diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/basin2ascii_tollgate.pro b/scripts/tollgate/basin2ascii_tollgate.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db8560e7..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/basin2ascii_tollgate.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-pro basin2ascii_tollgate
-; used to make hourly forcing data for all sub-basins above tollgate
-; define variables for the basin
-cVars_bas = ['pptrate','SWRadAtm','LWRadAtm','airtemp','windspd','airpres','spechum']
-nVars_bas = n_elements(cVars_bas)
-; define the data path
-data_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
-; define basin filename
-filenm_bas = data_path + 'grid2basin_tollgate.nc'
-; open files
-nc_bas = ncdf_open(filenm_bas, /nowrite)
- ; get the basin vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'basin')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, ixHRU
- nBasins = n_elements(ixHRU)
- ; get the time vector
- djulian_bas = call_function('exTime',nc_bas)
- nTime = n_elements(djulian_bas)
- ; define array for all variables
- datArray = dblarr(nVars_bas,nTime)
- ; get the year/month/day of the station data
- ; NOTE small offset to ensure hour 0 is the first day
- caldat, djulian_bas+0.00001d, jm, jd, jyyy, jh, jmin
- ; loop through basins
- for iBas=0,nBasins-1 do begin
- ; define ASCII file for the basin data
- filenm_ASCII = data_path + 'tollgateASCII/basinForcing.' + strtrim(string(ixHRU[iBas],format='(i4.4)'),2) + '.txt'
- print, 'filenm_ASCII = ', filenm_ASCII
- ; open file for writing
- openw, out_unit, filenm_ASCII, /get_lun
- ; loop through variables
- for iVar=0,nVars_bas-1 do begin
- ; get data for given variable
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,cVars_bas[iVar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, xData, offset=[ibas,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; populate data vector
- datArray[iVar,*] = xData[0,*]
- endfor ; looping through variables
- ; write data
- for iTime=0,nTime-1 do begin
- ;print, jyyy[iTime], jm[iTime], jd[iTime], jh[iTime], jmin[iTime], 0.d, datArray[*,iTime], format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
- printf, out_unit, jyyy[iTime], jm[iTime], jd[iTime], jh[iTime], jmin[iTime], 0.d, datArray[*,iTime], format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
- endfor
- ; free up the file unit
- free_lun, out_unit
- endfor ; looping through basins
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_bas
-function exTime, nc_file
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'days') then aoff=1.d
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- return, bjulian + atime*aoff
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/daily2hourly_daymet.pro b/scripts/tollgate/daily2hourly_daymet.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index aa80abfaa..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/daily2hourly_daymet.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-pro daily2hourly_daymet
-; used to make hourly forcing data for all sub-basins above tollgate
-; define the data path
-data_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
-; define basin filename
-filenm_bas = data_path + 'tollgateBasin_daily.nc'
-; define station filename
-filenm_stn = data_path + 'RME_forcing.nc'
-; define desired variables in the station data
-cDesire = ['pptrate','SWRadAtm','LWRadAtm','airtemp','windspd','airpres','spechum']
-; define the hourly time step
-dt_hour = 3600.d
-; define the index of the desired site
-iStn = 0
-; open files
-nc_bas = ncdf_open(filenm_bas, /nowrite)
-nc_stn = ncdf_open(filenm_stn, /nowrite)
- ; get the time vectors
- djulian_bas = call_function('exTime',nc_bas)
- djulian_stn = call_function('exTime',nc_stn)
- ; get the year/month/day of the station data
- ; NOTE small offset to ensure hour 0 is the first day
- caldat, djulian_stn-0.00001d, jm, jd, jyyy, jh, jmin
- ; get the basin vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'basin')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, idBasin
- ; get the basin elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'basinElev')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, basinElev
- ; compute atmospheric pressure (Pa)
- presSpatial = 101325.d * ( (293.d - 0.0065d * basinElev) / 293.d )^5.256d
- ; loop through basins
- for iBas=0,n_elements(idBasin)-1 do begin
- ; define ASCII file for the basin data
- filenm_ASCII = data_path + 'hourlyAscii/basinForcing.' + strtrim(string(idBasin[iBas],format='(i4.4)'),2) + '.txt'
- print, 'filenm_ASCII = ', filenm_ASCII
- ; open up the ASCII file for writing
- openw, out_unit, filenm_ASCII, /get_lun
- ; loop through the basin time series
- for iTime=1369,n_elements(djulian_bas)-1 do begin
- ; get the time for the basin data
- caldat, djulian_bas[iTime], im, id, iyyy
- if(iyyy eq 2008 and im eq 10)then break
- ; identify overlap with the station data
- iMatch = where(iyyy eq jyyy and im eq jm and id eq jd, nMatch)
- if(nMatch gt 0)then begin
- ; check
- ;print, im, id, iyyy, nMatch
- if(nMatch ne 24)then stop, 'expect 24 matches'
- ; loop through the variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(cDesire)-1 do begin
- ; read the station data subset
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_stn,cDesire[ivar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_stn, ivar_id, stnData, offset=[iStn,iMatch[0]], count=[1,24]
- ; identify variable
- case cDesire[ivar] of
- ; *
- ; ** process precipitation...
- ; ***************************
- 'pptrate': begin
- ; read the total daily precipitation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'prcp')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, prcp, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; get the daily total
- xTotal = total(stnData)
- ;print, 'prcp, xTotal = ', prcp, xTotal
- ; get the ratio of hourly precip to daily total
- if(xTotal*86400.d gt 0.01d)then begin ; > 0.01 mm/day
- xRatio = reform(stnData)/xTotal
- endif else begin
- xRatio = replicate(1.d/24.d, 24)
- endelse
- ; get the basin sw radiation
- prcpBasin = xRatio*prcp/dt_hour
- ;print, 'prcpBasin = ', prcpBasin
- end ; precip
- ; *
- ; ** process sw radiation...
- ; **************************
- 'SWRadAtm': begin
- ; read the average sw radiation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'srad')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, srad, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; read the day length
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'dayl')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, dayl, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; get the total radiation (J m-2)
- tRad = sRad*dayl
- ; get the ratio of hourly radiation to daily total
- xRatio = reform(stnData)/total(stnData)
- ; get the basin sw radiation
- sRadBasin = xRatio*tRad/dt_hour
- ;print, 'sRadBasin = ', sRadBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.0,1x))'
- end ; sw radiation
- ; *
- ; ** process sw radiation...
- ; **************************
- 'LWRadAtm': begin
- ; just do a direct copy for now (no DayMet data)
- lRadBasin = reform(stnData)
- ;print, 'lRadBasin = ', lRadBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.0,1x))'
- end ; lw radiation
- ; *
- ; ** process air temperature...
- ; *****************************
- 'airtemp': begin
- ; read in maximum temperature
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'tmax')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, tmax, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; read in minimum temperature
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'tmin')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, tmin, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; get the average temperature (deg C --> K)
- tavg = 0.5d*(tmax + tmin) + 273.16
- ;print, 'tmax, tmin, tavg = ', tmax, tmin, tavg
- ; get the temperature anomalies
- xDiff = reform(stnData) - mean(stnData)
- ;print, 'xDiff = ', xDiff, format='(a,1x,24(f7.4,1x))'
- ; add the anomalies to the mean value
- tavgBasin = tavg + xDiff
- ;print, 'tavgBasin = ', tavgBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.2,1x))'
- end ; average temperature
- ; *
- ; ** process wind speed...
- ; ************************
- 'windspd': begin
- ; just do a direct copy for now (no DayMet data)
- windBasin = reform(stnData)
- ;print, 'windBasin = ', windBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.4,1x))'
- end ; wind speed
- ; *
- ; ** process air pressure...
- ; *******************************
- 'airpres': begin
- ; just use temporal constant (function of elevation)
- presBasin = replicate(presSpatial[ibas],24)
- ;print, 'presBasin = ', presBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.0,1x))'
- end ; air pressure
- ; *
- ; ** process specific humidity...
- ; *******************************
- 'spechum': begin
- ; read in vapor pressure (Pa)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'vp')
- ncdf_varget, nc_bas, ivar_id, vp, offset=[iBas,iTime], count=[1,1]
- ; compute the saturated vapor pressure (Pa)
- svpFrz = 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
- tavgC = tavg - 273.16d ; temperature (degrees C)
- svp = svpFrz * exp( (17.27d * tavgC) / (237.30d + tavgC) ) ; Saturated Vapour Press (Pa)
- ; compute the relative humidity
- ; NOTE: rh constant over the day
- rh = min([vp/svp, 1.d])*100.d
- ; compute the specific humidity for each hour
- shumBasin =dblarr(24)
- for iHour=0,23 do begin
- td = call_function('RLHUM2DEWPT',tavgBasin[iHour],rh) ; dewpoint temperature
- shumBasin[iHour] = call_function('DEWPT2SPHM',td,presBasin[iHour])
- endfor
- ;print, 'shumBasin = ', shumBasin, format='(a,1x,24(f7.4,1x))'
- end ; specific humidity
- ; *
- ; ** check that we got everything...
- ; **********************************
- else: stop, 'unable to identify the desired variable'
- endcase ; idenitifying the desired variable
- endfor ; looping through the variables
- ; write data
- for iHour=0,23 do begin
- vData = [prcpBasin[iHour], sradBasin[iHour], lradBasin[iHour], tavgBasin[iHour], windBasin[iHour], presBasin[iHour], shumBasin[iHour]]
- ;print, iyyy, im, id, iHour, 0, 0.d, vData, format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
- printf, out_unit, iyyy, im, id, iHour, 0, 0.d, vData, format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
- endfor
- endif ; if there is a data match
- endfor ; looping through the basin time series
- ; free up the ASCII unit
- free_lun, out_unit
- ;stop, 'finished basin'
- endfor ; looping through the basins
-; close netcdf files
-ncdf_close, nc_bas
-ncdf_close, nc_stn
-function exTime, nc_file
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'days') then aoff=1.d
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- return, bjulian + atime*aoff
-; Compute Dewpoint temperature from Relative Humidity
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPSAT = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*(T-TFREEZE)) / (237.30 + (T-TFREEZE)) ) ; sat vapor press at grid cell (Pa)
-TDCEL = 237.30 * ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) / $ ; dewpoint temperature (C)
- (17.27 - ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) )
-return, TDCEL + TFREEZE
-; Compute specific humidity from dewpoint temp with respect to water
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; VPAIR is the current vapor pressure as it used dewpoint to compute staurated VP
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPAIR = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*TDCEL) / (237.30 + TDCEL) ) ; Vapour Press (Pa)
-return, (VPAIR * W_RATIO)/(PRESS - (1.-W_RATIO)*VPAIR) ; Specific humidity (g/g)
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/daymet2basin_daily.pro b/scripts/tollgate/daymet2basin_daily.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 52237aa5b..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/daymet2basin_daily.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-pro daymet2basin_daily
-; used to interpolate daymet data (daily time step) to sub-basins
-; *****
-; *****************************************************
-; declare network topology file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Reynolds_Network_Topology.nc'
-print, filenm
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get the hruid
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'hruid')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ixHRU
- ; get the upstream area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Elev_Avg')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Elev_Avg
- ; get the index of the downstream segment
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Basin_Area')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Basin_Area
-; close file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; *******************************************************
-; declare network topology file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Correspondence.nc'
-print, filenm
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get the id of each polygon
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'polyid')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, polyid
- ; get the number of grid overlaps
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'overlaps')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, noverlap
- ; get the i-index
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'i_index')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, daymet_i
- ; get the j-index
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'j_index')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, daymet_j
- ; get the weight
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'weight')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, weight
-; close file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; define the number of basins
-nBasins = n_elements(polyid)
-; define basin elev and area
-basinElev = dblarr(nBasins)
-basinArea = dblarr(nBasins)
-; put area and elevation data into the polygon array
-for iRch=0,n_elements(Basin_Area)-1 do begin
- iMatch = where(ixHRU[iRch] eq polyid, nMatch)
- if(nMatch eq 1)then begin
- basinElev[iMatch] = Elev_Avg[iRch]
- basinArea[iMatch] = Basin_Area[iRch]
- endif
-; *****
-; *****************************************
-; define variables
-cDesire = ['prcp','tmax','tmin','srad','dayl','vp']
-; define variable names
-cVarName = ['Precipitation','Maximum temperature','Minimum temperature','Daylight average shortwave radiation','Day length','Vapor pressure']
-; define units
-cVarUnits = ['mm/day','degrees C','degrees C','W/m2','s','Pa']
-; get the number of basins
-nBasins = n_elements(polyid)
-; define the NetCDF file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/tollgateBasin_daily.nc'
-; create the NetCDF file
-nc_file = ncdf_create(filenm, /clobber)
- ; define the number of basins
- ibas_id = ncdf_dimdef(nc_file,'basin',nBasins)
- ; define the number of time steps
- itim_id = ncdf_dimdef(nc_file,'time',/unlimited)
- ; define coordinate variable for the basin
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basin', [ibas_id], /long)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin index'
- ; define coordinate variable for time
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'time', [itim_id], /long)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'time since time reference'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', 'days since 1980-1-1 0:0:0.0 -0:00'
- ; define data variable for the basin elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basinElev',[ibas_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin elevation'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', 'm'
- ; define data variable for the basin area
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basinArea',[ibas_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin area'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', 'm2'
- ; define data variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(cDesire)-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,cDesire[ivar], [ibas_id, itim_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', cVarName[ivar]
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', cVarUnits[ivar]
- endfor
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; *************************************
-; define desired date range
-iy1 = 1980
-iy2 = 2013
-; define the path to the daymet files
-daymet_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/DayMet_Tile_11912/'
-; define number of days in daymet
-nDays = 365 ; note: daymet does not have leap years (correct later)
-; define the number of leap years
-nLeap = 0
-; open the NetCDF file for the basin data
-nc_basin = ncdf_open(filenm, /write)
- ; loop through the years
- for iyear=iy1,iy2 do begin
- ; identify the leap year
- if( (399+(iyear mod 400))/400 - (3+(iyear mod 4))/4 eq 1 or iyear eq 2000)then iLeap=1 else iLeap=0
- ; define time offset for data write
- ixTime = (iyear - iy1)*nDays + nLeap ; increment leap year later
- print, ixTime, iLeap, nLeap
- ; increment leap year
- ; NOTE: this must be done before defining the time offset
- if(iLeap eq 1)then nLeap = nLeap + 1
- ; loop through desired variables
- for iDesire=0,n_elements(cDesire)-1 do begin
- ; define the daymet file
- daymet_file = daymet_path + cDesire[iDesire] + '_' + strtrim(iyear,2) + '.nc'
- print, 'daymet_file = ', daymet_file
- ; open up the NetCDF file for the daymet data
- nc_daymet = ncdf_open(daymet_file, /nowrite)
- ; loop through basins
- for iBas=0,nBasins-1 do begin
- ; define the basin data
- bData = replicate(0.d, nDays)
- ; check that the weights sum to 1
- sWeight = total(weight[0:nOverlap[ibas]-1,ibas])
- if(abs(1.d - sWeight) gt 0.001d)then stop, 'weights do not sum to one'
- ; loop through the desired grid points
- for ixOverlap=0,nOverlap[iBas]-1 do begin
- ; get the x and y indices for the daymet grid
- ixDaymet = daymet_i[ixOverlap,ibas]-1
- jyDaymet = daymet_j[ixOverlap,ibas]-1
- ;print, ixDaymet, jyDaymet
- ; get the data
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_daymet,cDesire[iDesire])
- ncdf_varget, nc_daymet, ivar_id, xData, offset=[ixDaymet,jyDaymet,0], count=[1,1,nDays]
- ; add data to bdata
- bData[*] = bData[*] + xData[0,0,*]*weight[ixOverlap,ibas]
- endfor ; looping through overlapping gridpoints
- ; NOTE: dec 31 discarded in leap years -- use persistence
- if(iLeap eq 1)then bData = temporary([bData[0:nDays-1],bData[nDays-1]])
- ; write basin coordinate
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_basin,'basin')
- ncdf_varput, nc_basin, ivar_id, polyid[ibas], offset=[ibas], count=[1]
- ; write basin elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_basin,'basinElev')
- ncdf_varput, nc_basin, ivar_id, basinElev[ibas], offset=[ibas], count=[1]
- ; write basin area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_basin,'basinArea')
- ncdf_varput, nc_basin, ivar_id, basinArea[ibas], offset=[ibas], count=[1]
- ; write time coordinate
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_basin,'time')
- ncdf_varput, nc_basin, ivar_id, indgen(nDays+iLeap)+ixTime, offset=[ixtime], count=[nDays+iLeap]
- ; write data to the output file
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_basin,cDesire[iDesire])
- ncdf_varput, nc_basin, ivar_id, bData, offset=[ibas,ixTime], count=[1,nDays+iLeap]
- endfor ; looping through basins
- ; close the Daymet file
- ncdf_close, nc_daymet
- endfor ; looping through desired variables
- endfor ; looping through the years
-; close the basin NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_basin
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/forcing_RME.pro b/scripts/tollgate/forcing_RME.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index aebd5b262..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/forcing_RME.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-pro forcing_RME
-; *****
-; *****************************
-; define netcdf filename
-filename_netcdf = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/RME_forcing.nc'
-; define variable names
-varnames = [$
- 'pptrate', $ ; precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
- 'SWRadAtm', $ ; downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
- 'LWRadAtm', $ ; downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
- 'airtemp', $ ; air temperature (K)
- 'windspd', $ ; wind speed (m/s)
- 'airpres', $ ; pressure (Pa)
- 'spechum'] ; specific humidity (g/g)
-; define variable descriptions
-var_desc = [$
- 'precipitation rate', $
- 'downwelling shortwave radiaiton', $
- 'downwelling longwave radiation', $
- 'air temperature', $
- 'wind speed', $
- 'air pressure', $
- 'specific humidity']
-; define the units
-var_unit = [$
- 'kg m-2 s-1', $
- 'W m-2', $
- 'W m-2', $
- 'K', $
- 'm s-1', $
- 'Pa', $
- 'g g-1']
-; define station names
-stn_names = ['met_sheltered','met_exposed']
-nSta = n_elements(stn_names)
-; define the base julian day
-iy_start = 1983
-im_start = 10
-id_start = 1
-bjulian = julday(im_start,id_start,iy_start,0,0,0.d)
-unittxt = 'seconds since '+strtrim(iy_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(im_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(id_start,2)+' 0:0:0.0 -0:00'
-; define file
-file_id = ncdf_create(strtrim(filename_netcdf,2), /clobber)
- ; define length of string
- str_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'stringLength', 30)
- ; define station dimension
- stn_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'station', nSta)
- ; define time dimension
- time_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'time', /unlimited)
- ; define the station variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'station', [str_id,stn_id], /char)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station name'
- ; define the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'time', time_id, /double)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', unittxt, /char
- ; define other variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(varnames)-1 do begin
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, varnames[ivar], [stn_id, time_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', strtrim(var_desc[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', strtrim(var_unit[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, '_FillValue', -9999., /float
- endfor
- ; end control
- ncdf_control, file_id, /endef
-; close the netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ****************************
-; open netcdf file for writing
-file_id = ncdf_open(filename_netcdf, /write)
-; define constants
-Tfreeze = 273.16
-; define desired variables
-cdesire = ['CORR', '%Snow', 'Ta', 'RH', 'DPT', 'Tg30', 'ws', 'Si', 'Ii']
-ndesire = n_elements(cdesire)
-print, cdesire
-; define directory
-; define site names
-; define elevations
-; define a line of character data
-; loop through sites
-for isite=0,1 do begin
- ; populate station name
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'station')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, strtrim(stn_names[isite],2), offset=[0,isite], count=[strlen(strtrim(stn_names[isite],2)),1]
- ; define pressure (constant, Pa)
- apres = 101325. * ( (293.-0.0065*elevsite[isite]) / 293. )^5.256
- ; get precipitation and met filenames
- ppt_filename=datapath + 'ppt_' + sitename[isite] + '.txt'
- met_filename=datapath + 'met_' + sitename[isite] + '.txt'
- ; get number of lines in the file
- nlines_ppt = file_lines(ppt_filename)-1
- nlines_met = file_lines(ppt_filename)-1
- if(nlines_ppt ne nlines_met)then stop, 'number of lines do not match'
- ; define data array
- idate = intarr(5,nlines_ppt)
- adata = fltarr(ndesire,nlines_ppt)
- ; define the data path
- data_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
- ; open output file for writing
- openw, out_unit, data_path + 'forcing_' + sitename[isite] + '.txt', /get_lun
- ; open precipitation file for reading
- openr, ppt_unit, ppt_filename, /get_lun
- ; open meteorological file for reading
- openr, met_unit, met_filename, /get_lun
- ; read headers
- readf, ppt_unit, cline_ppt
- readf, met_unit, cline_met
- ; extract headers
- chead_ppt = strsplit(cline_ppt, string(9b), /extract)
- chead_met = strsplit(cline_met, string(9b), /extract)
- ; get number of elements
- nppt = n_elements(chead_ppt)
- nmet = n_elements(chead_met)
- ; define the index in cdesire
- ihead_ppt = intarr(nppt)
- ihead_met = intarr(nmet)
- ; identify the position of the desired data
- for itry=0,nppt-1 do ihead_ppt[itry] = where(strmatch(cdesire,chead_ppt[itry]))
- for itry=0,nmet-1 do ihead_met[itry] = where(strmatch(cdesire,chead_met[itry]))
- ; loop through the lines in the file
- for iline=0,nlines_ppt-1 do begin
- ; read a line of data for precip
- readf, ppt_unit, cline_ppt
- ; extract ppt data into character strings
- cdata_ppt = strsplit(cline_ppt, string(9b), /extract)
- if(n_elements(cdata_ppt) ne nppt)then stop, 'ppt: unexpected number of data elements'
- ; read a line of data for met
- readf, met_unit, cline_met
- ; extract met data into character strings
- cdata_met = strsplit(cline_met, string(9b), /extract)
- if(n_elements(cdata_met) ne nmet)then stop, 'met: unexpected number of data elements'
- ; check that the dates match
- for itry=0,4 do if(cdata_met[itry] ne cdata_ppt[itry])then stop, 'dates do not match'
- ; get date
- idate[0:4,iline] = long(cdata_met[0:4])
- ; put data in desired position
- for ippt=0,nppt-1 do if(ihead_ppt[ippt] ge 0)then adata[ihead_ppt[ippt],iline] = float(cdata_ppt[ippt])
- for imet=0,nmet-1 do if(ihead_met[imet] ge 0)then adata[ihead_met[imet],iline] = float(cdata_met[imet])
- ; print progress
- if(idate[2,iline] eq 1) then print, idate[*,iline]
- ;print, idate[*,iline], adata[*,iline], format='(i4,1x,3(i2,1x),i4,1x,9(f12.5,1x))'
- ;if (iline gt 300) then stop
- ; convert temperature and dewpoint from C to K
- atemp = adata[2,iline] + Tfreeze
- dewpt = adata[4,iline] + Tfreeze
- ; convert relative humidity to percent
- relhm = adata[3,iline]*100.
- ; compute specific humidity
- sphum = call_function('DEWPT2SPHM', dewpt, apres)
- ; convert precipitation from mm/hr to kg m-2 s-1
- aprcp = adata[0,iline]/3600.
- ; print processed data to the output file
- printf, out_unit, idate[4,iline], idate[1:3,iline], 0, 0.d, aprcp, adata[7:8,iline], atemp, adata[6,iline], apres, sphum, $
- adata[1,iline], dewpt, adata[5,iline]+Tfreeze, idate[0,iline], $
- format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3,1x,3(f10.3,1x),i4)'
- ; extract the time information
- iy = idate[4,iline]
- im = idate[1,iline]
- id = idate[2,iline]
- ih = idate[3,iline]
- ; get the julian day
- djulian = julday(im,id,iy,ih,0,0.d)
- ; get the time index
- ix_time = floor((djulian - bjulian)*24.d + 0.5d) - 1L
- ;print, stn_names[ista], ix_time, iy, im, id, ih, format='(a30,1x,i12,1x,i4,1x,3(i2,1x))'
- ; write the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id, 'time')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, double(ix_time+1)*3600.d, offset=ix_time, count=1
- ; get the vector of data
- vData = [aprcp, adata[7:8,iline], atemp, adata[6,iline], apres, sphum]
- ; write data
- for ivar=0,n_elements(varnames)-1 do begin
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,strtrim(varnames[ivar],2))
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, vData[ivar], offset=[isite,ix_time], count=[1,1]
- endfor ; looping through variables
- endfor ; (looping through lines of data)
- free_lun, ppt_unit
- free_lun, met_unit
- free_lun, out_unit
-endfor ; looping through sites
-; close netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; Compute Dewpoint temperature from Relative Humidity
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPSAT = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*(T-TFREEZE)) / (237.30 + (T-TFREEZE)) ) ; sat vapor press at grid cell (Pa)
-TDCEL = 237.30 * ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) / $ ; dewpoint temperature (C)
- (17.27 - ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) )
-return, TDCEL + TFREEZE
-; Compute specific humidity from dewpoint temp with respect to water
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; VPAIR is the current vapor pressure as it used dewpoint to compute staurated VP
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPAIR = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*TDCEL) / (237.30 + TDCEL) ) ; Vapour Press (Pa)
-return, (VPAIR * W_RATIO)/(PRESS - (1.-W_RATIO)*VPAIR) ; Specific humidity (g/g)
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/forcing_tollgate.pro b/scripts/tollgate/forcing_tollgate.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index e2cf95eef..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/forcing_tollgate.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-pro forcing_tollgate
-; used to convert ASCII station data to a NetCDF file
-; *****
-; *******************************
-; define file
-filename = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/stationData/tollgate_station_meta.csv'
-; define line of data
-cLine = ''
-; define number of stations
-nStations = file_lines(filename)-1 ; -1 because of the header
-; define variables
-keyname = strarr(nStations)
-cSite = strarr(nStations)
-stnName = strarr(nStations)
-xCoord = dblarr(nStations)
-yCoord = dblarr(nStations)
-zElev = dblarr(nStations)
-aLat = dblarr(nStations)
-aLon = dblarr(nStations)
-cPOR = strarr(nStations)
-; open file for reading
-openr, in_unit, filename, /get_lun
- ; read header
- readf, in_unit, cLine
- cHead = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nVars)
- ; loop through stations
- for iStation=0,nStations-1 do begin
- ; read metadata
- readf, in_unit, cLine
- cData = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nData)
- if(nData ne nVars)then stop, 'expect nData=nVars'
- ; loop through variables
- for iVar=0,nVars-1 do begin
- ; select variable
- case cHead[iVar] of
- ; process data
- 'keyname': keyname[iStation] = strmid(cData[iVar],0,strpos(cData[iVar],'_'))
- 'site': cSite[iStation] = cData[iVar]
- 'name': stnName[iStation] = cData[iVar]
- 'easting_nad27': xCoord[iStation] = double(cData[iVar])
- 'northing_nad27': yCoord[iStation] = double(cData[iVar])
- 'msl': zElev[iStation] = double(cData[iVar])
- 'latitude_wgs84': aLat[iStation] = double(cData[iVar])
- 'longitude_wgs84': aLon[iStation] = double(cData[iVar])
- 'por': cPOR[iStation] = cData[iVar]
- endcase
- endfor ; looping through variables
- ; print results
- print, keyname[iStation], stnName[iStation], aLat[iStation], aLon[iStation], zElev[iStation], format='(a20,1x,a90,1x,3(f9.3,1x))'
- endfor ; looping through stations
-; free up file unit
-free_lun, in_unit
-; *****
-; *************************
-; define the netcdf filename
-filename_netcdf = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/stationData/tollgate_forcing.nc'
-; define variable names
-varname = ['ppts',$
- 'pptu',$
- 'ppta',$
- 'tmp3',$
- 'hum3',$
- 'vap3',$
- 'dpt3',$
- 'sol',$
- 'wnd3sa',$
- 'wnd3d']
-; define long names
-vardesc = ['Precipitation, Shielded Raingage', $
- 'Precipitation, Unshielded Raingage', $
- 'Precipitation, Hamon 1971 Dual Gage Wind Corrected', $
- 'Air Temperature', $
- 'Relative Humidity', $
- 'Vapor Pressure', $
- 'Dewpoint Temperature', $
- 'Incoming Shortwave Solar Radiation', $
- 'Average Wind Speed', $
- 'Wind Direction']
-; define variable units
-varunit = ['mm/hour', $
- 'mm/hour', $
- 'mm/hour', $
- 'degrees C', $
- 'decimal percent', $
- 'Pa', $
- 'degrees C', $
- 'W/m2', $
- 'm/s', $
- 'degrees from N']
-; define the base julian day
-iy_start = 1983
-im_start = 10
-id_start = 1
-bjulian = julday(im_start,id_start,iy_start,0,0,0.d)
-unittxt = 'seconds since '+strtrim(iy_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(im_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(id_start,2)+' 0:0:0.0 -0:00'
-; define file
-file_id = ncdf_create(strtrim(filename_netcdf,2), /clobber)
- ; define length of string
- str_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'stringLength', 90)
- ; define station dimension
- stn_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'station', nStations)
- ; define time dimension
- time_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'time', /unlimited)
- ; define the station identifier
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'station_key', [str_id,stn_id], /char)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station key'
- ; define the station name
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'station_name', [str_id,stn_id], /char)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station name'
- ; define the station latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'latitude_wgs84', [stn_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station latitude'
- ; define the station latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'longitude_wgs84', [stn_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station longitude'
- ; define the station latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'elevation', [stn_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station elevation'
- ; define the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'time', time_id, /double)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', unittxt, /char
- ; define other variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(varname)-1 do begin
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, varname[ivar], [stn_id, time_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', strtrim(vardesc[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', strtrim(varunit[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, '_FillValue', -9999., /float
- endfor
- ; end control
- ncdf_control, file_id, /endef
-; close the netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; *********************
-; open netcdf file for writing
-file_id = ncdf_open(filename_netcdf, /write)
-; loop through sites
-for iStation=0,nStations-1 do begin
- ; populate station key
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'station_key')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, strtrim(keyname[iStation],2), offset=[0,iStation], count=[strlen(strtrim(keyname[iStation],2)),1]
- ; populate station name
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'station_name')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, strtrim(stnName[iStation],2), offset=[0,iStation], count=[strlen(strtrim(stnName[iStation],2)),1]
- ; populate latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'latitude_wgs84')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, aLat[iStation], offset=[iStation], count=[1]
- ; populate longitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'longitude_wgs84')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, aLon[iStation], offset=[iStation], count=[1]
- ; populate elevation
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'elevation')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, zElev[iStation], offset=[iStation], count=[1]
-endfor ; looping through stations
-; close netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ****************************
-; define the number of variables in the NetCDF file
-nVars = n_elements(varname)
-; define variable
-cVar = ['met','ppt']
-; define file path
-filepath_ascii = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/stationData/'
-; open netcdf file for writing
-file_id = ncdf_open(filename_netcdf, /write)
-; loop through stations
-for iStation=0,nStations-1 do begin
- ; loop through variables
- for iVar=0,1 do begin
- ; define station name
- filename_ascii = filepath_ascii + cVar[iVar] + '/' + strtrim(keyname[iStation],2) + '_' + cVar[iVar] + '.dat'
- ; open file for reading
- openr, in_unit, filename_ascii, /get_lun
- ; get number of lines in the file
- nlines = file_lines(filename_ascii)
- ; loop through lines in the file
- for iLine = 0,nLines-1 do begin
- ; read a line of data
- readf, in_unit, cLine
- ; check that the line is a data line
- if(strmid(cLine,0,1) eq '#')then continue
- ; get the header
- if(stregex(cLine, '^[0123456789]',/boolean) eq 0)then begin
- cHead = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nData)
- continue
- endif
- ; extract the data
- cData = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nVals)
- if(nVals ne nData)then stop, 'expect nData elements'
- ; initialize precip data
- ppts = -9999.d
- pptu = -9999.d
- ppta = -9999.d
- ; extract met data
- tmp3 = -9999.d
- hum3 = -9999.d
- vap3 = -9999.d
- dpt3 = -9999.d
- sol = -9999.d
- wnd3sa = -9999.d
- wnd3d = -9999.d
- ; process data
- for iData=0,nData-1 do begin
- ; select case
- case cHead[iData] of
- ; do nothing with some elements
- 'datetime':
- 'wy' :
- 'wd' :
- ; extract time
- 'year' : iyyy = long(cData[iData])
- 'month' : im = long(cData[iData])
- 'day' : id = long(cData[iData])
- 'hour' : ih = long(cData[iData])
- 'minute': imin = long(cData[iData])
- ; extract precip data
- 'ppts' : ppts = double(cData[iData])
- 'pptu' : pptu = double(cData[iData])
- 'ppta' : ppta = double(cData[iData])
- ; extract met data
- 'tmp3' : tmp3 = double(cData[iData])
- 'hum3' : hum3 = double(cData[iData])
- 'vap3' : vap3 = double(cData[iData])
- 'dpt3' : dpt3 = double(cData[iData])
- 'sol' : sol = double(cData[iData])
- 'wnd3sa' : wnd3sa = double(cData[iData])
- 'wnd3d' : wnd3d = double(cData[iData])
- ; check
- else: stop, 'unable to identify data element'
- endcase
- endfor ; looping through data elements
- ; build the data vector
- xData = [ppts, pptu, ppta, tmp3, hum3, vap3, dpt3, sol, wnd3sa, wnd3d]
- ; get the julian day
- djulian = julday(im,id,iyyy,ih,imin,0.d)
- if(djulian le bjulian)then continue
- ; get the time index
- ix_time = floor((djulian - bjulian)*24.d + 0.5d) - 1L
- print, cVar[iVar], iStation, keyname[iStation], ix_time, iyyy, im, id, ih, imin, format='(a3,1x,i2,1x,a30,1x,i12,1x,i4,1x,4(i2,1x))'
- ; write the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id, 'time')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, double(ix_time+1)*3600.d, offset=ix_time, count=1
- ; write the data vector
- for jVar=0,nVars-1 do begin
- if(xData[jVar] gt -500.d)then begin
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,varname[jVar])
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, xData[jVar], offset=[iStation,ix_time], count=[1,1]
- endif
- endfor
- endfor ; end looping through lines in the file
- ; free up a file unit
- free_lun, in_unit
- endfor ; end looping through variables
-endfor ; end looping through stations
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, file_id
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/getLocalAttributes.pro b/scripts/tollgate/getLocalAttributes.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e17fab1..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/getLocalAttributes.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-pro getLocalAttributes
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1500, ys=750, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define x range
-xmin = -1301000.d
-xmax = -1285000.d
-; define y range
-ymin = 190000.d
-ymax = 206000.d
-; define x range
-x1 = xmin + 0.00*(xmax - xmin)
-x2 = xmin + 1.00*(xmax - xmin)
-; define y range
-y1 = ymin + 0.00*(ymax - ymin)
-y2 = ymin + 1.00*(ymax - ymin)
-; *****
-; *********************************************************
-; declare network topology file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Reynolds_Network_Topology.nc'
-print, filenm
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get the hruid
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'hruid')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ixHRU
- ; get the basin area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Basin_Area')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Basin_Area
- ; get the upstream area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'UpArea')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, UpArea
- ; get the average elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Elev_Avg')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Elev_Avg
- ; get the elevation at the downstream end of the stream segment
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'BotElev')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, BotElev
- ; get the index of the downstream segment
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'tosegment')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ixDownstream
-; close file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; define the desired reach
-ixDesire = 281 ; the reach that includes the tollgate gauge
-; define the total area above tollgate
-totalArea = UpArea[ixDesire]
-; define the number of reaches
-nRch = n_elements(UpArea)
-; define the reaches that flow through the tollgate reach
-ixTollgate = intarr(nRch)
-; identify if a given reach is desired
-for iRch=0,nRch-1 do begin
- ; initialize the first downstream reach
- ixTrial = ixDownstream[iRch]
- ; climb down the network and check if we pass through ixDesire
- while(ixTrial ne -1) do begin
- if(ixTrial eq ixDesire+1)then ixTollgate[iRch]=1
- jxTrial = where(ixTrial eq ixHRU, nMatch)
- if(nMatch ne 1)then stop, 'no match'
- ixTrial = ixDownstream[jxTrial[0]]
- endwhile
-endfor ; looping through reaches
-; add ixDesire
-; get the number of basins
-nBasins = total(ixTollgate)
-print, 'botElev = ', botElev[ixDesire]
-print, 'totalArea = ', totalArea + Basin_Area[ixDesire]
-print, 'nBasins = ', nBasins
-; *****
-; **************************************
-; define the header
-; define the file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/tollgate_veg_30m_dat_lcc.txt'
-; open file for reading
-openr, in_unit, filenm, /get_lun
- ; loop through header lines
- for iHead=0,nHead-1 do begin
- ; read header
- readf, in_unit, cHead
- cData = strsplit(cHead,' ',/extract)
- ; extract grid info
- case cData[0] of
- 'ncols': nCols = long(cData[1])
- 'nrows': nRows = long(cData[1])
- 'xllcorner': xll = float(cData[1])
- 'yllcorner': yll = float(cData[1])
- 'cellsize': cSize = float(cData[1])
- 'NODATA_value': ixMissing = long(cData[1])
- else: stop, 'unable to find header value'
