- BreachProblemGui improvements
- Added SDToolbox (Sigma-Delta) and example
- Reorganized and fixed wordgen support
- Set_t0 method for BreachRequirement
- param_gen now checks output parameters when they are changed
- BreachRequirement display requirements names
- BreachRequirement checks if STL file exists when reading from a file
- fixed bug with traj.time when reading from disk cache
- waitbar for parSim
- Fix BreachSamplesPlot data tip 3D bug
- Improved BreachProblemGui
- Fix BreachRequirement Concat method
- Fix LogX in BreachProblem somehow double logging
- Fix R_log in BreachProblem (somehow a consequence of above fix)
- Fix stopping condition in MaxSatProblem when found true
- Fix SaveInCache bug
- Display objective funtion to minimize, not maximize for max sat problem
- Fix BreachSignalsPlot not displaying the right signals
- Added option sort to GetLog for BreachProblem
- Fix snobfit default arguments
- Fix BreachProblem constructor with params and ranges not defining domains
- BreachRequirement SplitEval and BreachSamplesPlot default to sum plot
- sim function now requires to return status as last output argument
- BreachProblemGUI simple GUI control
- BreachProblem callback_new_best
- disk caching for arbitrary BreachSystem, keeps/load traces in memory by default
- fix sign of obj function display during MaxSatProblem solving
- new function get_struct_hash
- fix GetParam for BreachRequirement error when param does not exist (returns [], as for BreachSets)
- fix ExtractSubset for BreachRequirement when traces are present
- fix small display number of total violations bug
- Coverage features, to be documented
- GUI stuff, tbdocu itou
- Fixes and stuff, tbdocu too but less
- updated README.md
- really updated README.md
- like, now, it might be worth reading
- like, it even has an example of BreachSystem with a custom sim function
- and more details about BreachTraceSystem for monitoring data
- though there had to be some fixes in those two classes
- also minor changes in demo files
- plus minor things I don't remember
- Fixed demo BrDemo.from_file_signal_gen
- BreachTraceSystem new method GenTraceIdx
- New solver: snobfit
- New additive semantics, to be documented
- Added Gui framework BreachGuiClass
- various bugfixes and performance improvements
- Added past operators once and historically
- Better handling of corners in falsification
- Added binaries for macOS
- Various bugfixes
- binaries added removes need to run InstallBreach for windows and linux
- added ComputeMorrisSensi for sensitivity analysis
- Support for IA-STL
- Various improvement in BreachProblem
- Simple pseudo random solver
- Enveloppe computation in signal_gen_gui works with constraints
- New Global Nelder Mead properly re-established as default solver
- Bugfix: precondition with non-simulink systems working again
- set domain cfg only does warning when trying to set a non existent parameter
- Performance and memory overhead improvement when logging during falsification
- Global nelder mead default solver has been revamped
- Diagnosis and IO-aware STL support added (see HSCC'19 paper)
- Signature computation sometimes failed to properly link aliases
- minor fix for maxstep/minstep detection causing crash with some solver configuration (Simulink)
- better detection of maximum and minimum step sizes when interfacing a model
- some cleaning in Examples folder
- fixed bug in SetInputGenGui
- fixed bug whereas time was sometimes not set properly with SetTime
- fixed crash when minimum step size is bigger than eps, used for detecting logged signals when creating interface
- fixed bug causing BreachSimulinkSystem to fail when a logged object is not a simple signal
- fixed bug when sampling 1D grids using legacy Refine
- fixed typo bug in InstallBreach
- from_file_signal_gen can have an initialization script
- mixed integer optimization support
- signal_gen_gui more robust
- param_gen framework: arbitrary parameter transformation
- better backward compatibility between BreachRequirement and STL_Formula
- BreachSamplesPlot and BreachSignalsPlot improved
- BreachSimulinkSystem now look at all scalar parameters in the base workspace for potential tunable parameters, regardless if they are detected in the model
- STL formulas with no signals now are accepted (constraints on parameters)
- spike and exponential signal generators fixed
- fixed an issue with aliases not being always found
- fixed duplicates in signals map
- display result fixed when using parallel falsification
- parallel computation during Nelder Mead phase disabled until behavior is fixed
- Improved display values for multi-objective optimization
- Simple support for multi-objective falsification with global Nelder-Mead
- Added small example with Automatic transmission
- traj_ref support fixed for BreachRequirement, would cause to fetch wrong signal values for requirement evaluation some times
- small bug in BreachSamplesPlot when instantiating contextual menus
- BreachSet.SetParam gets 'combine' option
- BreachSamplesPlot improvement
- Better support for req_monitors which are not stl_monitors
