Library for storing 3rd Party Filament settings for Bambu Labs and other Printers using the Bambu Studio
Key contribution and inspiration for this was from user AI_RPI_SPY on Redit, the post is here:
The source files in this repo contains 3 file types which can be copied into the printers configuration folder:
- filament
- process
- printer
The bambu studio config settings location is: Mac: /Users/(your username)/Library/Application Support/BambuStudio/User Windows :C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\BambuStudio\user
Inside the user folder are two folder one Default the other is the ID of your printer.
Choose your printer and navigate to the filament folder and copy the filament files to the filament folder and the process files to the process folder.
You can check if this has worked by adding a new filament name and the filaments you just added should be listed under User Presets.
- Process
- Conventions