The repository of the Face Recognition TFjS article on deploying models.
To start, you will require
- Chrome Web Server
- Brackets (or any other editor) if you want to play with code (optional)
Please download the repository before doing this
- Go to Web Server for Chrome
- Install the web server, and open it.
- Press the CHOOSE FOLDER button and select the folder in which you have the files of the repository.
- Press the link in the Web Server application (for example
- Select the facerecgn.html file to see the demo
- Go to the brackets website
- Select platform and download
- Configure and use.
As soon as you complete downloading the repo files and Chrome Web Server, you will have the facerecgn.html file open
- After you permit Webcam access, please enter names in the three input fields and submit them.
- With that, you can start adding images to the dataset by first ensuring that (only that) person is seen in the webcam, and then press on his/her name's button.
- Repeat till you have about 50 pictures of all three people.
- Now, open the console by going to the three dots in the top right of your Chrome window, hover on More tools and then press Developer tools.
- Now you can press the Train Network button. You should see the losses being printed in the console after some time.
- After Training over. You are good to go is printed in the console, you can press Start Predicting, and see the predictions.