- Support for requirement parameters sampling at BreachRequirement level
- Updated Automatic transmission example
- Sim() recompute without argument now checks if traces are present before recomputing with default time (was causing weird GetRobustSat behavior)
- log_format deactivated when using diskcaching wo parallel until figuring better solution
- Added jsonlab toolbox
- Fixed violation signals for alw (A => ev_[] B) types of requirements
- BrDemo are now all working with BreachRequirement class
- BreachProblem supports pre-conditions of BreachRequirement, treated as hard constraint for optimization
- Simulation is correctly skipped when pre-conditions on inputs only are not satisfied
- overshoot requirement example added as alw (A=> ev_[] B) example for AFC
- plot_diagnosis now considers alw (A => ev_[] B) types of formulas
- initial support of preconditions in BreachRequirement
- stl_monitor plot_diagnosis method calls SplotSat
- BreachSamplesPlot plots sum when all true, all false or only one req
- bugfix for SaveInCache Falsification_runs for second and subsequent runs
- bugfix for index when computing signal signature with aliases
- BreachSamplesPlot plots bars and number of satisfied and violated requirement
- Alias (signal mapping) support fixed and improved
- Performance improvement for ExportTraces/SaveResults
- stl_monitor now should provide quant_sat and violation signals implemented for alw_monitor and alw_A_implies_B
- BreachSamplesPlot provides interactive plots of BreachRequirement results
- BreachProblem saves runs in cache folders when DiskCaching is enabled
- runs of falsification problems can be loaded using FalsificationProblem.load_runs static method
- bugfix for alw A=>B template and plot_diagnosis now separates A and A=>B on two axes
- DiskCaching for BreachProblem now save runs in the cache folders (Issue #29)
- skip computation of previously computed objective values in a BreachProblem in serial mode
- fixed bug in BreachProblem.ResetObjective
- alias appear in list in context menu BreachSignalsPlot
- Printing for requirement streamlined
- Printing signals now displays attributes and aliases
- initial implementation of preconditions in BreachRequirement
- refactoring of BreachRequirement evalAllTraces, eliminate duplicates of input signals
- support for multiple signal mappings/aliases
- Renamed ogs into postprocess_signal_gen and formulas into req_monitors in BreachRequirement class
- STL_Eval more robust to NaN and Inf values
- SplotSat now default to stairs plots until specified otherwise as global option
- STL_Formula copy bug resulting in stl_monitor not working
- Display bug that was showing Nobody as name for BreachSimulinkSystem sometimes
- stl_monitor.eval not returning the correct value in X
- parameter lost from STL formula to stl_monitor
- New class BreachRequirement with hybrid and generic requirement evaluation support
- New plotting class BreachSignalsPlot
- Improvements in solver support for BreachProblem
- STL_Eval more robust to NaN and Inf values
- SplotSat now default to stairs plots until specified otherwise as global option, also run InitBreach
- Fixed fix for STL monitoring interpolation bug (Issue #62)
- printStatus now prints error message obtained during failed Simulink simulation
- New SimInModelsDataFolder option, default to false (i.e., by default, Breach won't change folder for simulalink simulations
- Changed default max_obj_eval to 100 and max_time to inf in BreachProblem
- GetBrSet_Logged, _False, _True methods now works as expected in serial and parallel (BreachTEMA Issue #33)
- DiskCaching matfiles writable option should improve stability
- Fixed interpolation bug in STL_EvalThom (Issue #62)
- Fixed bug in BreachTraceSystem with useless legacy Xf field
- ModelsData folders properly created at initialization if not existant (BreachTEMA Issue #30)
- log_traces field for BreachProblem now consistent with serial and parallel (BreachTEMA Issue #31)
- StoreTracesOnDisk true by default for DiskCaching (BreachTEMA Issue #21)
- New function FilterTracesStatus to remove/extract Null traces resulting from Simulink error and NaN traces resulting from input constraints violations
- Simulink generated files are now all in ModelsData folder
- Added a small vdp example
- In parallel, simulation are run in a different folder for each worker
- SaveResults now supports DiskCaching
- In BreachProblem, objective function is now same for parallel and serial
- DiskCaching feature added, enabled by SetupDiskCaching method
- Added BreachAbout, gives some info about which folder Breach runs from and its version (will add more in future releases)
- display status during optimization no longer display twice in certain cases
- parameters in workspace detected even if not part of Simulink model
- display_status_header is no longer called by FevalInit
- when using parallel computation, DiskCaching is used to log traces
- Improves parallel support: display simulations during computation and optimization and number of workers now tunable with B.SetupParallel(NumWorkers)
