This repository consists of a search engine over the 59GB Wikipedia dump. The code consists of and Both simple and multi field queries have been implemented. The search returns a ranked list of articles in real time.
- Parsing: SAX Parser is used to parse the XML corpus.
- Casefolding: Converting Upper Case to Lower Case.
- Tokenisation: It is done using regex.
- Stop Word Removal: Stop words are removed by referring to the stop word list returned by nltk.
- Stemming: A python library PyStemmer is used for this purpose.
- Creating various index files with word to field postings.
- Multi-way External sorting on the index files to create field based files along with their respective offsets.
- The query given is parsed, processed and given to the respective query handler(simple or field).
- One by one word is searched in vocabulary and the file number is noted.
- The respective field files are opened and the document ids along with the frequencies are noted.
- The documents are ranked on the basis of TF-IDF scores.
- The title of the documents are extracted using title.txt
- index*.txt (intermediate files) : It consists of words with their posting list. Eg. d1b2t4c5 d5b3t6l1
- title.txt : It consist of id-title mapping.
- titleOffset.txt : Offset for title.txt
- vocab.txt : It has all the words and the file number in which those words can be found along with the document frequency.
- offset.txt : Offset for vocab.txt
- [b|t|i|r|l|c]*.txt : It consists of words found in various sections of the article along with document id and frequency.
- offset_[b|t|i|r|l|c]*.txt : Offset for various field files.
This function takes as input the corpus file and creates the entire index in a field separated manner. It also creates a vocabulary list and a file containg the title-id map. Along with these files, it also creates the offsets for all the files.
This function opens a shell and asks for the query to be searched. It returns the top ten results from the Wikipedia corpus.