- endcase
- endfor ; end looping through header
- ; extract grid
- ixVeg = intarr(nCols,nRows)
- readf, in_unit, ixVeg
- ixVeg = temporary(reverse(ixVeg,2))
-; close file
-free_lun, in_unit
-; define x and y coordinates
-xVeg = xll + dindgen(nCols)*cSize
-yVeg = yll + dindgen(nRows)*cSize
-; make a base plot
-plot, indgen(5), xrange=[x1,x2], yrange=[y1,y2], $
- xmargin=[1,1], ymargin=[1,1], xstyle=13, ystyle=13, /nodata
-; plot image
-for iCol=0,nCols-2 do begin
- for jRow=0,nRows-2 do begin
- ; check for valid data
- if(ixVeg[iCol,jRow] ge 0)then begin
- ; define x-coordinates
- xx1 = xVeg[iCol]
- xx2 = xVeg[iCol+1]
- ; define y-coordinates
- yy1 = yVeg[jRow]
- yy2 = yVeg[jRow+1]
- ; define the color
- case ixVeg[iCol,jRow] of
- 1: icolor=70 ; riparian
- 2: icolor=160 ; fir
- 3: icolor=120 ; aspen
- 4: icolor=180 ; sage
- 5: icolor=190 ; low sage
- 6: icolor=190 ; grass
- else: stop, 'unable to identify the veg type'
- endcase
- ; plot the pixel
- polyfill, [xx1,xx2,xx2,xx1], [yy1,yy1,yy2,yy2], color=icolor
- endif ; if valid data
- endfor
-; define valid pixels
-iValid = where(ixVeg ge 0)
-; check percent in each category
-for iCat=0,10 do begin
- iMatch = where(ixVeg[iValid] eq iCat, nMatch)
- print, 'category ', iCat, nMatch, format='(a,1x,i2,1x,i10,1x)'
-; *****
-; *****************************
-; Define the shapefile
-file_name = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Catchment2_Project.shp'
-; Open the Shapefile
-myshape=OBJ_NEW('IDLffShape', file_name)
- ; Get the number of entities so we can parse through them
- myshape->IDLffShape::GetProperty, N_ENTITIES=num_ent
- ; Parsing through the entities
- FOR ix=0, (num_ent-1) DO BEGIN
- ; Get the Attributes for entity x
- attr = myshape->IDLffShape::GetAttributes(ix)
- ; Get the attribute info
- myshape->GetProperty, ATTRIBUTE_INFO=attr_info
- ; Get entity
- ent=myshape->IDLffShape::GetEntity(ix)
- ; save x and y
- x = reform((*ent.vertices)[0,*])
- y = reform((*ent.vertices)[1,*])
- ; get the number of vertices
- nVerts = ent[0].n_vertices
- ; get the number of parts
- nParts = ent[0].n_parts
- ; save the indices that define the parts of the shape
- iStart = *ent[0].parts
- if(nParts gt 1)then begin
- iCount = [iStart[1:nParts-1] - iStart[0:nParts-2], nVerts - iStart[nParts-1]]
- endif else begin
- iCount = [nVerts]
- endelse
- ; Clean-up of pointers
- myshape->IDLffShape::DestroyEntity, ent
- ; plot data
- if(ixTollgate[ix] eq 1)then begin
- ; plot data
- for iPart=0,nParts-1 do begin
- xx = x[iStart[iPart]:iStart[iPart]+iCount[iPart]-1]
- yy = y[iStart[iPart]:iStart[iPart]+iCount[iPart]-1]
- plots, xx, yy
- endfor
- ;if(ixTollgate[ix] eq 1)then plots, [x,x[0]], [y,y[0]], color=icol
- endif
- ENDFOR ; parsing through the entities
-; Close the Shapefile
-OBJ_DESTROY, myshape
-; *****
-; *************************************************************
-; define the file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/veg2polygon_mapping_lcc.txt'
-; open file for reading
-openr, in_unit, filenm, /get_lun
- ; loop through header lines
- for iHead=0,nHead-1 do begin
- ; read header
- readf, in_unit, cHead
- cData = strsplit(cHead,' ',/extract)
- ; extract grid info
- case cData[0] of
- 'ncols': nCols = long(cData[1])
- 'nrows': nRows = long(cData[1])
- 'xllcorner': xll = float(cData[1])
- 'yllcorner': yll = float(cData[1])
- 'cellsize': cSize = float(cData[1])
- 'NODATA_value': ixMissing = long(cData[1])
- else: stop, 'unable to find header value'
- endcase
- endfor ; end looping through header
- ; extract grid
- ixVeg2Poly = intarr(nCols,nRows)
- readf, in_unit, ixVeg2Poly
- ixVeg2Poly = temporary(reverse(ixVeg2Poly,2))
-; close file
-free_lun, in_unit
-; *****
-; **************************************
-; define variables
-xLat = 43.2d
-xLon = 243.2d
-slope = 0.2d
-cLen = 100.d
-; define indices
-ixSoil = 8
-ixSlope = 1
-ixDowns = 0
-; define array dimensioned by the number of polygons in the shape file
-ixMode = intarr(nRch)
-; put data into the polygon array
-for iRch=0,nRch-1 do begin
- if(ixTollgate[iRch] eq 1)then begin
- ; get veg grid cells within each polygon
- iMatch = where(ixHRU[iRch] eq ixVeg2Poly, nMatch)
- if(nMatch eq 0)then stop, 'expect some grid cells in each polygon'
- ; get the mode
- ixHist = histogram(ixVeg[iMatch], locations=ixTable)
- ixMax = max(ixHist,ixLoc)
- ixMode[iRch] = ixTable[ixLoc]
- ; get the fraction in each cell
- aFrac = double(ixHist)/double(nMatch)
- iGrab = where(aFrac gt 0.05d, nGrab)
- if(nGrab eq 0)then stop, 'expect some fraction greater than 5%'
- ; make the local attributes file
- file_path = '/home/mclark/summa/settings/tollgate/localAttributes/'
- file_name = file_path + 'snow_zLocalAttributes_basin_' + strtrim(string(ixHRU[iRch],format='(i4.4)'),2) + '.txt'
- openw, out_unit, file_name, /get_lun
- ; print header
- print, 'hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex', format='(a)'
- printf, out_unit, 'hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex', format='(a)'
- ; loop through HRUs
- for jGrab=0,nGrab-1 do begin
- ; get the HRU area
- xArea = Basin_Area[iRch] * aFrac[iGrab[jGrab]] / total(aFrac[iGrab])
- ; get the Seyfried veg type
- ixType = ixTable[iGrab[jGrab]]
- ; get the measurement height
- case ixType of
- 1: xHeight = 3.d ; riparian
- 2: xHeight = 22.d ; fir
- 3: xHeight = 19.d ; aspen
- 4: xHeight = 3.d ; sage
- 5: xHeight = 3.d ; low sage
- 6: xHeight = 3.d ; grass
- else: stop, 'unable to identify the veg type'
- endcase
- ; get the Modis veg type
- case ixType of
- 1: ixModis = 18 ; riparian
- 2: ixModis = 13 ; fir
- 3: ixModis = 11 ; aspen
- 4: ixModis = 8 ; sage
- 5: ixModis = 9 ; low sage
- 6: ixModis = 9 ; grass
- else: stop, 'unable to identify the veg type'
- endcase
- ; write the attributes to the screen
- print, jGrab+1001, xArea, xLat, xLon, Elev_Avg[iRch], slope, cLen, xHeight, ixModis, ixSoil, ixSlope, ixDowns, $
- format='(i8,1x,4(f10.1,1x),f10.5,1x,f14.2,1x,f8.2,1x,2(i13,1x),i14,1x,i12)'
- ; write the attributes to the file
- printf, out_unit, jGrab+1001, xArea, xLat, xLon, Elev_Avg[iRch], slope, cLen, xHeight, ixModis, ixSoil, ixSlope, ixDowns, $
- format='(i8,1x,4(f10.1,1x),f10.5,1x,f14.2,1x,f8.2,1x,2(i13,1x),i14,1x,i12)'
- endfor ; (looping through HRUs)
- ; free up the file unit
- free_lun, out_unit
- print, ixTable, format='(10(i4,1x))'
- print, ixHist, format='(10(i4,1x))'
- print, '**', ixMode[iRch], nGrab
- endif else begin
- ixMode[iRch] = -99
- endelse
-; *****
-; *****************************
-; make a base plot
-plot, indgen(5), xrange=[x1,x2], yrange=[y1,y2], $
- xmargin=[1,1], ymargin=[1,1], xstyle=13, ystyle=13, /nodata
-; Define the shapefile
-file_name = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Catchment2_Project.shp'
-; Open the Shapefile
-myshape=OBJ_NEW('IDLffShape', file_name)
- ; Get the number of entities so we can parse through them
- myshape->IDLffShape::GetProperty, N_ENTITIES=num_ent
- ; Parsing through the entities
- FOR ix=0, (num_ent-1) DO BEGIN
- ; Get the Attributes for entity x
- attr = myshape->IDLffShape::GetAttributes(ix)
- ; Get the attribute info
- myshape->GetProperty, ATTRIBUTE_INFO=attr_info
- ; Get entity
- ent=myshape->IDLffShape::GetEntity(ix)
- ; save x and y
- x = reform((*ent.vertices)[0,*])
- y = reform((*ent.vertices)[1,*])
- ; get the number of vertices
- nVerts = ent[0].n_vertices
- ; get the number of parts
- nParts = ent[0].n_parts
- ; save the indices that define the parts of the shape
- iStart = *ent[0].parts
- if(nParts gt 1)then begin
- iCount = [iStart[1:nParts-1] - iStart[0:nParts-2], nVerts - iStart[nParts-1]]
- endif else begin
- iCount = [nVerts]
- endelse
- ; Clean-up of pointers
- myshape->IDLffShape::DestroyEntity, ent
- ; plot data
- if(ixTollgate[ix] eq 1)then begin
- ; define the color
- case ixMode[ix] of
- 1: icolor=70 ; riparian
- 2: icolor=160 ; fir
- 3: icolor=120 ; aspen
- 4: icolor=180 ; sage
- 5: icolor=190 ; low sage
- 6: icolor=190 ; grass
- else: stop, 'unable to identify the veg type'
- endcase
- ; plot data
- for iPart=0,nParts-1 do begin
- xx = x[iStart[iPart]:iStart[iPart]+iCount[iPart]-1]
- yy = y[iStart[iPart]:iStart[iPart]+iCount[iPart]-1]
- polyfill, [xx,xx[0]], [yy,yy[0]], color=icolor
- plots, xx, yy
- endfor
- ;if(ixTollgate[ix] eq 1)then plots, [x,x[0]], [y,y[0]], color=icol
- endif
- ENDFOR ; parsing through the entities
-; Close the Shapefile
-OBJ_DESTROY, myshape
-; *****
-; ***********************************
-; Define the shapefile
-file_name = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/DrainageLine2_Project.shp'
-; Open the Shapefile
-myshape=OBJ_NEW('IDLffShape', file_name)
- ; Get the number of entities so we can parse through them
- myshape->IDLffShape::GetProperty, N_ENTITIES=num_ent
- ; Parsing through the entities
- FOR ix=0, (num_ent-1) DO BEGIN
- ; Get the Attributes for entity x
- attr = myshape->IDLffShape::GetAttributes(ix)
- ; Get the attribute info
- myshape->GetProperty, ATTRIBUTE_INFO=attr_info
- ; Get entity
- ent=myshape->IDLffShape::GetEntity(ix)
- ; save x and y
- x = reform((*ent.vertices)[0,*])
- y = reform((*ent.vertices)[1,*])
- ; Clean-up of pointers
- myshape->IDLffShape::DestroyEntity, ent
- ; get the desired segID
- iSegID = attr.ATTRIBUTE_6
- ; plot data
- if(iSegID le nRch)then begin
- ithick = 5.*(upArea[iSegID-1]/totalArea)
- if(ixTollgate[iSegID-1] eq 1)then plots, x, y, thick=ithick
- endif
- ENDFOR ; parsing through the entities
-; Close the Shapefile
-OBJ_DESTROY, myshape
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/grid2basin_tollgate.pro b/scripts/tollgate/grid2basin_tollgate.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b3a257d..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/grid2basin_tollgate.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-pro grid2basin_tollgate
-; used to make hourly forcing data for all sub-basins above tollgate
-; *****
-; ******************************************
-; define the data path
-data_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
-; define gridded filename
-filenm_grid = data_path + 'stn2grid_tollgate.nc'
-; define station filename
-filenm_stn = data_path + 'RME_forcing.nc'
-; define the hourly time step
-dt_hour = 3600.d
-; open files
-nc_grid = ncdf_open(filenm_grid, /nowrite)
-nc_stn = ncdf_open(filenm_stn, /nowrite)
- ; get the time vectors
- djulian_grid = call_function('exTime',nc_grid)
- djulian_stn = call_function('exTime',nc_stn)
- ; get the daymet x coordinate
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_grid,'x')
- ncdf_varget, nc_grid, ivar_id, ix_grid
- ; get the daymet y coordinate
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_grid,'y')
- ncdf_varget, nc_grid, ivar_id, jy_grid
-; close netcdf files
-ncdf_close, nc_grid
-ncdf_close, nc_stn
-; *****
-; *****************************************************
-; declare network topology file
-filenm_network = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Reynolds_Network_Topology.nc'
-print, filenm_network
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm_network, /nowrite)
- ; get the hruid
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'hruid')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ixHRU
- ; get the upstream area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Elev_Avg')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Elev_Avg
- ; get the index of the downstream segment
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'Basin_Area')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, Basin_Area
-; close file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; *******************************************************
-; declare network topology file
-filenm_grid2bas = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/Correspondence.nc'
-print, filenm_grid2bas
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm_grid2bas, /nowrite)
- ; get the id of each polygon
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'polyid')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, polyid
- ; get the number of grid overlaps
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'overlaps')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, noverlap
- ; get the i-index
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'i_index')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, daymet_i
- ; get the j-index
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'j_index')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, daymet_j
- ; get the weight
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'weight')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, weight
-; close file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; define the number of basins
-nBasins = n_elements(polyid)
-; define basin elev and area
-basinElev = dblarr(nBasins)
-basinArea = dblarr(nBasins)
-; put area and elevation data into the polygon array
-for iRch=0,n_elements(Basin_Area)-1 do begin
- iMatch = where(ixHRU[iRch] eq polyid, nMatch)
- if(nMatch eq 1)then begin
- basinElev[iMatch] = Elev_Avg[iRch]
- basinArea[iMatch] = Basin_Area[iRch]
- endif
-; *****
-; *****************************************
-; define the NetCDF file
-filenm_bas = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/grid2basin_tollgate.nc'
-; define named variables
-ixBas_pptrate = 0
-ixBas_SWRadAtm = 1
-ixBas_LWRadAtm = 2
-ixBas_airtemp = 3
-ixBas_windspd = 4
-ixBas_airpres = 5
-ixBas_spechum = 6
-; define variables for the basin
-cVars_bas = ['pptrate','SWRadAtm','LWRadAtm','airtemp','windspd','airpres','spechum']
-nVars_bas = n_elements(cVars_bas)
-; define variable names
-cVarName = ['Precipitation','Downward shortwave radiation','Downward longwave radiation','Air temperature','Wind speed','Air pressure','Specific humidity']
-; define units
-cVarUnits = ['kg m-2 s-1','W m-2','W m-2','K','m s-1','Pa','g g-1']
-; get the time units from the grid file (use the same units)
-nc_grid = ncdf_open(filenm_grid, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_grid,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_grid, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
-ncdf_close, nc_grid
-; get the number of basins
-nBasins = n_elements(polyid)
-; create the NetCDF file
-nc_file = ncdf_create(filenm_bas, /clobber)
- ; define the number of basins
- ibas_id = ncdf_dimdef(nc_file,'basin',nBasins)
- ; define the number of time steps
- itim_id = ncdf_dimdef(nc_file,'time',/unlimited)
- ; define coordinate variable for the basin
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basin', [ibas_id], /long)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin index'
- ; define coordinate variable for time
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'time', [itim_id], /long)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'time since time reference'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', strtrim(cunits,2)
- ; define data variable for the basin elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basinElev',[ibas_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin elevation'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', 'm'
- ; define data variable for the basin area
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,'basinArea',[ibas_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', 'basin area'
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', 'm2'
- ; define data variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(cVars_bas)-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(nc_file,cVars_bas[ivar], [ibas_id, itim_id], /double)
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'long_name', cVarName[ivar]
- ncdf_attput, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', cVarUnits[ivar]
- endfor
- ; end the file definitions
- ncdf_control, nc_file, /endef
- ; write the basin id
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'basin')
- ncdf_varput, nc_file, ivar_id, polyid
- ; write the basin elevation
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'basinElev')
- ncdf_varput, nc_file, ivar_id, basinElev
- ; write the basin area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'basinArea')
- ncdf_varput, nc_file, ivar_id, basinArea
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; ************************
-; define named variables
-ixGrid_pptrate = 0
-ixGrid_airtemp = 1
-ixGrid_dewtemp = 2
-ixGrid_swRadDown = 3
-ixGrid_windspd = 4
-; define desired variables from the grid
-cVars_grid = ['pptrate','airtemp','dewtemp','swRadDown','windspd']
-nVars_grid = n_elements(cVars_grid)
-; get the year/month/day of the station data
-; NOTE small offset to ensure hour 0 is the first day
-caldat, djulian_stn-0.00001d, jm, jd, jyyy, jh, jmin
-; define the index of the desired site
-; NOTE: 0 = sheltered site in RME
-iStn = 0
-; open grid and station files for reading
-nc_grid = ncdf_open(filenm_grid, /nowrite)
-nc_stn = ncdf_open(filenm_stn, /nowrite)
-; open the basin file for writing
-nc_bas = ncdf_open(filenm_bas, /write)
-; get the time vector from the grid file (use the same time vector)
-ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_grid,'time')
-ncdf_varget, nc_grid, ivar_id, atime
-; loop through time
-for itime=0,n_elements(djulian_grid)-1 do begin
- ; write time
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,'time')
- ncdf_varput, nc_bas, ivar_id, atime[itime], offset=[itime], count=[1]
- ; identify the match with the station data
- caldat, djulian_grid[iTime], im, id, iyyy, ih
- iMatch = where(iyyy eq jyyy and im eq jm and id eq jd and ih eq jh, nMatch)
- if(nMatch ne 1)then stop, 'expect a single match'
- print, iyyy, im, id, ih, format='(i4,1x,3(i2,1x))'
- ; get the longwave radiation data from Reynolds Mountain East
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_stn,'LWRadAtm')
- ncdf_varget, nc_stn, ivar_id, xLWRadAtm, offset=[iStn,iMatch], count=[1,1]
- ; loop through basins
- for iBas=0,nBasins-1 do begin
- ; *****
- ; *********************************
- ; check that the weights sum to 1
- sWeight = total(weight[0:nOverlap[ibas]-1,ibas])
- if(abs(1.d - sWeight) gt 0.001d)then stop, 'weights do not sum to one'
- ; define the basin data
- bData_orig = replicate(0.d, nVars_grid)
- bData_conv = dblarr(nVars_bas)
- ; loop through desired variables from the grid
- for iVar=0,nVars_grid-1 do begin
- ; loop through the desired grid points
- for ixOverlap=0,nOverlap[iBas]-1 do begin
- ; get the x and y indices for the daymet grid
- ixDaymet = where(daymet_i[ixOverlap,ibas] eq ix_grid, nxMatch)
- jyDaymet = where(daymet_j[ixOverlap,ibas] eq jy_grid, nyMatch)
- if(nxMatch ne 1 or nyMatch ne 1)then stop, 'expect a single match for the i and j indices'
- ; get the data
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_grid,cVars_grid[iVar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_grid, ivar_id, xData, offset=[ixDaymet[0],jyDaymet[0],itime], count=[1,1,1]
- ;print, cVars_grid[iVar], ixDaymet[0], jyDaymet[0], xData, format='(a15,1x,2(i2,1x),f9.3,1x)'
- ; add data to bdata
- bData_orig[iVar] = bData_orig[iVar] + reform(xData)*weight[ixOverlap,ibas]
- endfor ; looping through overlapping gridpoints
- endfor ; looping through variables
- ; *****
- ; ***********************************************
- ; define precipitation (mm/h --> kg m-2 s-1)
- bData_conv[ixBas_pptrate] = bData_orig[ixGrid_pptrate]/dt_hour
- ; define shortwave radiation
- bData_conv[ixBas_SWRadAtm] = bData_orig[ixGrid_swRadDown]
- ; copy pver longwave radiation
- bData_conv[ixBas_LWRadAtm] = reform(xLWRadAtm)
- ; define air temperature (degrees C --> K)
- bData_conv[ixBas_airtemp] = bData_orig[ixGrid_airtemp] + 273.16d
- ; define wind speed
- bData_conv[ixBas_windspd] = bData_orig[ixGrid_windspd]
- ; define pressure
- bData_conv[ixBas_airpres] = 101325.d * ( (293.d - 0.0065d * basinElev[ibas]) / 293.d )^5.256d
- ; define specific humidity
- bData_conv[ixBas_spechum] = call_function('DEWPT2SPHM', bData_orig[ixGrid_dewtemp]+273.16d, bData_conv[ixBas_airpres])
- ; print results
- ;print, 'bData_orig = ', bData_orig, format='(a,10(f9.3,1x))'
- ;print, 'bData_conv = ', bData_conv, format='(a,10(f9.3,1x))'
- ; *****
- ; ************************************
- ; write variables
- for iVar=0,nVars_bas-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_bas,cVars_bas[iVar])
- ncdf_varput, nc_bas, ivar_id, bData_conv[iVar], offset=[ibas,itime], count=[1,1]
- endfor
- endfor ; looping through basins
-endfor ; looping through time
-; close grid and station files
-ncdf_close, nc_grid
-ncdf_close, nc_stn
-; close basin file
-ncdf_close, nc_bas
-function exTime, nc_file
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'days') then aoff=1.d
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- return, bjulian + atime*aoff
-; Compute Dewpoint temperature from Relative Humidity
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPSAT = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*(T-TFREEZE)) / (237.30 + (T-TFREEZE)) ) ; sat vapor press at grid cell (Pa)
-TDCEL = 237.30 * ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) / $ ; dewpoint temperature (C)
- (17.27 - ALOG( (VPSAT/SATVPFRZ)*(RLHUM/100.) ) )
-return, TDCEL + TFREEZE
-; Compute specific humidity from dewpoint temp with respect to water
-; ---- This is done with respect to water ONLY ----
-; All units are SI standard - i.e. Kelvin and pascals
-; Based on Tetens' formula (1930)
-; VPAIR is the current vapor pressure as it used dewpoint to compute staurated VP
-; Units note : Pa = N m-2 = kg m-1 s-2
-SATVPFRZ= 610.8 ; Saturation water vapour pressure at 273.16K (Pa)
-W_RATIO = 0.622 ; molecular weight ratio of water to dry air (-)
-TFREEZE = 273.16 ; freezing point of water
-VPAIR = SATVPFRZ * EXP( (17.27*TDCEL) / (237.30 + TDCEL) ) ; Vapour Press (Pa)
-return, (VPAIR * W_RATIO)/(PRESS - (1.-W_RATIO)*VPAIR) ; Specific humidity (g/g)
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/makeFileManager.sh b/scripts/tollgate/makeFileManager.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 26ba09de2..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/makeFileManager.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# used to create multiple duplicates of the fileManager files
-# define file path for the vegetation data
-# define file path for the forcing file list
-# define pattern to replace with actual data file
-# loop through files in the local attributes folder
-for vegFile in $( ls ${vegPath} ); do
- # split the string using underscores
- IFS='_' read -a strarr <<< "${vegFile}"
- # split last string element using periods (to remove ".txt")
- IFS='.' read -a suffix <<< "${strarr[-1]}"
- # define the basin
- iBasin=${suffix[0]}
- # define the manager file
- managerFile=snow_fileManager_basin_$iBasin.txt
- # make the filemanager file
- cp snow_fileManager__template.txt $managerPath$managerFile
- # replace the search string with the basin ID
- sed -i 's/'${cPattern}'/'${iBasin}'/g' $managerPath$managerFile
- # print progress
- echo filenm: $managerFile - $iBasin
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileInfo.sh b/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileInfo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b0488fb57..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileInfo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# used to make a list of forcing files for each GRU
-# (based on the localAttributes files)
-# define file path for the input data
-# define file path for the vegetation data
-# define file path for the forcing file list
-# define pattern to replace with actual data file
-# loop through files in the local attributes folder
-for vegFile in $( ls ${vegPath} ); do
- # split the string using underscores
- IFS='_' read -a strarr <<< "${vegFile}"
- # define filename (add the last element from the files in ${file_path})
- infoFilenm=snow_zForcingFileInfo_basin_${strarr[-1]}
- # split last string element using periods (to remove ".txt")
- IFS='.' read -a suffix <<< "${strarr[-1]}"
- # define the basin
- iBasin=${suffix[0]}
- # define the forcing data file
- datFilenm=basinForcing.$iBasin.txt
- # make the forcing info file
- cp snow_zForcingInfo_template.txt $infoPath$infoFilenm
- # replace the search string with the actual filename
- sed -i 's/'${cPattern}'/'${datFilenm}'/g' $infoPath$infoFilenm
- # print results
- echo filenm: $infoFilenm - $iBasin - $datFilenm
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileList.sh b/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileList.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 706d6a96f..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/makeForcingFileList.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# used to make a list of forcing files for each GRU
-# (based on the localAttributes files)
-# define file path for the vegetation data
-# define file path for the forcing file list
-# define the file path for the forcing info files
-for vegFile in $( ls ${vegPath} ); do
- # split the string using underscores
- IFS='_' read -a strarr <<< "${vegFile}"
- # define filename (add the last element from the files in ${file_path})
- listFilenm=snow_zForcingFileList_basin_${strarr[-1]}
- # split last string element using periods (to remove ".txt")
- IFS='.' read -a suffix <<< "${strarr[-1]}"
- # define the basin
- iBasin=${suffix[0]}
- # define the forcing info file
- infoFilenm=snow_zForcingFileInfo_basin_$iBasin.txt
- # loop through the input filename
- while read iLine ; do
- # split the string using spaces
- IFS=' ' read -a strarr <<< "${iLine}"
- # define the file for a given HRU (if the first element of the line is a number)
- if [[ ${strarr[0]} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
- echo ${strarr[0]} "'"${infoPath}${infoFilenm}"'" > tempFile.$iBasin.${strarr[0]}.txt
- fi
- done < ${vegPath}${vegFile}
- # concatenate temporary files
- cat tempFile.$iBasin.*.txt > $listPath$listFilenm
- # remove temporary files
- rm tempFile.$iBasin.*.txt
- # print results
- echo filenm: $listFilenm - $iBasin - $infoFilenm
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/multipleRun_spatialSim.sh b/scripts/tollgate/multipleRun_spatialSim.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f9e042553..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/multipleRun_spatialSim.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# used to run SUMMA multiple times
-# define the number of processors
-# define the executable
-exRun='/home/mclark/summa/bin/summa.exe '
-# define the path for the settings file
-# define the path for the log files
-# loop through basins
-for fileManager in $( ls ${settingsPath} )
- # print progress
- echo $fileManager
- # split the string using underscores
- IFS='_' read -a strarr <<< "${fileManager}"
- # split last string element using periods (to remove ".txt")
- IFS='.' read -a suffix <<< "${strarr[-1]}"
- # define the basin
- iBasin=${suffix[0]}
- # define the log file
- exLog=${logPath}ex${iBasin}.log
- # define the name of the experiment
- exName=exBasin${iBasin}
- # run the experiment
- ./runExperiment.sh $exRun $exName ${settingsPath}${fileManager} $exLog &
- sleep 1
- # sleep if using the desired number of processors
- while [ `ls -1 summaCopy.*.control | wc -l` -ge $nProcessors ]
- do
- sleep 30
- done
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/paramTrial_default.pro b/scripts/tollgate/paramTrial_default.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e864df1..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/paramTrial_default.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-pro paramTrial
-; *****
-; ************************
-; define desired parameters
-p01 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_res', 'lowerVal', 0.05, 'upperVal', 0.15, 'defaultVal', 0.139)
-p02 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_sat', 'lowerVal', 0.45, 'upperVal', 0.60, 'defaultVal', 0.550)
-p03 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_mp', 'lowerVal', 0.15, 'upperVal', 0.30, 'defaultVal', 0.300)
-p04 = create_struct('parName', 'vGn_alpha', 'lowerVal', -1.00, 'upperVal', -0.50, 'defaultVal', -0.500)
-p05 = create_struct('parName', 'vGn_n', 'lowerVal', 1.20, 'upperVal', 1.80, 'defaultVal', 1.300)
-p06 = create_struct('parName', 'f_impede', 'lowerVal', 0.00, 'upperVal', 0.00, 'defaultVal', 0.000)
-p07 = create_struct('parName', 'k_soil', 'lowerVal', 0.000001, 'upperVal', 0.00001, 'defaultVal', 0.0000075)
-p08 = create_struct('parName', 'k_macropore', 'lowerVal', 0.001, 'upperVal', 0.100, 'defaultVal', 0.001)
-p09 = create_struct('parName', 'kAnisotropic', 'lowerVal', 1.00, 'upperVal', 1.00, 'defaultVal', 1.000)
-p10 = create_struct('parName', 'fieldCapacity', 'lowerVal', 0.15, 'upperVal', 0.30, 'defaultVal', 0.200)
-p11 = create_struct('parName', 'zScale_TOPMODEL', 'lowerVal', 2.00, 'upperVal', 5.00, 'defaultVal', 2.000)
-p12 = create_struct('parName', 'qSurfScale', 'lowerVal', 10.00, 'upperVal',100.00, 'defaultVal', 20.000)
-p13 = create_struct('parName', 'critSoilWilting', 'lowerVal', 0.20, 'upperVal', 0.20, 'defaultVal', 0.175)
-p14 = create_struct('parName', 'critSoilTranspire', 'lowerVal', 0.25, 'upperVal', 0.25, 'defaultVal', 0.200)
-p15 = create_struct('parName', 'heightCanopyTop', 'lowerVal', 0.50, 'upperVal', 0.05, 'defaultVal', 9.500)
-p16 = create_struct('parName', 'heightCanopyBottom', 'lowerVal', 0.50, 'upperVal', 0.05, 'defaultVal', 3.000)
-; get a vector of structures
-parConstraints = [p01,p02,p03,p04,p05,p06,p07,p08,p09,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16]
-; identify parameters to vary
-cSelect = ['theta_sat','vGn_n','k_soil','k_macropore','zScale_TOPMODEL','qSurfScale']
-; define number of parameters to modify
-nSelect = n_elements(cSelect)
-; define index of parameters to vary
-iSelect = intarr(nSelect)
-; identify index for each desired parameter
-for iDesire=0,nSelect-1 do begin
- ixParam = where(cSelect[iDesire] eq parConstraints[*].parName, nMatch)
- if(nMatch ne 1)then stop, 'unable to identify desired parameter in data structure'
- iSelect[iDesire] = ixParam[0]
-; get default values for selected paramters
-xSelect = parConstraints[iSelect].defaultVal
-; *****
-; ********************************
-; define a character string
-; define the path for the local attributes
-attr_path = '/home/mclark/summa/settings/tollgate/localAttributes/'
-; define the path for the parameter trials
-param_path = '/home/mclark/summa/settings/tollgate/paramTrial/'
-; get a list of local attributes files
-spawn, 'ls -1 ' + attr_path + 'snow_zLocalAttributes_*.txt', file_list
-; get the number of grouped response units
-nGRU = n_elements(file_list)
-; loop through the basins
-for iGRU=0,nGRU-1 do begin
- ; define the name of the local attributes file
- attr_name = file_list[iGRU]
- ; define the name of the parameter trial file
- cFile = strmid(attr_name,strpos(attr_name, '/', /reverse_search)+1) ; extract the file
- cSuff = strmid(cFile,strpos(cFile, 'basin_', /reverse_search)) ; extract the suffix
- param_name = param_path + 'snow_zParamTrial_' + cSuff
- print, 'param_name = ', param_name
- ; open the local attributes file for reading
- openr, in_unit, attr_name, /get_lun
- ; open the parameter file for writing
- openw, out_unit, param_name, /get_lun
- ; write the parameter header
- printf, out_unit, 'hruIndex', cSelect, format='(a8,1x,100(a20,1x))'
- ; loop through the lines in the veg file
- while ~eof(in_unit) do begin
- ; read a line of data
- readf, in_unit, cLine
- ; split the lines into "words"
- cWords = strsplit(cLine, ' ', /extract)
- ; identify the HRU lines in the attributed file (check that the first word is a number)
- if(stregex(cWords[0], '^[0123456789]',/boolean) eq 1)then begin
- ; get the HRU id (always first)
- ixHRU = long(cWords[0])
- ; write the parameter trial
- printf, out_unit, ixHRU, xSelect, format='(i8,1x,100(f20.10,1x))'
- endif ; if the word is a number
- endwhile ; looping through lines in the veg file
- ; free up the file units
- free_lun, in_unit
- free_lun, out_unit
-endfor ; looping through GRUs
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/processFiles.sh b/scripts/tollgate/processFiles.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d45af6524..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/processFiles.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# used to run SUMMA multiple times
-# define experiments
-# define start and end years
-# define file path
-# loop through years
-for iYear in `seq -w $iyStart $iyEnd`
- # define string for the years
- cYear1=$((iYear))
- cYear2=$((iYear + 1))
- prefix=basinRunoff_${cYear1}-${cYear2}
- echo $prefix
- # loop through experiments
- for iExp in `seq -w $ixStart $ixEnd`
- do
- # define name of the file
- fileName=${filePath}${prefix}_trial0${iExp}.nc
- echo ${fileName}
- # define a temporary file name
- fileTemp=${filePath}${prefix}_fTemp0${iExp}.nc
- # fix the time dimension (need to ccreate space for a new record dimension)
- ncks -a --fix_rec_dmn time -O ${fileName} ${fileTemp}
- # add a new record dimension
- ncecat -O ${fileTemp} ${fileTemp}
- done
- # define the new filename
- fileNew=${filePath}${prefix}_allRuns.nc
- # concatenate files along the new record dimension
- ncrcat -O ${filePath}${prefix}_fTemp*.nc ${fileNew}
- # fix the record dimension
- ncks -a --fix_rec_dmn record -O ${fileNew} ${fileNew}
- # ensure the record dimension comes first
- ncpdq -O -a time,record ${fileNew} ${fileNew}
- # make the time dimension the record dimension
- ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time ${fileNew} ${fileNew}
- # remove the temporary files
- rm ${filePath}${prefix}_fTemp*.nc
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/runExperiment.sh b/scripts/tollgate/runExperiment.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8406491d1..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/runExperiment.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# get arguments
-# make a control file
-touch $ctlFile
-# run the model
-${exRun} _${exName} ${fileManager} > ${exLog}
-# remove the control file
-rm $ctlFile
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/snow_fileManager__template.txt b/scripts/tollgate/snow_fileManager__template.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0617674..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/snow_fileManager__template.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/tollgateASCII/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/tollgate/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'tollgate/snow_zDecisions.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'snow_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'snow_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'snow_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'snow_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'snow_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'snow_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'snow_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'snow_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'snow_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'tollgate/localAttributes/snow_zLocalAttributes_basin_XXXX.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'tollgate/snow_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'tollgate/snow_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'tollgate/forcingFileList/snow_zForcingFileList_basin_XXXX.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'tollgate/snow_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'tollgate/paramTrial/snow_zParamTrial_basin_XXXX.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/snow_zForcingInfo_template.txt b/scripts/tollgate/snow_zForcingInfo_template.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index efdec738f..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/snow_zForcingInfo_template.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | XX_forcingFileName_XX ! name of the forcing data file
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateData.pro b/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateData.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a1dc686..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateData.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-pro stn2grid_tollgateData
-; *****
-; ********************
-; define station data path
-stn_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/stationData/'
-; define station data file
-stn_file = stn_path + 'tollgate_forcing.nc'
-; define gridded data path
-grid_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
-; define gridded data file
-grid_file = grid_path + 'stn2grid_tollgate.nc'
-; *****
-; **********************************
-; open netcdf file for reading
-file_id = ncdf_open(grid_file, /nowrite)
- ; read the latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lat')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, grid_lat
- ; read the longitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lon')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, grid_lon
- ; read the elevation
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'elev')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, grid_elev
- ; read the mask
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'mask')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, grid_mask
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(file_id,'time')
- ncdf_attget, file_id, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; get the base julian day
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian_grid = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
-; close the file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ***********************************
-; open netcdf file for reading
-file_id = ncdf_open(stn_file, /nowrite)
- ; read the latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'latitude_wgs84')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, stn_lat
- ; read the longitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'longitude_wgs84')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, stn_lon
- ; read the elevation
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'elevation')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, stn_elev
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(file_id,'time')
- ncdf_attget, file_id, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; get the base julian day
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian_stn = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; read the time vector
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units' ; get offset in days
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_stn = bjulian_stn + atime*aoff
-; close file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ****************************************************
-; get the number of stations
-nSta = n_elements(stn_elev)
-; get the size of the grid
-nGrid = size(grid_elev, /dimensions)
-; get a mask where desire information
-ixMask = where(grid_mask eq 1, nMask, complement=jxMask)
-if(nMask eq 0)then stop, 'expect need to interpolate somewhere'
-; define variables from the station data
-cVars_stn = ['ppta','tmp3','dpt3','sol','wnd3sa']
-nVars_stn = n_elements(cVars_stn)
-; define variables from the daymet grid
-cVars_grid = ['pptrate','airtemp','dewtemp','swRadDown','windspd']
-nVars_grid = n_elements(cVars_grid)
-if(nVars_grid ne nVars_stn)then stop, 'expect same number of variables for the stn and grid'
-; define start time
-iyyy = 1999
-im = 10
-id = 1
-ih = 1
-; identify the start index
-xMin = min(abs(djulian_stn - sjulian), iStart_stn)
-if(abs(xMin) gt 0.0001d)then stop, 'unable to identify start time'
-; get time since the reference time (seconds)
-timeSinceRefTimeGrid = (sJulian - bjulian_grid)*86400.d
-; define the minimum number of stations to compute the regression
-minRegress = 5
-; define a very small value (used in the log transform)
-verySmall = 0.0000001d
-; define the time step (seconds)
-dt = 3600.d
-; define the number of time steps per day
-nPerDay = long(floor(86400.d / dt + 0.5d))
-; define the number of days
-nDays = long(365*9)
-; define the number of time steps
-nTime = nDays*nPerDay
-; *****
-; **************************************
-; loop through time
-for itime=0,nTime-1 do begin
- ; identify time index for the station data
- jTime = itime + iStart_stn
- ; define time variable (seconds
- xTime = double(itime)*dt + timeSinceRefTimeGrid
- ; print progress
- caldat, double(itime)/double(nPerDay) + sJulian, im, id, iyyy, ih
- print, iyyy, im, id, ih, itime, ntime, format='(i4,1x,3(i2,1x),2(i10,1x))'
- ; write time variable
- file_id = ncdf_open(grid_file, /write)
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'time')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, xTime, offset=[itime], count=[1]
- ncdf_close, file_id
- ; loop through variables
- for ivar=0,nVars_stn-1 do begin
- ; *****
- ; (5) GET DATA SUBSET...
- ; **********************
- ; get the station data
- file_id = ncdf_open(stn_file, /nowrite)
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,cVars_stn[iVar])
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, stnData, offset=[0,jTime], count=[nSta,1]
- ncdf_close, file_id
- ; set the first two stations to missing (don't want to use them)
- stnData[0:1] = -9999.
- ; identify a subset of station data
- iValid = where(stnData gt -100.d, nValid)
- if(nValid lt 2)then stop, 'expect at least 2 valid stations'
- ; get station subset
- dataSubset = stnData[iValid]
- xLatSubset = stn_lat[iValid]
- xLonSubset = stn_lon[iValid]
- elevSubset = stn_elev[iValid]
- ; get the temporary array for the predictions
- xPred = fltarr(nGrid[0],nGrid[1])
- ; get the grid array
- xGrid = fltarr(nGrid[0],nGrid[1])
- ; skip variables where constant
- case cVars_stn[iVar] of
- ; precip
- 'ppta': begin
- if(total(dataSubset) lt 0.1d)then begin
- xGrid[ixMask] = mean(dataSubset)
- xGrid[jxMask] = -9999.d ; outside basin
- iskip=1
- endif else begin
- iskip=0
- endelse
- end
- ; solar radiation
- 'sol': begin
- if(total(abs(dataSubset)) lt 0.1d or stddev(dataSubset) lt 0.1d)then begin
- xGrid[ixMask] = mean(dataSubset)
- xGrid[jxMask] = -9999.d ; outside basin
- iskip=1
- endif else begin
- iskip=0
- endelse
- end
- ; everything else
- else: iskip=0
- endcase
- ; *****
- ; (6) INTERPOLATE...
