(see also devices page for more on hardware with built-in support)
libemqtt - an embedded C client
my-mqtt4erl - updated fork of mqtt4erl
Xenqtt Includes a client library, mock broker for unit/integration testing, and applications to support enterprise needs like using a cluster of servers as a single client, an HTTP gateway, etc.
IA92 - deprecated IBM IA92 support pack, use Eclipse Paho GUI client instead. A useful MQTT Java swing GUI for publishing & subscribing. The Eclipse Paho GUI is identical but uses newer client code
IBM-provided PhoneGap / Apache Cordova MQTT plug-in for Android - JavaScript API is identical to Eclipse Paho HTML5 JavaScript
Ascoltatori - a node.js pub/sub library that allows access to Redis, AMQP, MQTT and ZeroMQ with the same API.
libmosquitto - via wrappers (example)
"MA9B" zip of 1/2 dozen mobile clients source code including Objective-C
Eclipse Paho Python - originally the mosquitto Python client