Serde is a serialization/deserialization abstraction. It has the purpose to provide a simple API to serialize or deserialize messages without the concern of the format, which is configurable.
A format like JSON is composed of message format engines that will implement the logic of serialization/deserialization. They can be registered depending on the choice on the formats available.
Each format is expected to have a context engine implementation that will be used to populate a Serde context. This context provides the format name alongside the marshal and unmarshal API common to most of the encoding implementations.
The context can also store factories so that embedded messages can be
deserialized. Similarly to
, the factories are only
populated for a given deserialization and thus to a specific context.
A context API looks like:
type Context interface {
GetFormat() Format
GetFactory(key interface{}) Factory
Marshal(message interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Unmarshal(data []byte, message interface{}) error
A factory can be provided to a deserialization context through:
type key struct{}
type factory struct {
nextCtx := WithFactory(ctx, key{}, factory{})
fac := nextCtx.GetFactory(key{}) // fac == factory{}
A format engine will implement two functions:
type FormatEngine interface {
Encode(ctx Context, message Message) ([]byte, error)
Decode(ctx Context, data []byte) (Message, error)
Encode is responsible for serialiazing the message into bytes. It is the responsability of the implementation to accept one or several types of messages for a given engine.
Decode is responsible for deserializing data into a message. Similarly to Encode, it can return one or several types of messages.
The following snippet is an example of an engine for two types of messages using the JSON format. The way to differenriate several messages will greatly vary with the format used and if the format is self-describing or not.
package json
type RequestJSON struct {
type ResponseJSON struct {
type MessageJSON struct {
Request *RequestJSON
Response *ResponseJSON
type engine struct{}
func (engine) Encode(ctx serde.Context, message Message) ([]byte, error) {
var m Message
switch in := msg.(type) {
case types.Request:
m = MessageJSON{Request: &RequestJSON{...}}
case types.Response:
m = MessageJSON{Response: &ResponseJSON{...}}
return nil, errors.New("invalid message")
data, err := ctx.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func (engine) Decode(ctx serde.Context, data []byte) (Message, error) {
m := MessageJSON{}
err := ctx.Unmarshal(data, &m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.Request != nil {
return types.NewRequest(...), nil
if m.Response != nil {
return types.NewResponse(...), nil
return nil, errors.New("empty message")
A message will implement the serialization and a factory will implement the deserialization. It is left to the implementation to support one or several formats but serde provides a registry to simplify the registration:
package types
var requestFormats = registry.NewSimpleRegistry()
type Request struct {
func (req Request) Serialize(ctx serde.Context) ([]byte, error) {
format := requestFormats.Get(ctx.GetName())
// This registry always returns a format which can be an empty one.
data, err := format.Encode(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
Doing so will allow anyone to implement its own format and register it. A given format could be overriden if necessary to use a different implementation but the developer needs to make sure the registration will be done after the standard one if it is imported as shown below. Note: it is not necessary to import for new format.
import ""
requestFormats.Register(serde.FormatJSON, myEngineImpl{})
A factory can also be implemented to prepare the context of the deserialization:
type Factory struct{}
func (f Factory) Deserialize(ctx serde.Context, data []byte) (Message, error) {
format := requestFormats.Get(ctx.GetName())
// Populate the context with factories of embedded messages if necessary.
// ctx = WithFactory(ctx, ...)
msg, err := format.Decode(ctx, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil