- Tech Lead, Full-Stack & DevOps - @Appknox
- I code for Web, Mobile, Embedded & IoT. Open-Source Fanatic. Big Data & Machine Learning Enthusiast. Dad. Atheist
- So primarily a Developer + little bit of this & that
- Jack of all trades & Master of none
- No, I do not keep Bindi for religious reasons. Its for a scientific reason & a fashion statement.
- http://dhilipsiva.com
- [email protected]
- How many of you know to program (Any language is fine)?
- Of them, how many of you are familiar with object oriented programming & functional proframming?
- How many of you already know python?
Day 1: Intro, numerals, string, list, tuple, set, dictionary, conditionals, loops Day 2: Files, Classes & Objects, Bulinding a simple CLI tool
- High Level
- General Purpose
- Interpreted
- Dynamic Typing (Or Duck Typing)
- Multi paradigm
- Comprehensive standard library
- Focus on readability
- Easy to learn
- Web Development
- System Utilities
- Ananlytics
- Machine Learning
- Desktop Application
- IoT
- Pretty much everywhere
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World");
print("Hello world")
Follow this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/edu/python/strings
This copy is released under the MIT License