- Experimental struct parameter detection now disabled by default (would not work with nested struct), made available with FindStruct option in BreachSimulinkSystem constructor
- New signal generators (sinusoid, exponential, spike)
- freq_update now only affects display, independant from number of cores during parallel simulation
- InitBreach now better removes path from older/other versions
- InitBreach takes a second Boolean argument, if true, forces re-initialization
- Added BreachVersion, returns current version
- SaveResults, ExportToStruct, ExportToExcel now available for BreachSet and all derivated classes
- InitBreach creates ModelsData folder when absent, e.g., with fresh clone
- ResetTimeSpent method for BreachProblem
- Problems when exporting to Excel with imported data (inputs or not, issues 56-57)
- BreachGui wouldn't start without sets in the workspace (issue 55)
- Error message caught when checking with no trace
- Performance improvement for Export to Excel
- Some cleaning in BreachGui
- plot in GUI would not update axes labels and limits
- Fixed errors when clicking buttons and stuff on empty GUI
- Ignore file_idx parameter when writing traces
- fixed bug in SampleDomain when combining samples of dimensions more than 1
- fixed bug in PlotDomain for more than three dimensions
- fixed load parameter set not working in GUI
- small bug in displaying number of computed traces
- fixed bug in until robustness computation causing crash
- SetInitFn method sets a callback function for initialization before simulation
- new helper function isSignal returns if a name represents a signal in a BreachSet
- GUI safeguards around selected parameters for sampling (Issues 32-33-34)
- GUI 'Domain' button changed to 'Variables'
- Support struct parameters and model workspace, still experimental
- Enable parallel from GUI
- SaveSignals/Load
- BreachSave function saves Breach objects in the workspace into a mat file
- GetVariables method returns names of variables in a set, i.e., parameters with non-empty domain/range
- GUI: fixed Env. Param button when no input signal
- Calling InitBreach in InstallBreach at very beginning to avoid missing varargin2struc (#52)
- Fixed bug in BreachDomain with 'int' and empty domain leading to change to enum type
- Fixed bug in SetInputGen which would not update domains appropriately
- New class BreachOptionGui to create gui from options
- FalsificationProblem now ignores requirement variables
- ParamSynthesisProblem now ignores non-requirement variables
- InstallBreach option linear_interp, now default to 0
- PrintAll and PrintParams now displays enum values
- Simulink Breach menu for creating interface improvements
- GUI: selecting worst samples, etc, does not change plot parameters any more (#26-1)
- RobustAnd can't return inconsistent time values (not time advancing)
- GUI: embarrassing st_info bug when changing sampling option fixed (#26-4)
- PlotParams not using DiscrimPropValues any more
- More robust implementation of BreachDomain constructor
- STL_ReadFile now supports parameters overriding existing functions, mex-files, etc (e.g., x[t]>eps)
- PlotSatParams now shows superposed samples with different satisfaction values
- GUI can be opened by BreachGUI command, without argument
- GUI Check formula button sorts results by satisfaction and robustness
- PlotSatParams has datacursormode on by default, shows parameter values and robustness
- SaveSignals method saves signals in a format that from_files_signal_gen can read easily
- Many changes in GUI
- GetSignalsValues with itraj would assume itraj=1
- ParamSynth/ReqMining works when changing the solver of param synth problem (Issue #10)
- GetSatValues returns unique values and params as well as all values and non-unique params
- BreachPlot and BreachPlotSat, new classes for listening plots
- Minor changes in Excel exported from SaveResults
- GenDoc function to generate html documentation from a set of script
- SaveResults now uses v7.3 format for large files
- Fixed issue in Autotrans_tutorial
- new function get_breach_path
- CleanModelsData erase stuff in Ext/ModelsData folder
- GetSatValues not returning the proper values (caused issue #14)
- BreachProblem with 4 arguments not properly setting domains (issue #19)
- Fixed issue with signal builder parameters that should be ignored in sim_breach (issue #19)
- Fixed bug in BreachProblem that was converting singular domains into unbounded ones (issue #18)
- FEvalInit now updates obj_best and x_best fields rather than setting it
- GetSignalValues can collect values from one or a subset of traces instead of all available
- Fixed ExportTracesToStruct output (time series for data)
- Fixed Excel template path
- Fixed PlotParam
- Fixed bug in STL_ExtractSignal (quotes around varname)
- Fixed PlotRobusMap changing order of props_names (Issue 14)
- ExportTraces method for Simulink
- SaveResults method creates a folder with breach_system and summary files and traces subfolder with trace files
- LoadResults reads a folder created with SaveResults
- Fixed bug in ComputeTraj (Issue 13)
- STL formulas now can use custom p-file, m-file, mex and builtin, though parameters with same name get shadowed
