Manual end-to-end tests checklists
This document lists all user stories that should be manually tested before releasing a new version of Dicto.
All of these tests have to be valid on 3 following platforms:
Latest Chrome browser
Latest Firefox browser
Electron version
user story
Change language
Start guided tour
user story
Check all nav buttons are behaving properly
Check guided tour
Create a new corpus
Import a new corpus: valid
Import a new corpus: bad JSON (should refuse and explain)
Import a new corpus: bad schema (should refuse and explain)
Load an example corpus
Corpus preview card: preview should change on hover
Open a corpus
Download a corpus
Duplicate a corpus
Delete a corpus then cancel
Delete a corpus then confirm
user story
Check all nav buttons are behaving properly
Check guided tour
user story
Search a media
Create a new media
Navigate paginated list
Edit a media annotations
Delete a media
Click on 'more info'
[In more info] edit media annotations
[In more info] create a composition
[In more info] delete media
delete a media when "more info" opened on it
user story
Open and close tag categories
Edit a tag category
Delete a tag category
Create a tag category
Search tags
Create a tag
Edit a tag title and description
Add location to a tag (through long/lat)
Add location to a tag (through address search)
Change location of a tag
Delete location of a tag
Add date to a tag (just start)
Add date to a tag (just end)
Add date to a tag (start and end)
Modify date of a tag
Remove date of a tag
Delete a tag
Delete a tag while link pannel opened on it
Delete a tag category while link pannel opened on one of its tags
Open link pannel of a tag
[Link pannel] untag excerpts
[Link pannel] search new excerpts
[Link pannel] manually link new excerpt
[Link pannel] batch link new excerpts
user story
Search a composition
Create a new composition
Navigate paginated list
Edit a composition
Delete a composition
Click on 'more info'
[In more info] edit composition
[In more info] delete composition
delete a composition when "more info" opened on it
user story
Import valid and duplicate-free corpus
Import invalid corpus (bad JSON) : should refuse and explain
Import invalid corpus (bad schema) : should refuse and explain
Handle duplicate : merge all
Handle duplicates : merge all
Handle duplicates : keep all
Handle duplicates : merge one media
Handle duplicates : keep one media
Handle duplicates : forget one media
Handle duplicates : merge one tag category
Handle duplicates : keep one tag category
Handle duplicates : forget one tag
Handle duplicates : merge one tag
Handle duplicates : keep one tag
Handle duplicates : forget one tag
user story
Open export modal
Preview empty corpus
Download as HTML
Download as JSON
Download medias list tsv
Download excerpts list tsv
user story
Check all nav buttons are behaving properly
Check guided tour
user story
Zoom in and out in media space
Search excerpt in media space
Click in media space : shoud seek
Media space mini-control: play and pause
Media space mini-control: move 5s forward and move 5s backward
Check keyboard shortcuts
Create a new chunk by dragging
Media space : right click > delete all excerpts
Drag an excerpt in media space
Drag an excerpt start
Drag an excerpt end
Select/deselect excerpt
user story
Modify timecode in
Modify timecode out
Delete excerpt
Close excerpt edition
Magnify/minify excerpt edition component
Edit excerpt content
More options : focus on excerpt
More options : display keyboard shortcuts
More options : create a new annotation field
More options : switch between annotation fields
More options : edit an existing annotation field
More options : delete an existing annotation field
Tags : search an existing tag
Tags : Link tag matching search
Tags : Link tag already linked in media
Edit tag properties
Search an inexisting tag then hit enter > create a new tag
Create a new tag > create a new tag category
user story
Modify columns dimensions
Brush a new media view in railway
Scroll in railway
Click in railway: should scroll and seek to clicked position
Play/pause media through railway column button
Seek in media by modifying input in railway column : valid timecode
Seek in media by modifying input in railway column : timecode exceeding video length
user story
Open and modify annotated media properties
Open media pannel
Media pannel : navigate paginated list
Media pannel : change media (same media platform)
Media pannel : change media (different media platform)
Media pannel : create a new media
Create a new media
Navigate paginated list
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : youtube
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : vimeo
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : facebook
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : soundcloud
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : dailymotion
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : mp4 video
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : local video
Play+pause(+seek) in native media player : local audio
user story
Check all nav buttons are behaving properly
Check guided tour
Edit composition properties
Export composition to HTML page
Export composition to HTML clipboard
Search an excerpt
Change excerpts field display
Set media filter
Set tag category filter
Set tag filter
Navigate excerpts pagination
Add all matching excerpts to composition
Excerpt : click on "edit excerpt"
Excerpt : right-click > add at begining of composition
Excerpt : right-click > add at end of composition
Excerpt : right-click > add all excerpts from same media
Excerpt : right-click > edit media excerpts
Dnd excerpt to composition summary in right column
Dnd existing excerpt to composition summary in right column : should refuse and explain
Unlink composition block
Move composition block by dnd
Move composition block by clicking on arrows
Composition block edition : change displayed field
Composition block edition : Add link to composition block
Composition block edition : Add markdown content to composition block
Composition block edition : Add image gallery to composition block
Composition block : right click > move to begining of composition
Composition block : right click > move to end of composition
Composition block : right click > reorder excerpts by media
Composition block : right click > delete all composition blocks