- ; ******************
- ; check if there is a need to interpolate
- if(iskip eq 0)then begin
- ; transform the data (get more normal, and avoid negative values)
- if(cVars_stn[iVar] eq 'ppta' or cVars_stn[iVar] eq 'wnd3sa')then begin
- dataTransform = alog(dataSubset + verySmall)
- endif else begin
- dataTransform = dataSubset
- endelse
- ; compute the fit to the data
- if(nValid ge minRegress)then begin
- ; regress data against elevation
- b = regress(elevSubset, dataTransform, const=a, yfit=stnPred)
- ; interpolate to the grid
- xPred[ixMask] = a + b[0]*grid_elev[ixMask]
- ; not enough data for a regression -- use the mean
- endif else begin
- stnMean = mean(dataTransform)
- xPred[ixMask] = stnMean
- stnPred = replicate(stnMean,nValid)
- endelse
- ; define residuals
- xRes = dataTransform - reform(stnPred)
- ; get the distance array
- xDist = fltarr(nValid)
- ; loop through the grid cells
- for iGrid=0,nGrid[0]-1 do begin
- for jGrid=0,nGrid[1]-1 do begin
- ; check that we are within the basin
- if(grid_mask[iGrid,jGrid] eq 1)then begin
- ; get the distance to each station (m)
- for iSta=0,nValid-1 do begin
- xDist[iSta] = map_2points(grid_lon[iGrid,jGrid], grid_lat[iGrid,jGrid], xLonSubset[ista], xLatSubset[iSta], /meters)
- endfor
- ; get the weights
- xTemp = 1.d/xDist
- xWght = xTemp / total(xTemp)
- ; get the grid value (in transformed space)
- xTrans = total(xWght[*] * xRes[*]) + xPred[iGrid,jGrid] ; detrended inverse distance
- ;xTrans = total(xWght[*] * dataTransform[*]) ; straight inverse distance
- ; back-transform the data (get more normal, and avoid negative values)
- if(cVars_stn[iVar] eq 'ppta' or cVars_stn[iVar] eq 'wnd3sa')then begin
- xGrid[iGrid,jGrid] = exp(xTrans)
- endif else begin
- xGrid[iGrid,jGrid] = xTrans
- endelse
- ; test
- ;print, 'iGrid, jGrid = ', iGrid, jGrid
- ;print, 'xLon, xLat = ', grid_lon[iGrid,jGrid], grid_lat[iGrid,jGrid], format='(a,1x,2(f12.3,1x))'
- ;print, 'xDist = ', xDist, format='(a,1x,20(f12.3,1x))'
- ;print, 'xWght = ', xWght, format='(a,1x,20(f12.3,1x))'
- ; if grid is outside the basin
- endif else begin
- xGrid[iGrid,jGrid] = -9999.d
- endelse ; grid is outside the basin
- endfor ; looping through the grid elements
- endfor ; looping through the grid elements
- ; test
- ;print, 'xRes = ', xRes, format='(a,1x,20(f12.3,1x))'
- ;print, 'dataSubset = ', dataSubset, format='(a,1x,20(f12.3,1x))'
- ;print, 'dataTransform = ', dataTransform, format='(a,1x,20(f12.3,1x))'
- ;print, xGrid, format='(20(f9.3,1x))'
- ;stop
- endif ; if not skipping the grid
- ; *****
- ; **************************************************
- ; open file for writing
- file_id = ncdf_open(grid_file, /write)
- ; write grid
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,cVars_grid[iVar])
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, xGrid, offset=[0,0,itime], count=[nGrid[0],nGrid[0],1]
- ; write the number of valid stations
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,cVars_grid[iVar]+'_nValid')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, nValid, offset=[itime], count=[1]
- ; close file
- ncdf_close, file_id
- endfor ; (looping through variables)
-endfor ; (looping through time)
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateMeta.pro b/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateMeta.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 889cceba5..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/stn2grid_tollgateMeta.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-pro stn2grid_tollgateMeta
-; used to define the grid for the tollgate interpolation
-; *****
-; *****************************
-; define the file path
-daymet_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/DayMet_Tile_11912/'
-; define the filename (just an example file -- only need the coordinates)
-daymet_name = daymet_path + 'dayl_1980.nc'
-; open netcdf file for reading
-file_id = ncdf_open(daymet_name, /nowrite)
- ; read the x coordinate
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'x')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, tile_x
- ; read the y coordinate
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'y')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, tile_y
- ; read the latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lat')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, tile_lat
- ; read the longitude
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lon')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, tile_lon
-; close the file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ***************************
-; define the header
-; define the file
-filenm = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/daymet_avgelev_from_nhdplus_lcc.txt'
-; open file for reading
-openr, in_unit, filenm, /get_lun
- ; loop through header lines
- for iHead=0,nHead-1 do begin
- ; read header
- readf, in_unit, cHead
- cData = strsplit(cHead,' ',/extract)
- ; extract grid info
- case cData[0] of
- 'ncols': nCols = long(cData[1])
- 'nrows': nRows = long(cData[1])
- 'xllcorner': xll = float(cData[1])
- 'yllcorner': yll = float(cData[1])
- 'cellsize': cSize = float(cData[1])
- 'NODATA_value': ixMissing = long(cData[1])
- else: stop, 'unable to find header value'
- endcase
- endfor ; end looping through header
- ; extract grid
- daymetElev = fltarr(nCols,nRows)
- readf, in_unit, daymetElev
- ;daymetElev = temporary(reverse(daymetElev,2))
-; close file
-free_lun, in_unit
-; define x and y coordinates
-daymet_x = xll + dindgen(nCols)*cSize + cSize/2.d
-daymet_y = yll + dindgen(nRows)*cSize + cSize/2.d
-; *****
-; ***********************************
-; define number of values in the subset
-nx_subset = 20
-ny_subset = 20
-; define the start index
-i1 = 110
-j1 = 100
-; define the end index
-i2 = i1 + nx_subset -1
-j2 = j1 + ny_subset -1
-; define the mask file
-imask = intarr(nCols,nRows)
-imask[*,*] = 0
-; define the file path to the correspondence file
-cros_path = '/home/mclark/summa/ancillary_data/tollgate/'
-; define the filename (just an example file -- only need the coordinates)
-cros_name = cros_path + 'Correspondence.nc'
-; open netcdf file for reading
-file_id = ncdf_open(cros_name, /nowrite)
- ; read the number of overlaps
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'overlaps')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, nOverlap
- ; read the i-index
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'i_index')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, i_index
- ; read the j-index
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'j_index')
- ncdf_varget, file_id, ivarid, j_index
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; get file dimensions
-cros_dims = size(i_index, /dimensions)
-; loop through file and identify the i and j index
-for jx=0,cros_dims[1] -1 do begin
- for ix=0,nOverlap[jx]-1 do begin
- imask[i_index[ix,jx],j_index[ix,jx]] = 1
- endfor
-; *****
-; *********************************
-; define the file path
-grid_path = '/home/mclark/summa/input/tollgate/'
-; define the filename (just an example file -- only need the coordinates)
-grid_name = grid_path + 'stn2grid_tollgate.nc'
-; define variable names
-varnames = [$
- 'pptrate', $ ; precipitation rate (mm/hour)
- 'airtemp', $ ; air temperature (degrees C)
- 'dewtemp', $ ; dewpoint temperature (degrees C)
- 'swRadDown', $ ; incoming shortwave radiation flux (W m-2)'
- 'windspd' ] ; wind speed (m/s)
-; define variable descriptions
-var_desc = [$
- 'precipitation rate', $
- 'air temperature', $
- 'dewpoint temperature', $
- 'incoming shortwave radiation flux', $
- 'wind speed']
-; define the units
-var_unit = [$
- 'mm h-1', $
- 'degrees C', $
- 'degrees C', $
- 'W m-2', $
- 'm s-1']
-; define the base julian day
-iy_start = 1983
-im_start = 10
-id_start = 1
-bjulian = julday(im_start,id_start,iy_start,0,0,0.d)
-unittxt = 'seconds since '+strtrim(iy_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(im_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(id_start,2)+' 0:0:0.0 -0:00'
-; define file
-file_id = ncdf_create(strtrim(grid_name,2), /clobber)
- ; define the x and y dimensions
- x_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'x', nx_subset)
- y_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'y', ny_subset)
- ; define time dimension
- time_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'time', /unlimited)
- ; define the x coordinate
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'x', [x_id], /short)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'x coordinate'
- ; define the y coordinate
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'y', [y_id], /short)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'y coordinate'
- ; define the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'time', time_id, /double)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', unittxt, /char
- ; define the mask
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'mask', [x_id,y_id], /short)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'tollgate mask'
- ; define the latitude
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'lat', [x_id,y_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'latitude'
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', 'degrees north'
- ; define the longitude
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'lon', [x_id,y_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'longitude'
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', 'degrees east'
- ; define the elevation
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'elev', [x_id,y_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'elevation'
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', 'm'
- ; define data variables
- for ivar=0,n_elements(varnames)-1 do begin
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, varnames[ivar], [x_id, y_id, time_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', strtrim(var_desc[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', strtrim(var_unit[ivar],2), /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, '_FillValue', -9999., /float
- endfor
- ; define number of valid stations
- for ivar=0,n_elements(varnames)-1 do begin
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, varnames[ivar]+'_nValid', [time_id], /short)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'number of valid stations', /char
- endfor
- ; end control
- ncdf_control, file_id, /endef
-; close the netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; *********************
-; open netcdf file for writing
-file_id = ncdf_open(grid_name, /write)
- ; write x
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'x')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, indgen(nx_subset)+i1
- ; write y
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'y')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, indgen(ny_subset)+j1
- ; write lat
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lat')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, tile_lat[i1:i2,j1:j2]
- ; write lon
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'lon')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, tile_lon[i1:i2,j1:j2]
- ; write elev
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'elev')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, daymetElev[i1:i2,j1:j2]
- ; write mask
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'mask')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, imask[i1:i2,j1:j2]
-; close the NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, file_id
diff --git a/scripts/tollgate/streamflow_tollgate.pro b/scripts/tollgate/streamflow_tollgate.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bf5e37e..000000000
--- a/scripts/tollgate/streamflow_tollgate.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-pro streamflow_tollgate
-; *****
-; *****************************
-; define netcdf filename
-filename_netcdf = '/home/mclark/summa/validation_data/reynolds_creek/tollgate_streamflow.nc'
-; define number of stations
-nSta = 1
-; define the base julian day
-iy_start = 1983
-im_start = 10
-id_start = 1
-bjulian = julday(im_start,id_start,iy_start,0,0,0.d)
-unittxt = 'seconds since '+strtrim(iy_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(im_start,2)+'-'+strtrim(id_start,2)+' 0:0:0.0 -0:00'
-; define file
-file_id = ncdf_create(strtrim(filename_netcdf,2), /clobber)
- ; define length of string
- str_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'stringLength', 30)
- ; define station dimension
- stn_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'station', nSta)
- ; define time dimension
- time_id = ncdf_dimdef(file_id, 'time', /unlimited)
- ; define the station variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'station', [str_id,stn_id], /char)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'station name'
- ; define the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'time', time_id, /double)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', unittxt, /char
- ; define streamflow
- ivarid = ncdf_vardef(file_id, 'streamflow', [stn_id, time_id], /float)
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'long_name', 'streamflow', /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, 'units', 'm3/s', /char
- ncdf_attput, file_id, ivarid, '_FillValue', -9999., /float
- ; end control
- ncdf_control, file_id, /endef
-; close the netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
-; *****
-; ****************************
-; open netcdf file for writing
-file_id = ncdf_open(filename_netcdf, /write)
-; define directory
-; define site names
-; define a line of character data
-; loop through sites
-for isite=0,n_elements(sitename)-1 do begin
- ; populate station name
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'station')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, strtrim(sitename[isite],2), offset=[0,isite], count=[strlen(strtrim(sitename[isite],2)),1]
- ; open file for reading
- filename = datapath + 'tollgate_flow.dat'
- openr, in_unit, filename, /get_lun
- ; get number of lines in the file
- nlines = file_lines(filename)
- ; loop through lines in the file
- for iLine = 0,nLines-1 do begin
- ; read a line of data
- readf, in_unit, cLine
- ; check that the line is a data line
- if(strmid(cLine,0,1) eq '#')then continue
- ; get the header
- if(stregex(cLine, '[0123456789]',/boolean) eq 0)then begin
- cHead = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nData)
- continue
- endif
- ; extract the data
- cData = strsplit(cLine,',',/extract,count=nVals)
- if(nVals ne nData)then stop, 'expect nData elements'
- ; process data
- for iData=0,nData-1 do begin
- ; select case
- case cHead[iData] of
- ; do nothing with some elements
- 'datetime':
- 'wy' :
- 'wd' :
- ; extract time
- 'year' : iyyy = long(cData[iData])
- 'month' : im = long(cData[iData])
- 'day' : id = long(cData[iData])
- 'hour' : ih = long(cData[iData])
- 'minute': imin = long(cData[iData])
- ; extract data
- 'qcms' : qcms = double(cData[iData])
- ; check
- else: stop, 'unable to identify data element'
- endcase
- endfor ; looping through data elements
- ; get the julian day
- djulian = julday(im,id,iyyy,ih,imin,0.d)
- if(djulian le bjulian)then continue
- ; get the time index
- ix_time = floor((djulian - bjulian)*24.d + 0.5d) - 1L
- print, sitename[isite], ix_time, iyyy, im, id, ih, imin, qcms, format='(a30,1x,i12,1x,i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f20.5)'
- ; write the time variable
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id, 'time')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, double(ix_time+1)*3600.d, offset=ix_time, count=1
- ; write data
- ivarid = ncdf_varid(file_id,'streamflow')
- ncdf_varput, file_id, ivarid, qcms, offset=[isite,ix_time], count=[1,1]
- endfor ; (looping through lines of data)
- ; close file unit
- free_lun, in_unit
-endfor ; looping through sites
-; close netcdf file
-ncdf_close, file_id
diff --git a/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/settings/GENPARM.TBL
deleted file mode 100644
index 17fc9172b..000000000
--- a/settings/GENPARM.TBL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-General Parameters
diff --git a/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0c59c02..000000000
--- a/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- NVEG = 27
- ! NVEG = 27
- ! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
- ! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
- ! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
- ! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
- ! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
- ! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
- ! 7: Grassland
- ! 8: Shrubland
- ! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
- ! 10: Savanna
- ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
- ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
- ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
- ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
- ! 15: Mixed Forest
- ! 16: Water Bodies
- ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
- ! 18: Wooded Wetland
- ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
- ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
- ! 21: Wooded Tundra
- ! 22: Mixed Tundra
- ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
- ! 24: Snow or Ice
- ! 25: Playa
- ! 26: Lava
- ! 27: White Sand
- ISWATER = 16
- ISSNOW = 24
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CH2OP = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
- DLEAF = 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04,
- Z0MVT = 1.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.15, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.86, 0.80, 0.85, 1.10, 1.09, 0.80, 0.00, 0.06, 0.05, 0.00, 0.04, 0.06, 0.06, 0.03, 0.00, 0.01, 0.00, 0.00,
- HVT = 15.0, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 1.25, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 16.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 20.0, 16.0, 0.00, 0.50, 0.80, 0.00, 0.50, 0.80, 0.80, 0.50, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00,
- HVB = 1.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.15, 0.05, 0.10, 0.10, 3.00, 3.50, 3.00, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00, 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00,
- DEN = 0.01, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 100., 10.0, 10.0, 0.02, 0.10, 0.28, 0.02, 0.28, 0.10, 0.01, 10.0, 0.10, 0.01, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
- RC = 1.00, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.03, 0.12, 0.12, 3.00, 1.40, 1.20, 3.60, 1.20, 1.40, 0.01, 0.10, 1.40, 0.01, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- RHOL = 0.00, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.07, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.00, 0.11, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00,
- 0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.35, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.00, 0.58, 0.45, 0.00, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.00, 0.45, 0.00, 0.00,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- RHOS = 0.00, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.00, 0.36, 0.16, 0.00, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.00, 0.16, 0.00, 0.00,
- 0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.00, 0.58, 0.39, 0.00, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.00, 0.39, 0.00, 0.00,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- TAUL = 0.00, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.07, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.00, 0.00,
- 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.00, 0.00,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- TAUS = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
- 0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
- XL = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
- CWPVT = 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0,
- C3PSN = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
- KC25 = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
- AKC = 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1,
- KO25 = 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4,
- AKO = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2,
- AVCMX = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4,
- AQE = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
- LTOVRC= 0.0, 1.6, 1.8, 1.2, 1.2, 1.30, 0.50, 0.65, 0.70, 0.65, 0.55, 0.2, 0.55, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.4, 1.4, 0.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- DILEFC= 0.00, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.35, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.50, 0.60, 1.80, 0.50, 1.20, 0.80, 0.00, 0.40, 0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 0.30, 0.40, 0.30, 0.00, 0.30, 0.00, 0.00,
- DILEFW= 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.20, 0.20, 4.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00,
- RMF25 = 0.00, 1.00, 1.40, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.80, 0.26, 0.26, 0.80, 3.00, 4.00, 0.65, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 3.20, 3.20, 0.00, 3.20, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00,
- SLA = 60, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 60, 60, 60, 50, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 0, 80, 80, 0, 80, 80, 80, 80, 0, 80, 0, 0,
- FRAGR = 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00,
- TMIN = 0, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 268, 273, 265, 268, 0, 268, 268, 0, 268, 268, 268, 268, 0, 268, 0, 0,
- VCMX25= 0.00, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 60.0, 70.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 50.0, 55.0, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.00, 50.0, 0.00, 0.00,
- TDLEF = 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 268, 278, 278, 268, 0, 268, 268, 0, 268, 268, 268, 268, 0, 268, 0, 0,
- BP = 1.E15, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 1.E15, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 1.E15, 2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
- MP = 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 6., 9., 6., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9.,
- QE25 = 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.00,
- RMS25 = 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.32, 0.10, 0.64, 0.30, 0.90, 0.80, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
- RMR25 = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05, 0.36, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 2.11, 2.11, 2.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
- ARM = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
- FOLNMX= 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 0.00,
- WDPOOL= 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
- WRRAT = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.00, 0.00, 30.0, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
- MRP = 0.00, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.17, 0.19, 0.19, 0.40, 0.40, 0.37, 0.23, 0.37, 0.30, 0.00, 0.17, 0.40, 0.00, 0.17, 0.23, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00,
-! Monthly values, one row for each month:
- SAIM = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.9, 1.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.2, 1.3, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 1.2, 1.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.1, 1.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 1.6, 1.0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 1.4, 0.8, 0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- LAIM = 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 1.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 1.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.0, 3.5, 1.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.2, 0.6, 3.5, 1.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.5, 1.2, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.2, 3.5, 5.3, 2.3, 0.0, 1.2, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.5, 3.0, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 4.7, 2.0, 3.5, 5.5, 3.5, 0.0, 3.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 4.5, 2.6, 3.5, 5.3, 4.3, 0.0, 3.5, 1.7, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 3.5, 1.5, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 3.4, 1.7, 3.5, 5.3, 3.3, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 1.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 2.0, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.2, 1.0, 3.5, 4.2, 2.2, 0.0, 0.7, 2.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 3.5, 2.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.6, 1.6, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2, 3.5, 2.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 2.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
-! Five types, one row for each type.
- EPS = 41.87, 0.00, 0.00, 2.52, 0.04, 17.11, 0.02, 21.62, 0.11, 22.80, 46.86, 0.00, 0.00, 0.46, 30.98, 2.31, 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.98, 0.00, 0.00, 0.16, 0.09, 0.28, 0.05, 0.92, 0.22, 0.59, 0.38, 0.00, 0.00, 3.34, 0.96, 1.47, 1.07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 1.82, 0.00, 0.00, 0.23, 0.05, 0.81, 0.03, 1.73, 1.26, 1.37, 1.84, 0.00, 0.00, 1.85, 1.84, 1.70, 1.21, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
- NVEG = 20
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
- ISURBAN = 13
- ISWATER = 17
- ISSNOW = 15
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CH2OP = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
- DLEAF = 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04,
- Z0MVT = 1.09, 1.10, 0.85, 0.80, 0.80, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.86, 0.06, 0.055, 0.06, 1.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.03,
-! Z0MVT = 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.15, 0.12, 0.30, 0.15, 0.80, 0.14, 0.00, 0.01, 0.00, 0.30, 0.15, 0.10,
- HVT = 20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 16.0, 16.0, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 16.0, 0.50, 0.65, 0.50, 15.0, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.80, 0.80, 0.50,
- HVB = 8.50, 8.00, 7.00, 11.5, 10.0, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 5.00, 0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 1.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10,
- DEN = 0.28, 0.02, 0.28, 0.10, 0.10, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.02, 100., 5.05, 25.0, 0.01, 25.0, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00,
- RC = 1.20, 3.60, 1.20, 1.40, 1.40, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 3.00, 0.03, 0.75, 0.08, 1.00, 0.08, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- RHOL = 0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.11, 0.105, 0.11, 0.00, 0.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10,
- 0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.58, 0.515, 0.58, 0.00, 0.58, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- RHOS = 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.36, 0.26, 0.36, 0.00, 0.36, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16,
- 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.58, 0.485, 0.58, 0.00, 0.58, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- TAUL = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06, 0.07, 0.00, 0.07, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
- 0.10, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25,
- ! Row 1: Vis
- ! Row 2: Near IR
- TAUS = 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.220, 0.1105, 0.220, 0.000, 0.220, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
- 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.380, 0.1905, 0.380, 0.000, 0.380, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
- XL = 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, -0.30, -0.025, -0.30, 0.000, -0.30, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250,
- CWPVT = 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0,
-! CWPVT = 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18,
- C3PSN = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
- KC25 = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
- AKC = 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1,
- KO25 = 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4, 3.E4,
- AKO = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2,
- AVCMX = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4,
- AQE = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
- LTOVRC= 0.5, 0.55, 0.2, 0.55, 0.5, 0.65, 0.70, 0.65, 0.65, 0.50, 1.4, 1.6, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3, 1.4, 1.0,
- DILEFC= 1.20, 0.50, 1.80, 0.60, 0.80, 0.20, 0.50, 0.20, 0.50, 0.20, 0.4, 0.50, 0.00, 0.35, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.30, 0.40, 0.30,
- DILEFW= 0.20, 4.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.10, 0.2, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20,
- RMF25 = 3.00, 0.65, 4.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.80, 1.80, 3.2, 1.00, 0.00, 1.45, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00,
- SLA = 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 60, 60, 60, 50, 60, 80, 80, 60, 80, 0, 0, 0, 80, 80, 80,
- FRAGR = 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.1, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10,
- TMIN = 265, 273, 268, 273, 268, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 268, 273, 0, 273, 0, 0, 0, 268, 268, 268,
- VCMX25= 50.0, 60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 55.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 50.0, 80.0, 0.00, 60.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0,
- TDLEF = 278, 278, 268, 278, 268, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 268, 278, 278, 278, 0, 0, 0, 268, 268, 268,
- BP = 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3, 1.E15, 2.E3, 1.E15, 2.E3, 1.E15, 2.E3, 2.E3, 2.E3,
- MP = 6., 9., 6., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9.,
- QE25 = 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06,
- RMS25 = 0.90, 0.30, 0.64, 0.10, 0.80, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.32, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00,
- RMR25 = 0.36, 0.05, 0.05, 0.01, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 1.20, 0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 2.11, 2.11, 0.00,
- ARM = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
- FOLNMX= 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5,
- WDPOOL= 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.5, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00,
- WRRAT = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 15.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00,
- MRP = 0.37, 0.23, 0.37, 0.40, 0.30, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.40, 0.17, 0.285, 0.23, 0.00, 0.23, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.23, 0.20, 0.00,
-! Monthly values, one row for each month:
- SAIM = 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 0.5, 0.5, 1.3, 0.9, 0.4, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 0.6, 0.5, 1.2, 1.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 1.3, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0,
- 0.6, 0.5, 1.0, 1.6, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 1.1, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0,
- 0.7, 0.5, 0.8, 1.4, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0,
- LAIM = 1.6, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 1.6, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.45, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 1.6, 4.5, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 1.6, 4.5, 0.6, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.55, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 5.3, 4.5, 1.2, 3.0, 2.3, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.2, 0.85, 1.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
- 5.5, 4.5, 2.0, 4.7, 3.5, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.85, 2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
- 5.3, 4.5, 2.6, 4.5, 4.3, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.5, 2.6, 3.0, 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0,
- 5.3, 4.5, 1.7, 3.4, 3.3, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.25, 3.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
- 4.2, 4.5, 1.0, 1.2, 2.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.6, 1.5, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
- 2.2, 4.5, 0.5, 0.3, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0,
- 2.2, 4.5, 0.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.65, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 2.2, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-! LAIM = 5.1, 3.3, 0.0, 1.9, 3.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.3, 1.8, 0.0, 2.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.7, 0.0,
-! 5.0, 3.6, 0.0, 1.9, 2.9, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.45, 1.9, 0.0, 2.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0,
-! 5.1, 4.4, 0.0, 2.1, 3.3, 1.0, 0.8, 1.8, 1.7, 1.1, 0.5, 2.6, 0.0, 2.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0,
-! 5.3, 5.4, 0.6, 2.5, 4.0, 1.0, 0.9, 2.6, 2.9, 1.7, 0.55, 3.9, 0.0, 3.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0,
-! 5.9, 6.2, 1.2, 3.1, 5.0, 1.0, 1.5, 3.4, 3.6, 2.5, 0.85, 5.2, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0,
-! 6.3, 6.4, 2.0, 3.3, 5.4, 1.0, 2.1, 3.6, 3.5, 2.7, 1.85, 5.6, 0.0, 4.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.3, 0.0,
-! 6.4, 5.9, 2.6, 3.3, 5.4, 1.0, 2.6, 3.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6, 5.3, 0.0, 4.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.3, 3.3, 0.0,
-! 6.1, 5.6, 1.7, 3.1, 5.0, 1.0, 2.4, 3.2, 2.7, 2.4, 2.25, 4.5, 0.0, 3.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.3, 3.0, 0.0,
-! 6.0, 5.3, 1.0, 2.9, 4.8, 1.0, 2.2, 2.9, 2.4, 2.1, 1.6, 4.1, 0.0, 3.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.8, 3.0, 0.0,
-! 5.5, 4.7, 0.5, 2.6, 4.1, 1.0, 1.6, 2.3, 1.8, 1.7, 1.1, 3.2, 0.0, 3.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4, 1.4, 0.0,
-! 5.2, 4.0, 0.2, 2.2, 3.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 0.65, 2.3, 0.0, 2.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.0,
-! 5.1, 3.2, 0.0, 1.9, 3.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.4, 1.7, 0.0, 2.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.0,
- SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223, 0.02, 0.02, 0.0422, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
-! Five types, one row for each type.
- EPS = 0.46, 0.00, 0.00, 46.86, 30.98, 21.62, 0.11, 21.62, 22.80, 0.02, 0.815, 0.00, 41.87, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, 2.31, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 3.34, 0.00, 0.00, 0.38, 0.96, 0.92, 0.22, 0.92, 0.59, 0.05, 0.535, 0.00, 0.98, 0.09, 0.0, 0.0, 1.47, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 1.85, 0.00, 0.00, 1.84, 1.84, 1.73, 1.26, 1.73, 1.37, 0.03, 0.605, 0.00, 1.82, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
diff --git a/settings/README b/settings/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 68a4489ff..000000000
--- a/settings/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# This file details the set of commands used to run the test cases for SUMMA
-# There are two classes of test cases:
-# 1) Test cases based on synthetic/lab data; and
-# 2) Test cases based on field data.
-# The commands assume that you are in the directory {localInstallation}/bin/
-# and that the control files are in {localInstallation}/settings/
-# *************************************************************************************************
-# Synthetic test case 1: Simulations from Celia (WRR 1990)
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
-# Synthetic test case 2: Simulations from Miller (WRR 1998)
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
-# Synthetic test case 3: Simulations of the lab experiment of Mizoguchi (1990)
-# as described by Hansson et al. (VZJ 2005)
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
-# Synthetic test case 4: Simulations of rain on a sloping hillslope from Wigmosta (WRR 1999)
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
-./summa.exe _testSumma ../settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
-# End of test cases based on synthetic/lab data
-# *************************************************************************************************
-# Figure 1: Radiation transmission through an Aspen stand, Reynolds Mountain East
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenBeersLaw ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenNLscatter ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenUEB2stream ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenCLM2stream ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenVegParamPerturb ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenVegParamPerturb.txt
-# Figure 2: Wind attenuation through an Aspen stand, Reynolds Mountain East
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenWindParamPerturb ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt
-# Figure 3: Impacts of canopy wind profile on surface fluxes, surface temperature, and snow melt (Aspen stand, Reynolds Mountain East)
-./summa.exe _riparianAspenExpWindProfile ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
-# Figure 4: Form of different interception capacity parameterizations
-# (no model simulations conducted/needed)
-# Figure 5: Snow interception at Umpqua
-./summa.exe _hedpom9697 ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt
-./summa.exe _hedpom9798 ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt
-./summa.exe _storck9697 ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt
-./summa.exe _storck9798 ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt
-# Figure 6: Sensitivity to snow albedo representations at Reynolds Mountain East and Senator Beck
-./summa.exe _reynoldsConstantDecayRate ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
-./summa.exe _reynoldsVariableDecayRate ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
-./summa.exe _senatorConstantDecayRate ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
-./summa.exe _senatorVariableDecayRate ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
-# Figure 7: Sensitivity of ET to the stomatal resistance parameterization (Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East)
-./summa.exe _jarvis ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
-./summa.exe _ballBerry ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
-./summa.exe _simpleResistance ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
-# Figure 8: Sensitivity of ET to the root distribution and the baseflow parameterization (Aspen stand at Reynolds Mountain East)
-# (NOTE: baseflow simulations conducted as part of Figure 9)
-./summa.exe _perturbRoots ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
-# Figure 9: Simulations of runoff using different baseflow parameterizations (Reynolds Mountain East)
-./summa.exe _1dRichards ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt
-./summa.exe _lumpedTopmodel ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt
-./summa.exe _distributedTopmodel ../settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt
-# End of test cases based on field data
-# *************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
deleted file mode 100644
index b87d1bae5..000000000
--- a/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Soil Parameters
-1, 2.79, 0.010, -0.472, 0.339, 0.236, 0.069, 1.07E-6, 0.608E-6, 0.010, 0.92, 'SAND'
-2, 4.26, 0.028, -1.044, 0.421, 0.383, 0.036, 1.41E-5, 0.514E-5, 0.028, 0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
-3, 4.74, 0.047, -0.569, 0.434, 0.383, 0.141, 5.23E-6, 0.805E-5, 0.047, 0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
-4, 5.33, 0.084, 0.162, 0.476, 0.360, 0.759, 2.81E-6, 0.239E-4, 0.084, 0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
-5, 5.33, 0.084, 0.162, 0.476, 0.383, 0.759, 2.81E-6, 0.239E-4, 0.084, 0.10, 'SILT'
-6, 5.25, 0.066, -0.327, 0.439, 0.329, 0.355, 3.38E-6, 0.143E-4, 0.066, 0.40, 'LOAM'
-7, 6.66, 0.067, -1.491, 0.404, 0.314, 0.135, 4.45E-6, 0.990E-5, 0.067, 0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
-8, 8.72, 0.120, -1.118, 0.464, 0.387, 0.617, 2.04E-6, 0.237E-4, 0.120, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
-9, 8.17, 0.103, -1.297, 0.465, 0.382, 0.263, 2.45E-6, 0.113E-4, 0.103, 0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
-10, 10.73, 0.100, -3.209, 0.406, 0.338, 0.098, 7.22E-6, 0.187E-4, 0.100, 0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
-11, 10.39, 0.126, -1.916, 0.468, 0.404, 0.324, 1.34E-6, 0.964E-5, 0.126, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
-12, 11.55, 0.138, -2.138, 0.468, 0.412, 0.468, 9.74E-7, 0.112E-4, 0.138, 0.25, 'CLAY'
-13, 5.25, 0.066, -0.327, 0.439, 0.329, 0.355, 3.38E-6, 0.143E-4, 0.066, 0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
-14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.60, 'WATER'
-15, 2.79, 0.006, -1.111, 0.20, 0.17, 0.069, 1.41E-4, 0.136E-3, 0.006, 0.07, 'BEDROCK'
-16, 4.26, 0.028, -1.044, 0.421, 0.283, 0.036, 1.41E-5, 0.514E-5, 0.028, 0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-17, 11.55, 0.030, -10.472, 0.468, 0.454, 0.468, 9.74E-7, 0.112E-4, 0.030, 0.60, 'PLAYA'
-18, 2.79, 0.006, -0.472, 0.200, 0.17, 0.069, 1.41E-4, 0.136E-3, 0.006, 0.52, 'LAVA'
-19, 2.79, 0.01, -0.472, 0.339, 0.236, 0.069, 1.07E-6, 0.608E-6, 0.01, 0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
-Soil Parameters
-1, 4.05, 0.045, 1.47, 0.395, 0.236, 0.121, 1.76E-4, 0.608E-6, 0.068, 0.92, 'SAND'
-2, 4.38, 0.057, 1.41, 0.410, 0.383, 0.090, 1.56E-4, 0.514E-5, 0.075, 0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
-3, 4.90, 0.065, 1.34, 0.435, 0.383, 0.218, 3.47E-5, 0.805E-5, 0.114, 0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
-4, 5.30, 0.067, 1.27, 0.485, 0.360, 0.786, 7.20E-6, 0.239E-4, 0.179, 0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
-5, 5.30, 0.034, 1.27, 0.485, 0.383, 0.786, 7.20E-6, 0.239E-4, 0.179, 0.10, 'SILT'
-6, 5.39, 0.078, 1.21, 0.451, 0.329, 0.478, 6.95E-6, 0.143E-4, 0.155, 0.40, 'LOAM'
-7, 7.12, 0.100, 1.18, 0.420, 0.314, 0.299, 6.30E-6, 0.990E-5, 0.175, 0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
-8, 7.75, 0.089, 1.32, 0.477, 0.387, 0.356, 1.70E-6, 0.237E-4, 0.218, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
-9, 8.52, 0.095, 1.23, 0.476, 0.382, 0.630, 2.45E-6, 0.113E-4, 0.250, 0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
-10, 10.40, 0.100, 1.18, 0.426, 0.338, 0.153, 2.17E-6, 0.187E-4, 0.219, 0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
-11, 10.40, 0.070, 1.15, 0.492, 0.404, 0.490, 1.03E-6, 0.964E-5, 0.283, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
-12, 11.40, 0.068, 1.09, 0.482, 0.412, 0.405, 1.28E-6, 0.112E-4, 0.286, 0.25, 'CLAY'
-13, 5.39, 0.078, 1.21, 0.451, 0.329, 0.478, 6.95E-6, 0.143E-4, 0.155, 0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
-14, 0.0, 0.0, 4.18, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 'WATER'
-15, 4.05, 0.004, 2.03, 0.200, 0.17, 0.121, 1.41E-4, 0.136E-3, 0.006, 0.60, 'BEDROCK'
-16, 4.90, 0.065, 2.10, 0.435, 0.283, 0.218, 3.47E-5, 0.514E-5, 0.114, 0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-17, 11.40, 0.030, 1.41, 0.468, 0.454, 0.468, 9.74E-7, 0.112E-4, 0.030, 0.60, 'PLAYA'
-18, 4.05, 0.006, 1.41, 0.200, 0.17, 0.069, 1.41E-4, 0.136E-3, 0.060, 0.52, 'LAVA'
-19, 4.05, 0.01, 1.47, 0.339, 0.236, 0.069, 1.76E-4, 0.608E-6, 0.060, 0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
-Soil Parameters
-12,1 'theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil BB DRYSMC HC MAXSMC REFSMC SATPSI SATDK SATDW WLTSMC QTZ '
-1 0.098 0.459 -1.496 1.253 1.70799e-06 1.40 0.068 1.09 0.482 0.412 0.405 1.28E-6 0.112E-4 0.286 0.25 'CLAY'
-2 0.079 0.442 -1.581 1.416 9.47297e-07 8.52 0.095 1.23 0.476 0.382 0.630 2.45E-6 0.113E-4 0.250 0.35 'CLAY LOAM'
-3 0.061 0.399 -1.112 1.472 1.39472e-06 5.39 0.078 1.21 0.451 0.329 0.478 6.95E-6 0.143E-4 0.155 0.40 'LOAM'
-4 0.049 0.390 -3.475 1.746 1.21755e-05 4.38 0.057 1.41 0.410 0.383 0.090 1.56E-4 0.514E-5 0.075 0.82 'LOAMY SAND'
-5 0.053 0.375 -3.524 3.177 7.43852e-05 4.05 0.045 1.47 0.395 0.236 0.121 1.76E-4 0.608E-6 0.068 0.92 'SAND'
-6 0.117 0.385 -3.342 1.208 1.31367e-06 0.40 0.100 1.18 0.426 0.338 0.153 2.17E-6 0.187E-4 0.219 0.52 'SANDY CLAY'
-7 0.063 0.384 -2.109 1.330 1.52576e-06 7.12 0.100 1.18 0.420 0.314 0.299 6.30E-6 0.990E-5 0.175 0.60 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
-8 0.039 0.387 -2.667 1.449 4.43084e-06 4.90 0.065 1.34 0.435 0.383 0.218 3.47E-5 0.805E-5 0.114 0.60 'SANDY LOAM'
-9 0.050 0.489 -0.658 1.679 5.06391e-06 5.30 0.034 1.27 0.485 0.383 0.786 7.20E-6 0.239E-4 0.179 0.10 'SILT'
-10 0.111 0.481 -1.622 1.321 1.11298e-06 0.40 0.070 1.15 0.492 0.404 0.490 1.03E-6 0.964E-5 0.283 0.10 'SILTY CLAY'
-11 0.090 0.482 -0.839 1.521 1.28673e-06 7.75 0.089 1.32 0.477 0.387 0.356 1.70E-6 0.237E-4 0.218 0.10 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
-12 0.065 0.439 -0.506 1.663 2.11099e-06 5.30 0.067 1.27 0.485 0.360 0.786 7.20E-6 0.239E-4 0.179 0.25 'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
deleted file mode 100644
index be03224ef..000000000
--- a/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Vegetation Parameters
-1, .10, 1, 200., 999., 999.0, 0.04, 46., 1.00, 1.00, .880, .880, .15, .15, .50, .50, 'Urban and Built-Up Land'
-2, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 66., 1.56, 5.68, .920, .985, .17, .23, .05, .15, 'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
-3, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 66., 1.56, 5.68, .930, .985, .20, .25, .02, .10, 'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
-4, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 66., 1.00, 4.50, .920, .985, .18, .23, .05, .15, 'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
-5, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 68., 2.29, 4.29, .920, .980, .18, .23, .05, .14, 'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
-6, .80, 3, 70., 65., 44.14, 0.04, 60., 2.00, 4.00, .930, .985, .16, .20, .20, .20, 'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
-7, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.35, 0.04, 70., 0.52, 2.90, .920, .960, .19, .23, .10, .12, 'Grassland'
-8, .70, 3, 300., 100., 42.00, 0.03, 60., 0.50, 3.66, .930, .930, .25, .30, .01, .05, 'Shrubland'
-9, .70, 3, 170., 100., 39.18, 0.035, 65., 0.60, 2.60, .930, .950, .22, .30, .01, .06, 'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
-10, .50, 3, 70., 65., 54.53, 0.04, 50., 0.50, 3.66, .920, .920, .20, .20, .15, .15, 'Savanna'
-11, .80, 4, 100., 30., 54.53, 0.08, 58., 1.85, 3.31, .930, .930, .16, .17, .50, .50, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
-12, .70, 4, 150., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 54., 1.00, 5.16, .930, .940, .14, .15, .50, .50, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
-13, .95, 4, 150., 30., 41.69, 0.08, 35., 3.08, 6.48, .950, .950, .12, .12, .50, .50, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
-14, .70, 4, 125., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 52., 5.00, 6.40, .950, .950, .12, .12, .50, .50, 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
-15, .80, 4, 125., 30., 51.93, 0.08, 53., 2.80, 5.50, .930, .970, .17, .25, .20, .50, 'Mixed Forest'
-16, .00, 0, 100., 30., 51.75, 0.01, 70., 0.01, 0.01, .980, .980, .08, .08, 0.0001, 0.0001, 'Water Bodies'
-17, .60, 2, 40., 100., 60.00, 0.01, 68., 1.50, 5.65, .950, .950, .14, .14, .20, .20, 'Herbaceous Wetland'
-18, .60, 2, 100., 30., 51.93, 0.02, 50., 2.00, 5.80, .950, .950, .14, .14, .40, .40, 'Wooded Wetland'
-19, .01, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 75., 0.10, 0.75, .900, .900, .38, .38, .01, .01, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
-20, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 68., 0.41, 3.35, .920, .920, .15, .20, .10, .10, 'Herbaceous Tundra'
-21, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 55., 0.41, 3.35, .930, .930, .15, .20, .30, .30, 'Wooded Tundra'
-22, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 60., 0.41, 3.35, .920, .920, .15, .20, .15, .15, 'Mixed Tundra'
-23, .30, 2, 200., 100., 42.00, 0.02, 75., 0.41, 3.35, .900, .900, .25, .25, .05, .10, 'Bare Ground Tundra'
-24, .00, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 82., 0.01, 0.01, .950, .950, .55, .70, 0.001, 0.001, 'Snow or Ice'
-25, .50, 1, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.02, 75., 0.01, 0.01, .890, .890, .30, .30, .01, .01, 'Playa'
-26, .00, 0, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 75., 0.01, 0.01, .880, .880, .16, .16, .15, .15, 'Lava'
-27, .00, 0, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 75., 0.01, 0.01, .830, .830, .60, .60, .01, .01, 'White Sand'
-Vegetation Parameters
-1 .70, 4, 125., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 52., 5.00, 6.40, .950, .950, .12, .12, .50, .50, 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
-2, .95, 4, 150., 30., 41.69, 0.08, 35., 3.08, 6.48, .950, .950, .12, .12, .50, .50, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
-3, .70, 4, 150., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 54., 1.00, 5.16, .930, .940, .14, .15, .50, .50, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
-4, .80, 4, 100., 30., 54.53, 0.08, 58., 1.85, 3.31, .930, .930, .16, .17, .50, .50, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
-5, .80, 4, 125., 30., 51.93, 0.08, 53., 2.80, 5.50, .930, .970, .17, .25, .20, .50, 'Mixed Forests'
-6, .70, 3, 300., 100., 42.00, 0.03, 60., 0.50, 3.66, .930, .930, .25, .30, .01, .05, 'Closed Shrublands'
-7, .70, 3, 170., 100., 39.18, 0.035, 65., 0.60, 2.60, .930, .950, .22, .30, .01, .06, 'Open Shrublands'
-8, .70, 3, 300., 100., 42.00, 0.03, 60., 0.50, 3.66, .930, .930, .25, .30, .01, .05, 'Woody Savannas'
-9, .50, 3, 70., 65., 54.53, 0.04, 50., 0.50, 3.66, .920, .920, .20, .20, .15, .15, 'Savannas'
-10, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.35, 0.04, 70., 0.52, 2.90, .920, .960, .19, .23, .10, .12, 'Grasslands'
-11 .60, 2, 70., 65., 55.97 0.015 59., 1.75, 5.72, .950, .950, .14, .14, .30, .30, 'Permanent wetlands'
-12, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 66., 1.56, 5.68, .920, .985, .17, .23, .05, .15, 'Croplands'
-13, .10, 1, 200., 999., 999.0, 0.04, 46., 1.00, 1.00, .880, .880, .15, .15, .50, .50, 'Urban and Built-Up'
-14 .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 68., 2.29, 4.29, .920, .980, .18, .23, .05, .14, 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
-15, .00, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 82., 0.01, 0.01, .950, .950, .55, .70, 0.001, 0.001, 'Snow and Ice'
-16, .01, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 75., 0.10, 0.75, .900, .900, .38, .38, .01, .01, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
-17, .00, 0, 100., 30., 51.75, 0.01, 70., 0.01, 0.01, .980, .980, .08, .08, 0.0001, 0.0001, 'Water'
-18, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 55., 0.41, 3.35, .930, .930, .15, .20, .30, .30, 'Wooded Tundra'
-19, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 60., 0.41, 3.35, .920, .920, .15, .20, .15, .15, 'Mixed Tundra'
-20, .30, 2, 200., 100., 42.00, 0.02, 75., 0.41, 3.35, .900, .900, .25, .25, .05, .10, 'Barren Tundra'
-Vegetation Parameters
-1, .18, .50, .88, .40, .10, 1, 200., 999., 999.0, 0.04, 4.0, 40., 'Urban and Built-Up Land'
-2, .17, .06, .92, .30, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 4.0, 64., 'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
-3, .18, .075, .92, .40, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 4.0, 64., 'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
-4, .18, .065, .92, .40, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 4.0, 64., 'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
-5, .18, .05, .92, .40, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.04, 4.0, 64., 'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
-6, .16, .20, .93, .40, .80, 3, 70., 65., 44.14, 0.04, 4.0, 60., 'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
-7, .19, .075 .92, .40, .80, 3, 40., 100., 36.35, 0.04, 4.0, 64., 'Grassland'
-8, .22, .10, .88, .40, .70, 3, 300., 100., 42.00, 0.03, 4.0, 69., 'Shrubland'
-9, .20, .11, .90, .40, .70, 3, 170., 100., 39.18, 0.035, 4.0, 67., 'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
-10, .20, .15, .92, .40, .50, 3, 70., 65., 54.53, 0.04, 4.0, 45., 'Savanna'
-11, .16, .50, .93, .55, .80, 4, 100., 30., 54.53, 0.08, 4.0, 58., 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
-12, .14, .50, .94, .55, .70, 4, 150., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 4.0, 54., 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
-13, .12, .50, .95, .55, .95, 4, 150., 30., 41.69, 0.08, 4.0, 32., 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
-14, .12, .50, .95, .55, .70, 4, 125., 30., 47.35, 0.08, 4.0, 52., 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
-15, .13, .50, .94, .55, .80, 4, 125., 30., 51.93, 0.08, 4.0, 53., 'Mixed Forest'
-16, .08, .0001, .98, .00, .00, 0, 100., 30., 51.75, 0.01, 4.0, 70., 'Water Bodies'
-17, .14, .20, .95, .55, .60, 2, 40., 100., 60.00, 0.01, 4.0, 35., 'Herbaceous Wetland'
-18, .14, .40, .95, .55, .60, 2, 100., 30., 51.93, 0.02, 4.0, 30., 'Wooded Wetland'
-19, .25, .05, .85, .30, .01, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 4.0, 69., 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
-20, .15, .10, .92, .30, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 4.0, 58., 'Herbaceous Tundra'
-21, .15, .15, .93, .40, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 4.0, 55., 'Wooded Tundra'
-22, .15, .10, .92, .40, .60, 3, 150., 100., 42.00, 0.025, 4.0, 55., 'Mixed Tundra'
-23, .25, .065 .85, .30, .30, 2, 200., 100., 42.00, 0.02, 4.0, 65., 'Bare Ground Tundra'
-24, .55, .05, .95, .00, .00, 1, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 4.0, 75., 'Snow or Ice'
-25, .30, .01, .85, .30, .50, 1, 40., 100., 36.25, 0.02, 4.0, 69., 'Playa'
-26, .16, .15, .85, .00, .00, 0, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 4.0, 69., 'Lava'
-27, .60, .01, .90, .00, .00, 0, 999., 999., 999.0, 0.02, 4.0, 69., 'White Sand'
diff --git a/settings/meta/README b/settings/meta/README
deleted file mode 100644
index b26545962..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Fri Mar 22 11:37:00 MDT 2013
-Test README file created by tor
-hello world peace
-hell o' whirled peas
diff --git a/settings/meta/dos2unix.sh b/settings/meta/dos2unix.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 00bc1a70a..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/dos2unix.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Perl equivalent of the popular dos2unix utility:
-# Convert DOS line endings to Unix line endings:
-# works in bulk, safely updates files in place.
