This is a very simple client for the Twitter streaming api. It will connect to the streaming api filter call and save id, created_at and text for all of the received tweets to a given directory.
This project uses Maven as its build tool. In order to build the client the easiest thing to do is to run
mvn assembly:assembly
This will build an uber jar with all the dependencies in the target
You will need to create a file in the directory that you're going to launch the client from with your Twitter API credentials. This client uses Twitter4J library, so see the configuration page there for more details.
Launch the client using the command
java -jar twitter-client-0.1-with-dependencies.jar <search string> <directory>
it will launch the client and return tweets that match the search string. It will put JSON formatted strings into files in the given directory. The client currently just saves the id, created_at and text of the tweets.