- Add a README listing the rationale and rough draft of the migration DSL to be implemented
- Added migration DSL to add two columns to persist a money object. An Interger column to persist the money amount and a String column to persist the currency name
- Modify migration DSL to support multiple money amount columns and a single currency column
- add travis, codeclimate and gemnasium gem-dependency badges
- has a dependency on ActiveRecord and removed the dependency on Rails
- add missing test-cases for supporting a single currency
- refactor tests
- add simplecov coverage report
- Add yard docs and update README
- add dsl with_currency for defining a single currency on the model
- bugfix: defining a model before the table is created throws an error
see spec tagged withmigration
if we define a ActiveRecord object with a money column
"before" the table is defined. Then it will throw
an error and we will assume that a single
currency is defined. So always restart the app after the
migrations are run.
- bugfix: on a bugfix at v0.0.5
database adapter is leaking through. leaky abstaction
the error handling for
is dependent on the database adapter being used, which sucks. can test on other database adapters or handle a generic error
money and currency column can take options activerecord DSL for columns can take options for not-null constraints and default. all options are passed forward to activerecord
add_column and change_table do not work for now with this syntax
- bugfix: single currency was being persisted as a yaml object
- #currency and #some_column_currency are both assigned and persisted as a downcase string eg. "inr" in the case of Indian Rupee so that, Money.default_currency.id == "inr".to_sym holds true api is changed. previously #currency and #single_currency gave a Money::Currency object. now is is a String
- add ActiveRecord::Base.validates_money
it validates that currency is in an allowed list
and money is stored as a number or can be nil - api change: if we set currency (when it is a single currency)
as nil. the other money columns are set to nil
this is done because technically, Money has a default_currency
so we can persist a Money object without the currency
but that can change over time and we want to be explicit
- #1 when currency is set to nil, the money columns are set to nil as well (see changelog for 0.0.9.pre above) that code was buggy. so is a column was named "amount_funded" it would give the setter as "amountfunded=" rather than "amount_funded=". git sha1: c1d9f6a8160d5a075e78f625f177f6716715c637
- bugfix: validates_money was failing if allowed_currency was not passed the syntax is validates_money :principal, :repaid, :amount_funded, :allow_nil => false, :allowed_currency => %w[inr usd sgd] if we do not pass the last argument allowed_currency then it should validate that it is a legal Money::Currency that was not happenning because the Rails includes validations does not compare Symbols and strings