In contrast to the PhpStorm meta file generator this one is supposed to be more generic and IDE agnostic.
This command will generate your CodeCompletion php
files in your app's TMP/
bin/cake generate code_completion
Those should not be persisted and will just always be regenerated or updated locally if needed.
Pro-tip: Set up a post-install-cmd hook for composer to be up to date always!
/** @var \Search\Manager $searchManager */
$searchManager = $this->behaviors()->Search->searchManager();
So far $searchManager
required the annotation above to be typehinted and clickable, because the magic property access is not resolvable on its own.
With the generated code completion file this becomes not necessary anymore.
It will automatically detect this property as the right behavior class hint Search
as \Search\Model\Behavior\SearchBehavior
, making
available in the IDE for method argument checking and following.
Just create your own Task class:
namespace App\CodeCompletion\Task;
use IdeHelper\CodeCompletion\Task\TaskInterface;
class MyTask implements TaskInterface {
const TYPE_NAMESPACE = 'Some\Namespace';
* @return string
public function type(): string {
return static::TYPE_NAMESPACE;
* @return string
public function create(): string {
Then add it to the config:
'IdeHelper' => [
'codeCompletionTasks' => [
'MyTask' => \App\CodeCompletion\Task\MyTask::class,
The key 'MyTask'
can be any string.
Using associative arrays you can even exchange any native task with your own implementation:
'IdeHelper' => [
'codeCompletionTasks' => [
\IdeHelper\CodeCompletion\Task\BehaviorTask::class => \App\CodeCompletion\Task\MyEnhancedBehaviorTask::class,
The native class name is the key then, your replacement the value.
Setting the value to null
completely disables a native task.
So let's imagine you have the following magic properties you want to annotate:
$alpha = $someObject->Alpha; // Returns \My\Cool\Alpha class
$beta = $someObject->Beta; // Returns \My\Cool\Beta class
Then make sure your Task's create()
method returns something like:
abstract class SomeObject extends SomeObjectInterface {
* Alpha class.
* @var \My\Cool\Alpha
public $Alpha;
* Beta class.
* @var \My\Cool\Beta
public $Beta;
We can use abstract
keyword to avoid direct implementation hinting.
Let's imagine you have the following magic methods you want to annotate:
$alpha = $someObject->alpha(); // Returns \My\Cool\Alpha class
$beta = $someObject->beta(); // Returns \My\Cool\Beta class
Then make sure your Task's create()
method returns something like:
abstract class SomeObject extends SomeObjectInterface {
* Alpha class.
* @var \My\Cool\Alpha
protected $alpha;
* @return \My\Cool\Alpha
public function search(): Alpha {
return $this->alpha;
Using Configure key 'IdeHelper.codeCompletionPath'
you can use a custom path in your project if needed.
This way the files can be added to version control.