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How to Build a Token Server for Agora Applications using NodeJS

Security within video chat applications is a hot topic at the moment. As remote working and virtual events become more prolific, the need for security will increase.

Within the Agora Platform, one layer of security comes in the form of token authentication. A token, for those of you that don't know, is a dynamic key that is generated using a set of given inputs. Agora's Platform uses tokens to authenticate users.

Agora offers token security for both its RTC and RTM SDKs. This guide will explain how to build a simple microservice using NodeJS and Express to generate an Agora RTC token. The example can easily be adapted to include an RTM token as it follows a similar pattern.


  • A basic understanding of JavaScript ES6, NodeJS, and NPM (minimal knowledge needed)
  • An understanding of how express web servers function
  • (minimal knowledge needed)
  • An Agora Developer Account (see: How To Get Started with Agora)

Project Setup

To start our project we’ll create a new folder and open a terminal window at this folder. In the terminal, we’ll run npm init to set up the node project. The create project prompt will appear. I used the default settings, but feel free to customize this portion.

Now that the project has been created, we can add our NPM dependencies (express and agora-access-token) using:

npm install express
npm install agora-access-token

Build the Express server

Now that the project is set up, open the folder in your favorite code editor. Looking at the package.json, you’ll notice that the entry file is index.js but this file doesn’t exist in our project so we’ll have to create a new file and name it index.js.

Within the index.js we’ll start by requiring our modules. From express, we’ll need the express object and from agora-access-token we’ll leverage ES6's destructuring assignments to extract references to the RtcTokenBuilder and RtcRole objects.

const express = require('express');
const {RtcTokenBuilder, RtcRole} = require('agora-access-token');

Let’s define constants for the PORT number we’re gonna use to listen for requests, I like to use 8080. We’ll also define constants for our Agora AppID and AppCertificate, I like to use environment variables so we aren’t exposing these values in our code but you can also set these values as Strings containing your respective Agora keys.

const PORT = 8080;
const APP_ID = process.env.APP_ID;

Next we’ll define our app constant that will instantiate our Express object and allow us to set up our server.

const app = express();

Before we can set up the GET endpoint for our Express server, we’ll need to define the functions that are invoked when the endpoint is accessed. The first function (nocache) will apply the response headers, that force the browser to never cache the response so we ensure we always get a fresh token. You’ll notice we call the next() method at the end because this function is a middleware function which is the first in the series so we need to call next() let Express know to continue to the next middleware function in the series.

const nocache = (req, resp, next) => {
  resp.header('Cache-Control', 'private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
  resp.header('Expires', '-1');
  resp.header('Pragma', 'no-cache');

The second function (generateAccessToken) will handle the request and return the JSON response. We’ll define the function for now and add the body once we finish setting up the Express server. This is the last function in the series so we don’t need the next parameter/function.

const generateAccessToken = (req, resp) => { };

Let’s define a GET endpoint, passing in the nochache and generateAccessToken functions.

app.get('/access_token', nocache, generateAccessToken);

As the last step for creating our Express server, we’ll implement the .listen() method and pass in the PORT and a callback once the server is ready and listening on the given port.

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Listening on port: ${PORT}`);

Generate the Agora Token

Now that we have our Express server setup, we are ready to add the functionality to the generateAccessToken function. We’ll start by setting the response header to ensure we don’t run into any CORS issues.

resp.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');

Get the Query Parameters

Next we’ll check for the channelName query parameter. This is a required parameter so if channelName is undefined we need to return an error with a 500 response code and a JSON object with the error.

const channelName = req.query.channelName;
if (!channelName) {
  return resp.status(500).json({ 'error': 'channel is required' });

The next couple of parameters (uid, role, expirationTime) are not required so we’ll assign default values as needed.

For the uid we’ll set the default value to 0, which allows us to generate a “wildcard” token that can be used to join the given channel with any uid. This is only appropriate for use in low security situations (or during development), where it’s ok for all the users to share a single token.

An example of a low-security situation is live broadcast where anyone can join and watch as an audience member.

For the role, we’ll default each user to be a SUBSCRIBER and only check if the request passes a value of publisher, otherwise any other value can be ignored.

Please Note: Only privilege is enforced by the Agora Platform by default. This is the join channel privilege, to enable the enforcement of other privileges you will need to make a request through Agora Support.

For the expirationTime we’ll default to 3600 seconds which gives the user an hour to join the channel before the privilege expires. One thing to note about expiration time is the token’s privilege lifetime needs to be an integer that represents the time since Jan 1, 1970. We’ll use the current time and add our expiration time to it.

  // get uid 
  let uid = req.query.uid;
  if(!uid || uid == '') {
    uid = 0;
  // get role
  let role = RtcRole.SUBSCRIBER;
  if (req.query.role == 'publisher') {
    role = RtcRole.PUBLISHER;
  // get the expire time
  let expireTime = req.query.expireTime;
  if (!expireTime || expireTime == '') {
    expireTime = 3600;
  } else {
    expireTime = parseInt(expireTime, 10);
  // calculate privilege expire time
  const currentTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
  const privilegeExpireTime = currentTime + expireTime;

Build the Token

Now that we have all our elements for our token we are ready to use the RtcTokenBuilder object’s buildTokenWithUid to generate our token.

const token = RtcTokenBuilder.buildTokenWithUid(APP_ID, APP_CERTIFICATE, channelName, uid, role, privilegeExpireTime);

Return the Response

The last step in generating our token is returning the JSON response that contains the token.

return resp.json({ 'token': token });

Test the Token Server

Let’s go back to our package.json and add a “start” command within the “scripts” object. The start command will execute the “node index.js” command so we can run our server instance.

"scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "start": "node index.js"

Start the server

Let’s go back to our command prompt window and use our new command:

npm start

Once the server instance is listening we’ll see our “Listening on port: 8080” within our terminal window.

Test the endpoint

Now that our server instance is running, let’s open our web browser and test. For these tests we’ll try a few variations that omit various query params.

We’ll start by omitting all query params:


This will display:

{"error":"channel is required"}

Next we’ll pass “test” as the channelName:


This will output a token that can be used by any user.


We can continue testing with the rest of the query params and we’ll get a similar response as above.



And just like that we are done! In-case you weren’t coding along or want to see the finished product all together, I have uploaded all the code to GitHub:

Thanks for taking the time to read my tutorial and if you have any questions please let me know with a comment. If you see any room for improvement feel free to fork the repo and make a pull request!

Other Resources

For more information about the Tokens for applications, please take look at the Set up Authentication guide and Agora Advanced Guide: How to build a Token(NodeJS).

I also invite you to join the Developer Slack community.