Kanboard use the Markdown syntax to write comments or task descriptions. Here are some examples:
- Bold text: Use 2 asterisks or 2 underscores
- Italic text: Use 1 asterisk or 1 underscore
This **word** is very __important__.
And here, an *italic* word with one _underscore_.
This word is very important.
And here, an italic word with one underscore.
Unordered list can use asterisks, minuses or pluses.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Ordered lists are prefixed by a number like that:
1. Do that first
2. Do this
3. And that
- Do that first
- Do this
- And that
[My link title](http://kanboard.net/)
Use a backtick.
Execute this command: `tail -f /var/log/messages`.
Execute this command: tail -f /var/log/messages
Use 3 backticks with eventually the language name.
# Title level 1
## Title level 2
### Title level 3