DHIS2-7096: Event export without event UID
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-7070: Add IdScheme=ATTRIBUTE: to events endpoint
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-6188: Query parameter for relative timestamps in Tracker API
Components: [API] Events, [API] Tracker
DHIS2-590: Program Indicators to support nested functions
Components: [API] Metadata model
DHIS2-7656: Static content end-point that returns json containing the URL to the file(s)
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-6560: Specify read-only transaction level in service layer methods
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-7658: Split out enrollments,events from tracked entity payload
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-5709: Skip sharing option for metadata download with dependencies - [Frontend]
Components: [App] Import-export
DHIS2-7655: TEAs with data type ORGANISATION UNIT cause bad SQL grammar in analytics queries
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-7676: Mismatch between header and row lengths in analytics API
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-7157: UID of OU appearing instead of Name on Event reports
Components: [API] Analytics, [App] Event reports
DHIS2-2315: Datatype "Organisation unit" show UID in event report
Components: [API] Analytics, [App] Event reports
DHIS2-6865: Event Report shows OU UID when Data Element has type ORGANISATION_UNIT
Components: [API] Analytics, [API] Events
DHIS2-7280: Can't remove soft deleted enrollments/TEIs due to foreign key constraint "fk_programmessage_programinstanceid"
Components: [API] Data administration
DHIS2-7583: Unable to permanently remove events under Data Administration -> Maintenance
Components: [API] Data administration
DHIS2-6837: Import metadata of dataElements with attribute values cause duplicate values
Components: [API] Metadata import-export
DHIS2-7461: No import summary shown for Event, Data and Metadata Import in all the formats
Components: [API] Metadata import-export, [App] Import-export
DHIS2-6285: API accepts optionSets with options having duplicate code or name
Components: [API] Metadata import-export
DHIS2-7281: Metadata Dependency Export is exporting all objects under the Object Type
Components: [API] Metadata import-export, [App] Import-export
DHIS2-7452: Redis env: No taskSummaries when metadata import is not successful
Components: [API] Metadata import-export
DHIS2-7611: Metadata filtering causes null pointer exception
Components: [API] Metadata model
DHIS2-7629: DataStatistics doesn't include endDate when getting data
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-7381: Deleted Objects endpoint paging does not work
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-7755: Predictor - re-running Predictor with multiple levels is crashing
Components: [API] Predictors
DHIS2-7744: Predictor - working expressions returns "not well-formed" error message
Components: [API] Predictors
DHIS2-7502: Realize user invitation UI is leaking token through referred header
Components: [API] Security, [API] User
DHIS2-7827: Tracker data synchronization synchronizes also attributes that should be skipped
Components: [API] Synchronization
DHIS2-7667: Events are not deleted when enrolment is deleted
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-6770: Deleting trackedEntityInstance doesn´t delete relationships
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-7189: Adding coordinates throws (silent) 409 error
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-7019: Tracker - moving cases permanently to another OrgUnit do not work
Components: [API] Tracker, [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-7681: Error enrolling TEI with relationships from event into another program
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-7533: Conflict in Enrollment or Incident date does not include "reference" field in server response
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-6054: Can create events outside search scope
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-7724: /api/me/dataApprovalLevels is missing in 2.32 onwards
Components: [API] User
DHIS2-7512: Authority names get munged in role editing screen
Components: [API] User
DHIS2-7259: Capture App performance issues with large metadata volume (Category Options and Org Units)
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-6919: Cannot toggle to TEI (Tracker Capture) in relationship widget in Capture app
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-7554: System date setting and capture app
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-6641: Download data from table, filename
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-7534: Data entry app does not prompt user to load cached data
Components: [App] Data entry
DHIS2-6670: Recommended dimensions permissions
Components: [App] Data visualizer
DHIS2-7446: User can see all OU hierarchy in new data visualizer
Components: [App] Data visualizer
DHIS2-7532: Data Visualizer - hovering popup in pie-charts show incorrect values
Components: [App] Data visualizer
DHIS2-6868: Event Reports - Favorites don't save multiple filters on same date field
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-4871: Cannot see values in event reports and visualizer if DE is type "Number"
Components: [App] Event reports, [App] Event visualizer
DHIS2-7614: Interpretations app is loading charts from old data visualiser
Components: [App] Interpretations
DHIS2-6394: Width of information box in Maps does not expand with long attributes/DE
Components: [App] Maps
DHIS2-7575: Disable autocomplete in forms
Components: [App] Settings, [App] User
DHIS2-6643: Small mistake with date format
Components: [App] Settings
DHIS2-7588: Settings -> Oauth2 -> Edit button does not work
Components: [App] Settings, Frontend
DHIS2-7094: Possible to edit attributes of TEI permanently moved to another org.unit if page is not refreshed
Components: [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-7601: Bidirectional relationship does not show on both entities
Components: [App] Capture, [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-7607: Error when adding new relationships when old relationships with no access exists
Components: [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-7662: CreatedBy field is set to undefined in UserGroup after performing a metadatasync
Components: [App] User
DHIS2-7275: Emails with CAPITAL letters in domain trigger hidden warning upon upgrade
Components: [App] User