A Haskell library that implements oauth authentication protocol as defined in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hammer-oauth- 10.
The following code should perform a 3 legged oauth request using Yahoo as the service provider:
reqUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token" accUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_token" srvUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql?q=select%20%2A%20from%20social.profile%20where%20guid%3Dme" authUrl = head . find (=="xoauth_request_auth_url") . oauthParams app = Application "<consumer key>" "<consumer secret>" OOB token = fromApplication app response = runOAuthM token $ do { signRq2 PLAINTEXT Nothing reqUrl >>= oauthRequest CurlClient ; cliAskAuthorization authUrl ; signRq2 PLAINTEXT Nothing accUrl >>= oauthRequest CurlClient ; signRq2 HMACSHA1 (Just $ Realm "yahooapis.com") srvUrl >>= serviceRequest CurlClient }
Another example, this time using Twitter as the service provider:
reqUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token" accUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token" srvUrl = fromJust $ parseURL "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.xml" authUrl = ("http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token="++) . findWithDefault ("oauth_token","") . oauthParams app = Application "<consumer key>" "<consumer secret>" OOB token = fromApplication app response = runOAuthM token $ do { ignite app ; signRq2 HMACSHA1 Nothing reqUrl >>= oauthRequest CurlClient ; cliAskAuthorization authUrl ; signRq2 HMACSHA1 Nothing accUrl >>= oauthRequest CurlClient ; signRq2 HMACSHA1 Nothing srvUrl >>= serviceRequest CurlClient }
- ./src/test/haskell/test_hoauth.hs
- http://oauth.net/
- Kevin Cantu (killerswan)
- Ben Boeckel (mathstuf)
- Jeremy Fitzhardinge (jsgf)
- Mark Wotton (mwotton)
- Phillip (sitharus)
- [bugfix: #14] Suggested fix for response bodies with UTF-8 (killerswan)
- libcurl to actually verify server certificates using system-level root CA certificate (killerswan)
- Able to compile against newer RSA library (killerswan)
- multipart/form-data upload support (killerswan)
- CurlHttpClient: Added OptionsHttpClient [CurlOption] so clients can pass in their own Curl options if needed.
- HttpClient: new instance DebugClient
- Consumer: enabling RSA-SHA1 authentication
- Consumer: bugfix: removing NoToken type constructor
- Consumer: OAuthMonad is now OAuthMonadT. Major change is that users may now provide custom error handler instead of fail
- HttpClient: completely rewritten with better error handling support
- HttpClient: Extracting curl instance into its own module
- CurlHttpClient: ignoring SSL certificate errors
- CurlHttpClient: defining a timeout of 30s
- bugfix: freezing when doing PUT or POST requests
- Adding completeRequest function
- Using fail instead of Either type in oauthRequest to signal failures
- Exporting OAuthToken to the world
- Adding unlift function to HttpClient class
- Minor improvements on the documentation
- Word8 is now instance of PercentEncoding
v0.2.1 v0.2.0
- API is now capable of performing HTTP requests, thus fully capable of dealing with the OAuth protocol;
- Temporally dropped RSA signature support;
v0.1.9 v0.1.8 v0.1.7 v0.1.6 v0.1.5
- minor change: another attempt to fix haddock errors on hackage
v0.1.4 v0.1.3
- minor change: adding nonce_and_timestamp function
- minor change: using Control.Monad in Consumer#response function
- minor change: removing useless apply function in Request
- minor change: changing append_param function interface
- fixing compiler warnings
- fixing haddock errors/warnings
- implementing RSA-SHA1 signature method
- Changing the license to BSD3
- Adding/Implementing a few utility functions
- First release