The user that creates the data specifies the desired policy properties. He/She also has default policies
that are applied for the missing values. For 3rd party services to operate on the keys, they should have access on them
which is defined by the user through the objShare
property and they also have to state the purpose of their query, otherwise
a default purpose is applied based on their generic configuration file.
- query(put("2", "VALUE_2"))&objPur("analytics") & objOrig("") & objShare("3p_pub_key_0") & objObjections("advertising")
- query(get("2")) & sessionKeyIs("3p_pub_key") & objPurIs("analytics")
The user/3p-service can explicitly specify to filter out expired entrier.
However, for generality, if the user specifies the expire time placeholder in the configuration
with the value check
, the expiration check is applied implicitly on every query.
For performance reasons, the background operation for deleting stale entries runs at a configurable interval.
An example of such a config is shown here.
- query(get("2")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key") & le(time(), objExpT("2"))
- query(delete("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key") & gt(time(), objExpIs("2015-05-16T05:50:06"))
The owner or an authorized user can use the getm
query operation to retrieve the GDPR metadata
either related to a specific key or based on a set of predicates.
- query(getm(k)) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key")
- query(getm("__GDPRuler_metadata")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key") & objPurIs("analytics") & ...
A user can request and retrieve all his data with the use of the "__GDPRuler_data"
placeholder in a get query.
Additionally, one can update the KV pairs normally provided there are access privileges.
- query(get("2")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key")
- query(get("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key")
- query(put("2", "VALUE_2")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key")
Users can request the deletion of all their data.
- query(delete("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key")
The list of objections is examined in every query for data that have to be used by a 3rd party for a specific purpose. A 3rd-party can also explicitly filter out the data that disallow processing for a specific purpose.
- query(get("2")) & sessionKeyIs("3p_pub_key") & objPurIs("analytics") & !objObjectionsIs("analytics")
- query(get("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("3p_pub_key") & objPurIs("analytics") & !objObjectionsIs("analytics")
Can be deducted through #5 and #21 predicates.
Data is accessible only from users with the required access rights.
They are declared through the objShare
property of the policy of each key defined by the data owner.
- query(get("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
- query(put("2", "VALUE_2")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
- query(delete("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
Only authorized users can access the data.
- query(get("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
- query(put("2", "VALUE_2")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
- query(delete("__GDPRuler_data")) & sessionKeyIs("auth_user_pub_key", "auth_user2_pub_key", ...)
Instruct GDPRuler to monitor a value (if the setting is not the default):
- query(putm("1")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key") & monitor("true")
- query(getLogs("__regulator_log")) & sessionKeyIs("owner_pub_key") & objOwnerIs("owner_pub_key")
- Encryption of the data, metadata and logs
- Secure execution environment (e.g., SEV)
Get the logs for a unique key or based on a set of predicates. Here is an example for the log of a single key and a specified user's data:
- query(getLogs("1")) & sessionKeyIs("regulator_key")
- query(getLogs("__regulator_log")) & sessionKeyIs("regulator_key") & objOwnerIs("owner_pub_key")
- Add parameter for metadata update to choose if a user wants to replace or append options. Currently only append is supported.