This is a new project example
Below is an example for creating a new project on git server
- make a new folder
mkdir new_project_example
- change to new folder
cd new_project_example
- initialize new repository
git init --bare
Below are stpes to start a new git repository.
. Create a directory for your new_project
mkdir new_project_example
cd new_project_example
. Initialize new_project_example. Type
git init
. Add your file/documents... for example:
. Add the files
git add .
. Commit your files
git commit -am "Initial Commit, Adding a"
. Checking new_project status
git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
ex: Push your new_project_example to GitHub
. Goto to GitHub
. Config your git config
git config --global "your name"
git config --global "your email"
. Create a new Repository
. Set your remote repo
git remote add origin
. Push your code
git push origin master