-my ($filename, $line, $count);
-$count = 0;
-# If no arguments, print an error message
-if( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
- print "Usage: $0 filenames\n";
- print ";Replace DOS line endings with Unix line endings\n";
- exit(5);
- }
-# Loop through each given filename
-foreach $filename (@ARGV)
- if( -e "$filename.bak" ) {
- printf "Skipping $filename.bak - it already exists\n";
- }
- elsif(!( -f $filename && -r $filename && -w $filename )) {
- printf "Skipping $filename - not a regular writable file\n";
- }
- else {
- rename("$filename","$filename.bak");
- open INPUT, "$filename.bak";
- open OUTPUT, ">$filename";
- while( ) {
- s/\r\n$/\n/; # convert CR LF to LF
- print OUTPUT $_;
- }
- close INPUT;
- close OUTPUT;
- unlink("$filename.bak");
- $count++;
- }
-printf "Processed $count files.\n";
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e3b3413..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (runoff and aquifer fluxes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-basin__totalArea | total basin area | m2 | scalarv | T
-basin__SurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__ColumnOutflow | outflow from all "outlet" HRUs (those with no downstream HRU) | m3 s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__AquiferStorage | aquifer storage | m | scalarv | T
-basin__AquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__AquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__AquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! runoff
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-routingRunoffFuture | runoff in future time steps | m s-1 | routing | F
-routingFractionFuture | fraction of runoff in future time steps | - | routing | F
-averageInstantRunoff | instantaneous runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageRoutedRunoff | routed runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94257c0db..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: parameter description
-! 3: parameter units
-! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket | m | scalarv | T
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent for the big bucket | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! sub-grid routing
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | - | scalarv | T
-routingGammaScale | scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | s | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd6d5500f..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF CLASSIFICATIONS ***************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format 1x,a1,1x), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (e.g., scalar, vector of monthly values)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a60,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! classifications
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex | index defining the hydrologic response unit | - | scalarv | T
-vegTypeIndex | index defining vegetation type | - | scalarv | T
-soilTypeIndex | index defining soil type | - | scalarv | T
-slopeTypeIndex | index defining slope | - | scalarv | T
-downHRUindex | index of downslope HRU (0 = basin outlet) | - | scalarv | T
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d2768ff7f..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL FORCING DATA ************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a10,(1x,a1,1x),a50,(1x,a1,1x),a40,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format of the descriptions that follow (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! forcing data information
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-time | time since time reference | seconds since 1990-1-1 0:0:0.0 -0:00 | scalarv | T
-pptrate | precipitation rate | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-SWRadAtm | downward shortwave radiation at the upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-LWRadAtm | downward longwave radiation at the upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-airtemp | air temperature at the measurement height | K | scalarv | T
-windspd | wind speed at the measurement height | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-airpres | air pressure at the the measurement height | Pa | scalarv | T
-spechum | specific humidity at the measurement height | g g-1 | scalarv | T
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d5702e1..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS **********************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format 1x,a1,1x), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (e.g., scalar, vector of monthly values)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a15,(1x,a1,1x),a55,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format of the descriptions that follow (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! site characteristics
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-latitude | latitude | degrees north | scalarv | T
-longitude | longitude | degrees east | scalarv | T
-elevation | elevation | m | scalarv | T
-tan_slope | tan water table slope (tan local ground surface slope) | - | scalarv | T
-contourLength | length of contour at downslope edge of HRU | m | scalarv | T
-HRUarea | area of each HRU | m2 | scalarv | T
-mHeight | measurement height above bare ground | m | scalarv | T
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b88778a4e..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INDEX VARIABLES ******************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for variable descriptions
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a60,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-nSnow | number of snow layers | - | scalarv | T
-nSoil | number of soil layers | - | scalarv | T
-nLayers | total number of layers | - | scalarv | T
-midSnowStartIndex | start index of the midSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midSoilStartIndex | start index of the midSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midTotoStartIndex | start index of the midToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSnowStartIndex | start index of the ifcSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSoilStartIndex | start index of the ifcSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcTotoStartIndex | start index of the ifcToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-layerType | index defining type of layer (soil or snow) | - | midToto | F
-! ************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a64462fac..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! timestep-average fluxes for a few key variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-totalSoilCompress | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-averageThroughfallSnow | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageThroughfallRain | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopySnowUnloading | unloading of snow from the vegetion canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopyLiqDrainage | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopyMeltFreeze | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopyTranspiration | canopy transpiration | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopyEvaporation | canopy evaporation/condensation | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageCanopySublimation | canopy sublimation/frost | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSnowSublimation | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageGroundEvaporation | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageRainPlusMelt | rain plus melt input to soil before calculating surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSoilInflux | influx of water at the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSoilBaseflow | total baseflow from throughout the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSoilDrainage | drainage from the bottom of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageAquiferTranspire | transpiration from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageColumnOutflow | outflow from each layer in the soil profile | m3 s-1 | midSoil | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (forcing)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCosZenith | cosine of the solar zenith angle | - | scalarv | F
-scalarFractionDirect | fraction of direct radiation (0-1) | - | scalarv | F
-spectralIncomingDirect | incoming direct solar radiation in each wave band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-spectralIncomingDiffuse | incoming diffuse solar radiation in each wave band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-scalarVPair | vapor pressure of the air above the vegetation canopy | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarTwetbulb | wet bulb temperature | K | scalarv | F
-scalarRainfall | computed rainfall rate | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSnowfall | computed snowfall rate | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSnowfallTemp | temperature of fresh snow | K | scalarv | F
-scalarNewSnowDensity | density of fresh snow (should snow be falling in this time step) | kg m-3 | scalarv | F
-scalarO2air | atmospheric o2 concentration | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarCO2air | atmospheric co2 concentration | Pa | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (state variables)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyIce | mass of ice on the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyLiq | mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanairTemp | temperature of the canopy air space | K | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyTemp | temperature of the vegetation canopy | K | scalarv | T
-scalarSnowAge | non-dimensional snow age | - | scalarv | T
-scalarSnowAlbedo | snow albedo for the entire spectral band | - | scalarv | T
-spectralSnowAlbedoDirect | direct snow albedo for individual spectral bands | - | wLength | T
-spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse | diffuse snow albedo for individual spectral bands | - | wLength | T
-scalarSnowDepth | total snow depth | m | scalarv | T
-scalarSWE | snow water equivalent | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarSfcMeltPond | ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer" | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarAquiferStorage | water required to bring aquifer to the bottom of the soil profile | m | scalarv | T
-scalarSurfaceTemp | surface temperature (just a copy of the upper-layer temperature) | K | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (general)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarGreenVegFraction | green vegetation fraction (used to compute LAI) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg | bulk volumetric heat capacity of vegetation | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarRootZoneTemp | average temperature of the root zone | K | scalarv | F
-scalarLAI | one-sided leaf area index | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSAI | one-sided stem area index | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarExposedLAI | exposed leaf area index (after burial by snow) | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarExposedSAI | exposed stem area index (after burial by snow) | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyIceMax | maximum interception storage capacity for ice | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyLiqMax | maximum interception storage capacity for liquid water | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarGrowingSeasonIndex | growing season index (0=off, 1=on) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarVP_CanopyAir | vapor pressure of the canopy air space | Pa | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (shortwave radiation)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopySunlitFraction | sunlit fraction of canopy | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySunlitLAI | sunlit leaf area | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyShadedLAI | shaded leaf area | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySunlitPAR | average absorbed par for sunlit leaves | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyShadedPAR | average absorbed par for shaded leaves | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-spectralBelowCanopyDirect | downward direct flux below veg layer for each spectral band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse | downward diffuse flux below veg layer for each spectral band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-scalarBelowCanopySolar | solar radiation transmitted below the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-spectralAlbGndDirect | direct albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band | - | wLength | F
-spectralAlbGndDiffuse | diffuse albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band | - | wLength | F
-scalarGroundAlbedo | albedo of the ground surface | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar | solar radiation absorbed by canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar | solar radiation absorbed by ground | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (longwave radiation)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyEmissivity | effective canopy emissivity | - | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy | longwave radiation emitted from the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround | longwave radiation emitted at the ground surface | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Ground | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the ground | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound | atmospheric radiation refl by ground + lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound | longwave radiation emitted from canopy lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground | longwave radiation emitted from canopy absorbed by the ground | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy | canopy longwave reflected from ground and absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround2Ubound | longwave radiation emitted from ground lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround2Canopy | longwave radiation emitted from ground and absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetCanopy | net longwave radiation at the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetGround | net longwave radiation at the ground surface | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetUbound | net longwave radiation at the upper atmospheric boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (turbulent heat transfer)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for veg canopy | J kg-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarLatHeatSubVapGround | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for ground surface | J kg-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of vegetation canopy | Pa | scalarv | T
-scalarSatVP_GroundTemp | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the ground | Pa | scalarv | T
-scalarZ0Canopy | roughness length of the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-scalarWindReductionFactor | canopy wind reduction factor | - | scalarv | T
-scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement | zero plane displacement | m | scalarv | T
-scalarRiBulkCanopy | bulk Richardson number for the canopy | - | scalarv | T
-scalarRiBulkGround | bulk Richardson number for the ground surface | - | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection | stability correction for the canopy | - | scalarv | T
-scalarGroundStabilityCorrection | stability correction for the ground surface | - | scalarv | T
-scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop | eddy diffusivity for heat at the top of the canopy | m2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarFrictionVelocity | friction velocity (canopy momentum sink) | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarWindspdCanopyTop | windspeed at the top of the canopy | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarWindspdCanopyBottom | windspeed at the height of the bottom of the canopy | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarGroundResistance | below canopy aerodynamic resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyResistance | above canopy aerodynamic resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarLeafResistance | mean leaf boundary layer resistance per unit leaf area | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSoilResistance | soil surface resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSoilRelHumidity | relative humidity in the soil pores in the upper-most soil layer | - | scalarv | T
-scalarSenHeatTotal | sensible heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarSenHeatCanopy | sensible heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarSenHeatGround | sensible heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated) | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarLatHeatTotal | latent heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap | evaporation latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans | transpiration latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarLatHeatGround | latent heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated) | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux | heat advected to the canopy with precipitation (snow + rain) | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux | heat advected to the ground with throughfall + unloading/drainage | W m-2 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyTranspiration | canopy transpiration | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopyEvaporation | canopy evaporation/condensation | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarCanopySublimation | canopy sublimation/frost | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarGroundEvaporation | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSnowSublimation | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (transpiration)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarTranspireLim | aggregate soil moisture and aquifer control on transpiration | - | scalarv | F
-scalarTranspireLimAqfr | aquifer storage control on transpiration | - | scalarv | F
-scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor | foliage nitrogen concentration (1=saturated) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarStomResistSunlit | stomatal resistance for sunlit leaves | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarStomResistShaded | stomatal resistance for shaded leaves | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit | sunlit photosynthesis | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarPhotosynthesisShaded | shaded photosynthesis | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! vegetation variables (canopy water)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyWetFraction | fraction canopy that is wet | - | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundSnowFraction | fraction ground that is covered with snow | - | scalarv | F
-scalarThroughfallSnow | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarThroughfallRain | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySnowUnloading | unloading of snow from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyLiqDrainage | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyMeltFreeze | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (soil and aquifer fluxes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarRainPlusMelt | rain plus melt, used as input to soil before surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInfilArea | fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate | - | scalarv | T
-scalarFrozenArea | fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice | - | scalarv | T
-scalarInfiltration | infiltration of water into the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarExfiltration | exfiltration of water from the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInitAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInitAquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarAquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInitAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (sub-step average fluxes for the soil zone)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarSoilInflux | sub-step average: influx of water at the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilCompress | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilBaseflow | sub-step average: total baseflow from the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilDrainage | sub-step average: drainage from the bottom of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilTranspiration | sub-step average: total transpiration from the soil | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (mass balance check)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarSoilWatBalError | error in the total soil water balance | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferBalError | error in the aquifer water balance | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarTotalSoilLiq | total mass of liquid water in the soil | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarTotalSoilIce | total mass of ice in the soil | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the mid-point of each layer -- domain geometry
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-mLayerDepth | depth of each layer | m | midToto | T
-mLayerHeight | height of the layer mid-point (top of soil = 0) | m | midToto | T
-mLayerRootDensity | fraction of roots in each soil layer | - | midSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the mid-point of each layer coupled energy and mass
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-mLayerTemp | temperature of each layer | K | midToto | T
-mLayerVolFracAir | volumetric fraction of air in each layer | - | midToto | F
-mLayerVolFracIce | volumetric fraction of ice in each layer | - | midToto | T
-mLayerVolFracLiq | volumetric fraction of liquid water in each layer | - | midToto | T
-mLayerVolHtCapBulk | volumetric heat capacity in each layer | J m-3 K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerTcrit | critical soil temperature above which all water is unfrozen | K | midSoil | F
-mLayerdTheta_dTk | derivative in volumetric liquid water content wrt temperature | K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerThermalC | thermal conductivity at the mid-point of each layer | W m-1 K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerRadCondFlux | temporal derivative in energy of radiative and conductive flux | J m-3 s-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerMeltFreeze | ice content change from melt/freeze in each layer | kg m-3 | midToto | F
-mLayerInfilFreeze | ice content change by freezing infiltrating flux | kg m-3 | midToto | F
-mLayerSatHydCond | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerSatHydCondMP | saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores in each layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerMatricHead | matric head of water in the soil | m | midSoil | T
-mLayerdTheta_dPsi | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi | m-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerdPsi_dTheta | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta | m | midSoil | F
-mLayerThetaResid | residual volumetric water content in each snow layer | - | midSnow | F
-mLayerPoreSpace | total pore space in each snow layer | - | midSnow | F
-mLayerCompress | change in volumetric water content due to compression of soil | - | midSoil | F
-mLayerTranspireLim | soil moist & veg limit on transpiration for each layer | - | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitTranspire | transpiration loss from each soil layer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerTranspire | transpiration loss from each soil layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitQMacropore | liquid flux from micropores to macropores at the start-of-step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerQMacropore | liquid flux from micropores to macropores | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitBaseflow | baseflow from each soil layer at the start of the time step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerBaseflow | baseflow from each soil layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerColumnInflow | total inflow to each layer in a given soil column | m3 s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerColumnOutflow | total outflow from each layer in a given soil column | m3 s-1 | midSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the interface of each layer
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-iLayerHeight | height of the layer interface (top of soil = 0) | m | ifcToto | T
-iLayerThermalC | thermal conductivity at the interface of each layer | W m-1 K-1 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerConductiveFlux | conductive energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerAdvectiveFlux | advective energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerInitNrgFlux | energy flux at layer interfaces at the start of the time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerNrgFlux | energy flux at layer interfaces at end of the time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerSatHydCond | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer interface | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerInitLiqFluxSnow | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at start of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSnow | F
-iLayerInitLiqFluxSoil | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at start of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerInitFluxReversal | start of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerLiqFluxSnow | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at end of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSnow | F
-iLayerLiqFluxSoil | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at end of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerFluxReversal | end of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! time stepping
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-dt_init | length of initial time step at start of next data interval | s | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! "short-cut" variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarVGn_m | van Genuchten "m" parameter | - | scalarv | F
-scalarKappa | constant in the freezing curve function | m K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_air | volumetric heat capacity air | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_ice | volumetric heat capacity ice | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_soil | volumetric heat capacity dry soil | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_water | volumetric heat capacity liquid wat | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLambda_drysoil | thermal conductivity of dry soil | W m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLambda_wetsoil | thermal conductivity of wet soil | W m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolLatHt_fus | volumetric latent heat of fusion | J m-3 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferRootFrac | fraction of roots below the soil profile (in the aquifer) | - | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 63709321b..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: parameter description
-! 3: parameter units
-! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | matric head at the upper boundary | m | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundHead | matric head at the lower boundary | m | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary | - | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary | - | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTemp | temperature of the upper boundary | K | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTemp | temperature of the lower boundary | K | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-tempCritRain | critical temperature where precipitation is rain | K | scalarv | T
-tempRangeTimestep | temperature range over the time step | K | scalarv | T
-frozenPrecipMultip | frozen precipitation multiplier | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow | K-1 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-albedoMax | maximum snow albedo (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinWinter | minimum snow albedo during winter (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinSpring | minimum snow albedo during spring (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMaxVisible | maximum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinVisible | minimum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMaxNearIR | maximum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinNearIR | minimum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoDecayRate | albedo decay rate | s | scalarv | T
-albedoSootLoad | soot load factor | - | scalarv | T
-albedoRefresh | critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! radiation transfer
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-radExt_snow | extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack | m-1 | scalarv | T
-directScale | scaling factor for fractional driect radiaion parameterization | - | scalarv | T
-Frad_direct | fraction direct solar radiation | - | scalarv | T
-Frad_vis | fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | minimum new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-newSnowDenMult | multiplier for new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-newSnowDenScal | scaling factor for new snow density | K | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | density scaling factor for grain growth | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | T
-tempScalGrowth | temperature scaling factor for grain growth | K-1 | scalarv | T
-grainGrowthRate | rate of grain growth | s-1 | scalarv | T
-densScalOvrbdn | density scaling factor for overburden pressure | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | T
-tempScalOvrbdn | temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure | K-1 | scalarv | T
-base_visc | viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0 | kg s m-2 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-Fcapil | capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume) | - | scalarv | T
-k_snow | hydraulic conductivity of snow | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-mw_exp | exponent for meltwater flow | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-z0Snow | roughness length of snow | m | scalarv | T
-z0Soil | roughness length of bare soil below the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-z0Canopy | roughness length of the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-zpdFraction | zero plane displacement / canopy height | - | scalarv | T
-critRichNumber | critical value for the bulk Richardson number | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_bparam | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_cStar | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Mahrt87_eScale | exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-leafExchangeCoeff | turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air | m s-(1/2) | scalarv | T
-windReductionParam | canopy wind reduction parameter | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-winterSAI | stem area index prior to the start of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-summerLAI | maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-rootingDepth | rooting depth | m | scalarv | T
-rootDistExp | exponent for the vertical distribution of root density | - | scalarv | T
-plantWiltPsi | matric head at wilting point | m | scalarv | T
-soilStressParam | parameter in the exponential soil stress function | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilWilting | critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilTranspire | critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited | - | scalarv | T
-critAquiferTranspire | critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited | m | scalarv | T
-minStomatalResistance | minimum stomatal resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-leafDimension | characteristic leaf dimension | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyTop | height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyBottom | height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-specificHeatVeg | specific heat of vegetation | J kg-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
-maxMassVegetation | maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-throughfallScaleSnow | scaling factor for throughfall (snow) | - | scalarv | T
-throughfallScaleRain | scaling factor for throughfall (rain) | - | scalarv | T
-refInterceptCapSnow | reference canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (snow) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-refInterceptCapRain | canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (rain) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-snowUnloadingCoeff | time constant for unloading of snow from the forest canopy | s-1 | scalarv | T
-canopyDrainageCoeff | time constant for drainage of liquid water from the forest canopy | s-1 | scalarv | T
-ratioDrip2Unloading | ratio of canopy drip to unloading of snow from the forest canopy | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | intrinsic soil density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-thCond_soil | thermal conductivity of soil (includes quartz and other minerals) | W m-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
-frac_sand | fraction of sand | - | scalarv | T
-frac_silt | fraction of silt | - | scalarv | T
-frac_clay | fraction of clay | - | scalarv | T
-fieldCapacity | soil field capacity (vol liq water content when baseflow begins) | - | scalarv | T
-wettingFrontSuction | Green-Ampt wetting front suction | m | scalarv | T
-theta_mp | volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins | - | scalarv | T
-theta_sat | soil porosity | - | scalarv | T
-theta_res | volumetric residual water content | - | scalarv | T
-vGn_alpha | van Genuchten "alpha" parameter | m-1 | scalarv | T
-vGn_n | van Genuchten "n" parameter | - | scalarv | T
-mpExp | empirical exponent in macropore flow equation | - | scalarv | T
-k_soil | saturated hydraulic conductivity | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-k_macropore | saturated hydraulic conductivity for macropores | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-kAnisotropic | anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity | - | scalarv | T
-zScale_TOPMODEL | TOPMODEL scaling factor used in lower boundary condition for soil | m | scalarv | T
-compactedDepth | depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78 | m | scalarv | T
-aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket | m | scalarv | T
-aquiferBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent | - | scalarv | T
-qSurfScale | scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization | - | scalarv | T
-specificYield | specific yield | - | scalarv | T
-specificStorage | specific storage coefficient | m-1 | scalarv | T
-f_impede | ice impedence factor | - | scalarv | T
-soilIceScale | scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction | m | scalarv | T
-soilIceCV | CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-minwind | minimum wind speed | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-minstep | minimum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-maxstep | maximum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-wimplicit | weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha) | - | scalarv | T
-maxiter | maximum number of iterations | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_liquid | relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_liquid | absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_matric | relative convergence tolerance for matric head | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_matric | absolute convergence tolerance for matric head | m | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_energy | relative convergence tolerance for energy | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_energy | absolute convergence tolerance for energy | J m-3 | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_aquifr | relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_aquifr | absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | m | scalarv | F
-zmin | minimum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zmax | maximum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer1 | minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer2 | minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer3 | minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer4 | minimum layer depth for the 4th layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer5 | minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_lower | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_lower | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_lower | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_lower | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_upper | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_upper | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_upper | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_upper | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b88778a4e..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INDEX VARIABLES ******************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for variable descriptions
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a60,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-nSnow | number of snow layers | - | scalarv | T
-nSoil | number of soil layers | - | scalarv | T
-nLayers | total number of layers | - | scalarv | T
-midSnowStartIndex | start index of the midSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midSoilStartIndex | start index of the midSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midTotoStartIndex | start index of the midToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSnowStartIndex | start index of the ifcSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSoilStartIndex | start index of the ifcSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcTotoStartIndex | start index of the ifcToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-layerType | index defining type of layer (soil or snow) | - | midToto | F
-! ************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zParamMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zParamMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 71dafe4fc..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zParamMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ****************************************************************************
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: parameter description
-! 3: parameter units
-! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | matric head at the upper boundary | m | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundHead | matric head at the lower boundary | m | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary | - | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary | - | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTemp | temperature of the upper boundary | K | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTemp | temperature of the lower boundary | K | scalarv | T
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-tempCritRain | critical temperature where precipitation is rain | K | scalarv | F
-tempRangeTimestep | temperature range over the time step | K | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow | K-1 | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-snw_crit | critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-alb_fresh | fresh snow albedo | - | scalarv | F
-alb_dry | minimum snow albedo during winter | - | scalarv | F
-alb_wet | minimum snow albedo during spring | - | scalarv | F
-alb_decay | temporal decay factor for snow albedo | s-1 | scalarv | F
-alb_scale | albedo scaling factor | s | scalarv | F
-soot_load | albedo decay associated with soot load | - | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! radiation transfer
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-radExt_snow | extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack | m-1 | scalarv | F
-Frad_direct | fraction direct solar radiation | - | scalarv | F
-Frad_vis | fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum | - | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | minimum new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | F
-newSnowDenMult | multiplier for new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | F
-newSnowDenScal | scaling factor for new snow density | K | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | density scaling factor for grain growth | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | F
-tempScalGrowth | temperature scaling factor for grain growth | K-1 | scalarv | F
-grainGrowthRate | rate of grain growth | s-1 | scalarv | F
-densScalOvrbdn | density scaling factor for overburden pressure | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | F
-tempScalOvrbdn | temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure | K-1 | scalarv | F
-base_visc | viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0 | kg s m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-Fcapil | capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume) | - | scalarv | F
-k_snow | hydraulic conductivity of snow | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-mw_exp | exponent for meltwater flow | - | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-z0Snow | roughness length of snow | m | scalarv | T
-z0Soil | roughness length of bare soil below the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-z0Canopy | roughness length of the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-zpdFraction | zero plane displacement / canopy height | - | scalarv | T
-critRichNumber | critical value for the bulk Richardson number | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_bparam | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_cStar | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Mahrt87_eScale | exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-leafExchangeCoeff | turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air | m s-(1/2) | scalarv | T
-windReductionParam | canopy wind reduction parameter | - | scalarv | T
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-winterSAI | stem area index prior to the start of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-summerLAI | maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-rootingDepth | rooting depth | m | scalarv | T
-rootDistExp | exponent for the vertical distribution of root density | - | scalarv | T
-plantWiltPsi | matric head at wilting point | m | scalarv | T
-soilStressParam | parameter in the exponential soil stress function | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilWilting | critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilTranspire | critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited | - | scalarv | T
-critAquiferTranspire | critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited | m | scalarv | T
-leafDimension | characteristic leaf dimension | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyTop | height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyBottom | height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-maxCanopyIce | maximum mass of ice on the vegetation canopy per unit lai+sai | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-maxCanopyLiquid | maximum mass of liq water on vegetation canopy per unit lai+sai | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-specificHeatVeg | specific heat of vegetation | J kg-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
-maxMassVegetation | maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | intrinsic soil density | kg m-3 | scalarv | F
-frac_sand | fraction of sand | - | scalarv | F
-frac_silt | fraction of silt | - | scalarv | F
-frac_clay | fraction of clay | - | scalarv | F
-theta_sat | soil porosity | - | scalarv | F
-theta_res | volumetric residual water content | - | scalarv | F
-vGn_alpha | van Genuchten "alpha" parameter | m-1 | scalarv | F
-vGn_n | van Genuchten "n" parameter | - | scalarv | F
-k_soil | saturated hydraulic conductivity | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-kAnisotropic | anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity | - | scalarv | T
-zScale_TOPMODEL | scale factor for TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization | m | scalarv | T
-compactedDepth | depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78 | m | scalarv | F
-bpar_VIC | b-parameter in the VIC surface runoff parameterization | - | scalarv | T
-specificYield | specific yield | - | scalarv | F
-specificStorage | specific storage coefficient | m-1 | scalarv | F
-aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket | m | scalarv | T
-bucketBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent for the big bucket | - | scalarv | T
-f_impede | ice impedence factor | - | scalarv | T
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! sub-grid routing
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | - | scalarv | T
-routingGammaScale | scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | s | scalarv | T
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
-minwind | minimum wind speed | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-minstep | minimum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-maxstep | maximum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-wimplicit | weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha) | - | scalarv | F
-maxiter | maximum number of iterations | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_liquid | relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_liquid | absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_matric | relative convergence tolerance for matric head | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_matric | absolute convergence tolerance for matric head | m | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_energy | relative convergence tolerance for energy | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_energy | absolute convergence tolerance for energy | J m-3 | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_aquifr | relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_aquifr | absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | m | scalarv | F
-zmin | minimum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zmax | maximum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer1 | minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer2 | minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer3 | minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer4 | minimum layer depth for the 4th layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer5 | minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_lower | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_lower | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_lower | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_lower | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_upper | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_upper | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_upper | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_upper | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-! *****************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt b/settings/meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 647dd3d0a..000000000
--- a/settings/meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL TIME ********************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a10,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a8,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format of the descriptions that follow (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-iyyy | year | - | scalarv | F
-im | month | - | scalarv | F
-id | day | - | scalarv | F
-ih | hour | - | scalarv | F
-imin | minute | - | scalarv | F
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_fileManager_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_fileManager_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d9fb1b64e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_fileManager_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in singleey quotes)
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/input/SNQ/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/output/SNQ/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'SNQ/summa_zDecisions_SNQ.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zParamMeta.txt' ! META_PARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_MVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'SNQ/summa_zLocalAttributes_SNQ.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'SNQ/summa_zParamInfo_SNQ.txt' ! PARAMETER_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'SNQ/summa_zForcingInfo_SNQ_Nov1_2012.txt' ! FORCEFILE_DESC = description of forcing data file
-'SNQ/summa_zInitialCond_SNQ.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'SNQ/summa_zParamTrial_SNQ.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'SNQ' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zDecisions_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zDecisions_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b49357d0..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zDecisions_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-f_Richards moisture ! (F-03) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-04) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-05) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-06) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-07) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-08) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-09) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-astability mahrtexp ! (F-10) choice of stability function
-alb_method fsnowage ! (F-11) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-12) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers jrdn1991 ! (F-13) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond melr1977 ! (F-14) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-15) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! zEquilWT ! equilibrium water table
-! pseudoWT ! pseudo water table
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! exp_prof ! exponential profile
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! lin_prof ! linear profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of albedo representation
-! fsnowage ! function of snow age
-! batslike ! BATS-like approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zForcingInfo_SNQ_Nov1_2012.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zForcingInfo_SNQ_Nov1_2012.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b99fd6adf..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zForcingInfo_SNQ_Nov1_2012.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenm | 'SNQ_forcing_Nov1_2012.txt' ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-istart | 1 ! start of the simulation period
-numtim | 3672 ! number of time steps 8640
-data_step | 1800 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zInitialCond_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zInitialCond_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e689b0af7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zInitialCond_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000
-scalarCanopyTemp 275.000
-scalarAlbedo 0.150
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000
-scalarWaterTableDepth 0.500
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -0.30000000 0.0200000 273.050 0.200000 0.000000 -9999.000000
- snow -0.28000000 0.0500000 272.840 0.200000 0.000000 -9999.000000
- snow -0.23000000 0.0800000 272.543 0.200000 0.000000 -9999.000000
- snow -0.15000000 0.1500000 272.451 0.200000 0.000000 -9999.000000
- soil -0.0000000 0.0300000 273.500 0.000000 0.268625 -7.302807
- soil 0.0300000 0.0700000 274.250 0.000000 0.268894 -7.269113
- soil 0.1000000 0.3000000 275.000 0.000000 0.268768 -7.284899
- soil 0.4000000 0.6000000 276.000 0.000000 0.252116 -9.824216
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 279.000 0.000000 0.217522 -20.721429
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 280.000 0.000000 0.217522 -20.721429
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zLocalAttributes_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zLocalAttributes_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bdb3b079..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zLocalAttributes_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable definition
-! 3: variable type (categorical or numerical)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a11)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! categorical data
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-vegTypeIndex | 7 | categorical
-soilTypeIndex | 8 | categorical
-slopeTypeIndex | 1 | categorical
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-! numerical data
-! ***************************************************************************************************************************
-latitude | 47.5 | numericData
-longitude | 238.0 | numericData
-elevation | 2000.0 | numericData
-mHeight | 3.0 | numericData
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamInfo_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamInfo_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba1e32e3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamInfo_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ***************************************************************
-'(a20,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ***************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ***************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ***************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ***************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1400 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ***************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ***************************************************************
-snw_crit | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-alb_fresh | 0.8500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-alb_dry | 0.7000 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-alb_wet | 0.5000 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-alb_decay | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-alb_scale | 1.0d+6 | 0.5d+6 | 2.0d+6
-soot_load | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-! ***************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ***************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ***************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ***************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ***************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ***************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ***************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0020 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ***************************************************************
-rootingDepth | 0.5000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 0.1800 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.1250 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.2500 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-maxCanopyIce | 0.1000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-maxCanopyLiquid | 1.0000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ***************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-theta_sat | 0.4390 | 0.3000 | 0.5000
-theta_res | 0.0650 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.5000 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.6633 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-k_soil | 4084.d-10 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-compactedDepth | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-bpar_VIC | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-06 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-bucketBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-f_impede | 10.0000 | 1.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ***************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ***************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ***************************************************************
-minwind | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 0.0100 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 15.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ***************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamTrial_SNQ.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamTrial_SNQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9288834de..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/SNQ/summa_zParamTrial_SNQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-wimplicit zScale_TOPMODEL kAnisotropic bpar_VIC rootDistExp lowerBoundTemp critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil f_impede
- 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 280.66 0.2 0.3 0.401 0.136 -0.5 1.5 0.000013 5.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cdf05253..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/albedoTest/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'reynolds' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b105a58..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/albedoTest/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'reynolds' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6982d54e7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/senatorBeck/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/albedoTest/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = description of forcing data file
-'albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'senatorBeck' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 89dd82854..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/senatorBeck/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/albedoTest/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = description of forcing data file
-'albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'senatorBeck' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 08596bcaf..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method conDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff2cb7ee5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ba770fe..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2010-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2011-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method conDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 164190087..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2010-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2011-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d6982fe..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e4f87d4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'senatorBeck/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorBeck.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db15e250..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_sheltered.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 17 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa065a1b5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | SenatorBeck_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f97336a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 944ef91b9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 37.9 252.3 3371.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c69f599d7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 360000.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca11411f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/albedoTest/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 1000000.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_fileManager_boone.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_fileManager_boone.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbcfbdec..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_fileManager_boone.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/input/boone/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/output/boone/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'boone/summa_zDecisions_boone.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zParamMeta.txt' ! META_PARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_MVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zParamInfo.txt' ! PARAMETER_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'boone/summa_zForcingInfo_boone.txt' ! FORCEFILE_DESC = description of forcing data file
-'boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'boone/summa_zParamTrial_boone.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'boone' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zDecisions_boone.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zDecisions_boone.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 50e7c299e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zDecisions_boone.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! ( 1) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth numericl ! ( 2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-f_Richards mixdform ! ( 3) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr bigBuckt ! ( 4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! ( 5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! ( 6) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn presTemp ! ( 7) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! ( 8) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! ( 9) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-astability louisinv ! (10) choice of stability function
-compaction anderson ! (11) choice of compaction routine
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (12) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-alb_method fsnowage ! (13) choice of albedo representation
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (1) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (3) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! zEquilWT ! equilibrium water table
-! pseudoWT ! pseudo water table
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! exp_prof ! exponential profile
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! lin_prof ! linear profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (6) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (7) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (8) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (9) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of albedo representation
-! fsnowage ! function of snow age
-! batslike ! BATS-like approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zForcingInfo_boone.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zForcingInfo_boone.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c180cd6..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zForcingInfo_boone.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenm | boone_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-sw_down | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-lw_down | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-istart | 1 ! start of the simulation period
-numtim | 10000 ! number of time steps (17500)
-data_step | 600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-dry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-dry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 19450031e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-dry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.300
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage -0.27478609
-! -------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil -0.0000000 0.0300000 277.041 0.000000 0.325551 -2.884996
- soil 0.0300000 0.0300000 277.703 0.000000 0.326181 -2.854850
- soil 0.0600000 0.0300000 278.246 0.000000 0.326818 -2.824644
- soil 0.0900000 0.0300000 278.691 0.000000 0.327461 -2.794395
- soil 0.1200000 0.0300000 279.055 0.000000 0.328110 -2.764113
- soil 0.1500000 0.0300000 279.356 0.000000 0.328764 -2.733804
- soil 0.1800000 0.0300000 279.607 0.000000 0.329425 -2.703474
- soil 0.2100000 0.0300000 279.818 0.000000 0.330091 -2.673126
- soil 0.2400000 0.0300000 279.997 0.000000 0.330763 -2.642764
- soil 0.2700000 0.0300000 280.148 0.000000 0.331441 -2.612390
- soil 0.3000000 0.0300000 280.277 0.000000 0.332124 -2.582008
- soil 0.3300000 0.0300000 280.389 0.000000 0.332813 -2.551618
- soil 0.3600000 0.0300000 280.486 0.000000 0.333508 -2.521224
- soil 0.3900000 0.0300000 280.571 0.000000 0.334208 -2.490826
- soil 0.4200000 0.0300000 280.646 0.000000 0.334915 -2.460425
- soil 0.4500000 0.0300000 280.715 0.000000 0.335627 -2.430023
- soil 0.4800000 0.0300000 280.777 0.000000 0.336345 -2.399620
- soil 0.5100000 0.0300000 280.835 0.000000 0.337068 -2.369218
- soil 0.5400000 0.0300000 280.888 0.000000 0.337798 -2.338817
- soil 0.5700000 0.0300000 280.937 0.000000 0.338533 -2.308418
- soil 0.6000000 0.0300000 280.983 0.000000 0.339274 -2.278022
- soil 0.6300000 0.0300000 281.025 0.000000 0.340021 -2.247629
- soil 0.6600000 0.0300000 281.063 0.000000 0.340774 -2.217239
- soil 0.6900000 0.0300000 281.098 0.000000 0.341533 -2.186853
- soil 0.7200000 0.0300000 281.128 0.000000 0.342297 -2.156472
- soil 0.7500000 0.0300000 281.155 0.000000 0.343068 -2.126096
- soil 0.7800000 0.0300000 281.177 0.000000 0.343844 -2.095725
- soil 0.8100000 0.0300000 281.194 0.000000 0.344626 -2.065359
- soil 0.8400000 0.0300000 281.207 0.000000 0.345415 -2.034999
- soil 0.8700000 0.0300000 281.216 0.000000 0.346209 -2.004644
- soil 0.9000000 0.0300000 281.220 0.000000 0.347009 -1.974296
- soil 0.9300000 0.0300000 281.220 0.000000 0.347814 -1.943954
- soil 0.9600000 0.0300000 281.215 0.000000 0.348626 -1.913619
- soil 0.9900000 0.0300000 281.207 0.000000 0.349444 -1.883289
- soil 1.0200000 0.0300000 281.194 0.000000 0.350267 -1.852967
- soil 1.0500000 0.0300000 281.178 0.000000 0.351097 -1.822651
- soil 1.0800000 0.0300000 281.158 0.000000 0.351932 -1.792342
- soil 1.1100000 0.0300000 281.135 0.000000 0.352772 -1.762040
- soil 1.1400000 0.0300000 281.109 0.000000 0.353619 -1.731745
- soil 1.1700000 0.0300000 281.079 0.000000 0.354471 -1.701457
- soil 1.2000000 0.0300000 281.047 0.000000 0.355328 -1.671176
- soil 1.2300000 0.0300000 281.013 0.000000 0.356192 -1.640901
- soil 1.2600000 0.0300000 280.977 0.000000 0.357060 -1.610634
- soil 1.2900000 0.0300000 280.938 0.000000 0.357934 -1.580373
- soil 1.3200000 0.0300000 280.898 0.000000 0.358813 -1.550120
- soil 1.3500000 0.0300000 280.857 0.000000 0.359698 -1.519873
- soil 1.3800000 0.0300000 280.814 0.000000 0.360587 -1.489633
- soil 1.4100000 0.0300000 280.771 0.000000 0.361481 -1.459400
- soil 1.4400000 0.0300000 280.727 0.000000 0.362380 -1.429173
- soil 1.4700000 0.0300000 280.682 0.000000 0.363284 -1.398953
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-moist.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-moist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f532de9d8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-moist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.300
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage -0.12811680
-! -------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil -0.0000000 0.0300000 278.176 0.000000 0.338778 -2.298348
- soil 0.0300000 0.0300000 278.227 0.000000 0.339512 -2.268326
- soil 0.0600000 0.0300000 278.277 0.000000 0.340252 -2.238296
- soil 0.0900000 0.0300000 278.328 0.000000 0.340998 -2.208256
- soil 0.1200000 0.0300000 278.378 0.000000 0.341750 -2.178203
- soil 0.1500000 0.0300000 278.429 0.000000 0.342508 -2.148134
- soil 0.1800000 0.0300000 278.479 0.000000 0.343273 -2.118045
- soil 0.2100000 0.0300000 278.530 0.000000 0.344044 -2.087930
- soil 0.2400000 0.0300000 278.580 0.000000 0.344822 -2.057782
- soil 0.2700000 0.0300000 278.630 0.000000 0.345608 -2.027591
- soil 0.3000000 0.0300000 278.681 0.000000 0.346400 -1.997347
- soil 0.3300000 0.0300000 278.731 0.000000 0.347201 -1.967036
- soil 0.3600000 0.0300000 278.781 0.000000 0.348010 -1.936639
- soil 0.3900000 0.0300000 278.832 0.000000 0.348827 -1.906133
- soil 0.4200000 0.0300000 278.882 0.000000 0.349655 -1.875492
- soil 0.4500000 0.0300000 278.932 0.000000 0.350493 -1.844681
- soil 0.4800000 0.0300000 278.983 0.000000 0.351344 -1.813656
- soil 0.5100000 0.0300000 279.033 0.000000 0.352208 -1.782365
- soil 0.5400000 0.0300000 279.083 0.000000 0.353087 -1.750743
- soil 0.5700000 0.0300000 279.133 0.000000 0.353985 -1.718712
- soil 0.6000000 0.0300000 279.184 0.000000 0.354903 -1.686178
- soil 0.6300000 0.0300000 279.234 0.000000 0.355845 -1.653025
- soil 0.6600000 0.0300000 279.284 0.000000 0.356816 -1.619120
- soil 0.6900000 0.0300000 279.334 0.000000 0.357820 -1.584303
- soil 0.7200000 0.0300000 279.384 0.000000 0.358864 -1.548390
- soil 0.7500000 0.0300000 279.435 0.000000 0.359953 -1.511170
- soil 0.7800000 0.0300000 279.485 0.000000 0.361096 -1.472408
- soil 0.8100000 0.0300000 279.535 0.000000 0.362301 -1.431843
- soil 0.8400000 0.0300000 279.585 0.000000 0.363577 -1.389202
- soil 0.8700000 0.0300000 279.635 0.000000 0.364933 -1.344198
- soil 0.9000000 0.0300000 279.685 0.000000 0.366380 -1.296552
- soil 0.9300000 0.0300000 279.735 0.000000 0.367925 -1.246008
- soil 0.9600000 0.0300000 279.786 0.000000 0.369577 -1.192347
- soil 0.9900000 0.0300000 279.836 0.000000 0.371340 -1.135416
- soil 1.0200000 0.0300000 279.886 0.000000 0.373205 -1.075481
- soil 1.0500000 0.0300000 279.936 0.000000 0.375160 -1.012910
- soil 1.0800000 0.0300000 279.986 0.000000 0.377188 -0.948084
- soil 1.1100000 0.0300000 280.036 0.000000 0.379269 -0.881545
- soil 1.1400000 0.0300000 280.086 0.000000 0.381375 -0.813983
- soil 1.1700000 0.0300000 280.136 0.000000 0.383471 -0.746229
- soil 1.2000000 0.0300000 280.186 0.000000 0.385519 -0.679219
- soil 1.2300000 0.0300000 280.236 0.000000 0.387481 -0.613975
- soil 1.2600000 0.0300000 280.286 0.000000 0.389318 -0.551565
- soil 1.2900000 0.0300000 280.336 0.000000 0.390993 -0.493080
- soil 1.3200000 0.0300000 280.386 0.000000 0.392476 -0.439603
- soil 1.3500000 0.0300000 280.435 0.000000 0.393746 -0.392187
- soil 1.3800000 0.0300000 280.485 0.000000 0.394786 -0.351809
- soil 1.4100000 0.0300000 280.535 0.000000 0.395594 -0.319287
- soil 1.4400000 0.0300000 280.585 0.000000 0.396177 -0.294994
- soil 1.4700000 0.0300000 280.635 0.000000 0.396566 -0.278378
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-wet.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-wet.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f534d291a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone-wet.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.300
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage -0.0021049765
-! -------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil -0.0000000 0.0300000 278.177 0.000000 0.376612 -0.966513
- soil 0.0300000 0.0300000 278.228 0.000000 0.377549 -0.936550
- soil 0.0600000 0.0300000 278.278 0.000000 0.378486 -0.906597
- soil 0.0900000 0.0300000 278.328 0.000000 0.379422 -0.876658
- soil 0.1200000 0.0300000 278.379 0.000000 0.380356 -0.846736
- soil 0.1500000 0.0300000 278.429 0.000000 0.381286 -0.816838
- soil 0.1800000 0.0300000 278.479 0.000000 0.382213 -0.786968
- soil 0.2100000 0.0300000 278.530 0.000000 0.383135 -0.757137
- soil 0.2400000 0.0300000 278.580 0.000000 0.384051 -0.727355
- soil 0.2700000 0.0300000 278.631 0.000000 0.384959 -0.697637
- soil 0.3000000 0.0300000 278.681 0.000000 0.385859 -0.668002
- soil 0.3300000 0.0300000 278.731 0.000000 0.386749 -0.638473
- soil 0.3600000 0.0300000 278.781 0.000000 0.387627 -0.609082
- soil 0.3900000 0.0300000 278.832 0.000000 0.388491 -0.579868
- soil 0.4200000 0.0300000 278.882 0.000000 0.389338 -0.550885
- soil 0.4500000 0.0300000 278.932 0.000000 0.390165 -0.522197
- soil 0.4800000 0.0300000 278.983 0.000000 0.390970 -0.493891
- soil 0.5100000 0.0300000 279.033 0.000000 0.391748 -0.466078
- soil 0.5400000 0.0300000 279.083 0.000000 0.392496 -0.438902
- soil 0.5700000 0.0300000 279.133 0.000000 0.393206 -0.412550
- soil 0.6000000 0.0300000 279.184 0.000000 0.393875 -0.387262
- soil 0.6300000 0.0300000 279.234 0.000000 0.394493 -0.363355
- soil 0.6600000 0.0300000 279.284 0.000000 0.395052 -0.341228
- soil 0.6900000 0.0300000 279.334 0.000000 0.395543 -0.321367
- soil 0.7200000 0.0300000 279.384 0.000000 0.395956 -0.304283
- soil 0.7500000 0.0300000 279.434 0.000000 0.396286 -0.290374
- soil 0.7800000 0.0300000 279.485 0.000000 0.396534 -0.279737
- soil 0.8100000 0.0300000 279.535 0.000000 0.396710 -0.272094
- soil 0.8400000 0.0300000 279.585 0.000000 0.396828 -0.266910
- soil 0.8700000 0.0300000 279.635 0.000000 0.396903 -0.263616
- soil 0.9000000 0.0300000 279.685 0.000000 0.396944 -0.261787
- soil 0.9300000 0.0300000 279.735 0.000000 0.396956 -0.261278
- soil 0.9600000 0.0300000 279.785 0.000000 0.396930 -0.262399
- soil 0.9900000 0.0300000 279.835 0.000000 0.396843 -0.266244
- soil 1.0200000 0.0300000 279.885 0.000000 0.396635 -0.275384
- soil 1.0500000 0.0300000 279.935 0.000000 0.396189 -0.294511
- soil 1.0800000 0.0300000 279.985 0.000000 0.395325 -0.330248
- soil 1.1100000 0.0300000 280.035 0.000000 0.393809 -0.389753
- soil 1.1400000 0.0300000 280.085 0.000000 0.391402 -0.478502
- soil 1.1700000 0.0300000 280.135 0.000000 0.388153 -0.591320
- soil 1.2000000 0.0300000 280.186 0.000000 0.385074 -0.693865
- soil 1.2300000 0.0300000 280.236 0.000000 0.383787 -0.735937
- soil 1.2600000 0.0300000 280.286 0.000000 0.384556 -0.710860
- soil 1.2900000 0.0300000 280.336 0.000000 0.386448 -0.648495
- soil 1.3200000 0.0300000 280.386 0.000000 0.388674 -0.573615
- soil 1.3500000 0.0300000 280.436 0.000000 0.390866 -0.497566
- soil 1.3800000 0.0300000 280.485 0.000000 0.392894 -0.424208
- soil 1.4100000 0.0300000 280.535 0.000000 0.394732 -0.353944
- soil 1.4400000 0.0300000 280.585 0.000000 0.396439 -0.283853
- soil 1.4700000 0.0300000 280.635 0.000000 0.398334 -0.196520
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fe988619f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zInitialCond_boone.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.300
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.801
-scalarWaterTableDepth 0.500
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 276.660 0.000000 0.346462 -1.994999
- soil 0.0100000 0.0100000 276.742 0.000000 0.346726 -1.984999
- soil 0.0200000 0.0100000 276.823 0.000000 0.346990 -1.974999
- soil 0.0300000 0.0100000 276.905 0.000000 0.347255 -1.964999
- soil 0.0400000 0.0100000 276.987 0.000000 0.347520 -1.954999
- soil 0.0500000 0.0100000 277.068 0.000000 0.347787 -1.944999
- soil 0.0600000 0.0100000 277.150 0.000000 0.348053 -1.934999
- soil 0.0700000 0.0100000 277.231 0.000000 0.348321 -1.924999
- soil 0.0800000 0.0100000 277.313 0.000000 0.348589 -1.914999
- soil 0.0900000 0.0100000 277.395 0.000000 0.348858 -1.904999
- soil 0.1000000 0.0100000 277.476 0.000000 0.349127 -1.894999
- soil 0.1100000 0.0100000 277.558 0.000000 0.349398 -1.884999
- soil 0.1200000 0.0100000 277.640 0.000000 0.349668 -1.874999
- soil 0.1300000 0.0100000 277.721 0.000000 0.349940 -1.864999
- soil 0.1400000 0.0100000 277.803 0.000000 0.350212 -1.854999
- soil 0.1500000 0.0100000 277.884 0.000000 0.350485 -1.844999
- soil 0.1600000 0.0100000 277.966 0.000000 0.350758 -1.834999
- soil 0.1700000 0.0100000 278.048 0.000000 0.351032 -1.824999
- soil 0.1800000 0.0100000 278.129 0.000000 0.351307 -1.814999
- soil 0.1900000 0.0100000 278.211 0.000000 0.351582 -1.804999
- soil 0.2000000 0.0100000 278.293 0.000000 0.351858 -1.794999
- soil 0.2100000 0.0100000 278.374 0.000000 0.352135 -1.784999
- soil 0.2200000 0.0100000 278.456 0.000000 0.352412 -1.774999
- soil 0.2300000 0.0100000 278.538 0.000000 0.352690 -1.764999
- soil 0.2400000 0.0100000 278.619 0.000000 0.352968 -1.754999
- soil 0.2500000 0.0100000 278.701 0.000000 0.353248 -1.744999
- soil 0.2600000 0.0100000 278.782 0.000000 0.353527 -1.734999
- soil 0.2700000 0.0100000 278.864 0.000000 0.353808 -1.724999
- soil 0.2800000 0.0100000 278.946 0.000000 0.354089 -1.714999
- soil 0.2900000 0.0100000 279.027 0.000000 0.354371 -1.704999
- soil 0.3000000 0.0100000 279.109 0.000000 0.354653 -1.694999
- soil 0.3100000 0.0100000 279.191 0.000000 0.354936 -1.684999
- soil 0.3200000 0.0100000 279.272 0.000000 0.355220 -1.674999
- soil 0.3300000 0.0100000 279.354 0.000000 0.355504 -1.664999
- soil 0.3400000 0.0100000 279.436 0.000000 0.355789 -1.654999
- soil 0.3500000 0.0100000 279.517 0.000000 0.356074 -1.644999
- soil 0.3600000 0.0100000 279.599 0.000000 0.356360 -1.634999
- soil 0.3700000 0.0100000 279.680 0.000000 0.356647 -1.624999
- soil 0.3800000 0.0100000 279.762 0.000000 0.356935 -1.614999
- soil 0.3900000 0.0100000 279.844 0.000000 0.357222 -1.604999
- soil 0.4000000 0.0100000 279.925 0.000000 0.357511 -1.594999
- soil 0.4100000 0.0100000 280.007 0.000000 0.357800 -1.584999
- soil 0.4200000 0.0100000 280.089 0.000000 0.358090 -1.574999
- soil 0.4300000 0.0100000 280.170 0.000000 0.358380 -1.564999
- soil 0.4400000 0.0100000 280.252 0.000000 0.358671 -1.554999
- soil 0.4500000 0.0100000 280.333 0.000000 0.358963 -1.544999
- soil 0.4600000 0.0100000 280.415 0.000000 0.359255 -1.534999
- soil 0.4700000 0.0100000 280.497 0.000000 0.359547 -1.524999
- soil 0.4800000 0.0100000 280.578 0.000000 0.359841 -1.514999
- soil 0.4900000 0.0100000 280.660 0.000000 0.360134 -1.504999
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zParamTrial_boone.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zParamTrial_boone.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cc506cfb..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/boone/summa_zParamTrial_boone.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-wimplicit zScale_TOPMODEL rootingDepth rootDistExp tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep lowerBoundTemp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil f_impede
- 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.1 273.16 2.00 280.66 0.401 0.136 -0.5 1.5 0.000013 15.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/duplicateManager.sh b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/duplicateManager.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 92a9c4744..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/duplicateManager.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# used to create multiple duplicates of the fileManager files
-# define parameters
-# Define file prefix
-# Define the pattern to match for the directory
-# loop through realizations
-for exNum in `seq -w $nTrial`
- # define experiment
- exName=ex${exNum}
- # get new files
- oldfile=${fPrefix}template.txt
- newfile=${fPrefix}${exName}.txt
- # copy files
- cp ${oldfile} ${newfile}
- echo ${newfile}
- # define parameter trial
- sed -i 's/'${cPatternPath}'/'${exName}'/g' ${newfile}
