Tech), Juan Caballero (Centre.io), @liormargalit, Timo Glastra (Animo Solutions), Andrew Whitehead (Government of British Columbia), Nader Helmy (MATTR), Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech), Patrick McClurg (SICPA), Stephen Curran (Government of British Columbia), Daniel Hardman (SICPA), Moe Jangda (Block - TBD)
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