- compatibility with older browsers (IE namely) (@crcn)
- update staticfile.org to English home page
- add missing css to tpl
- a few emojies tht got missed (@pachtymichuk)
- added missing transport and smiling emojies
- Update component.json (@jonathanong)
- fixed horse racer - oops mixed them up with trophy
- generated emoji.js
- added missing emojis
- add simple tests for the regular expressions (@jonathanong)
- lazily export regular expressions (@jonathanong)
- clean whitespace
- use staticfile.org CDN
- sprite sheet is optimized (@pachtymichuk)
- add npm image
- support coveralls
- update faces
- add missing emoji
- add seajs and requirejs
- rm 0.6 from travis
- use blanket instead of jscover
- support requireJS-like module definition (@johnyb) #2
- update all the files to a new version (@johnyb)
- point image-map to new url
- update component.json
- add bower support
- change require to support browserify
- add 0.4 for travis test
- fixed readme link
- fixed test
- add pip install for travis
- add pip install for travis
- update demo; add travis config;
- refine dir; add unittest; up to 0.1.1
- Create RegExp obj when using.
- add jsdoc
- mv tpl to tpl dir
- add to npm
- add more code to Unified
- add demo url
- add emoji.js
- Initial commit
- init