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex01.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex01.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fd8e34d8f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex01.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex01.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex02.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex02.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8678f0f25..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex02.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex02.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex03.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex03.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 75996aef4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex03.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex03.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex04.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex04.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f552bee..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex04.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex04.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex05.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex05.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 65da9cddc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex05.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex05.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex06.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex06.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b111a5e95..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex06.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex06.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex07.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex07.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 311dd875d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex07.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex07.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex08.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex08.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 871379e63..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex08.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex08.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex09.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex09.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e17518a3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex09.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex09.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex10.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 943005ff8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex10.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex11.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fdd35c40..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex11.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex12.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b7150a209..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex12.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex13.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex13.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e984559ad..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex13.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex13.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex14.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex14.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b401e8e5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex14.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex14.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex15.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex15.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5e05e811..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex15.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex15.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex16.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex16.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8993fa7d4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex16.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex16.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex17.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex17.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e342d621..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex17.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex17.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex18.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex18.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b093ecbcb..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex18.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex18.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex19.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex19.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ef95fdfab..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex19.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex19.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex20.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex20.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 255d7b149..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex20.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex20.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex21.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex21.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e44be2a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex21.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex21.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex22.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex22.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 04033ffe8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex22.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex22.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex23.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex23.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef591c3b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex23.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex23.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex24.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex24.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index db03fa253..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex24.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex24.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex25.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex25.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddcdc0b0..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex25.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex25.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex26.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex26.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d218da56..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex26.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex26.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex27.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex27.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c50661f29..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex27.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex27.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex28.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex28.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f09419e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex28.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex28.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex29.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex29.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e14d69576..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex29.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex29.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex30.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex30.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index abc315a13..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex30.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex30.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex31.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex31.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 16935cd2e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex31.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex31.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex32.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex32.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d5ece230..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex32.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex32.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex33.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex33.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a98562eaa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex33.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex33.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex34.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex34.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e2b8a8c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex34.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex34.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex35.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex35.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5327819..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex35.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex35.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex36.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex36.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ffe829b2..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex36.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex36.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex37.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex37.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2302baf23..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex37.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex37.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex38.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex38.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a06c6b05..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex38.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex38.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex39.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex39.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c142a8d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex39.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex39.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex40.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex40.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 168ceb5b6..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex40.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex40.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex41.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex41.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4ea2742..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex41.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex41.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex42.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex42.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3478b94ae..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex42.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex42.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex43.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex43.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a440549c5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex43.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex43.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex44.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex44.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ec61693..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex44.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex44.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex45.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex45.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ca51a6a95..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex45.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex45.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex46.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex46.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 558885cfc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex46.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex46.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex47.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex47.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a9db6cf9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex47.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex47.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex48.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex48.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f724522b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex48.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex48.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex49.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex49.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1023eefaf..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex49.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex49.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex50.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex50.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f314e921a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__ex50.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex50.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__template.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__template.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bc617f39c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_1dRichards__template.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__XXXXX.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex01.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex01.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e82f8e04..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex01.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex01.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex02.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex02.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7fc034a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex02.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex02.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex03.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex03.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a47153a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex03.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex03.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex04.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex04.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b46a2417..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex04.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex04.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex05.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex05.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8820fc866..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex05.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex05.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex06.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex06.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa44b212b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex06.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex06.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex07.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex07.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 15fc4953a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex07.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex07.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex08.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex08.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5320da80a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex08.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex08.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex09.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex09.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 608bed1bb..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex09.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex09.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex10.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ffd2871e7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex10.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex11.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 520cc2bd2..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex11.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex12.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cbb8e2d47..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex12.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex13.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex13.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2344ca10c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex13.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex13.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex14.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex14.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d22468c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex14.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex14.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex15.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex15.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d6711183c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex15.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex15.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex16.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex16.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 810551c36..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex16.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex16.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex17.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex17.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a95a39ff..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex17.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex17.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex18.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex18.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f84a74461..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex18.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex18.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex19.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex19.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3aa9ef4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex19.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex19.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex20.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex20.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c29fabc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex20.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex20.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex21.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex21.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 236b39143..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex21.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex21.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex22.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex22.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 255ed4329..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex22.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex22.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex23.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex23.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fba236c8b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex23.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex23.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex24.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex24.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 193eb4b3c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex24.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex24.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex25.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex25.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d596d1334..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex25.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex25.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex26.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex26.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3436a04..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex26.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex26.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex27.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex27.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c69db3c9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex27.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex27.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex28.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex28.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index edadc7ea8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex28.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex28.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex29.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex29.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c8655d86..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex29.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex29.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex30.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex30.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a415cbc33..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex30.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex30.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex31.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex31.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 351c08df4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex31.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex31.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex32.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex32.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dce685a5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex32.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex32.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex33.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex33.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a1be207..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex33.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex33.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex34.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex34.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 88506b96e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex34.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex34.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex35.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex35.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff995d6a1..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex35.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex35.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex36.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex36.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e22e9071..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex36.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex36.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex37.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex37.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce0e81b37..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex37.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex37.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex38.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex38.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf958e3c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex38.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex38.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex39.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex39.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7617ebc4f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex39.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex39.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex40.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex40.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e84d2c35..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex40.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex40.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex41.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex41.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 803b0eae3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex41.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex41.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex42.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex42.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e45e337..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex42.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex42.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex43.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex43.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 52234104d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex43.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex43.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex44.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex44.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d757679f7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex44.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex44.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex45.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex45.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f26a419fc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex45.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex45.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex46.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex46.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dc319711f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex46.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex46.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex47.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex47.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4385ae4c8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex47.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex47.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex48.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex48.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 933c07e63..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex48.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex48.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex49.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex49.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1073f03b2..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex49.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex49.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex50.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex50.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2fe4f19..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__ex50.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex50.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__template.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__template.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 33dec9e73..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/fileManager/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel__template.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/batchRuns/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__XXXXX.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/make_parameters.pro b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/make_parameters.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 976b4f2fd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/make_parameters.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-pro make_parameters
-; define the start and end parameter file
-iStart = 25
-iEnd = 32
-; define the number of files
-nFiles = (iEnd - iStart) + 1
-; define desired parameters
-p01 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_res', 'lowerVal', 0.01, 'upperVal', 0.10, 'defaultVal', 0.139)
-p02 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_sat', 'lowerVal', 0.10, 'upperVal', 0.50, 'defaultVal', 0.550)
-p03 = create_struct('parName', 'theta_mp', 'lowerVal', 0.10, 'upperVal', 0.50, 'defaultVal', 0.300)
-p04 = create_struct('parName', 'vGn_alpha', 'lowerVal', -1.00, 'upperVal', -0.50, 'defaultVal', -0.500)
-p05 = create_struct('parName', 'vGn_n', 'lowerVal', 1.20, 'upperVal', 1.80, 'defaultVal', 1.300)
-p06 = create_struct('parName', 'f_impede', 'lowerVal', 0.00, 'upperVal', 5.00, 'defaultVal', 0.000)
-p07 = create_struct('parName', 'k_soil', 'lowerVal', 0.00001, 'upperVal', 0.001, 'defaultVal', 0.0000075)
-p08 = create_struct('parName', 'k_macropore', 'lowerVal', 0.001, 'upperVal', 0.100, 'defaultVal', 0.001)
-p09 = create_struct('parName', 'kAnisotropic', 'lowerVal', 0.01, 'upperVal', 10.00, 'defaultVal', 1.000)
-p10 = create_struct('parName', 'fieldCapacity', 'lowerVal', 0.10, 'upperVal', 0.30, 'defaultVal', 0.200)
-p11 = create_struct('parName', 'zScale_TOPMODEL', 'lowerVal', 1.00, 'upperVal', 3.00, 'defaultVal', 2.000)
-p12 = create_struct('parName', 'qSurfScale', 'lowerVal', 10.00, 'upperVal',100.00, 'defaultVal', 20.000)
-p13 = create_struct('parName', 'critSoilWilting', 'lowerVal', 0.20, 'upperVal', 0.20, 'defaultVal', 0.175)
-p14 = create_struct('parName', 'critSoilTranspire', 'lowerVal', 0.25, 'upperVal', 0.25, 'defaultVal', 0.200)
-p15 = create_struct('parName', 'heightCanopyTop', 'lowerVal', 0.50, 'upperVal', 0.05, 'defaultVal', 9.500)
-p16 = create_struct('parName', 'heightCanopyBottom', 'lowerVal', 0.50, 'upperVal', 0.05, 'defaultVal', 3.000)
-; define the number of parameters
-nPar = 16
-; define the structure
-parConstraints = [p01,p02,p03,p04,p05,p06,p07,p08,p09,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16]
-parValues = fltarr(nPar)
-; identify parameter to vary
-iSelect = 10
-; define the HRU
-; loop through files
-for iFile=iStart,iEnd do begin
- ; define the file name
- fName = 'trial__ex'+strtrim(string(iFile,format='(i2.2)'),2)+'.txt'
- ; open file for writing
- openw, outUnit, fName, /get_lun
- ; write header
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.'
- printf, outUnit, '!'
- printf, outUnit, '! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.'
- printf, outUnit, '! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- ; write the parameter names
- printf, outUnit, 'hruIndex', parConstraints[*].ParName, format='(a8,1x,100(a20,1x))'
- ; define the parameter values
- for iPar=0,nPar-1 do begin
- ; populate the parameters
- if(iPar eq iSelect)then begin
- parValues[iPar] = parConstraints[iPar].lowerVal + (parConstraints[iPar].upperVal - parConstraints[iPar].lowerVal)*float(iFile-iStart)/float(nFiles-1)
- print, fName, ': ', parConstraints[iPar].parName, ' = ', parValues[iPar]
- endif else begin
- parValues[iPar] = parConstraints[iPar].defaultVal
- endelse
- endfor ; looping through parameters
- ; write the parameter values
- printf, outUnit, iHRU, parValues, format='(i8,1x,100(f20.10,1x))'
- ; free up file unit
- free_lun, outUnit
-endfor ; (looping through files)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex01.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex01.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5b5474f4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex01.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex02.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex02.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c47cc8e61..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex02.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.2857141495 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex03.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex03.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e3866d34c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex03.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 3.5714285374 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex04.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex04.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22687232c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex04.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 4.8571429253 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex05.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex05.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb6d30a8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex05.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 6.1428570747 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex06.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex06.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f6beaa5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex06.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 7.4285712242 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex07.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex07.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a83649a5e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex07.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 8.7142858505 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex08.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex08.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9d0b2ec..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex08.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001500000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 10.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex09.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex09.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 84856e8f0..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex09.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0099999998 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex10.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ae09f3d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 1.4371428490 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex11.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2191217..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 2.8642857075 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex12.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa366797d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 4.2914285660 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex13.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex13.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 23c434a30..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex13.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 5.7185716629 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex14.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex14.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c74994b6b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex14.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 7.1457142830 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex15.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex15.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3ba63f9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex15.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 8.5728569031 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex16.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex16.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da7b6bfc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex16.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 2.0000000000 0.0000075000 10.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex17.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex17.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bcae132d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex17.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex18.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex18.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ed908d6a6..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex18.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.2857142687 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex19.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex19.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a8cd17d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex19.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.5714285374 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex20.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex20.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d04cee664..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex20.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.8571429253 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex21.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex21.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c06e7d04..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex21.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.1428570747 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex22.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex22.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f05d54227..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex22.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.4285714626 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex23.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex23.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3237715..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex23.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.7142858505 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex24.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex24.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c932e7193..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex24.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000750000 0.0099999998 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 3.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex25.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex25.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f27cec85a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex25.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex26.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex26.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d42ccb56..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex26.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.2857142687 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex27.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex27.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c792a832b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex27.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.5714285374 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex28.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex28.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index eaad568e6..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex28.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 1.8571429253 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex29.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex29.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d58eec25e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex29.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.1428570747 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex30.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex30.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b720154c5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex30.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.4285714626 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex31.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex31.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab43f4fbe..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex31.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.7142858505 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex32.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex32.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3afbb5e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex32.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.5500000119 0.3000000119 -0.5000000000 1.2999999523 0.0000000000 0.0000075000 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 3.0000000000 20.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 9.5000000000 3.0000000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex33.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex33.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e856caef0..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex33.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0000100000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex34.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex34.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4eb1092..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex34.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0001514286 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex35.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex35.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f9fa3b4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex35.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0002928571 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex36.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex36.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49918e8d6..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex36.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0004342857 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex37.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex37.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f6b2e888..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex37.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0005757143 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex38.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex38.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 561eda20b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex38.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0007171429 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex39.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex39.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b91b6fb51..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex39.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0008585715 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex40.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex40.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c558879d5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/batchRuns/paramTrial/trial__ex40.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_res theta_sat theta_mp vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil kAnisotropic fieldCapacity zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.1389999986 0.4009999931 0.4009999931 -0.8399999738 1.2999999523 0.0010000000 1.0000000000 0.2000000030 2.0000000000 100.0000000000 0.1749999970 0.2000000030 0.5000000000 0.0500000007
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed6c03c7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e41cb2739..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fe19f7bff..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/distributedRME/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c7378920d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2002-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 591840896..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2002-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 591840896..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2002-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a1db6ba..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1002 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt'
- 1003 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt'
- 1004 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt'
- 1005 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt'
- 1006 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt'
- 2001 'distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2e68e07..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d6982fe..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 950cfc4b3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1002.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 107a9edae..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1003.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 809d42d13..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1004.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 81ac07ba4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1005.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e742dca40..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1006.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a46b15408..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru2001.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db15e250..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_sheltered.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 17 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2.5m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2.5m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e24d850..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2.5m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.5000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbaad154..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-2m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-3m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-3m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff992d525..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-3m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-4m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-4m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ddeeb1b06..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-4m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 2.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-ETsims.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-ETsims.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a40532770..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-ETsims.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0100000 0.0300000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0400000 0.0600000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-runoff.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-runoff.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbaad154..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond-runoff.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbaad154..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index be81c122a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1002 78300.0 43.2 243.2 2062.20 0.19068 279.82137 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 12 8 1 2001
- 1004 18600.0 43.2 243.2 2070.27 0.21290 136.38182 19.25 13 8 1 2001
- 1005 32800.0 43.2 243.2 2069.25 0.24787 181.10770 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 1006 168200.0 43.2 243.2 2088.00 0.16813 410.12193 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 2001 45400.0 43.2 243.2 2046.43 0.09546 213.07276 19.25 12 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 356e51bfa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 642cb16bb..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1002 0.90 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
- 1003 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
- 1004 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 4.00 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
- 1005 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
- 1006 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
- 2001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.2 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1002 0.90 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1003 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1004 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 4.00 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1005 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1006 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 2001 1.00 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 356e51bfa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/distributedRME/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_fileManager_harlan1973.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_fileManager_harlan1973.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4c0ec73f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_fileManager_harlan1973.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/harlan1973/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/harlan1973/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'harlan1973/summa_zDecisions_harlan1973.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'harlan1973/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'harlan1973/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'harlan1973/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'harlan1973/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'harlan1973/summa_zParamTrial_harlan1973.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'harlan1973' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zDecisions_harlan1973.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zDecisions_harlan1973.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a793f6a4d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zDecisions_harlan1973.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 01:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-01-05 06:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn presTemp ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn presTemp ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fc091b715..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'harlan1973/summa_zForcingInfo_harlan1973.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingInfo_harlan1973.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingInfo_harlan1973.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8a9eabc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zForcingInfo_harlan1973.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | harlan1973_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt1m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt1m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2667fd476..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt1m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 100.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil -0.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.401573 -0.974972
- soil 0.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.404223 -0.924972
- soil 0.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.406851 -0.874973
- soil 0.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.409449 -0.824973
- soil 0.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.412012 -0.774974
- soil 0.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.414531 -0.724974
- soil 0.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.416999 -0.674975
- soil 0.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.419406 -0.624976
- soil 0.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.421743 -0.574977
- soil 0.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.423999 -0.524978
- soil 0.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.426163 -0.474979
- soil 0.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.428223 -0.424980
- soil 0.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.430165 -0.374981
- soil 0.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.431975 -0.324983
- soil 0.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.433637 -0.274985
- soil 0.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.435131 -0.224986
- soil 0.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.436437 -0.174988
- soil 0.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.437528 -0.124991
- soil 0.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438368 -0.074993
- soil 0.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438898 -0.024997
- soil 1.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.025000
- soil 1.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.075000
- soil 1.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.125000
- soil 1.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.175000
- soil 1.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.225000
- soil 1.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.275000
- soil 1.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.325000
- soil 1.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.375000
- soil 1.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.425000
- soil 1.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.475000
- soil 1.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.525000
- soil 1.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.575000
- soil 1.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.625000
- soil 1.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.675000
- soil 1.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.725000
- soil 1.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.775000
- soil 1.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.825000
- soil 1.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.875000
- soil 1.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.925000
- soil 1.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.975000
- soil 2.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.025000
- soil 2.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.075000
- soil 2.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.125000
- soil 2.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.175000
- soil 2.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.225000
- soil 2.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.275000
- soil 2.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.325000
- soil 2.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.375000
- soil 2.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.425000
- soil 2.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.475000
- soil 2.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.525000
- soil 2.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.575000
- soil 2.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.625000
- soil 2.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.675000
- soil 2.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.725000
- soil 2.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.775000
- soil 2.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.825000
- soil 2.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.875000
- soil 2.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.925000
- soil 2.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.975000
- soil 3.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.025000
- soil 3.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.075000
- soil 3.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.125000
- soil 3.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.175000
- soil 3.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.225000
- soil 3.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.275000
- soil 3.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.325000
- soil 3.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.375000
- soil 3.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.425000
- soil 3.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.475000
- soil 3.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.525000
- soil 3.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.575000
- soil 3.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.625000
- soil 3.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.675000
- soil 3.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.725000
- soil 3.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.775000
- soil 3.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.825000
- soil 3.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.875000
- soil 3.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.925000
- soil 3.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.975000
- soil 4.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.025000
- soil 4.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.075000
- soil 4.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.125000
- soil 4.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.175000
- soil 4.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.225000
- soil 4.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.275000
- soil 4.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.325000
- soil 4.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.375000
- soil 4.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.425000
- soil 4.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.475000
- soil 4.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.525000
- soil 4.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.575000
- soil 4.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.625000
- soil 4.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.675000
- soil 4.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.725000
- soil 4.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.775000
- soil 4.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.825000
- soil 4.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.875000
- soil 4.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.925000
- soil 4.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.975000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt2m.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt2m.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b0cfa7e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973-wt2m.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 100.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.349880 -1.974971
- soil 0.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.352260 -1.924971
- soil 0.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.354669 -1.874971
- soil 0.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.357107 -1.824971
- soil 0.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.359572 -1.774971
- soil 0.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.362064 -1.724971
- soil 0.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.364582 -1.674971
- soil 0.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.367124 -1.624970
- soil 0.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.369691 -1.574970
- soil 0.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.372279 -1.524970
- soil 0.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.374889 -1.474970
- soil 0.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.377517 -1.424970
- soil 0.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.380162 -1.374970
- soil 0.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.382821 -1.324970
- soil 0.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.385491 -1.274971
- soil 0.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.388171 -1.224971
- soil 0.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.390856 -1.174971
- soil 0.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.393543 -1.124971
- soil 0.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.396228 -1.074971
- soil 0.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.398906 -1.024972
- soil 1.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.401573 -0.974972
- soil 1.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.404223 -0.924972
- soil 1.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.406851 -0.874973
- soil 1.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.409449 -0.824973
- soil 1.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.412012 -0.774974
- soil 1.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.414531 -0.724974
- soil 1.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.416999 -0.674975
- soil 1.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.419406 -0.624976
- soil 1.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.421743 -0.574977
- soil 1.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.423999 -0.524978
- soil 1.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.426163 -0.474979
- soil 1.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.428223 -0.424980
- soil 1.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.430165 -0.374981
- soil 1.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.431975 -0.324983
- soil 1.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.433637 -0.274985
- soil 1.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.435131 -0.224986
- soil 1.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.436437 -0.174988
- soil 1.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.437528 -0.124991
- soil 1.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438368 -0.074993
- soil 1.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438898 -0.024997
- soil 2.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.025000
- soil 2.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.075000
- soil 2.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.125000
- soil 2.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.175000
- soil 2.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.225000
- soil 2.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.275000
- soil 2.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.325000
- soil 2.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.375000
- soil 2.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.425000
- soil 2.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.475000
- soil 2.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.525000
- soil 2.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.575000
- soil 2.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.625000
- soil 2.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.675000
- soil 2.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.725000
- soil 2.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.775000
- soil 2.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.825000
- soil 2.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.875000
- soil 2.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.925000
- soil 2.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.975000
- soil 3.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.025000
- soil 3.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.075000
- soil 3.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.125000
- soil 3.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.175000
- soil 3.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.225000
- soil 3.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.275000
- soil 3.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.325000
- soil 3.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.375000
- soil 3.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.425000
- soil 3.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.475000
- soil 3.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.525000
- soil 3.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.575000
- soil 3.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.625000
- soil 3.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.675000
- soil 3.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.725000
- soil 3.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.775000
- soil 3.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.825000
- soil 3.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.875000
- soil 3.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.925000
- soil 3.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.975000
- soil 4.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.025000
- soil 4.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.075000
- soil 4.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.125000
- soil 4.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.175000
- soil 4.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.225000
- soil 4.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.275000
- soil 4.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.325000
- soil 4.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.375000
- soil 4.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.425000
- soil 4.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.475000
- soil 4.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.525000
- soil 4.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.575000
- soil 4.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.625000
- soil 4.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.675000
- soil 4.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.725000
- soil 4.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.775000
- soil 4.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.825000
- soil 4.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.875000
- soil 4.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.925000
- soil 4.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.975000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2667fd476..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zInitialCond_harlan1973.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 100.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil -0.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.401573 -0.974972
- soil 0.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.404223 -0.924972
- soil 0.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.406851 -0.874973
- soil 0.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.409449 -0.824973
- soil 0.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.412012 -0.774974
- soil 0.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.414531 -0.724974
- soil 0.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.416999 -0.674975
- soil 0.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.419406 -0.624976
- soil 0.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.421743 -0.574977
- soil 0.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.423999 -0.524978
- soil 0.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.426163 -0.474979
- soil 0.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.428223 -0.424980
- soil 0.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.430165 -0.374981
- soil 0.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.431975 -0.324983
- soil 0.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.433637 -0.274985
- soil 0.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.435131 -0.224986
- soil 0.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.436437 -0.174988
- soil 0.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.437528 -0.124991
- soil 0.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438368 -0.074993
- soil 0.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.438898 -0.024997
- soil 1.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.025000
- soil 1.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.075000
- soil 1.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.125000
- soil 1.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.175000
- soil 1.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.225000
- soil 1.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.275000
- soil 1.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.325000
- soil 1.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.375000
- soil 1.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.425000
- soil 1.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.475000
- soil 1.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.525000
- soil 1.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.575000
- soil 1.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.625000
- soil 1.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.675000
- soil 1.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.725000
- soil 1.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.775000
- soil 1.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.825000
- soil 1.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.875000
- soil 1.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.925000
- soil 1.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 0.975000
- soil 2.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.025000
- soil 2.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.075000
- soil 2.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.125000
- soil 2.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.175000
- soil 2.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.225000
- soil 2.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.275000
- soil 2.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.325000
- soil 2.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.375000
- soil 2.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.425000
- soil 2.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.475000
- soil 2.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.525000
- soil 2.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.575000
- soil 2.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.625000
- soil 2.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.675000
- soil 2.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.725000
- soil 2.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.775000
- soil 2.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.825000
- soil 2.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.875000
- soil 2.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.925000
- soil 2.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 1.975000
- soil 3.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.025000
- soil 3.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.075000
- soil 3.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.125000
- soil 3.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.175000
- soil 3.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.225000
- soil 3.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.275000
- soil 3.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.325000
- soil 3.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.375000
- soil 3.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.425000
- soil 3.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.475000
- soil 3.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.525000
- soil 3.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.575000
- soil 3.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.625000
- soil 3.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.675000
- soil 3.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.725000
- soil 3.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.775000
- soil 3.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.825000
- soil 3.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.875000
- soil 3.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.925000
- soil 3.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 2.975000
- soil 4.000 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.025000
- soil 4.050 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.075000
- soil 4.100 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.125000
- soil 4.150 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.175000
- soil 4.200 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.225000
- soil 4.250 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.275000
- soil 4.300 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.325000
- soil 4.350 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.375000
- soil 4.400 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.425000
- soil 4.450 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.475000
- soil 4.500 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.525000
- soil 4.550 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.575000
- soil 4.600 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.625000
- soil 4.650 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.675000
- soil 4.700 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.725000
- soil 4.750 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.775000
- soil 4.800 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.825000
- soil 4.850 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.875000
- soil 4.900 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.925000
- soil 4.950 0.050 274.160 0.000000 0.439000 3.975000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 898e6aa0d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-06 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zParamTrial_harlan1973.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zParamTrial_harlan1973.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0699cfd9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/harlan1973/summa_zParamTrial_harlan1973.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n qSurfScale k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 250.0 0.439 0.439 0.065 -0.50 1.663 100.0 4.084d-7 4.084d-7 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_baseSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_baseSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb2f3ecf..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_baseSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_baseSheltered.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'sheltered' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d34b15bd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspen.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b9199e06..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 824044fd5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ccc44a82..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b4880ca5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0136a3fd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94e6cfc34..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenRadParamPerturb.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenRadParamPerturb.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49bffd41f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenRadParamPerturb.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index adaa0e283..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94e0ed397..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9047bd69c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/reynolds/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpacts' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_baseSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_baseSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff2cb7ee5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_baseSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41b17b217..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 01:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress CLM_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis simplExp ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2293f9c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 765cfc913..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLMBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress CLM_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 93db3e6b7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile exponential ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad UEB_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e72060c25..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist Jarvis ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2293f9c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNoahBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2293f9c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ef7700497..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSiBBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 088a8a092..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist simpleResistance ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9750615..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen01.txt'
-! 1002 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen02.txt'
-! 1003 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen03.txt'
-! 1004 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen04.txt'
-! 1005 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen05.txt'
- 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1002 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1003 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1004 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1005 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d6982fe..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingFileList_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen01.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen01.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc1d7ede..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen01.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen01.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen02.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen02.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index feab28467..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen02.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen02.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen03.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen03.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1ae00dd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen03.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen03.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen04.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen04.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4376aea03..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen04.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen04.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen05.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen05.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd2d4eda..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen05.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen05.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db15e250..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zForcingInfo_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_sheltered.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 17 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a40532770..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0100000 0.0300000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0400000 0.0600000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6d9a4c5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1004 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1005 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalAttributes_shelteredSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca11411f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 1000000.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ddf09ef..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootDistExp theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
- 1002 1.00 0.50 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
- 1003 1.00 0.25 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
- 1004 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0000250 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
- 1005 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0000750 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-!hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom rootingDepth rootDistEx
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b24e8031f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom windReductionParam
- 1001 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.00 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1002 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.25 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1003 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.50 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1004 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.75 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1005 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 2.00 9.50 3.00 0.28
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5097a62ac..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom windReductionParam
- 1001 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.10
- 1002 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1003 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.50
- 1004 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.75
- 1005 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 1.00
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2affa5c81..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/reynolds/summa_zParamTrial_riparianTranspire.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom windReductionParam
- 1001 1.00 2.0 1.00 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0000075000 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.28
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_fileManager_senatorBeck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_fileManager_senatorBeck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e43222d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_fileManager_senatorBeck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/senatorBeck/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/senatorBeck/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'senatorBeck/summa_zDecisions_senatorBeck.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'senatorBeck/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'senatorBeck/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'senatorBeck/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for model parameters
-'senatorBeck/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = description of forcing data file
-'senatorBeck/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'senatorBeck/summa_zParamTrial.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'sheltered' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zDecisions_senatorBeck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zDecisions_senatorBeck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a46dd42c1..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zDecisions_senatorBeck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2011-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e4f87d4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'senatorBeck/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorBeck.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorBeck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorBeck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa065a1b5..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorBeck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | SenatorBeck_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 772798371..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 944ef91b9..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 37.9 252.3 3371.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zParamTrial.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zParamTrial.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca11411f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/senatorBeck/summa_zParamTrial.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 1000000.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zDecisions.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zDecisions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4b20208..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zDecisions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2002-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-27 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff992d525..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 356e51bfa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 356e51bfa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/tollgate/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9342ca427..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9697.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckTree.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96e74028f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 70652d5be..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d35c46b22..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/jdlund/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/jdlund/FUSE_SNOW/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/jdlund/FUSE_SNOW/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9798.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckTree.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index baa5bdf45..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c51c7237f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/umpqua/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e87147d7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1996-11-28 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1997-04-22 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis simplExp ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ce05919..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1996-11-28 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1997-04-22 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a2ea76c8d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1996-11-28 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-!simulStart '1997-03-06 18:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1997-04-22 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept stickySnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a1107039..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1997-11-26 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1998-04-07 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis simplExp ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept stickySnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af3b6be07..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1997-11-26 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1998-04-07 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 037661705..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1997-11-26 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1998-04-07 02:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress SiB_Type ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept stickySnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! simpleResistance ! simple resistance formulation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d970574..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt'