- Issue with z-axis label in PlotSatParams
- GUI creating new set updates display
- Traj GUI: fixed bug preventing recomputation of trajectory when modifying a parameter
- get_checksum method computes the checksum of Simulink mdl, and returned boolean true if it changed wrt creation
- mdl BreachSimulinkSystem property is a struct with model name, original path and date of creation
- varargin2struct function can be used to setup basic optional argument with syntax optionName, optionValue
- New method PlotSatParams to implement red-green dot maps available in GUI
- New method GetSetValues to get satifaction values of a previously monitored requirement
- fixed plot satisfaction map in GUI
- fixed PlotRobustMap method
- ReqMiningProblem constructor with two argument (synth_pb and falsif_pb, e.g.) now works no matter the order of argument, but will error if it cannot identify a synthesis problem and a falsification problem
- SetupLogFolder default now has date of creation in name in format mdl_name_ddmmyy-HHMM
- Predicates accept builtin and custom user defined functions
- fixed problem when shift-selecting multiple parameters in main GUI
- fixed falsification (and all types of problems) not enforcing domains properly
- fixed renaming in GUI not renaming in base workspace
- fixed GUI allows multiple cell edition with shift-return
- BreachProblem now stores domains for params
- BreachProblem has a CheckinDomain method
- GUI: set input now updates main GUI when done
- InitNNDemo in simple ML model example
- GUI allows multiple cell edition with shift-return
- GUI: set input does not reset signal generators
- GUI copy select button works again
- New PlotDomain method
- domains can be set with the syntax SetDomain([4 5.1]), will infer double type
- error is returned when wrong type is given in SetDomain
- default behavior of legacy sampling functions is to reset and replace, this is changed by AppendWhenSample flag
- new warning when breach can't get checksum of model from Simulink. Only affects the Log to file features.
- GetBoundedDomains returns domains with bounds/ranges
- GUI work with all BreachSet in the workspace, regardles of system interfaced
- AddSpec now add property parameters automatically
- PlotParams, PlotSignals, etc, now re-use the current figure if there is one (gcf)
- compilation issue with VS 2015 for online monitoring (added include minmax and algorithm)
- from_file_signal_gen not working for files in current folder
- AppendWhenSample now works with legacy sampling functions, i.e., concat new param vectors when true
- Parallel with less initial parameters than freq_update now works as intended
- AddSpec now checks whether formula is already present (prevent overwrite param values)
- SampleDomain now calls sample method of BreachDomain
- BreachSet now has only one field Domains for signal and parameter domains
- SetParamRanges errors when param does not exist (before would create it)
- ResetParamSet uses Domains instead of ParamRanges field
- SetParamSpec has an additional argument to ignore if param is a system parameter, if not set, return an error
- got rid of ParamRanges field, useless since we use domains
- New menu in Simulink editor, can generate a Breach interface
- Breach now supports/detects To Workspace blocks
- Breach now supports/detects signal builders
- GUI for specs now can change parameters of formulas
- New GUI for creating input generator, accessible from main GUI
- Main GUI keyboard shortcuts
- rightarrow from constant parameters to varying parameters, equivalent to [add =>]
- leftarrow from varying parameters equivalent to button [<= rem]
- return from varying parameters focus on min value
- log to files via SetupLogFolder
- Support for different types via Domains
- SampleDomain, more comprehensive sampling of domains
- Fixed problem when resetting input generator with models with no inputs
- Fixed problem when logging multi dimensional signals
- Fixed problem with empty tspan when interfacing model
- Fixed problem Simulink models with no inputs
BrDemo subfolder Optim contains InitAFC_Falsif which creates falsification problems
BrDemo has a subfolder InputGen containing demo script for each type of generator (under construction)
New method FilterSpec return sets that satisfy and don't satisfy a spec
SetParamRanges accepts a single interval for multiple parameters, Example: B.SetParamRanges({'p1', 'p2','p3'}, [ -1 , 1] ) is equivalent to B.SetParamRanges({'p1', 'p2','p3'}, [ -1 , 1 ; -1 1 ;-1 1] )
BreachSimulinkSystem now has a field sim_args used to pass additional option arguments to the Simulink sim command
BreachSystem has SetSpec method - same as AddSpec, but reset Specs before
BreachOpenSystem (hence BreachSimulinkSystem) has a AddInputSpec and SetInputSpec, calls AddSpec or SetSpec its InputGenerator
PrintSignals now says which signal is an input
GetInputSignalsIdx returns indices of input signals in the list of signals of a system
Minor improvement on display status for BreachProblem
Input specs now are taken into account in Falsification problems
Breach now stores its model copy and GUI files in a unique folder in Ext/ModelsData