Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Make sure you put things in the right category!
- Always add your items to the end of a list. To be fair, the order is first-come-first-serve.
- If you think something belongs in the wrong category, or think there needs to be a new category, feel free to edit things too.
Thank you for your suggestions!
Make sure you put things in the right category. There are two main categories:
- Resources for Vue Storefront
- Projects/Sites Using Vue Storefront
This section gives the possibility for authors/developers to contribute to the ecosystem.
This section is for showcase the awesome things that can be build with Vue Storefront. You should put your app/website/demo in this category if the following conditions are true:
- The website is available without errors or ssl certificate problems, and load in a reasonable amount of time.
- The website is using Vue Storefront intensively.