- 1002 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9697.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e49e183b7..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_storckSite_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9798_estLW.txt'
- 1002 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798_estLW.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 97858530e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt'
- 1002 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 59937a57b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt'
- 1002 'umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 660dd5b9d..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9697_AboveCanopy.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46afe904b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9798_AboveCanopy.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9697.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 45fbffcfd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9697_OpenClearing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9798.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c78e0e3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zForcingInfo_OpenClearing_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9798_OpenClearing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 23cd75cbc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 7.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.500000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 273.400000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 273.150100000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 274.900 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.2000000 274.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.3000000 0.2000000 275.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 277.000 0.000000 0.282000 -0.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 279.000 0.000000 0.307000 -0.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-snow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-snow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b9c44847..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond-snow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 7.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.500000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 273.400000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 273.150100000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -0.2000000 0.1000000 272.900 0.400000 0.000000 -999.000000
- snow -0.1000000 0.1000000 272.900 0.400000 0.000000 -999.000000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 272.900 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.2000000 274.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.3000000 0.2000000 275.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 277.000 0.000000 0.282000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 279.000 0.000000 0.307000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd315acf1..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 7200.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 274.500000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 273.500000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 274.900 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.2000000 274.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.3000000 0.2000000 275.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 277.000 0.000000 0.282000 -0.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 279.000 0.000000 0.307000 -0.000000
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcab569b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ae7034e..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 51eb8f156..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.6600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.1000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 100.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 1.7500 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 14.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 0.1000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 1.3d-6 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-07 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 1.0000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-06 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 10.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 7200.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec1182b4..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom refInterceptCapSnow snowUnloadingCoeff ratioDrip2Unloading
- 1001 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 6.6 1.25d-6 0.0
- 1002 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 13.2 1.25d-6 0.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 179ce9d3a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom refInterceptCapSnow snowUnloadingCoeff ratioDrip2Unloading
- 1001 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 5.0 0.0 0.4
- 1002 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 10.0 0.0 0.4
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckTree.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckTree.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f71a7e27f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/umpqua/summa_zParamTrial_storckTree.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom refInterceptCapSnow snowUnloadingCoeff ratioDrip2Unloading windReductionParam k_soil qSurfScale
- 1001 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 3.0 1.3d-6 0.0 0.04 0.000075 2.5d
- 1002 273.1600 2.00 0.25 0.05 3.0 1.3d-6 0.0 0.04 0.000075 2.5d
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_fileManager_valdai.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_fileManager_valdai.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ba4de42..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_fileManager_valdai.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/input/valdai/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/d1/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/output/valdai/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'reynolds/summa_zDecisions_reynolds.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zSiteMeta.txt' ! META_SITE = metadata for site characteristics
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zParamMeta.txt' ! META_PARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_MVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'valdai/summa_zParamInfo_valdai.txt' ! PARAMETER_INFO = site characteristics, and default values and constraints for model parameters
-'valdai/summa_zForcingInfo_valdai.txt' ! FORCEFILE_DESC = description of forcing data file
-'valdai/summa_zInitialCond_valdai.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'valdai/summa_zParamTrial_valdai.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'valdai' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zDecisions_valdai.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zDecisions_valdai.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4ace159..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zDecisions_valdai.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! ( 1) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! ( 2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-f_Richards mixdform ! ( 3) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! ( 4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! ( 5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! ( 6) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! ( 7) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! ( 8) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! ( 9) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-astability louisinv ! (10) choice of stability function
-alb_method fsnowage ! (11) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (12) choice of compaction routine
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (13) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-subRouting timeDlay ! (14) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (1) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (3) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! zEquilWT ! equilibrium water table
-! pseudoWT ! pseudo water table
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! exp_prof ! exponential profile
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! lin_prof ! linear profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (6) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (7) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (8) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (9) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of albedo representation
-! fsnowage ! function of snow age
-! batslike ! BATS-like approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zForcingInfo_valdai.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zForcingInfo_valdai.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f02598107..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zForcingInfo_valdai.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenm | valdai_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-sw_down | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-lw_down | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-istart | 1 ! start of the simulation period
-numtim | 12000 ! number of time steps (113976)
-data_step | 1800 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zInitialCond_valdai.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zInitialCond_valdai.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 218f722cd..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zInitialCond_valdai.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.150
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.034926137
-scalarWaterTableDepth 0.500
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0500000 276.660 0.000000 0.340271 -2.237496
- soil 0.0500000 0.0500000 276.700 0.000000 0.340892 -2.212496
- soil 0.1000000 0.0500000 276.741 0.000000 0.341516 -2.187496
- soil 0.1500000 0.0500000 276.781 0.000000 0.342145 -2.162496
- soil 0.2000000 0.0500000 276.822 0.000000 0.342778 -2.137496
- soil 0.2500000 0.0500000 276.862 0.000000 0.343415 -2.112496
- soil 0.3000000 0.0500000 276.902 0.000000 0.344055 -2.087496
- soil 0.3500000 0.0500000 276.943 0.000000 0.344700 -2.062496
- soil 0.4000000 0.0500000 276.983 0.000000 0.345349 -2.037496
- soil 0.4500000 0.0500000 277.024 0.000000 0.346003 -2.012496
- soil 0.5000000 0.0500000 277.064 0.000000 0.346660 -1.987496
- soil 0.5500000 0.0500000 277.104 0.000000 0.347321 -1.962496
- soil 0.6000000 0.0500000 277.145 0.000000 0.347987 -1.937496
- soil 0.6500000 0.0500000 277.185 0.000000 0.348656 -1.912496
- soil 0.7000000 0.0500000 277.226 0.000000 0.349330 -1.887496
- soil 0.7500000 0.0500000 277.266 0.000000 0.350008 -1.862496
- soil 0.8000000 0.0500000 277.306 0.000000 0.350690 -1.837496
- soil 0.8500000 0.0500000 277.347 0.000000 0.351376 -1.812496
- soil 0.9000000 0.0500000 277.387 0.000000 0.352066 -1.787496
- soil 0.9500000 0.0500000 277.428 0.000000 0.352760 -1.762496
- soil 1.0000000 0.0500000 277.468 0.000000 0.353458 -1.737496
- soil 1.0500000 0.0500000 277.508 0.000000 0.354160 -1.712496
- soil 1.1000000 0.0500000 277.549 0.000000 0.354865 -1.687496
- soil 1.1500000 0.0500000 277.589 0.000000 0.355575 -1.662496
- soil 1.2000000 0.0500000 277.630 0.000000 0.356289 -1.637496
- soil 1.2500000 0.0500000 277.670 0.000000 0.357007 -1.612496
- soil 1.3000000 0.0500000 277.711 0.000000 0.357728 -1.587496
- soil 1.3500000 0.0500000 277.751 0.000000 0.358453 -1.562496
- soil 1.4000000 0.0500000 277.791 0.000000 0.359182 -1.537496
- soil 1.4500000 0.0500000 277.832 0.000000 0.359914 -1.512496
- soil 1.5000000 0.0500000 277.872 0.000000 0.360650 -1.487496
- soil 1.5500000 0.0500000 277.913 0.000000 0.361389 -1.462496
- soil 1.6000000 0.0500000 277.953 0.000000 0.362132 -1.437496
- soil 1.6500000 0.0500000 277.993 0.000000 0.362878 -1.412496
- soil 1.7000000 0.0500000 278.034 0.000000 0.363628 -1.387496
- soil 1.7500000 0.0500000 278.074 0.000000 0.364380 -1.362496
- soil 1.8000000 0.0500000 278.115 0.000000 0.365136 -1.337496
- soil 1.8500000 0.0500000 278.155 0.000000 0.365895 -1.312496
- soil 1.9000000 0.0500000 278.195 0.000000 0.366656 -1.287496
- soil 1.9500000 0.0500000 278.236 0.000000 0.367420 -1.262496
- soil 2.0000000 0.0500000 278.276 0.000000 0.368187 -1.237496
- soil 2.0500000 0.0500000 278.317 0.000000 0.368956 -1.212496
- soil 2.1000000 0.0500000 278.357 0.000000 0.369727 -1.187496
- soil 2.1500000 0.0500000 278.397 0.000000 0.370500 -1.162496
- soil 2.2000000 0.0500000 278.438 0.000000 0.371275 -1.137496
- soil 2.2500000 0.0500000 278.478 0.000000 0.372052 -1.112496
- soil 2.3000000 0.0500000 278.519 0.000000 0.372831 -1.087496
- soil 2.3500000 0.0500000 278.559 0.000000 0.373610 -1.062496
- soil 2.4000000 0.0500000 278.599 0.000000 0.374391 -1.037496
- soil 2.4500000 0.0500000 278.640 0.000000 0.375173 -1.012496
- soil 2.5000000 0.0500000 278.680 0.000000 0.375955 -0.987496
- soil 2.5500000 0.0500000 278.721 0.000000 0.376737 -0.962496
- soil 2.6000000 0.0500000 278.761 0.000000 0.377520 -0.937496
- soil 2.6500000 0.0500000 278.801 0.000000 0.378302 -0.912496
- soil 2.7000000 0.0500000 278.842 0.000000 0.379084 -0.887496
- soil 2.7500000 0.0500000 278.882 0.000000 0.379864 -0.862496
- soil 2.8000000 0.0500000 278.923 0.000000 0.380643 -0.837496
- soil 2.8500000 0.0500000 278.963 0.000000 0.381421 -0.812496
- soil 2.9000000 0.0500000 279.003 0.000000 0.382196 -0.787496
- soil 2.9500000 0.0500000 279.044 0.000000 0.382969 -0.762496
- soil 3.0000000 0.0500000 279.084 0.000000 0.383739 -0.737496
- soil 3.0500000 0.0500000 279.125 0.000000 0.384506 -0.712496
- soil 3.1000000 0.0500000 279.165 0.000000 0.385268 -0.687496
- soil 3.1500000 0.0500000 279.205 0.000000 0.386026 -0.662496
- soil 3.2000000 0.0500000 279.246 0.000000 0.386779 -0.637496
- soil 3.2500000 0.0500000 279.286 0.000000 0.387526 -0.612496
- soil 3.3000000 0.0500000 279.327 0.000000 0.388266 -0.587496
- soil 3.3500000 0.0500000 279.367 0.000000 0.389000 -0.562496
- soil 3.4000000 0.0500000 279.407 0.000000 0.389725 -0.537496
- soil 3.4500000 0.0500000 279.448 0.000000 0.390442 -0.512496
- soil 3.5000000 0.0500000 279.488 0.000000 0.391150 -0.487496
- soil 3.5500000 0.0500000 279.529 0.000000 0.391848 -0.462496
- soil 3.6000000 0.0500000 279.569 0.000000 0.392534 -0.437496
- soil 3.6500000 0.0500000 279.609 0.000000 0.393208 -0.412496
- soil 3.7000000 0.0500000 279.650 0.000000 0.393869 -0.387496
- soil 3.7500000 0.0500000 279.690 0.000000 0.394515 -0.362497
- soil 3.8000000 0.0500000 279.731 0.000000 0.395145 -0.337497
- soil 3.8500000 0.0500000 279.771 0.000000 0.395759 -0.312497
- soil 3.9000000 0.0500000 279.812 0.000000 0.396354 -0.287497
- soil 3.9500000 0.0500000 279.852 0.000000 0.396928 -0.262497
- soil 4.0000000 0.0500000 279.892 0.000000 0.397481 -0.237497
- soil 4.0500000 0.0500000 279.933 0.000000 0.398010 -0.212497
- soil 4.1000000 0.0500000 279.973 0.000000 0.398512 -0.187497
- soil 4.1500000 0.0500000 280.014 0.000000 0.398985 -0.162498
- soil 4.2000000 0.0500000 280.054 0.000000 0.399427 -0.137498
- soil 4.2500000 0.0500000 280.094 0.000000 0.399832 -0.112498
- soil 4.3000000 0.0500000 280.135 0.000000 0.400197 -0.087498
- soil 4.3500000 0.0500000 280.175 0.000000 0.400514 -0.062498
- soil 4.4000000 0.0500000 280.216 0.000000 0.400774 -0.037499
- soil 4.4500000 0.0500000 280.256 0.000000 0.400956 -0.012499
- soil 4.5000000 0.0500000 280.296 0.000000 0.401000 0.012500
- soil 4.5500000 0.0500000 280.337 0.000000 0.401000 0.037500
- soil 4.6000000 0.0500000 280.377 0.000000 0.401000 0.062500
- soil 4.6500000 0.0500000 280.418 0.000000 0.401000 0.087500
- soil 4.7000000 0.0500000 280.458 0.000000 0.401000 0.112500
- soil 4.7500000 0.0500000 280.498 0.000000 0.401000 0.137500
- soil 4.8000000 0.0500000 280.539 0.000000 0.401000 0.162500
- soil 4.8500000 0.0500000 280.579 0.000000 0.401000 0.187500
- soil 4.9000000 0.0500000 280.620 0.000000 0.401000 0.212500
- soil 4.9500000 0.0500000 280.660 0.000000 0.401000 0.237500
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zParamTrial_valdai.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zParamTrial_valdai.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fffdb39f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/valdai/summa_zParamTrial_valdai.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-wimplicit zScale_TOPMODEL rootingDepth rootDistExp tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep lowerBoundTemp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil f_impede
- 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.1 273.16 2.00 280.66 0.401 0.136 -0.5 1.5 0.000013 15.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_fileManager_vielsalm.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_fileManager_vielsalm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ce45e3b..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_fileManager_vielsalm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/input/vielsalm/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/FUSE_SNOW/output/vielsalm/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'vielsalm/summa_zDecisions_vielsalm.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zSiteMeta.txt' ! META_SITE = metadata for site characteristics
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zParamMeta.txt' ! META_PARAM = metadata for model parameters
-'summa_zModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_MVAR = metadata for model variables
-'summa_zModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'vielsalm/summa_zParamInfo_vielsalm.txt' ! PARAMETER_INFO = site characteristics, and default values and constraints for model parameters
-'vielsalm/summa_zForcingInfo_vielsalm.txt' ! FORCEFILE_DESC = description of forcing data file
-'vielsalm/summa_zInitialCond_vielsalm.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'vielsalm/summa_zParamTrial_vielsalm.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vielsalm' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zDecisions_vielsalm.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zDecisions_vielsalm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0759c1c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zDecisions_vielsalm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! ( 1) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! ( 2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-f_Richards mixdform ! ( 3) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr bigBuckt ! ( 4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! ( 5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! ( 6) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! ( 7) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! ( 8) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! ( 9) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-astability louisinv ! (10) choice of stability function
-alb_method fsnowage ! (11) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (12) choice of compaction routine
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (13) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-subRouting timeDlay ! (14) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (1) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (2) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (3) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (4) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! zEquilWT ! equilibrium water table
-! pseudoWT ! pseudo water table
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (5) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! exp_prof ! exponential profile
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! lin_prof ! linear profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (6) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (7) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (8) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (9) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of albedo representation
-! fsnowage ! function of snow age
-! batslike ! BATS-like approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zForcingInfo_vielsalm.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zForcingInfo_vielsalm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 848379da8..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zForcingInfo_vielsalm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenm | Vielsalm_1996-2008_flag_0.dat ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 12 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 6 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-sw_down | 7 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-lw_down | 8 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 9 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 10 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 11 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 12 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-istart | 43849 ! start of the simulation period
-numtim | 15311 ! number of time steps (113976)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zInitialCond_vielsalm.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zInitialCond_vielsalm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f57a22329..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zInitialCond_vielsalm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarAlbedo 0.150
-scalarSWE 0.000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.034926137
-scalarWaterTableDepth 0.500
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0500000 276.660 0.000000 0.298375 -4.474990
- soil 0.0500000 0.0500000 276.700 0.000000 0.299078 -4.424990
- soil 0.1000000 0.0500000 276.741 0.000000 0.299788 -4.374990
- soil 0.1500000 0.0500000 276.781 0.000000 0.300508 -4.324990
- soil 0.2000000 0.0500000 276.822 0.000000 0.301235 -4.274990
- soil 0.2500000 0.0500000 276.862 0.000000 0.301972 -4.224990
- soil 0.3000000 0.0500000 276.902 0.000000 0.302717 -4.174989
- soil 0.3500000 0.0500000 276.943 0.000000 0.303471 -4.124989
- soil 0.4000000 0.0500000 276.983 0.000000 0.304235 -4.074989
- soil 0.4500000 0.0500000 277.024 0.000000 0.305007 -4.024989
- soil 0.5000000 0.0500000 277.064 0.000000 0.305789 -3.974989
- soil 0.5500000 0.0500000 277.104 0.000000 0.306581 -3.924989
- soil 0.6000000 0.0500000 277.145 0.000000 0.307383 -3.874989
- soil 0.6500000 0.0500000 277.185 0.000000 0.308195 -3.824989
- soil 0.7000000 0.0500000 277.226 0.000000 0.309016 -3.774989
- soil 0.7500000 0.0500000 277.266 0.000000 0.309848 -3.724989
- soil 0.8000000 0.0500000 277.306 0.000000 0.310691 -3.674988
- soil 0.8500000 0.0500000 277.347 0.000000 0.311544 -3.624988
- soil 0.9000000 0.0500000 277.387 0.000000 0.312409 -3.574988
- soil 0.9500000 0.0500000 277.428 0.000000 0.313284 -3.524988
- soil 1.0000000 0.0500000 277.468 0.000000 0.314170 -3.474988
- soil 1.0500000 0.0500000 277.508 0.000000 0.315068 -3.424988
- soil 1.1000000 0.0500000 277.549 0.000000 0.315978 -3.374988
- soil 1.1500000 0.0500000 277.589 0.000000 0.316900 -3.324988
- soil 1.2000000 0.0500000 277.630 0.000000 0.317833 -3.274987
- soil 1.2500000 0.0500000 277.670 0.000000 0.318779 -3.224987
- soil 1.3000000 0.0500000 277.711 0.000000 0.319737 -3.174987
- soil 1.3500000 0.0500000 277.751 0.000000 0.320708 -3.124987
- soil 1.4000000 0.0500000 277.791 0.000000 0.321692 -3.074987
- soil 1.4500000 0.0500000 277.832 0.000000 0.322689 -3.024987
- soil 1.5000000 0.0500000 277.872 0.000000 0.323699 -2.974987
- soil 1.5500000 0.0500000 277.913 0.000000 0.324722 -2.924987
- soil 1.6000000 0.0500000 277.953 0.000000 0.325760 -2.874986
- soil 1.6500000 0.0500000 277.993 0.000000 0.326811 -2.824986
- soil 1.7000000 0.0500000 278.034 0.000000 0.327876 -2.774986
- soil 1.7500000 0.0500000 278.074 0.000000 0.328956 -2.724986
- soil 1.8000000 0.0500000 278.115 0.000000 0.330050 -2.674986
- soil 1.8500000 0.0500000 278.155 0.000000 0.331159 -2.624986
- soil 1.9000000 0.0500000 278.195 0.000000 0.332283 -2.574986
- soil 1.9500000 0.0500000 278.236 0.000000 0.333421 -2.524985
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zParamTrial_vielsalm.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zParamTrial_vielsalm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 89739b6fc..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/vielsalm/summa_zParamTrial_vielsalm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-wimplicit zScale_TOPMODEL bpar_VIC rootingDepth rootDistExp tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep lowerBoundTemp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil f_impede
- 0.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 0.1 273.16 2.00 280.66 0.401 0.136 -0.5 1.5 0.000013 5.0
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e1f34f218..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/watersnow/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/watersnow/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnow.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'watersnow' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFroz.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFroz.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bc70bb37f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFroz.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/watersnow/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/watersnow/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFroz.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFroz.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'watersnow' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFrsh.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFrsh.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f3494f263..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowFrsh.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/watersnow/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/watersnow/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFrsh.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFrsh.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'watersnow' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowRipe.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowRipe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c4015aaa..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_fileManager_watersnowRipe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/input/watersnow/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/summa/output/watersnow/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowRipe.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowRipe.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'watersnow' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb3a795c..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zDecisions_watersnow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 00:01' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-01-02 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (F-04) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-07) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (F-08) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (F-09) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (F-10) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (F-14) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (F-15) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (F-16) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (F-17) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (F-18) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers jrdn1991 ! (F-19) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thermlcond jrdn1991 ! (F-20) choice of thermal conductivity representation
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (F-21) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (F-22) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (N-01) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-02) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-03) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (N-04) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! (F-01) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-02) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-03) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-04) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-05) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-06) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-07) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-08) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-09) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-10) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-11) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-12) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-13) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-14) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-15) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-16) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-17) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-18) choice of thermal conductivity
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-19) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (F-20) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f3377c036..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'watersnow/summa_zForcingInfo_watersnow.txt'
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingInfo_watersnow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingInfo_watersnow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b59245011..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zForcingInfo_watersnow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | watersnow_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 60 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-copy.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-copy.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd631cfb..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-copy.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -1.049688
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -0.949642
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -0.849587
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -0.749519
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -0.649437
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -0.549338
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -0.449225
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -0.349117
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-orig.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-orig.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a4a9642..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow-orig.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.327154 0.000016 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -589.229354
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -509.908521
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -430.588153
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -351.268251
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -271.948815
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -192.629844
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -113.311339
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -33.993300
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 81096e053..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 273.100 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 273.085 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -1.049688
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -0.949642
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -0.849587
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -0.749519
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -0.649437
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -0.549338
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -0.449225
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -0.349117
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFroz.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFroz.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d025ab9f..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFroz.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -0.049688
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -0.949642
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -0.849587
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -0.749519
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -0.649437
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -0.549338
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -0.449225
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -0.349117
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFrsh.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFrsh.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e48b61da..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowFrsh.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 268.160 0.330000 0.000016 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -1.049688
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -0.949642
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -0.849587
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -0.749519
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -0.649437
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -0.549338
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -0.449225
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -0.349117
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowRipe.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowRipe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab50acdae..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zInitialCond_watersnowRipe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- snow -1.0000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.9000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.8000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.7000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.6000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.5000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.4000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.3000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.2000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.1000000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0800000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0600000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0400000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- snow -0.0200000 0.0200000 273.042 0.300000 0.028000 -999.999000
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 268.433 0.072625 0.102135 -1.049688
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 269.069 0.079610 0.102156 -0.949642
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 269.705 0.087992 0.102184 -0.849587
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 270.342 0.098194 0.102226 -0.749519
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 270.978 0.110799 0.102292 -0.649437
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 271.615 0.126591 0.102412 -0.549338
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 272.251 0.146516 0.102701 -0.449225
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 272.887 0.170529 0.104336 -0.349117
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 273.524 0.000000 0.306241 -0.249071
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 1.5000000 0.5000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
- soil 2.0000000 2.0000000 274.160 0.000000 0.339931 -0.149211
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49bef18e3..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.1979 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 0.5000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 20.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnow.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe2a5f8a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_snow k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.368 0.368 0.102 -3.35 2.00 2.0 0.197924 0.000075 0.00075 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFroz.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFroz.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 036580214..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFroz.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_snow k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.368 0.368 0.102 -3.35 2.00 2.0 0.159713 0.000075 0.00075 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFrsh.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFrsh.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a94aa90..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowFrsh.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_snow k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.368 0.368 0.102 -3.35 2.00 2.0 0.001597 0.000075 0.00075 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowRipe.txt b/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowRipe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe2a5f8a..000000000
--- a/settings/miscellaneousTestCases/watersnow/summa_zParamTrial_watersnowRipe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_snow k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.368 0.368 0.102 -3.35 2.00 2.0 0.197924 0.000075 0.00075 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 76b1c5614..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/celia1990/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'celia1990' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7483b5cc9..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 00:30' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-01-03 12:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth numericl ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn zeroFlux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH presHead ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH presHead ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cccb52368..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt'
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6163dd00b..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | celia1990_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 1800 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d80f183..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 10.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.116750 -5.375000
- soil 0.0060000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0120000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0180000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0240000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0300000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0360000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0420000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0480000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0540000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0600000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0660000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0720000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0780000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0840000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0900000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.0960000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1020000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1080000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1140000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1200000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1260000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1320000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1380000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1440000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1500000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1560000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1620000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1680000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1740000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1800000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1860000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1920000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.1980000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2040000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2100000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2160000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2220000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2280000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2340000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2400000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2460000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2520000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2580000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2640000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2700000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2760000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2820000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2880000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.2940000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3000000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3060000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3120000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3180000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3240000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3300000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3360000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3420000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3480000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3540000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3600000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3660000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3720000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3780000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3840000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3900000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.3960000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4020000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4080000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4140000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4200000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4260000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4320000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4380000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4440000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4500000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4560000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4620000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4680000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4740000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4800000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4860000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4920000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.4980000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5040000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5100000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5160000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5220000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5280000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5340000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5400000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5460000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5520000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5580000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5640000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5700000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5760000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5820000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5880000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
- soil 0.5940000 0.0060000 285.160 0.000000 0.109937 -10.000000
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 374ae6b5d..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | -10.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 0.5000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f22c9c550..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.368 0.368 0.102 -3.35 2.0 15.0 0.0000922 0.0000922 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3b7f46e..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/miller1998/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'millerClay' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a100daf8f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/miller1998/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'millerLoam' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 76aebc8e8..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/miller1998/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'millerSand' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca83dae5..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 00:30' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-01-03 12:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth numericl ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn zeroFlux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH presHead ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH presHead ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a48a1c78d..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt'
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d9019c76a..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | miller1998_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 900 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e666c3c..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.950000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.850000
- soil 0.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.750000
- soil 0.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.650000
- soil 0.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.550000
- soil 0.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.450000
- soil 0.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.350000
- soil 0.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.250000
- soil 0.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.150000
- soil 0.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.050000
- soil 1.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.950000
- soil 1.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.850000
- soil 1.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.750000
- soil 1.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.650000
- soil 1.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.550000
- soil 1.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.450000
- soil 1.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.350000
- soil 1.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.250000
- soil 1.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.150000
- soil 1.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.050000
- soil 2.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.950000
- soil 2.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.850000
- soil 2.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.750000
- soil 2.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.650000
- soil 2.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.550000
- soil 2.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.450000
- soil 2.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.350000
- soil 2.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.250000
- soil 2.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.150000
- soil 2.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.050000
- soil 3.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.950000
- soil 3.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.850000
- soil 3.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.750000
- soil 3.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.650000
- soil 3.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.550000
- soil 3.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.450000
- soil 3.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.350000
- soil 3.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.250000
- soil 3.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.150000
- soil 3.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.050000
- soil 4.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -5.950000
- soil 4.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.850000
- soil 4.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.750000
- soil 4.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.650000
- soil 4.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.550000
- soil 4.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.450000
- soil 4.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.350000
- soil 4.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.250000
- soil 4.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.150000
- soil 4.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.050000
- soil 5.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -4.950000
- soil 5.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.850000
- soil 5.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.750000
- soil 5.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.650000
- soil 5.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.550000
- soil 5.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.450000
- soil 5.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.350000
- soil 5.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.250000
- soil 5.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.150000
- soil 5.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.050000
- soil 6.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093009 -3.950000
- soil 6.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.850000
- soil 6.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.750000
- soil 6.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093012 -3.650000
- soil 6.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093013 -3.550000
- soil 6.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093014 -3.450000
- soil 6.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093016 -3.350000
- soil 6.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093017 -3.250000
- soil 6.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093019 -3.150000
- soil 6.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093021 -3.050000
- soil 7.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093024 -2.950000
- soil 7.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093027 -2.850000
- soil 7.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093030 -2.750000
- soil 7.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093034 -2.650000
- soil 7.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093038 -2.550000
- soil 7.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093044 -2.450000
- soil 7.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093050 -2.350000
- soil 7.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093058 -2.250000
- soil 7.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093067 -2.150000
- soil 7.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093078 -2.050000
- soil 8.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093092 -1.950000
- soil 8.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093109 -1.850000
- soil 8.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093131 -1.750000
- soil 8.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093158 -1.650000
- soil 8.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093194 -1.550000
- soil 8.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093241 -1.450000
- soil 8.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093305 -1.350000
- soil 8.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093392 -1.250000
- soil 8.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093514 -1.150000
- soil 8.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093692 -1.050000
- soil 9.0000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.093959 -0.950000
- soil 9.1000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.094378 -0.850000
- soil 9.2000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.095071 -0.750000
- soil 9.3000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.096299 -0.650000
- soil 9.4000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.098672 -0.550000
- soil 9.5000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.103817 -0.450000
- soil 9.6000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.116835 -0.350000
- soil 9.7000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.155619 -0.250000
- soil 9.8000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.251168 -0.150000
- soil 9.9000000 0.1000000 285.160 0.000000 0.300370 -0.050000
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47eca4449..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 10.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.295573 -1.996875
- soil 0.0062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.295739 -1.990625
- soil 0.0125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.295906 -1.984375
- soil 0.0187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296073 -1.978125
- soil 0.0250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296241 -1.971875
- soil 0.0312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296409 -1.965625
- soil 0.0375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296578 -1.959375
- soil 0.0437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296747 -1.953125
- soil 0.0500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.296917 -1.946875
- soil 0.0562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297088 -1.940625
- soil 0.0625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297259 -1.934375
- soil 0.0687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297430 -1.928125
- soil 0.0750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297603 -1.921875
- soil 0.0812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297776 -1.915625
- soil 0.0875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.297949 -1.909375
- soil 0.0937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.298123 -1.903125
- soil 0.1000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.298298 -1.896875
- soil 0.1062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.298473 -1.890625
- soil 0.1125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.298649 -1.884375
- soil 0.1187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.298826 -1.878125
- soil 0.1250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299003 -1.871875
- soil 0.1312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299181 -1.865625
- soil 0.1375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299359 -1.859375
- soil 0.1437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299538 -1.853125
- soil 0.1500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299718 -1.846875
- soil 0.1562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.299898 -1.840625
- soil 0.1625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300079 -1.834375
- soil 0.1687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300261 -1.828125
- soil 0.1750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300443 -1.821875
- soil 0.1812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300626 -1.815625
- soil 0.1875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300810 -1.809375
- soil 0.1937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.300994 -1.803125
- soil 0.2000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.301179 -1.796875
- soil 0.2062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.301364 -1.790625
- soil 0.2125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.301550 -1.784375
- soil 0.2187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.301737 -1.778125
- soil 0.2250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.301925 -1.771875
- soil 0.2312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.302113 -1.765625
- soil 0.2375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.302302 -1.759375
- soil 0.2437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.302492 -1.753125
- soil 0.2500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.302682 -1.746875
- soil 0.2562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.302873 -1.740625
- soil 0.2625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.303065 -1.734375
- soil 0.2687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.303258 -1.728125
- soil 0.2750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.303451 -1.721875
- soil 0.2812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.303645 -1.715625
- soil 0.2875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.303840 -1.709375
- soil 0.2937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.304035 -1.703125
- soil 0.3000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.304231 -1.696875
- soil 0.3062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.304428 -1.690625
- soil 0.3125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.304626 -1.684375
- soil 0.3187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.304824 -1.678125
- soil 0.3250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.305023 -1.671875
- soil 0.3312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.305223 -1.665625
- soil 0.3375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.305424 -1.659375
- soil 0.3437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.305625 -1.653125
- soil 0.3500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.305827 -1.646875
- soil 0.3562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.306030 -1.640625
- soil 0.3625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.306234 -1.634375
- soil 0.3687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.306438 -1.628125
- soil 0.3750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.306644 -1.621875
- soil 0.3812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.306850 -1.615625
- soil 0.3875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.307057 -1.609375
- soil 0.3937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.307265 -1.603125
- soil 0.4000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.307473 -1.596875
- soil 0.4062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.307682 -1.590625
- soil 0.4125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.307893 -1.584375
- soil 0.4187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.308104 -1.578125
- soil 0.4250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.308316 -1.571875
- soil 0.4312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.308528 -1.565625
- soil 0.4375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.308742 -1.559375
- soil 0.4437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.308956 -1.553125
- soil 0.4500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.309172 -1.546875
- soil 0.4562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.309388 -1.540625
- soil 0.4625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.309605 -1.534375
- soil 0.4687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.309823 -1.528125
- soil 0.4750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.310041 -1.521875
- soil 0.4812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.310261 -1.515625
- soil 0.4875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.310482 -1.509375
- soil 0.4937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.310703 -1.503125
- soil 0.5000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.310925 -1.496875
- soil 0.5062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.311149 -1.490625
- soil 0.5125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.311373 -1.484375
- soil 0.5187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.311598 -1.478125
- soil 0.5250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.311824 -1.471875
- soil 0.5312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.312051 -1.465625
- soil 0.5375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.312279 -1.459375
- soil 0.5437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.312508 -1.453125
- soil 0.5500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.312738 -1.446875
- soil 0.5562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.312969 -1.440625
- soil 0.5625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.313200 -1.434375
- soil 0.5687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.313433 -1.428125
- soil 0.5750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.313667 -1.421875
- soil 0.5812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.313902 -1.415625
- soil 0.5875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.314137 -1.409375
- soil 0.5937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.314374 -1.403125
- soil 0.6000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.314612 -1.396875
- soil 0.6062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.314851 -1.390625
- soil 0.6125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.315091 -1.384375
- soil 0.6187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.315331 -1.378125
- soil 0.6250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.315573 -1.371875
- soil 0.6312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.315816 -1.365625
- soil 0.6375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.316060 -1.359375
- soil 0.6437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.316305 -1.353125
- soil 0.6500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.316551 -1.346875
- soil 0.6562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.316799 -1.340625
- soil 0.6625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.317047 -1.334375
- soil 0.6687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.317296 -1.328125
- soil 0.6750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.317547 -1.321875
- soil 0.6812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.317798 -1.315625
- soil 0.6875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.318051 -1.309375
- soil 0.6937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.318305 -1.303125
- soil 0.7000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.318560 -1.296875
- soil 0.7062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.318816 -1.290625
- soil 0.7125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.319073 -1.284375
- soil 0.7187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.319332 -1.278125
- soil 0.7250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.319592 -1.271875
- soil 0.7312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.319852 -1.265625
- soil 0.7375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.320114 -1.259375
- soil 0.7437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.320378 -1.253125
- soil 0.7500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.320642 -1.246875
- soil 0.7562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.320908 -1.240625
- soil 0.7625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.321174 -1.234375
- soil 0.7687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.321442 -1.228125
- soil 0.7750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.321712 -1.221875
- soil 0.7812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.321982 -1.215625
- soil 0.7875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.322254 -1.209375
- soil 0.7937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.322527 -1.203125
- soil 0.8000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.322802 -1.196875
- soil 0.8062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.323077 -1.190625
- soil 0.8125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.323354 -1.184375
- soil 0.8187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.323633 -1.178125
- soil 0.8250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.323912 -1.171875
- soil 0.8312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.324193 -1.165625
- soil 0.8375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.324475 -1.159375
- soil 0.8437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.324759 -1.153125
- soil 0.8500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.325044 -1.146875
- soil 0.8562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.325330 -1.140625
- soil 0.8625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.325618 -1.134375
- soil 0.8687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.325907 -1.128125
- soil 0.8750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.326198 -1.121875
- soil 0.8812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.326490 -1.115625
- soil 0.8875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.326783 -1.109375
- soil 0.8937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.327078 -1.103125
- soil 0.9000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.327374 -1.096875
- soil 0.9062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.327672 -1.090625
- soil 0.9125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.327971 -1.084375
- soil 0.9187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.328272 -1.078125
- soil 0.9250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.328574 -1.071875
- soil 0.9312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.328877 -1.065625
- soil 0.9375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.329183 -1.059375
- soil 0.9437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.329489 -1.053125
- soil 0.9500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.329797 -1.046875
- soil 0.9562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.330107 -1.040625
- soil 0.9625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.330419 -1.034375
- soil 0.9687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.330732 -1.028125
- soil 0.9750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.331046 -1.021875
- soil 0.9812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.331362 -1.015625
- soil 0.9875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.331680 -1.009375
- soil 0.9937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.331999 -1.003125
- soil 1.0000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.332320 -0.996875
- soil 1.0062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.332643 -0.990625
- soil 1.0125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.332967 -0.984375
- soil 1.0187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.333293 -0.978125
- soil 1.0250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.333621 -0.971875
- soil 1.0312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.333951 -0.965625
- soil 1.0375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.334282 -0.959375
- soil 1.0437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.334615 -0.953125
- soil 1.0500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.334949 -0.946875
- soil 1.0562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.335286 -0.940625
- soil 1.0625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.335624 -0.934375
- soil 1.0687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.335964 -0.928125
- soil 1.0750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.336306 -0.921875
- soil 1.0812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.336649 -0.915625
- soil 1.0875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.336995 -0.909375
- soil 1.0937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.337342 -0.903125
- soil 1.1000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.337691 -0.896875
- soil 1.1062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.338042 -0.890625
- soil 1.1125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.338395 -0.884375
- soil 1.1187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.338750 -0.878125
- soil 1.1250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.339107 -0.871875
- soil 1.1312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.339466 -0.865625
- soil 1.1375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.339826 -0.859375
- soil 1.1437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.340189 -0.853125
- soil 1.1500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.340554 -0.846875
- soil 1.1562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.340920 -0.840625
- soil 1.1625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.341289 -0.834375
- soil 1.1687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.341660 -0.828125
- soil 1.1750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.342033 -0.821875
- soil 1.1812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.342408 -0.815625
- soil 1.1875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.342785 -0.809375
- soil 1.1937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.343164 -0.803125
- soil 1.2000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.343545 -0.796875
- soil 1.2062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.343928 -0.790625
- soil 1.2125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.344314 -0.784375
- soil 1.2187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.344701 -0.778125
- soil 1.2250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.345091 -0.771875
- soil 1.2312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.345483 -0.765625
- soil 1.2375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.345878 -0.759375
- soil 1.2437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.346274 -0.753125
- soil 1.2500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.346673 -0.746875
- soil 1.2562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.347074 -0.740625
- soil 1.2625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.347478 -0.734375
- soil 1.2687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.347884 -0.728125
- soil 1.2750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.348292 -0.721875
- soil 1.2812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.348702 -0.715625
- soil 1.2875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.349115 -0.709375
- soil 1.2937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.349530 -0.703125
- soil 1.3000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.349948 -0.696875
- soil 1.3062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.350368 -0.690625
- soil 1.3125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.350790 -0.684375
- soil 1.3187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.351215 -0.678125
- soil 1.3250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.351643 -0.671875
- soil 1.3312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.352073 -0.665625
- soil 1.3375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.352505 -0.659375
- soil 1.3437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.352940 -0.653125
- soil 1.3500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.353378 -0.646875
- soil 1.3562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.353818 -0.640625
- soil 1.3625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.354261 -0.634375
- soil 1.3687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.354706 -0.628125
- soil 1.3750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.355154 -0.621875
- soil 1.3812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.355605 -0.615625
- soil 1.3875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.356059 -0.609375
- soil 1.3937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.356515 -0.603125
- soil 1.4000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.356973 -0.596875
- soil 1.4062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.357435 -0.590625
- soil 1.4125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.357899 -0.584375
- soil 1.4187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.358366 -0.578125
- soil 1.4250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.358836 -0.571875
- soil 1.4312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.359309 -0.565625
- soil 1.4375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.359784 -0.559375
- soil 1.4437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.360262 -0.553125
- soil 1.4500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.360743 -0.546875
- soil 1.4562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.361227 -0.540625
- soil 1.4625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.361714 -0.534375
- soil 1.4687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.362204 -0.528125
- soil 1.4750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.362697 -0.521875
- soil 1.4812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.363192 -0.515625
- soil 1.4875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.363691 -0.509375
- soil 1.4937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.364193 -0.503125
- soil 1.5000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.364697 -0.496875
- soil 1.5062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.365205 -0.490625
- soil 1.5125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.365715 -0.484375
- soil 1.5187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.366229 -0.478125
- soil 1.5250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.366745 -0.471875
- soil 1.5312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.367265 -0.465625
- soil 1.5375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.367787 -0.459375
- soil 1.5437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.368313 -0.453125
- soil 1.5500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.368842 -0.446875
- soil 1.5562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.369374 -0.440625
- soil 1.5625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.369908 -0.434375
- soil 1.5687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.370446 -0.428125
- soil 1.5750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.370987 -0.421875
- soil 1.5812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.371532 -0.415625
- soil 1.5875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.372079 -0.409375
- soil 1.5937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.372629 -0.403125
- soil 1.6000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.373182 -0.396875
- soil 1.6062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.373739 -0.390625
- soil 1.6125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.374298 -0.384375
- soil 1.6187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.374861 -0.378125
- soil 1.6250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.375426 -0.371875
- soil 1.6312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.375995 -0.365625
- soil 1.6375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.376567 -0.359375
- soil 1.6437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.377141 -0.353125
- soil 1.6500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.377719 -0.346875
- soil 1.6562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.378300 -0.340625
- soil 1.6625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.378883 -0.334375
- soil 1.6687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.379470 -0.328125
- soil 1.6750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.380059 -0.321875
- soil 1.6812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.380651 -0.315625
- soil 1.6875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.381246 -0.309375
- soil 1.6937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.381844 -0.303125
- soil 1.7000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.382445 -0.296875
- soil 1.7062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.383048 -0.290625
- soil 1.7125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.383653 -0.284375
- soil 1.7187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.384262 -0.278125
- soil 1.7250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.384872 -0.271875
- soil 1.7312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.385486 -0.265625
- soil 1.7375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.386101 -0.259375
- soil 1.7437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.386719 -0.253125
- soil 1.7500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.387338 -0.246875
- soil 1.7562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.387960 -0.240625
- soil 1.7625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.388584 -0.234375
- soil 1.7687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.389209 -0.228125
- soil 1.7750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.389836 -0.221875
- soil 1.7812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.390465 -0.215625
- soil 1.7875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.391095 -0.209375
- soil 1.7937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.391726 -0.203125
- soil 1.8000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.392358 -0.196875
- soil 1.8062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.392991 -0.190625
- soil 1.8125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.393625 -0.184375
- soil 1.8187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.394259 -0.178125
- soil 1.8250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.394893 -0.171875
- soil 1.8312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.395527 -0.165625
- soil 1.8375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.396160 -0.159375
- soil 1.8437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.396793 -0.153125
- soil 1.8500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.397424 -0.146875
- soil 1.8562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.398055 -0.140625
- soil 1.8625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.398683 -0.134375
- soil 1.8687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.399309 -0.128125
- soil 1.8750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.399932 -0.121875
- soil 1.8812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.400552 -0.115625
- soil 1.8875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.401168 -0.109375
- soil 1.8937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.401780 -0.103125
- soil 1.9000000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.402387 -0.096875
- soil 1.9062500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.402988 -0.090625
- soil 1.9125000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.403582 -0.084375
- soil 1.9187500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.404168 -0.078125
- soil 1.9250000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.404746 -0.071875
- soil 1.9312500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.405313 -0.065625
- soil 1.9375000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.405870 -0.059375
- soil 1.9437500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.406413 -0.053125
- soil 1.9500000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.406942 -0.046875
- soil 1.9562500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.407454 -0.040625
- soil 1.9625000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.407946 -0.034375
- soil 1.9687500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.408415 -0.028125
- soil 1.9750000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.408855 -0.021875
- soil 1.9812500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.409261 -0.015625
- soil 1.9875000 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.409620 -0.009375
- soil 1.9937500 0.0062500 285.160 0.000000 0.409910 -0.003125
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7023d18..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 10.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.147532 -4.993750
- soil 0.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.147628 -4.981250
- soil 0.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.147725 -4.968750
- soil 0.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.147823 -4.956250
- soil 0.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.147920 -4.943750
- soil 0.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148019 -4.931250
- soil 0.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148117 -4.918750
- soil 0.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148216 -4.906250
- soil 0.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148315 -4.893750
- soil 0.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148415 -4.881250
- soil 0.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148515 -4.868750
- soil 0.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148615 -4.856250
- soil 0.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148716 -4.843750
- soil 0.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148817 -4.831250
- soil 0.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.148919 -4.818750
- soil 0.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149021 -4.806250
- soil 0.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149123 -4.793750
- soil 0.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149226 -4.781250
- soil 0.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149330 -4.768750
- soil 0.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149433 -4.756250
- soil 0.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149537 -4.743750
- soil 0.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149642 -4.731250
- soil 0.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149747 -4.718750
- soil 0.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149852 -4.706250
- soil 0.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.149958 -4.693750
- soil 0.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150064 -4.681250
- soil 0.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150171 -4.668750
- soil 0.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150278 -4.656250
- soil 0.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150386 -4.643750
- soil 0.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150494 -4.631250
- soil 0.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150602 -4.618750
- soil 0.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150711 -4.606250
- soil 0.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150820 -4.593750
- soil 0.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.150930 -4.581250
- soil 0.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151040 -4.568750
- soil 0.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151151 -4.556250
