We are a community for software developers.
To educate, empower, and connect software developers in the Wichita area.
devICT is dedicated to a safe and harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment in any form.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to one of the devICT organizers. You can also anonymously report a Code of Conduct Incident if you observe or experience a violation of our Code of Conduct.
Our anti-harassment policy can be found at: devict.org/conduct
- Chat daily on Slack
- Get invite from devict.org
- Watch past presentations on devict.org
Membership is free. Donations are appreciated.
Monthly costs around $106
Recurring monthly donations around $99 from 19 donors (<2% of #general).
- Meetup Group
- The Groover Labs membership
Donate through devict.org/support Or, we are now on Amazon Smile!
- Great way to learn about a topic of interest.
- Could be practice for presentation at a professional conference.
- Can sign up on Google Sheets for devICT Presents found in Slack
- devict.org/mentors
- Ping jcbwlkr if you want to be a mentor
- Ping a mentor if you want to be a mentee
- MakeICT - makeict.org
- Women Who Code - meetup.com/wwcwichita
- Agile Leadership Group - meetup.com/Agile-Leadership-Wichita/
- Wordpress ICT - meetup.com/WordPress-ICT
- Wichita Java Users Group - meetup.com/Wichita-Java-Users-Group
- WuLUG, Linux Group - facebook.com/wulug
All current events will be posted in our Meet Up.
Winter Break
devICT Presents: The relationship and benefits between design and software development by Caleb Swank