The service consists of two apps:
- RentSearcher.Crawler - app checking boards (only for now) for new listings, parses it and passes new findings data to a queue
- TelegramMessageListener - implements Telegram interaction, sending updates to chats where the bot has been added, processes user interactions.
Service is intended to be deployed to Azure cloud, utilizing Azure Functions as a serverless compute platform Service dependences are:
- Azure Storage account, which needs to be configured as "AzureStorageConnectionString" configuration value for both functions.
- Telegram Bot configured . BotToken should be passed to TelegramMessageListener configuration in "botToken" parameter
- Translator service ( is used to translate texts from Czech to Russian. It's connection key is configured as "TranslationServiceKey" property in Telegram function.
- Telegram interaction initialization requires to have AzF App Key as a configuration value as well, so it needs to be configured and placed to "apiKey" config value
- After functions deployment, Init HTTP endpoint should be called to configure Telegram integration properly.