- soil 0.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151262 -4.543750
- soil 0.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151374 -4.531250
- soil 0.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151486 -4.518750
- soil 0.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151599 -4.506250
- soil 0.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151712 -4.493750
- soil 0.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151826 -4.481250
- soil 0.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151940 -4.468750
- soil 0.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152054 -4.456250
- soil 0.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152169 -4.443750
- soil 0.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152285 -4.431250
- soil 0.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152401 -4.418750
- soil 0.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152517 -4.406250
- soil 0.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152634 -4.393750
- soil 0.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152752 -4.381250
- soil 0.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152870 -4.368750
- soil 0.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.152989 -4.356250
- soil 0.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153108 -4.343750
- soil 0.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153228 -4.331250
- soil 0.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153348 -4.318750
- soil 0.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153469 -4.306250
- soil 0.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153590 -4.293750
- soil 0.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153712 -4.281250
- soil 0.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153834 -4.268750
- soil 0.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.153957 -4.256250
- soil 0.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154080 -4.243750
- soil 0.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154204 -4.231250
- soil 0.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154329 -4.218750
- soil 0.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154454 -4.206250
- soil 0.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154580 -4.193750
- soil 0.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154706 -4.181250
- soil 0.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154833 -4.168750
- soil 0.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.154960 -4.156250
- soil 0.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155088 -4.143750
- soil 0.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155217 -4.131250
- soil 0.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155346 -4.118750
- soil 0.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155476 -4.106250
- soil 0.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155606 -4.093750
- soil 0.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155738 -4.081250
- soil 0.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.155869 -4.068750
- soil 0.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156001 -4.056250
- soil 0.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156134 -4.043750
- soil 0.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156268 -4.031250
- soil 0.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156402 -4.018750
- soil 0.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156537 -4.006250
- soil 1.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156672 -3.993750
- soil 1.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156808 -3.981250
- soil 1.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.156945 -3.968750
- soil 1.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157083 -3.956250
- soil 1.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157221 -3.943750
- soil 1.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157359 -3.931250
- soil 1.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157499 -3.918750
- soil 1.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157639 -3.906250
- soil 1.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157780 -3.893750
- soil 1.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.157921 -3.881250
- soil 1.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158063 -3.868750
- soil 1.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158206 -3.856250
- soil 1.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158350 -3.843750
- soil 1.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158494 -3.831250
- soil 1.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158639 -3.818750
- soil 1.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158785 -3.806250
- soil 1.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.158931 -3.793750
- soil 1.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159079 -3.781250
- soil 1.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159226 -3.768750
- soil 1.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159375 -3.756250
- soil 1.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159525 -3.743750
- soil 1.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159675 -3.731250
- soil 1.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159826 -3.718750
- soil 1.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159978 -3.706250
- soil 1.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160130 -3.693750
- soil 1.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160284 -3.681250
- soil 1.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160438 -3.668750
- soil 1.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160593 -3.656250
- soil 1.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160748 -3.643750
- soil 1.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.160905 -3.631250
- soil 1.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161062 -3.618750
- soil 1.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161220 -3.606250
- soil 1.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161380 -3.593750
- soil 1.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161539 -3.581250
- soil 1.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161700 -3.568750
- soil 1.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.161862 -3.556250
- soil 1.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162024 -3.543750
- soil 1.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162188 -3.531250
- soil 1.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162352 -3.518750
- soil 1.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162517 -3.506250
- soil 1.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162683 -3.493750
- soil 1.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.162850 -3.481250
- soil 1.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163018 -3.468750
- soil 1.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163186 -3.456250
- soil 1.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163356 -3.443750
- soil 1.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163527 -3.431250
- soil 1.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163698 -3.418750
- soil 1.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.163871 -3.406250
- soil 1.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164044 -3.393750
- soil 1.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164219 -3.381250
- soil 1.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164394 -3.368750
- soil 1.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164571 -3.356250
- soil 1.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164748 -3.343750
- soil 1.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.164927 -3.331250
- soil 1.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.165106 -3.318750
- soil 1.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.165286 -3.306250
- soil 1.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.165468 -3.293750
- soil 1.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.165651 -3.281250
- soil 1.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.165834 -3.268750
- soil 1.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166019 -3.256250
- soil 1.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166205 -3.243750
- soil 1.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166392 -3.231250
- soil 1.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166579 -3.218750
- soil 1.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166769 -3.206250
- soil 1.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.166959 -3.193750
- soil 1.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.167150 -3.181250
- soil 1.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.167343 -3.168750
- soil 1.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.167536 -3.156250
- soil 1.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.167731 -3.143750
- soil 1.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.167927 -3.131250
- soil 1.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.168124 -3.118750
- soil 1.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.168322 -3.106250
- soil 1.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.168522 -3.093750
- soil 1.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.168723 -3.081250
- soil 1.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.168925 -3.068750
- soil 1.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169128 -3.056250
- soil 1.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169332 -3.043750
- soil 1.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169538 -3.031250
- soil 1.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169745 -3.018750
- soil 1.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169954 -3.006250
- soil 2.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.170163 -2.993750
- soil 2.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.170374 -2.981250
- soil 2.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.170587 -2.968750
- soil 2.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.170800 -2.956250
- soil 2.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.171015 -2.943750
- soil 2.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.171232 -2.931250
- soil 2.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.171450 -2.918750
- soil 2.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.171669 -2.906250
- soil 2.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.171890 -2.893750
- soil 2.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.172112 -2.881250
- soil 2.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.172335 -2.868750
- soil 2.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.172560 -2.856250
- soil 2.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.172787 -2.843750
- soil 2.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.173015 -2.831250
- soil 2.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.173245 -2.818750
- soil 2.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.173476 -2.806250
- soil 2.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.173708 -2.793750
- soil 2.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.173943 -2.781250
- soil 2.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.174178 -2.768750
- soil 2.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.174416 -2.756250
- soil 2.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.174655 -2.743750
- soil 2.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.174895 -2.731250
- soil 2.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.175138 -2.718750
- soil 2.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.175382 -2.706250
- soil 2.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.175628 -2.693750
- soil 2.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.175875 -2.681250
- soil 2.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.176124 -2.668750
- soil 2.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.176375 -2.656250
- soil 2.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.176628 -2.643750
- soil 2.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.176882 -2.631250
- soil 2.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.177139 -2.618750
- soil 2.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.177397 -2.606250
- soil 2.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.177657 -2.593750
- soil 2.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.177919 -2.581250
- soil 2.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.178182 -2.568750
- soil 2.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.178448 -2.556250
- soil 2.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.178716 -2.543750
- soil 2.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.178986 -2.531250
- soil 2.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.179257 -2.518750
- soil 2.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.179531 -2.506250
- soil 2.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.179807 -2.493750
- soil 2.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.180084 -2.481250
- soil 2.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.180364 -2.468750
- soil 2.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.180646 -2.456250
- soil 2.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.180930 -2.443750
- soil 2.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.181217 -2.431250
- soil 2.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.181505 -2.418750
- soil 2.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.181796 -2.406250
- soil 2.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.182089 -2.393750
- soil 2.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.182384 -2.381250
- soil 2.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.182682 -2.368750
- soil 2.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.182982 -2.356250
- soil 2.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.183284 -2.343750
- soil 2.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.183589 -2.331250
- soil 2.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.183896 -2.318750
- soil 2.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.184206 -2.306250
- soil 2.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.184518 -2.293750
- soil 2.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.184833 -2.281250
- soil 2.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.185150 -2.268750
- soil 2.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.185470 -2.256250
- soil 2.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.185793 -2.243750
- soil 2.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.186118 -2.231250
- soil 2.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.186446 -2.218750
- soil 2.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.186776 -2.206250
- soil 2.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.187110 -2.193750
- soil 2.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.187446 -2.181250
- soil 2.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.187785 -2.168750
- soil 2.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.188127 -2.156250
- soil 2.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.188472 -2.143750
- soil 2.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.188820 -2.131250
- soil 2.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.189171 -2.118750
- soil 2.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.189525 -2.106250
- soil 2.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.189882 -2.093750
- soil 2.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.190242 -2.081250
- soil 2.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.190606 -2.068750
- soil 2.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.190973 -2.056250
- soil 2.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.191343 -2.043750
- soil 2.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.191716 -2.031250
- soil 2.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.192093 -2.018750
- soil 2.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.192473 -2.006250
- soil 3.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.192857 -1.993750
- soil 3.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.193244 -1.981250
- soil 3.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.193635 -1.968750
- soil 3.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.194029 -1.956250
- soil 3.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.194427 -1.943750
- soil 3.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.194829 -1.931250
- soil 3.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.195235 -1.918750
- soil 3.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.195645 -1.906250
- soil 3.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.196058 -1.893750
- soil 3.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.196476 -1.881250
- soil 3.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.196897 -1.868750
- soil 3.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.197323 -1.856250
- soil 3.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.197753 -1.843750
- soil 3.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.198188 -1.831250
- soil 3.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.198626 -1.818750
- soil 3.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.199069 -1.806250
- soil 3.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.199517 -1.793750
- soil 3.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.199968 -1.781250
- soil 3.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.200425 -1.768750
- soil 3.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.200886 -1.756250
- soil 3.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.201353 -1.743750
- soil 3.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.201823 -1.731250
- soil 3.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.202299 -1.718750
- soil 3.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.202780 -1.706250
- soil 3.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.203266 -1.693750
- soil 3.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.203757 -1.681250
- soil 3.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.204254 -1.668750
- soil 3.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.204756 -1.656250
- soil 3.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.205263 -1.643750
- soil 3.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.205776 -1.631250
- soil 3.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.206295 -1.618750
- soil 3.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.206819 -1.606250
- soil 3.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.207349 -1.593750
- soil 3.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.207885 -1.581250
- soil 3.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.208428 -1.568750
- soil 3.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.208976 -1.556250
- soil 3.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.209531 -1.543750
- soil 3.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.210092 -1.531250
- soil 3.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.210660 -1.518750
- soil 3.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.211234 -1.506250
- soil 3.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.211816 -1.493750
- soil 3.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.212404 -1.481250
- soil 3.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.212999 -1.468750
- soil 3.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.213602 -1.456250
- soil 3.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.214211 -1.443750
- soil 3.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.214829 -1.431250
- soil 3.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.215454 -1.418750
- soil 3.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.216086 -1.406250
- soil 3.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.216727 -1.393750
- soil 3.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.217376 -1.381250
- soil 3.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.218033 -1.368750
- soil 3.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.218698 -1.356250
- soil 3.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.219372 -1.343750
- soil 3.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.220055 -1.331250
- soil 3.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.220747 -1.318750
- soil 3.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.221448 -1.306250
- soil 3.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.222158 -1.293750
- soil 3.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.222878 -1.281250
- soil 3.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.223608 -1.268750
- soil 3.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.224348 -1.256250
- soil 3.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.225097 -1.243750
- soil 3.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.225858 -1.231250
- soil 3.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.226629 -1.218750
- soil 3.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.227411 -1.206250
- soil 3.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.228204 -1.193750
- soil 3.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.229008 -1.181250
- soil 3.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.229824 -1.168750
- soil 3.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.230652 -1.156250
- soil 3.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.231492 -1.143750
- soil 3.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.232345 -1.131250
- soil 3.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.233210 -1.118750
- soil 3.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.234089 -1.106250
- soil 3.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.234981 -1.093750
- soil 3.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.235886 -1.081250
- soil 3.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.236806 -1.068750
- soil 3.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.237740 -1.056250
- soil 3.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.238689 -1.043750
- soil 3.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.239653 -1.031250
- soil 3.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.240633 -1.018750
- soil 3.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.241628 -1.006250
- soil 4.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.242640 -0.993750
- soil 4.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.243668 -0.981250
- soil 4.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.244714 -0.968750
- soil 4.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.245777 -0.956250
- soil 4.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.246859 -0.943750
- soil 4.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.247959 -0.931250
- soil 4.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.249078 -0.918750
- soil 4.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.250216 -0.906250
- soil 4.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.251375 -0.893750
- soil 4.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.252555 -0.881250
- soil 4.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.253756 -0.868750
- soil 4.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.254978 -0.856250
- soil 4.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.256223 -0.843750
- soil 4.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.257491 -0.831250
- soil 4.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.258783 -0.818750
- soil 4.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.260100 -0.806250
- soil 4.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.261442 -0.793750
- soil 4.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.262809 -0.781250
- soil 4.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.264203 -0.768750
- soil 4.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.265625 -0.756250
- soil 4.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.267075 -0.743750
- soil 4.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.268554 -0.731250
- soil 4.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.270063 -0.718750
- soil 4.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.271604 -0.706250
- soil 4.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.273176 -0.693750
- soil 4.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.274781 -0.681250
- soil 4.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.276420 -0.668750
- soil 4.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.278094 -0.656250
- soil 4.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.279804 -0.643750
- soil 4.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.281551 -0.631250
- soil 4.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.283337 -0.618750
- soil 4.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.285162 -0.606250
- soil 4.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.287029 -0.593750
- soil 4.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.288937 -0.581250
- soil 4.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.290890 -0.568750
- soil 4.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.292887 -0.556250
- soil 4.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.294931 -0.543750
- soil 4.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.297023 -0.531250
- soil 4.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.299164 -0.518750
- soil 4.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.301357 -0.506250
- soil 4.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.303602 -0.493750
- soil 4.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.305901 -0.481250
- soil 4.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.308257 -0.468750
- soil 4.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.310671 -0.456250
- soil 4.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.313144 -0.443750
- soil 4.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.315679 -0.431250
- soil 4.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.318277 -0.418750
- soil 4.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.320940 -0.406250
- soil 4.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.323669 -0.393750
- soil 4.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.326468 -0.381250
- soil 4.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.329336 -0.368750
- soil 4.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.332277 -0.356250
- soil 4.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.335291 -0.343750
- soil 4.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.338380 -0.331250
- soil 4.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.341544 -0.318750
- soil 4.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.344786 -0.306250
- soil 4.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.348106 -0.293750
- soil 4.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.351503 -0.281250
- soil 4.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.354979 -0.268750
- soil 4.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.358531 -0.256250
- soil 4.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.362160 -0.243750
- soil 4.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.365862 -0.231250
- soil 4.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.369635 -0.218750
- soil 4.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.373474 -0.206250
- soil 4.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.377373 -0.193750
- soil 4.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.381325 -0.181250
- soil 4.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.385321 -0.168750
- soil 4.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.389349 -0.156250
- soil 4.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.393393 -0.143750
- soil 4.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.397437 -0.131250
- soil 4.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.401458 -0.118750
- soil 4.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.405431 -0.106250
- soil 4.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.409322 -0.093750
- soil 4.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.413095 -0.081250
- soil 4.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.416703 -0.068750
- soil 4.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.420090 -0.056250
- soil 4.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.423188 -0.043750
- soil 4.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.425909 -0.031250
- soil 4.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.428134 -0.018750
- soil 4.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.429661 -0.006250
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 109958940..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 10.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.993750
- soil 0.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.981250
- soil 0.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.968750
- soil 0.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.956250
- soil 0.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.943750
- soil 0.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.931250
- soil 0.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.918750
- soil 0.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.906250
- soil 0.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.893750
- soil 0.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.881250
- soil 0.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.868750
- soil 0.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.856250
- soil 0.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.843750
- soil 0.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.831250
- soil 0.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.818750
- soil 0.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.806250
- soil 0.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.793750
- soil 0.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.781250
- soil 0.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.768750
- soil 0.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.756250
- soil 0.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.743750
- soil 0.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.731250
- soil 0.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.718750
- soil 0.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.706250
- soil 0.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.693750
- soil 0.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.681250
- soil 0.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.668750
- soil 0.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.656250
- soil 0.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.643750
- soil 0.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093000 -9.631250
- soil 0.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.618750
- soil 0.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.606250
- soil 0.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.593750
- soil 0.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.581250
- soil 0.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.568750
- soil 0.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.556250
- soil 0.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.543750
- soil 0.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.531250
- soil 0.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.518750
- soil 0.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.506250
- soil 0.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.493750
- soil 0.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.481250
- soil 0.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.468750
- soil 0.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.456250
- soil 0.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.443750
- soil 0.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.431250
- soil 0.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.418750
- soil 0.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.406250
- soil 0.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.393750
- soil 0.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.381250
- soil 0.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.368750
- soil 0.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.356250
- soil 0.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.343750
- soil 0.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.331250
- soil 0.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.318750
- soil 0.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.306250
- soil 0.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.293750
- soil 0.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.281250
- soil 0.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.268750
- soil 0.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.256250
- soil 0.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.243750
- soil 0.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.231250
- soil 0.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.218750
- soil 0.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.206250
- soil 0.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.193750
- soil 0.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.181250
- soil 0.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.168750
- soil 0.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.156250
- soil 0.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.143750
- soil 0.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.131250
- soil 0.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.118750
- soil 0.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.106250
- soil 0.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.093750
- soil 0.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.081250
- soil 0.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.068750
- soil 0.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.056250
- soil 0.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.043750
- soil 0.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.031250
- soil 0.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.018750
- soil 0.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -9.006250
- soil 1.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.993750
- soil 1.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.981250
- soil 1.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.968750
- soil 1.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.956250
- soil 1.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.943750
- soil 1.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.931250
- soil 1.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.918750
- soil 1.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.906250
- soil 1.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.893750
- soil 1.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.881250
- soil 1.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.868750
- soil 1.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.856250
- soil 1.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.843750
- soil 1.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.831250
- soil 1.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.818750
- soil 1.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.806250
- soil 1.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.793750
- soil 1.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.781250
- soil 1.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.768750
- soil 1.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.756250
- soil 1.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.743750
- soil 1.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.731250
- soil 1.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.718750
- soil 1.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.706250
- soil 1.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.693750
- soil 1.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.681250
- soil 1.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.668750
- soil 1.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.656250
- soil 1.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.643750
- soil 1.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.631250
- soil 1.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.618750
- soil 1.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.606250
- soil 1.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.593750
- soil 1.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.581250
- soil 1.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.568750
- soil 1.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.556250
- soil 1.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.543750
- soil 1.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.531250
- soil 1.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.518750
- soil 1.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.506250
- soil 1.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.493750
- soil 1.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.481250
- soil 1.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.468750
- soil 1.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.456250
- soil 1.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.443750
- soil 1.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.431250
- soil 1.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.418750
- soil 1.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.406250
- soil 1.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.393750
- soil 1.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.381250
- soil 1.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.368750
- soil 1.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.356250
- soil 1.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.343750
- soil 1.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.331250
- soil 1.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.318750
- soil 1.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.306250
- soil 1.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.293750
- soil 1.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.281250
- soil 1.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.268750
- soil 1.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.256250
- soil 1.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.243750
- soil 1.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.231250
- soil 1.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.218750
- soil 1.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.206250
- soil 1.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.193750
- soil 1.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.181250
- soil 1.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.168750
- soil 1.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.156250
- soil 1.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.143750
- soil 1.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.131250
- soil 1.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.118750
- soil 1.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.106250
- soil 1.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.093750
- soil 1.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.081250
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- soil 1.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.056250
- soil 1.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.043750
- soil 1.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.031250
- soil 1.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.018750
- soil 1.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -8.006250
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- soil 2.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.981250
- soil 2.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.968750
- soil 2.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.956250
- soil 2.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.943750
- soil 2.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.931250
- soil 2.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.918750
- soil 2.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.906250
- soil 2.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.893750
- soil 2.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.881250
- soil 2.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.868750
- soil 2.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.856250
- soil 2.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.843750
- soil 2.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.831250
- soil 2.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.818750
- soil 2.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.806250
- soil 2.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.793750
- soil 2.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.781250
- soil 2.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.768750
- soil 2.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.756250
- soil 2.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.743750
- soil 2.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.731250
- soil 2.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.718750
- soil 2.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.706250
- soil 2.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.693750
- soil 2.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.681250
- soil 2.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.668750
- soil 2.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.656250
- soil 2.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.643750
- soil 2.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.631250
- soil 2.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.618750
- soil 2.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.606250
- soil 2.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.593750
- soil 2.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.581250
- soil 2.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.568750
- soil 2.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.556250
- soil 2.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.543750
- soil 2.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.531250
- soil 2.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.518750
- soil 2.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.506250
- soil 2.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.493750
- soil 2.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.481250
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- soil 2.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.456250
- soil 2.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.443750
- soil 2.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.431250
- soil 2.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.418750
- soil 2.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.406250
- soil 2.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.393750
- soil 2.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.381250
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- soil 2.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.343750
- soil 2.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.331250
- soil 2.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.318750
- soil 2.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.306250
- soil 2.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.293750
- soil 2.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.281250
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- soil 2.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.243750
- soil 2.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.231250
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- soil 2.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.206250
- soil 2.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.193750
- soil 2.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.181250
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- soil 2.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.156250
- soil 2.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.143750
- soil 2.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.131250
- soil 2.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.118750
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- soil 2.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.093750
- soil 2.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.081250
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- soil 2.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.043750
- soil 2.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -7.031250
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- soil 3.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.981250
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- soil 3.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.956250
- soil 3.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.943750
- soil 3.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.931250
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- soil 3.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.906250
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- soil 3.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093001 -6.881250
- soil 3.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.868750
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- soil 3.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.831250
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- soil 3.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.793750
- soil 3.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.781250
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- soil 3.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.756250
- soil 3.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.743750
- soil 3.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.731250
- soil 3.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.718750
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- soil 3.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.693750
- soil 3.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.681250
- soil 3.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.668750
- soil 3.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.656250
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- soil 3.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.631250
- soil 3.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.618750
- soil 3.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.606250
- soil 3.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.593750
- soil 3.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.581250
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- soil 3.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.556250
- soil 3.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.543750
- soil 3.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.531250
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- soil 3.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.506250
- soil 3.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.493750
- soil 3.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.481250
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- soil 3.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.456250
- soil 3.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.443750
- soil 3.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.431250
- soil 3.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.418750
- soil 3.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.406250
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- soil 3.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.343750
- soil 3.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.331250
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- soil 3.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.293750
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- soil 3.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.181250
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- soil 3.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.156250
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- soil 3.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.131250
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- soil 3.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.043750
- soil 3.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -6.031250
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- soil 4.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093002 -5.981250
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- soil 4.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.868750
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- soil 4.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.781250
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- soil 4.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.743750
- soil 4.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.731250
- soil 4.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.718750
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- soil 4.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.693750
- soil 4.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.681250
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- soil 4.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.656250
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- soil 4.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.631250
- soil 4.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.618750
- soil 4.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.606250
- soil 4.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.593750
- soil 4.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.581250
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- soil 4.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.556250
- soil 4.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.543750
- soil 4.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.531250
- soil 4.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.518750
- soil 4.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.506250
- soil 4.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.493750
- soil 4.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.481250
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- soil 4.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.456250
- soil 4.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.443750
- soil 4.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.431250
- soil 4.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.418750
- soil 4.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.406250
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- soil 4.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.381250
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- soil 4.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.343750
- soil 4.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.331250
- soil 4.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093003 -5.318750
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- soil 4.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.243750
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- soil 4.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.218750
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- soil 4.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.181250
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- soil 4.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.143750
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- soil 4.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.043750
- soil 4.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.031250
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- soil 4.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -5.006250
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- soil 5.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093004 -4.981250
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- soil 5.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.881250
- soil 5.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.868750
- soil 5.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.856250
- soil 5.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.843750
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- soil 5.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.793750
- soil 5.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.781250
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- soil 5.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.743750
- soil 5.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.731250
- soil 5.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.718750
- soil 5.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.706250
- soil 5.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.693750
- soil 5.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.681250
- soil 5.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.668750
- soil 5.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.656250
- soil 5.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.643750
- soil 5.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.631250
- soil 5.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093005 -4.618750
- soil 5.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.606250
- soil 5.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.593750
- soil 5.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.581250
- soil 5.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.568750
- soil 5.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.556250
- soil 5.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.543750
- soil 5.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.531250
- soil 5.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.518750
- soil 5.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.506250
- soil 5.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.493750
- soil 5.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.481250
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- soil 5.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.456250
- soil 5.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.443750
- soil 5.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.431250
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- soil 5.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.406250
- soil 5.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093006 -4.393750
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- soil 5.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.368750
- soil 5.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.356250
- soil 5.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.343750
- soil 5.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.331250
- soil 5.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.318750
- soil 5.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.306250
- soil 5.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.293750
- soil 5.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.281250
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- soil 5.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.256250
- soil 5.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.243750
- soil 5.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.231250
- soil 5.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.218750
- soil 5.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093007 -4.206250
- soil 5.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.193750
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- soil 5.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.156250
- soil 5.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.143750
- soil 5.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.131250
- soil 5.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.118750
- soil 5.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.106250
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- soil 5.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.081250
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- soil 5.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.056250
- soil 5.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093008 -4.043750
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- soil 5.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093009 -4.006250
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- soil 6.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093009 -3.981250
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- soil 6.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.881250
- soil 6.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.868750
- soil 6.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.856250
- soil 6.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.843750
- soil 6.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.831250
- soil 6.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093010 -3.818750
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- soil 6.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.781250
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- soil 6.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.756250
- soil 6.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.743750
- soil 6.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.731250
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- soil 6.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093011 -3.693750
- soil 6.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093012 -3.681250
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- soil 6.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093012 -3.656250
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- soil 6.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093012 -3.631250
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- soil 6.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093012 -3.593750
- soil 6.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093013 -3.581250
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- soil 6.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093013 -3.543750
- soil 6.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093013 -3.531250
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- soil 6.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093014 -3.481250
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- soil 6.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093015 -3.431250
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- soil 6.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093015 -3.406250
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- soil 6.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093016 -3.331250
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- soil 7.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093023 -2.981250
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- soil 7.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093026 -2.868750
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- soil 7.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093030 -2.743750
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- soil 7.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093032 -2.681250
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- soil 7.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093037 -2.581250
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- soil 7.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093040 -2.506250
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- soil 7.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093084 -2.006250
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- soil 8.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093087 -1.981250
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- soil 8.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093105 -1.868750
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- soil 8.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093562 -1.118750
- soil 8.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093583 -1.106250
- soil 8.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093605 -1.093750
- soil 8.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093629 -1.081250
- soil 8.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093653 -1.068750
- soil 8.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093678 -1.056250
- soil 8.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093705 -1.043750
- soil 8.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093734 -1.031250
- soil 8.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093763 -1.018750
- soil 8.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093795 -1.006250
- soil 9.0000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093828 -0.993750
- soil 9.0125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093863 -0.981250
- soil 9.0250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093900 -0.968750
- soil 9.0375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093938 -0.956250
- soil 9.0500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.093980 -0.943750
- soil 9.0625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094023 -0.931250
- soil 9.0750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094069 -0.918750
- soil 9.0875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094118 -0.906250
- soil 9.1000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094170 -0.893750
- soil 9.1125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094225 -0.881250
- soil 9.1250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094283 -0.868750
- soil 9.1375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094345 -0.856250
- soil 9.1500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094411 -0.843750
- soil 9.1625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094482 -0.831250
- soil 9.1750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094557 -0.818750
- soil 9.1875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094637 -0.806250
- soil 9.2000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094722 -0.793750
- soil 9.2125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094814 -0.781250
- soil 9.2250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.094911 -0.768750
- soil 9.2375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095016 -0.756250
- soil 9.2500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095129 -0.743750
- soil 9.2625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095249 -0.731250
- soil 9.2750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095379 -0.718750
- soil 9.2875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095519 -0.706250
- soil 9.3000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095670 -0.693750
- soil 9.3125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.095832 -0.681250
- soil 9.3250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.096008 -0.668750
- soil 9.3375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.096198 -0.656250
- soil 9.3500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.096405 -0.643750
- soil 9.3625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.096629 -0.631250
- soil 9.3750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.096872 -0.618750
- soil 9.3875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.097137 -0.606250
- soil 9.4000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.097426 -0.593750
- soil 9.4125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.097742 -0.581250
- soil 9.4250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.098088 -0.568750
- soil 9.4375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.098468 -0.556250
- soil 9.4500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.098885 -0.543750
- soil 9.4625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.099345 -0.531250
- soil 9.4750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.099851 -0.518750
- soil 9.4875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.100412 -0.506250
- soil 9.5000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.101033 -0.493750
- soil 9.5125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.101724 -0.481250
- soil 9.5250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.102492 -0.468750
- soil 9.5375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.103351 -0.456250
- soil 9.5500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.104312 -0.443750
- soil 9.5625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.105390 -0.431250
- soil 9.5750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.106603 -0.418750
- soil 9.5875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.107973 -0.406250
- soil 9.6000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.109523 -0.393750
- soil 9.6125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.111282 -0.381250
- soil 9.6250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.113285 -0.368750
- soil 9.6375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.115571 -0.356250
- soil 9.6500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.118188 -0.343750
- soil 9.6625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.121191 -0.331250
- soil 9.6750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.124646 -0.318750
- soil 9.6875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.128627 -0.306250
- soil 9.7000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.133222 -0.293750
- soil 9.7125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.138529 -0.281250
- soil 9.7250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.144653 -0.268750
- soil 9.7375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.151708 -0.256250
- soil 9.7500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.159801 -0.243750
- soil 9.7625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.169025 -0.231250
- soil 9.7750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.179433 -0.218750
- soil 9.7875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.191011 -0.206250
- soil 9.8000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.203641 -0.193750
- soil 9.8125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.217071 -0.181250
- soil 9.8250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.230897 -0.168750
- soil 9.8375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.244576 -0.156250
- soil 9.8500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.257491 -0.143750
- soil 9.8625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.269050 -0.131250
- soil 9.8750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.278801 -0.118750
- soil 9.8875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.286518 -0.106250
- soil 9.9000000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.292217 -0.093750
- soil 9.9125000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.296121 -0.081250
- soil 9.9250000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.298573 -0.068750
- soil 9.9375000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.299961 -0.056250
- soil 9.9500000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.300643 -0.043750
- soil 9.9625000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.300915 -0.031250
- soil 9.9750000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.300990 -0.018750
- soil 9.9875000 0.0125000 285.160 0.000000 0.301000 -0.006250
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a97187356..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | 0.1000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 0.5000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 0.1000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-1 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-1 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f04b0f6c5..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.410 0.410 0.095 -1.90 1.31 15.0 0.00000071759 0.00000071759 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f43fec301..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.430 0.430 0.078 -3.60 1.56 15.0 0.00000289 0.00000289 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ea884e8c8..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom
- 1001 0.301 0.301 0.093 -5.47 4.264 15.0 0.00005833 0.00005833 0.15 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f33673b61..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/mizoguchi1990/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'mizoguchi1990' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a52ef9e..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 00:01' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-01-03 12:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn presTemp ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers jrdn1991 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil hanssonVZJ ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 434958a9a..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt'
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 268d17423..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | mizoguchi_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 60 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f992781d..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 60.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0100000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0200000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0300000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0400000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0500000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0600000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0700000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0800000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.0900000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1000000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1100000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1200000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1300000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1400000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1500000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1600000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1700000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1800000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
- soil 0.1900000 0.0100000 279.860 0.000000 0.330000 -2.466756
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bf30d20d6..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.1979 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 0.1000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 28.0000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 20.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7713d7df1..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_snow k_soil k_macropore
- 1001 0.535 0.535 0.050 -1.11 1.48 14.4 0.200 0.0000032 0.0000032
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 255507da5..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (runoff and aquifer fluxes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-basin__totalArea | total basin area | m2 | scalarv | T
-basin__SurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__ColumnOutflow | outflow from all "outlet" HRUs (those with no downstream HRU) | m3 s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__AquiferStorage | aquifer storage | m | scalarv | F
-basin__AquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-basin__AquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-basin__AquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! runoff
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-routingRunoffFuture | runoff in future time steps | m s-1 | routing | F
-routingFractionFuture | fraction of runoff in future time steps | - | routing | F
-averageInstantRunoff | instantaneous runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageRoutedRunoff | routed runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94257c0db..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: parameter description
-! 3: parameter units
-! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket | m | scalarv | T
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent for the big bucket | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! sub-grid routing
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | - | scalarv | T
-routingGammaScale | scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing | s | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b88778a4e..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INDEX VARIABLES ******************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for variable descriptions
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a60,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! ************************************************************************************************************
-nSnow | number of snow layers | - | scalarv | T
-nSoil | number of soil layers | - | scalarv | T
-nLayers | total number of layers | - | scalarv | T
-midSnowStartIndex | start index of the midSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midSoilStartIndex | start index of the midSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-midTotoStartIndex | start index of the midToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSnowStartIndex | start index of the ifcSnow vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcSoilStartIndex | start index of the ifcSoil vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-ifcTotoStartIndex | start index of the ifcToto vector for a given timestep | - | scalarv | T
-layerType | index defining type of layer (soil or snow) | - | midToto | F
-! ************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d8661c6..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! columns are:
-! 1: variable name
-! 2: variable description
-! 3: variable units
-! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! define variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! timestep-average fluxes for a few key variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-totalSoilCompress | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-averageThroughfallSnow | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageThroughfallRain | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopySnowUnloading | unloading of snow from the vegetion canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopyLiqDrainage | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopyMeltFreeze | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopyTranspiration | canopy transpiration | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopyEvaporation | canopy evaporation/condensation | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageCanopySublimation | canopy sublimation/frost | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageSnowSublimation | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageGroundEvaporation | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageRainPlusMelt | rain plus melt input to soil before calculating surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageSurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageSoilInflux | influx of water at the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageSoilBaseflow | total baseflow from throughout the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-averageSoilDrainage | drainage from the bottom of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageAquiferTranspire | transpiration from the aquifer | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-averageColumnOutflow | outflow from each layer in the soil profile | m3 s-1 | midSoil | T
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (forcing)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCosZenith | cosine of the solar zenith angle | - | scalarv | F
-scalarFractionDirect | fraction of direct radiation (0-1) | - | scalarv | F
-spectralIncomingDirect | incoming direct solar radiation in each wave band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-spectralIncomingDiffuse | incoming diffuse solar radiation in each wave band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-scalarVPair | vapor pressure of the air above the vegetation canopy | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarTwetbulb | wet bulb temperature | K | scalarv | F
-scalarRainfall | computed rainfall rate | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSnowfall | computed snowfall rate | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSnowfallTemp | temperature of fresh snow | K | scalarv | F
-scalarNewSnowDensity | density of fresh snow (should snow be falling in this time step) | kg m-3 | scalarv | F
-scalarO2air | atmospheric o2 concentration | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarCO2air | atmospheric co2 concentration | Pa | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (state variables)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyIce | mass of ice on the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyLiq | mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanairTemp | temperature of the canopy air space | K | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyTemp | temperature of the vegetation canopy | K | scalarv | F
-scalarSnowAge | non-dimensional snow age | - | scalarv | F
-scalarSnowAlbedo | snow albedo for the entire spectral band | - | scalarv | F
-spectralSnowAlbedoDirect | direct snow albedo for individual spectral bands | - | wLength | F
-spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse | diffuse snow albedo for individual spectral bands | - | wLength | F
-scalarSnowDepth | total snow depth | m | scalarv | F
-scalarSWE | snow water equivalent | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSfcMeltPond | ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer" | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferStorage | water required to bring aquifer to the bottom of the soil profile | m | scalarv | F
-scalarSurfaceTemp | surface temperature (just a copy of the upper-layer temperature) | K | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (general)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarGreenVegFraction | green vegetation fraction (used to compute LAI) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg | bulk volumetric heat capacity of vegetation | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarRootZoneTemp | average temperature of the root zone | K | scalarv | F
-scalarLAI | one-sided leaf area index | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSAI | one-sided stem area index | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarExposedLAI | exposed leaf area index (after burial by snow) | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarExposedSAI | exposed stem area index (after burial by snow) | m2 m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyIceMax | maximum interception storage capacity for ice | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyLiqMax | maximum interception storage capacity for liquid water | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarGrowingSeasonIndex | growing season index (0=off, 1=on) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarVP_CanopyAir | vapor pressure of the canopy air space | Pa | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (shortwave radiation)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopySunlitFraction | sunlit fraction of canopy | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySunlitLAI | sunlit leaf area | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyShadedLAI | shaded leaf area | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySunlitPAR | average absorbed par for sunlit leaves | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyShadedPAR | average absorbed par for shaded leaves | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-spectralBelowCanopyDirect | downward direct flux below veg layer for each spectral band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse | downward diffuse flux below veg layer for each spectral band | W m-2 | wLength | F
-scalarBelowCanopySolar | solar radiation transmitted below the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-spectralAlbGndDirect | direct albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band | - | wLength | F
-spectralAlbGndDiffuse | diffuse albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band | - | wLength | F
-scalarGroundAlbedo | albedo of the ground surface | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar | solar radiation absorbed by canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar | solar radiation absorbed by ground | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (longwave radiation)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyEmissivity | effective canopy emissivity | - | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy | longwave radiation emitted from the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround | longwave radiation emitted at the ground surface | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Ground | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the ground | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound | atmospheric radiation refl by ground + lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound | longwave radiation emitted from canopy lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground | longwave radiation emitted from canopy absorbed by the ground | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy | canopy longwave reflected from ground and absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround2Ubound | longwave radiation emitted from ground lost thru upper boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWRadGround2Canopy | longwave radiation emitted from ground and absorbed by the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetCanopy | net longwave radiation at the canopy | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetGround | net longwave radiation at the ground surface | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLWNetUbound | net longwave radiation at the upper atmospheric boundary | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (turbulent heat transfer)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for veg canopy | J kg-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLatHeatSubVapGround | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for ground surface | J kg-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of vegetation canopy | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarSatVP_GroundTemp | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the ground | Pa | scalarv | F
-scalarZ0Canopy | roughness length of the canopy | m | scalarv | F
-scalarWindReductionFactor | canopy wind reduction factor | - | scalarv | F
-scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement | zero plane displacement | m | scalarv | F
-scalarRiBulkCanopy | bulk Richardson number for the canopy | - | scalarv | F
-scalarRiBulkGround | bulk Richardson number for the ground surface | - | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection | stability correction for the canopy | - | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundStabilityCorrection | stability correction for the ground surface | - | scalarv | F
-scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop | eddy diffusivity for heat at the top of the canopy | m2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarFrictionVelocity | friction velocity (canopy momentum sink) | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarWindspdCanopyTop | windspeed at the top of the canopy | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarWindspdCanopyBottom | windspeed at the height of the bottom of the canopy | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundResistance | below canopy aerodynamic resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyResistance | above canopy aerodynamic resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLeafResistance | mean leaf boundary layer resistance per unit leaf area | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilResistance | soil surface resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilRelHumidity | relative humidity in the soil pores in the upper-most soil layer | - | scalarv | F
-scalarSenHeatTotal | sensible heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSenHeatCanopy | sensible heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSenHeatGround | sensible heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated) | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLatHeatTotal | latent heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap | evaporation latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans | transpiration latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarLatHeatGround | latent heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated) | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux | heat advected to the canopy with precipitation (snow + rain) | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux | heat advected to the ground with throughfall + unloading/drainage | W m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyTranspiration | canopy transpiration | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyEvaporation | canopy evaporation/condensation | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySublimation | canopy sublimation/frost | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundEvaporation | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSnowSublimation | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated) | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (transpiration)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarTranspireLim | aggregate soil moisture and aquifer control on transpiration | - | scalarv | F
-scalarTranspireLimAqfr | aquifer storage control on transpiration | - | scalarv | F
-scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor | foliage nitrogen concentration (1=saturated) | - | scalarv | F
-scalarStomResistSunlit | stomatal resistance for sunlit leaves | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarStomResistShaded | stomatal resistance for shaded leaves | s m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit | sunlit photosynthesis | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarPhotosynthesisShaded | shaded photosynthesis | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! vegetation variables (canopy water)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarCanopyWetFraction | fraction canopy that is wet | - | scalarv | F
-scalarGroundSnowFraction | fraction ground that is covered with snow | - | scalarv | F
-scalarThroughfallSnow | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarThroughfallRain | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopySnowUnloading | unloading of snow from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyLiqDrainage | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarCanopyMeltFreeze | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy | kg m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (soil and aquifer fluxes)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarRainPlusMelt | rain plus melt, used as input to soil before surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInfilArea | fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate | - | scalarv | T
-scalarFrozenArea | fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice | - | scalarv | F
-scalarInfiltration | infiltration of water into the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarExfiltration | exfiltration of water from the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSurfaceRunoff | surface runoff | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarInitAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferRecharge | recharge to the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarInitAquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferTranspire | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarInitAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferBaseflow | baseflow from the aquifer at the end-of-step | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (sub-step average fluxes for the soil zone)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarSoilInflux | sub-step average: influx of water at the top of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilCompress | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilBaseflow | sub-step average: total baseflow from the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-scalarSoilDrainage | sub-step average: drainage from the bottom of the soil profile | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarSoilTranspiration | sub-step average: total transpiration from the soil | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! scalar variables (mass balance check)
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarSoilWatBalError | error in the total soil water balance | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferBalError | error in the aquifer water balance | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarTotalSoilLiq | total mass of liquid water in the soil | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-scalarTotalSoilIce | total mass of ice in the soil | kg m-2 | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the mid-point of each layer -- domain geometry
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-mLayerDepth | depth of each layer | m | midToto | T
-mLayerHeight | height of the layer mid-point (top of soil = 0) | m | midToto | T
-mLayerRootDensity | fraction of roots in each soil layer | - | midSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the mid-point of each layer coupled energy and mass
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-mLayerTemp | temperature of each layer | K | midToto | F
-mLayerVolFracAir | volumetric fraction of air in each layer | - | midToto | F
-mLayerVolFracIce | volumetric fraction of ice in each layer | - | midToto | F
-mLayerVolFracLiq | volumetric fraction of liquid water in each layer | - | midToto | T
-mLayerVolHtCapBulk | volumetric heat capacity in each layer | J m-3 K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerTcrit | critical soil temperature above which all water is unfrozen | K | midSoil | F
-mLayerdTheta_dTk | derivative in volumetric liquid water content wrt temperature | K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerThermalC | thermal conductivity at the mid-point of each layer | W m-1 K-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerRadCondFlux | temporal derivative in energy of radiative and conductive flux | J m-3 s-1 | midToto | F
-mLayerMeltFreeze | ice content change from melt/freeze in each layer | kg m-3 | midToto | F
-mLayerInfilFreeze | ice content change by freezing infiltrating flux | kg m-3 | midToto | F
-mLayerSatHydCond | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerSatHydCondMP | saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores in each layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerMatricHead | matric head of water in the soil | m | midSoil | F
-mLayerdTheta_dPsi | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi | m-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerdPsi_dTheta | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta | m | midSoil | F
-mLayerThetaResid | residual volumetric water content in each snow layer | - | midSnow | F
-mLayerPoreSpace | total pore space in each snow layer | - | midSnow | F
-mLayerCompress | change in volumetric water content due to compression of soil | - | midSoil | F
-mLayerTranspireLim | soil moist & veg limit on transpiration for each layer | - | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitTranspire | transpiration loss from each soil layer at the start-of-step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerTranspire | transpiration loss from each soil layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitQMacropore | liquid flux from micropores to macropores at the start-of-step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerQMacropore | liquid flux from micropores to macropores | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerInitBaseflow | baseflow from each soil layer at the start of the time step | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerBaseflow | baseflow from each soil layer | m s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerColumnInflow | total inflow to each layer in a given soil column | m3 s-1 | midSoil | F
-mLayerColumnOutflow | total outflow from each layer in a given soil column | m3 s-1 | midSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! variables at the interface of each layer
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-iLayerHeight | height of the layer interface (top of soil = 0) | m | ifcToto | T
-iLayerThermalC | thermal conductivity at the interface of each layer | W m-1 K-1 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerConductiveFlux | conductive energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerAdvectiveFlux | advective energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerInitNrgFlux | energy flux at layer interfaces at the start of the time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerNrgFlux | energy flux at layer interfaces at end of the time step | W m-2 | ifcToto | F
-iLayerSatHydCond | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer interface | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerInitLiqFluxSnow | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at start of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSnow | F
-iLayerInitLiqFluxSoil | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at start of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerInitFluxReversal | start of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerLiqFluxSnow | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at end of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSnow | F
-iLayerLiqFluxSoil | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at end of the time step | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-iLayerFluxReversal | end of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance | m s-1 | ifcSoil | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! time stepping
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-dt_init | length of initial time step at start of next data interval | s | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-! "short-cut" variables
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
-scalarVGn_m | van Genuchten "m" parameter | - | scalarv | F
-scalarKappa | constant in the freezing curve function | m K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_air | volumetric heat capacity air | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_ice | volumetric heat capacity ice | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_soil | volumetric heat capacity dry soil | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolHtCap_water | volumetric heat capacity liquid wat | J m-3 K-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLambda_drysoil | thermal conductivity of dry soil | W m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarLambda_wetsoil | thermal conductivity of wet soil | W m-1 | scalarv | F
-scalarVolLatHt_fus | volumetric latent heat of fusion | J m-3 | scalarv | F
-scalarAquiferRootFrac | fraction of roots below the soil profile (in the aquifer) | - | scalarv | F
-! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 63709321b..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: parameter description
-! 3: parameter units
-! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
-! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | matric head at the upper boundary | m | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundHead | matric head at the lower boundary | m | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary | - | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTheta | volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary | - | scalarv | T
-upperBoundTemp | temperature of the upper boundary | K | scalarv | T
-lowerBoundTemp | temperature of the lower boundary | K | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-tempCritRain | critical temperature where precipitation is rain | K | scalarv | T
-tempRangeTimestep | temperature range over the time step | K | scalarv | T
-frozenPrecipMultip | frozen precipitation multiplier | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow | K-1 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-albedoMax | maximum snow albedo (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinWinter | minimum snow albedo during winter (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinSpring | minimum snow albedo during spring (single spectral band) | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMaxVisible | maximum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinVisible | minimum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMaxNearIR | maximum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoMinNearIR | minimum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-albedoDecayRate | albedo decay rate | s | scalarv | T
-albedoSootLoad | soot load factor | - | scalarv | T
-albedoRefresh | critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! radiation transfer
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-radExt_snow | extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack | m-1 | scalarv | T
-directScale | scaling factor for fractional driect radiaion parameterization | - | scalarv | T
-Frad_direct | fraction direct solar radiation | - | scalarv | T
-Frad_vis | fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | minimum new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-newSnowDenMult | multiplier for new snow density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-newSnowDenScal | scaling factor for new snow density | K | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | density scaling factor for grain growth | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | T
-tempScalGrowth | temperature scaling factor for grain growth | K-1 | scalarv | T
-grainGrowthRate | rate of grain growth | s-1 | scalarv | T
-densScalOvrbdn | density scaling factor for overburden pressure | kg-1 m3 | scalarv | T
-tempScalOvrbdn | temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure | K-1 | scalarv | T
-base_visc | viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0 | kg s m-2 | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-Fcapil | capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume) | - | scalarv | T
-k_snow | hydraulic conductivity of snow | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-mw_exp | exponent for meltwater flow | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-z0Snow | roughness length of snow | m | scalarv | T
-z0Soil | roughness length of bare soil below the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-z0Canopy | roughness length of the canopy | m | scalarv | T
-zpdFraction | zero plane displacement / canopy height | - | scalarv | T
-critRichNumber | critical value for the bulk Richardson number | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_bparam | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Louis79_cStar | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-Mahrt87_eScale | exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function | - | scalarv | T
-leafExchangeCoeff | turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air | m s-(1/2) | scalarv | T
-windReductionParam | canopy wind reduction parameter | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-winterSAI | stem area index prior to the start of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-summerLAI | maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season | m2 m-2 | scalarv | T
-rootingDepth | rooting depth | m | scalarv | T
-rootDistExp | exponent for the vertical distribution of root density | - | scalarv | T
-plantWiltPsi | matric head at wilting point | m | scalarv | T
-soilStressParam | parameter in the exponential soil stress function | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilWilting | critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting | - | scalarv | T
-critSoilTranspire | critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited | - | scalarv | T
-critAquiferTranspire | critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited | m | scalarv | T
-minStomatalResistance | minimum stomatal resistance | s m-1 | scalarv | T
-leafDimension | characteristic leaf dimension | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyTop | height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-heightCanopyBottom | height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface | m | scalarv | T
-specificHeatVeg | specific heat of vegetation | J kg-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
-maxMassVegetation | maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-throughfallScaleSnow | scaling factor for throughfall (snow) | - | scalarv | T
-throughfallScaleRain | scaling factor for throughfall (rain) | - | scalarv | T
-refInterceptCapSnow | reference canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (snow) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-refInterceptCapRain | canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (rain) | kg m-2 | scalarv | T
-snowUnloadingCoeff | time constant for unloading of snow from the forest canopy | s-1 | scalarv | T
-canopyDrainageCoeff | time constant for drainage of liquid water from the forest canopy | s-1 | scalarv | T
-ratioDrip2Unloading | ratio of canopy drip to unloading of snow from the forest canopy | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | intrinsic soil density | kg m-3 | scalarv | T
-thCond_soil | thermal conductivity of soil (includes quartz and other minerals) | W m-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
-frac_sand | fraction of sand | - | scalarv | T
-frac_silt | fraction of silt | - | scalarv | T
-frac_clay | fraction of clay | - | scalarv | T
-fieldCapacity | soil field capacity (vol liq water content when baseflow begins) | - | scalarv | T
-wettingFrontSuction | Green-Ampt wetting front suction | m | scalarv | T
-theta_mp | volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins | - | scalarv | T
-theta_sat | soil porosity | - | scalarv | T
-theta_res | volumetric residual water content | - | scalarv | T
-vGn_alpha | van Genuchten "alpha" parameter | m-1 | scalarv | T
-vGn_n | van Genuchten "n" parameter | - | scalarv | T
-mpExp | empirical exponent in macropore flow equation | - | scalarv | T
-k_soil | saturated hydraulic conductivity | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-k_macropore | saturated hydraulic conductivity for macropores | m s-1 | scalarv | T
-kAnisotropic | anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity | - | scalarv | T
-zScale_TOPMODEL | TOPMODEL scaling factor used in lower boundary condition for soil | m | scalarv | T
-compactedDepth | depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78 | m | scalarv | T
-aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket | m | scalarv | T
-aquiferBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent | - | scalarv | T
-qSurfScale | scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization | - | scalarv | T
-specificYield | specific yield | - | scalarv | T
-specificStorage | specific storage coefficient | m-1 | scalarv | T
-f_impede | ice impedence factor | - | scalarv | T
-soilIceScale | scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction | m | scalarv | T
-soilIceCV | CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction | - | scalarv | T
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
-minwind | minimum wind speed | m s-1 | scalarv | F
-minstep | minimum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-maxstep | maximum length of the time step | s | scalarv | F
-wimplicit | weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha) | - | scalarv | T
-maxiter | maximum number of iterations | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_liquid | relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_liquid | absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water | - | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_matric | relative convergence tolerance for matric head | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_matric | absolute convergence tolerance for matric head | m | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_energy | relative convergence tolerance for energy | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_energy | absolute convergence tolerance for energy | J m-3 | scalarv | F
-relConvTol_aquifr | relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | - | scalarv | F
-absConvTol_aquifr | absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage | m | scalarv | F
-zmin | minimum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zmax | maximum layer depth | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer1 | minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer2 | minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer3 | minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer4 | minimum layer depth for the 4th layer | m | scalarv | F
-zminLayer5 | minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_lower | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_lower | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_lower | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_lower | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer1_upper | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer2_upper | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer3_upper | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers | m | scalarv | F
-zmaxLayer4_upper | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers | m | scalarv | F
-! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ac650e37..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/wigmosta1999/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'syntheticHillslope-exp1' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c8ffc96..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/wigmosta1999/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'syntheticHillslope-exp2' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ceed1d4d4..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2000-01-01 01:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2000-02-11 23:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis simplExp ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 37eb83d12..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1002 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1003 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1004 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1005 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1006 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1007 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1008 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1009 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1010 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1011 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1012 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1013 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1014 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1015 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1016 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1017 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1018 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1019 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1020 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1021 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1022 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1023 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1024 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1025 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1026 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1027 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1028 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1029 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1030 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1031 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1032 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1033 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1034 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1035 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1036 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1037 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1038 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1039 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1040 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1041 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1042 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1043 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1044 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1045 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1046 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1047 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1048 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1049 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
- 1050 'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt'
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f06e5c1a4..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | wigmosta_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d28dd7b25..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond-orig.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 3600.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 278.160000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 278.160000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0500000 282.137 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.0500000 0.1000000 281.112 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.1500000 0.1000000 280.875 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 280.634 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.5000000 0.2500000 279.561 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.7500000 0.2500000 279.107 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 278.751 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ef97e33..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 3600.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 278.160000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 278.160000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0500000 282.137 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.0500000 0.1000000 281.112 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.1500000 0.1000000 280.875 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 280.634 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.5000000 0.2500000 279.561 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 0.7500000 0.2500000 279.107 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 1.0000000 0.2500000 278.751 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
- soil 1.2500000 0.2500000 278.751 0.000000 0.101581 -241.850000
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 32af815b1..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1002
- 1002 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1003
- 1003 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1004
- 1004 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1005
- 1005 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1006
- 1006 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1007
- 1007 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1008
- 1008 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1009
- 1009 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1010
- 1010 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1011
- 1011 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1012
- 1012 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1013
- 1013 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1014
- 1014 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1015
- 1015 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1016
- 1016 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1017
- 1017 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1018
- 1018 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1019
- 1019 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1020
- 1020 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1021
- 1021 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1022
- 1022 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1023
- 1023 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1024
- 1024 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1025
- 1025 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1026
- 1026 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1027
- 1027 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1028
- 1028 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1029
- 1029 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1030
- 1030 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1031
- 1031 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1032
- 1032 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1033
- 1033 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1034
- 1034 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1035
- 1035 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1036
- 1036 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1037
- 1037 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1038
- 1038 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1039
- 1039 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1040
- 1040 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1041
- 1041 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1042
- 1042 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1043
- 1043 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1044
- 1044 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1045
- 1045 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1046
- 1046 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1047
- 1047 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1048
- 1048 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1049
- 1049 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 1050
- 1050 10.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.3 10.0 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9007009..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.6600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 0.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 0.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.3500 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 0.0100 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 0.0010 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 14.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 1.3d-6 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.1000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.3750 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.3500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.5000 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.5000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 0.0008333333 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 0.0008333333 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 3.0000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-06 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 20.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b170b7d7f..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex winterSAI summerLAI theta_res theta_sat fieldCapacity critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil k_macropore zScale_TOPMODEL
- 1001 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1002 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1003 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1004 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1005 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1006 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1007 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1008 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1009 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1010 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1011 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1012 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1013 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1014 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1015 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1016 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1017 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1018 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1019 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1020 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1021 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1022 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1023 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1024 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1025 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1026 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1027 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1028 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1029 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1030 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1031 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1032 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1033 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1034 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1035 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1036 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1037 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1038 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1039 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1040 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1041 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1042 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1043 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1044 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1045 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1046 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1047 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1048 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1049 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
- 1050 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000083333303 0.000083333303 1.000
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.txt b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ecc22ef9e..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex winterSAI summerLAI theta_res theta_sat fieldCapacity critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil k_macropore zScale_TOPMODEL
- 1001 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1002 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1003 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1004 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1005 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1006 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1007 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1008 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1009 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1010 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1011 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1012 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1013 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1014 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1015 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1016 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1017 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1018 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1019 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1020 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1021 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1022 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1023 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1024 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1025 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1026 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1027 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1028 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1029 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1030 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1031 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1032 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1033 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1034 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1035 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1036 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1037 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1038 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1039 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1040 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1041 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1042 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1043 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1044 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1045 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1046 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1047 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1048 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1049 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
- 1050 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.375 0.125 0.105 0.300 -0.500 1.500 0.000833333295 0.000833333295 3.000
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial.pro b/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a31c5613..000000000
--- a/settings/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-pro summa_zParamTrial
-; used to populate parameter trials for each HRU
-; define a line of characters
-; define the number of HRUs
-; define desired variables
-cDesire = ['hruIndex','winterSAI','summerLAI','theta_res','theta_sat','fieldCapacity','critSoilWilting','critSoilTranspire','vGn_alpha','vGn_n', 'k_soil', 'k_macropore','zScale_TOPMODEL']
-xDesire = [ 0, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.1 , 0.375 , 0.125 , 0.105 , 0.300 , -0.50 , 1.5 , 0.0008333333 , 0.0008333333 , 3.0 ]
-nDesire = n_elements(xDesire)
-; loop through experiments
-for iExp=0,2 do begin
- ; put in the correct parameter sets
- case iExp of
- ; experiment 1
- 0: begin
- filenm = 'summa_zParamTrial-exp1.txt'
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_soil')] = 0.0000833333
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_macropore')] = 0.0000833333
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'zScale_TOPMODEL')] = 1.0
- end
- ; experiment 2
- 1: begin
- filenm = 'summa_zParamTrial-exp2.txt'
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_soil')] = 0.0008333333
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_macropore')] = 0.0008333333
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'zScale_TOPMODEL')] = 3.0
- end
- ; exfiltration experiment
- 2: begin
- filenm = 'summa_zParamTrial-exfiltrate.txt'
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_soil')] = 0.00001
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'k_macropore')] = 0.00001
- xDesire[where(cDesire eq 'zScale_TOPMODEL')] = 3.0
- end
- ; check
- else: print, 'cannot find the correct case'
- endcase ; put in the correct parameter sets
- ; open file for writing
- openw, outUnit, filenm, /get_lun
- ; write header
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.'
- printf, outUnit, '!'
- printf, outUnit, '! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.'
- printf, outUnit, '! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- ; write desired variables
- printf, outUnit, cDesire, format='(a8,1x,4(a9,1x),3(a17,1x),2(a9,1x),3(a15,1x))'
- ; loop through HRUs
- for iHRU=1,nHRU do begin
- printf, outUnit, 1000+iHRU, xDesire[1:nDesire-1], format='(i8,1x,4(f9.3,1x),3(f17.3,1x),2(f9.3,1x),2(f15.12,1x),f15.3)'
- endfor
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- printf, outUnit, '! ***********************************************************************************************************************'
- ; free up the file unit
- free_lun, outUnit
-endfor ; looping thru experiments
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 85118a7f3..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsRad' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d01ff269b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsRad' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c17585ef0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8c72c35..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenVegParamPerturb.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenVegParamPerturb.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b6fb8edb..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenVegParamPerturb.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsRad' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f3fbd2c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBeersLaw.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7662d62e3..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenCLM2stream.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 56923dfff..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenNLscatter.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad NL_scatter ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4f3ff10..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad UEB_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a808509..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c90c3cea9..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1003 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1004 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1005 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d344ca90..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 60.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0100000 0.0300000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0400000 0.0600000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6d9a4c5..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1004 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1005 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fde25c0de..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom rootingDepth rootDistExp
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.00
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b24e8031f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenRadPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom windReductionParam
- 1001 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.00 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1002 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.25 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1003 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.50 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1004 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.75 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1005 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 2.00 9.50 3.00 0.28
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc1fd94b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsWind' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4f3ff10..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenUEB2stream.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad UEB_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 689e60f13..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1003 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1004 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1005 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d344ca90..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 60.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0100000 0.0300000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0400000 0.0600000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6d9a4c5..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1004 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1005 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5097a62ac..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenWindPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom windReductionParam
- 1001 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.10
- 1002 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.28
- 1003 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.50
- 1004 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 0.75
- 1005 1.00 2.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.35 9.50 3.00 1.00
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index edaf5f379..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsWind' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 00b121724..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenExpWindProfile.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile exponential ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad UEB_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 260e3d6ba..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d344ca90..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 60.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0100000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0100000 0.0300000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.0400000 0.0600000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.7500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
- soil 1.7500000 1.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -1.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fde25c0de..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure03/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom rootingDepth rootDistExp
- 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.00
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3261dcc08..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f33b498c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9697_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6440ce790..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c5adfdad..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_fileManager_9798_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/umpqua/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'storckSite' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aa1919b0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1996-11-28 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1997-04-22 02:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1955bf648..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9697_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1996-11-28 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1997-04-22 02:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept stickySnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 903daefea..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_hedpom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1997-11-26 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1998-04-07 02:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e82a5d090..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zDecisions_9798_storck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '1997-11-26 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '1998-04-07 02:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept stickySnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba0b342db..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt'
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa2fb7455..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingFileList_treePP_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt'
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 660dd5b9d..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9697.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9697_AboveCanopy.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46afe904b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zForcingInfo_AboveCanopy_9798.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | Storck_9798_AboveCanopy.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 7200 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd315acf1..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 7200.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 0.000000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 274.500000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 273.500000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.1000000 274.900 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.2000000 274.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.3000000 0.2000000 275.500 0.000000 0.290000 -0.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 277.000 0.000000 0.282000 -0.000000
- soil 1.0000000 1.0000000 279.000 0.000000 0.307000 -0.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcab569b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_storckSite.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ae7034e..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalAttributes_treePP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.03 237.73 1200.0 0.20826 180.83141 15.00 13 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 51eb8f156..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.6600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.1000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 100.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 1.7500 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 14.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 0.1000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 1.3d-6 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-07 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 1.0000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-06 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 10.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 7200.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec1182b4..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_hedpomPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom refInterceptCapSnow snowUnloadingCoeff ratioDrip2Unloading
- 1001 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 6.6 1.25d-6 0.0
- 1002 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 13.2 1.25d-6 0.0
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 179ce9d3a..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/summa_zParamTrial_storckPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex tempCritRain tempRangeTimestep heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom refInterceptCapSnow snowUnloadingCoeff ratioDrip2Unloading
- 1001 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 5.0 0.0 0.4
- 1002 273.1600 2.00 11.00 2.00 10.0 0.0 0.4
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 344626a95..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'albedoTest' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d1b10cf..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'albedoTest' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c87981f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/senatorBeck/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'albedoTest' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 26bab1da8..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_fileManager_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/senatorBeck/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'albedoTest' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f4214305b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method conDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 823e3f372..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_reynoldsVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2005-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2006-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 835141c25..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorConstantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2010-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2011-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method conDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 873b04195..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zDecisions_senatorVariableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2010-07-01 00:00' ! (T-01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2011-09-30 00:00' ! (T-02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method monTable ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad CLM_2stream ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e847c0c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 286f22e8c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingFileList_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db15e250..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_sheltered.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 17 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa065a1b5..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zForcingInfo_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | SenatorBeck_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82587deb0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.5000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 2.5000000 1.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd13f6737..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_reynoldsSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e00f6076a..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalAttributes_senatorSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 37.9 252.3 3371.00 0.20826 180.83141 3.00 7 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe39a282..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca11411f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_baseSheltered.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 1000000.0
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c69f599d7..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_constantDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 360000.0
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca11411f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/summa_zParamTrial_variableDecayRate.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootingDepth rootDistExp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n k_soil critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom albedoDecayRate
- 1001 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.50 0.05 1000000.0
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4f234e1..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsTranspire' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e8dfc9dd5..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsTranspire' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5716e9c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsTranspire' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5353a8b70..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenBallBerry.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index de02431b8..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenJarvis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist Jarvis ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d144db6e..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenSimpleResistance.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist simpleResistance ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c53e756a4..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82587deb0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.5000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 2.5000000 1.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4652a5760..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic rootDistExp zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale
- 1001 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 1.0 4.057 84.063
-! 1001 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 1.0 3.143 85.898
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.25 0.30 0.45 2.55 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.00
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.45 2.55 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.00
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 596f9400d..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_fileManager_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'vegImpactsTranspire' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5353a8b70..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zDecisions_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2006-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2007-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c81d869..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1003 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1004 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
- 1005 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82587deb0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.5000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 2.5000000 1.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6d9a4c5..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspenPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1002 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1004 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
- 1005 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 11cb48800..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure08/summa_zParamTrial_riparianAspenPerturbRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic rootDistExp zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale
- 1001 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 1.00 4.057 84.063
- 1002 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 0.50 4.057 84.063
- 1003 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 0.25 4.057 84.063
- 1004 1.100 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 1.00 4.057 84.063
- 1005 1.200 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 1.00 4.057 84.063
-! 1001 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 1.00 3.143 85.898
-! 1002 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 0.50 3.143 85.898
-! 1003 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 0.25 3.143 85.898
-! 1004 1.100 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 1.00 3.143 85.898
-! 1005 1.200 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.8400 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 3.0 1.00 3.143 85.898
-!hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip rootDistExp theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
-! 1001 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1002 1.00 0.50 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1003 1.00 0.25 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1004 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0000250 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1005 1.00 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0000750 0.001 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 3.0 100.0 0.20
-!hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom rootingDepth rootDistEx
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 2.0 0.0000075 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 2.0 1.0
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 515bf241b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo-2mRoots.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cf528dc39..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f570fbce..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_fileManager_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-! Comment line:
-! *** paths (must be in single quotes)
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/settings/' ! SETNGS_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/inputData/fieldData/reynolds/' ! INPUT_PATH
-'/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/' ! OUTPUT_PATH
-! *** control files (must be in single quotes)
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! M_DECISIONS = definition of model decisions
-'meta/summa_zTimeMeta.txt' ! META_TIME = metadata for time
-'meta/summa_zLocalAttributeMeta.txt' ! META_ATTR = metadata for local attributes
-'meta/summa_zCategoryMeta.txt' ! META_TYPE = metadata for local classification of veg, soil, etc.
-'meta/summa_zForceMeta.txt' ! META_FORCE = metadata for model forcing variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALPARAM = metadata for local model parameters
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_LOCALMVAR = metadata for local model variables
-'meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt' ! META_INDEX = metadata for model indices
-'meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt' ! META_BASINPARAM = metadata for basin-average model parameters
-'meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt' ! META_BASINMVAR = metadata for basin-average model variables
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt' ! LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' ! LOCALPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for local model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' ! BASINPARAM_INFO = default values and constraints for basin-average model parameters
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt' ! FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt' ! MODEL_INITCOND = model initial conditions
-'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt' ! PARAMETER_TRIAL = trial values for model parameters
-'basinRunoff' ! OUTPUT_PREFIX = prefix for the output file
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926fd71f..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! baseflow
-! ********************************************************************
-basin__aquiferHydCond | 0.0100 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-basin__aquiferScaleFactor | 3.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! within-grid routing
-! ********************************************************************
-routingGammaShape | 2.5000 | 2.0000 | 3.0000
-routingGammaScale | 20000.0000 | 1.0000 | 5000000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 12ce89b10..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2002-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr noXplict ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile constant ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH drainage ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil mixConstit ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d996176..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2001-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil funcSoilWet ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d996176..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zDecisions_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
-! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
-! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-simulStart '2001-07-01 00:00' ! (01) simulation start time -- must be in single quotes
-simulFinsh '2008-09-30 00:00' ! (02) simulation end time -- must be in single quotes
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-soilCatTbl ROSETTA ! (03) soil-category dateset
-vegeParTbl USGS ! (04) vegetation category dataset
-soilStress NoahType ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-stomResist BallBerry ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-num_method itertive ! (07) choice of numerical method
-fDerivMeth analytic ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-LAI_method specified ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-f_Richards mixdform ! (10) form of Richard's equation
-groundwatr qTopmodl ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-hc_profile pow_prof ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-bcUpprTdyn nrg_flux ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcLowrTdyn zeroFlux ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
-bcUpprSoiH liq_flux ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
-bcLowrSoiH zeroFlux ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
-veg_traits CM_QJRMS1998 ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-canopyEmis difTrans ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-snowIncept lightSnow ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-windPrfile logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
-astability louisinv ! (21) choice of stability function
-canopySrad BeersLaw ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-alb_method varDecay ! (23) choice of albedo representation
-compaction anderson ! (24) choice of compaction routine
-snowLayers CLM_2010 ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-thCondSnow jrdn1991 ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-thCondSoil funcSoilWet ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-spatial_gw localColumn ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-subRouting timeDlay ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
-! ***********************************************************************************************
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (01) simulation start time
-! (02) simulation end time
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (03) soil-category dateset
-! STAS ! STATSGO dataset
-! STAS-RUC ! ??
-! ROSETTA ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (04) vegetation category dataset
-! USGS ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
-! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH ! MODIS 20-category dataset
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
-! NoahType ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
-! CLM_Type ! thresholded linear function of matric head
-! SiB_Type ! exponential of the log of matric head
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
-! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
-! Jarvis ! Jarvis
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (07) choice of numerical method
-! itertive ! iterative
-! non_iter ! non-iterative
-! itersurf ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
-! numericl ! numerical derivatives
-! analytic ! analytical derivatives
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
-! monTable ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
-! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (10) form of Richards' equation
-! moisture ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-! mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
-! qTopmodl ! topmodel parameterization
-! bigBuckt ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-! noXplict ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
-! constant ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-! pow_prof ! power-law profile
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! nrg_flux ! energy flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
-! presTemp ! prescribed temperature
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! liq_flux ! liquid water flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-! drainage ! free draining
-! presHead ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-! bottmPsi ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-! zeroFlux ! zero flux
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
-! Raupach_BLM1994 ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
-! CM_QJRMS1998 ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
-! vegTypeTable ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
-! simplExp ! simple exponential function
-! difTrans ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
-! stickySnow ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
-! lightSnow ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (20) choice of wind profile
-! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
-! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (21) choice of stability function
-! standard ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
-! louisinv ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
-! mahrtexp ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
-! noah_mp ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
-! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
-! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
-! NL_scatter ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
-! BeersLaw ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (23) choice of albedo representation
-! conDecay ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
-! varDecay ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (24) choice of compaction routine
-! consettl ! constant settlement rate
-! anderson ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
-! CLM_2010 ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
-! jrdn1991 ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
-! tyen1965 ! Yen (1965)
-! melr1977 ! Mellor (1977)
-! jrdn1991 ! Jordan (1991)
-! smnv2000 ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
-! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
-! mixConstit ! mixture of constituents
-! hanssonVZJ ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
-! localColumn ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
-! singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
-! timeDlay ! time-delay histogram
-! qInstant ! instantaneous routing
-! ***********************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a13f23067..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_fullDist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1002 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt'
- 1003 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt'
- 1004 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt'
- 1005 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt'
- 1006 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt'
- 2001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f02b9c44..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingFileList_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-! ****************************************************************************************************
-! List of forcing data files used in each HRU
-! This file includes two "words" per line:
-! (1) The HRU index (must match the indices in the local attributes file)
-! (2) The name of the descriptor file assigned to each HRU index
-! --> filename must be in single quotes
-! ****************************************************************************************************
- 1001 'wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt'
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 950cfc4b3..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1002.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1002.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 107a9edae..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1003.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1003.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 809d42d13..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1004.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1004.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 81ac07ba4..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1005.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1005.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e742dca40..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster1006.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru1006.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a46b15408..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_cluster2001.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | RME_forcing_hru2001.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ef0fa7c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zForcingInfo_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
-! variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
-! and the length of the data time step
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
-! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-filenmData | forcing_aboveAspen.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
-ncols | 13 ! number of columns in the forcing file
-iyyy | 1 ! year
-im | 2 ! month
-id | 3 ! day
-ih | 4 ! hour
-imin | 5 ! minute
-pptrate | 7 ! precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-SWRadAtm | 8 ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
-LWRadAtm | 9 ! downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2)
-airtemp | 10 ! air temperature (K)
-windspd | 11 ! windspeed (m/s)
-airpres | 12 ! pressure (Pa)
-spechum | 13 ! specific humidity (g/g)
-data_step | 3600 ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82587deb0..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zInitialCond.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable name followed by the value
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! --------------------------------
-dt_init 360.000000000000
-scalarCanopyIce 0.000000000000
-scalarCanopyLiq 3.160000000000
-scalarCanairTemp 286.000000000000
-scalarCanopyTemp 290.000000000000
-scalarSnowAlbedo 0.820000000000
-scalarSWE 0.000000000000
-scalarSnowDepth 0.000000000000
-scalarSfcMeltPond 0.000000000000
-scalarAquiferStorage 0.000000000000
-! --------------------------------
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
-! Variable names followed by values
-! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
-! -------------------------------
-! layerType = snow or soil (4-character string)
-! iLayerHeight = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
-! mLayerDepth = depth of the layer (m)
-! mLayerTemp = temperature of the layer (K)
-! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! -------------------------------
- layerType iLayerHeight mLayerDepth mLayerTemp mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
- soil 0.0000000 0.0250000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.0250000 0.0750000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.1000000 0.1500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.2500000 0.2500000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 0.5000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.0000000 0.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 1.5000000 1.0000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
- soil 2.5000000 1.5000000 288.500 0.000000 0.290000 -100.000000
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index be81c122a..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_fullDist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1002 78300.0 43.2 243.2 2062.20 0.19068 279.82137 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 1003 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 12 8 1 2001
- 1004 18600.0 43.2 243.2 2070.27 0.21290 136.38182 19.25 13 8 1 2001
- 1005 32800.0 43.2 243.2 2069.25 0.24787 181.10770 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 1006 168200.0 43.2 243.2 2088.00 0.16813 410.12193 3.00 7 8 1 2001
- 2001 45400.0 43.2 243.2 2046.43 0.09546 213.07276 19.25 12 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f15acd63c..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalAttributes_riparianAspen.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1) Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
-! 2) Ensure select from the **SAME TABLE** defined in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** NOTE: ensure select from the table used in the decisions file
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex HRUarea latitude longitude elevation tan_slope contourLength mHeight vegTypeIndex soilTypeIndex slopeTypeIndex downHRUindex
- 1001 32700.0 43.2 243.2 2097.00 0.20826 180.83141 19.25 11 8 1 0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! (description of the tables used)
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! USGS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1: Urban and Built-Up Land
-! 2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
-! 3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
-! 5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
-! 6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
-! 7: Grassland
-! 8: Shrubland
-! 9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
-! 10: Savanna
-! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
-! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
-! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
-! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
-! 15: Mixed Forest
-! 16: Water Bodies
-! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
-! 18: Wooded Wetland
-! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
-! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
-! 21: Wooded Tundra
-! 22: Mixed Tundra
-! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
-! 24: Snow or Ice
-! 25: Playa
-! 26: Lava
-! 27: White Sand
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! MODIS Vegetation table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 14
-! 2, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 13
-! 3, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' -> USGS 12
-! 4, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' -> USGS 11
-! 5, 'Mixed Forests' -> USGS 15
-! 6, 'Closed Shrublands' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 7, 'Open Shrublands' -> USGS 9 "shrubland/grassland"
-! 8, 'Woody Savannas' -> USGS 8 "shrubland"
-! 9, 'Savannas' -> USGS 10
-! 10, 'Grasslands' -> USGS 7
-! 11 'Permanent wetlands' -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
-! 12, 'Croplands' -> USGS 2 "dryland cropland"
-! 13, 'Urban and Built-Up' -> USGS 1
-! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> USGS 5 "cropland/grassland"
-! 15, 'Snow and Ice' -> USGS 24
-! 16, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' -> USGS 19
-! 17, 'Water' -> USGS 16
-! 18, 'Wooded Tundra' -> USGS 21
-! 19, 'Mixed Tundra' -> USGS 22
-! 20, 'Barren Tundra' -> USGS 23
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Soil table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 'SAND'
-! 2, 'LOAMY SAND'
-! 3, 'SANDY LOAM'
-! 4, 'SILT LOAM'
-! 5, 'SILT'
-! 6, 'LOAM'
-! 9, 'CLAY LOAM'
-! 10, 'SANDY CLAY'
-! 11, 'SILTY CLAY'
-! 12, 'CLAY'
-! 14, 'WATER'
-! 15, 'BEDROCK'
-! 16, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
-! 17, 'PLAYA'
-! 18, 'LAVA'
-! 19, 'WHITE SAND'
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! Slope table
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
-! 1, 0.1
-! 2, 0.6
-! 3, 1.0
-! 4, 0.35
-! 5, 0.55
-! 6, 0.8
-! 7, 0.63
-! 8, 0.0
-! 9, 0.0
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo-2mRoots.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo-2mRoots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a171354..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo-2mRoots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 2.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e083ed32b..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ------------------------------------
-! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
-! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
-! columns are:
-! 1: parameter name
-! 2: default parameter value
-! 3: lower parameter limit
-! 4: upper parameter limit
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ********************************************************************
-! define format string for parameter descriptions
-! ********************************************************************
-'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
-! ********************************************************************
-! boundary conditions
-! ********************************************************************
-upperBoundHead | -0.7500 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-lowerBoundHead | 0.0000 | -100.0000 | -0.0100
-upperBoundTheta | 0.2004 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-lowerBoundTheta | 0.1100 | 0.1020 | 0.3680
-upperBoundTemp | 272.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-lowerBoundTemp | 274.1600 | 270.1600 | 280.1600
-! ********************************************************************
-! precipitation partitioning
-! ********************************************************************
-tempCritRain | 273.1600 | 272.1600 | 274.1600
-tempRangeTimestep | 2.0000 | 0.5000 | 5.0000
-frozenPrecipMultip | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 1.5000
-! ********************************************************************
-! freezing curve for snow
-! ********************************************************************
-snowfrz_scale | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 1000.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow albedo
-! ********************************************************************
-albedoMax | 0.8400 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinWinter | 0.5500 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-albedoMinSpring | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 1.0000
-albedoMaxVisible | 0.9500 | 0.7000 | 0.9500
-albedoMinVisible | 0.7500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMaxNearIR | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.7500
-albedoMinNearIR | 0.3000 | 0.1500 | 0.4500
-albedoDecayRate | 1.0d+6 | 0.1d+6 | 5.0d+6
-albedoSootLoad | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 0.5000
-albedoRefresh | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! radiation transfer within snow
-! ********************************************************************
-radExt_snow | 20.0000 | 20.0000 | 20.0000
-directScale | 0.0900 | 0.0000 | 0.5000
-Frad_direct | 0.7000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-Frad_vis | 0.5000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! new snow density
-! ********************************************************************
-newSnowDenMin | 100.0000 | 50.0000 | 100.0000
-newSnowDenMult | 100.0000 | 25.0000 | 75.0000
-newSnowDenScal | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! snow compaction
-! ********************************************************************
-densScalGrowth | 0.0460 | 0.0230 | 0.0920
-tempScalGrowth | 0.0400 | 0.0200 | 0.0600
-grainGrowthRate | 2.7d-6 | 1.0d-6 | 5.0d-6
-densScalOvrbdn | 0.0230 | 0.0115 | 0.0460
-tempScalOvrbdn | 0.0800 | 0.6000 | 1.0000
-base_visc | 9.0d+5 | 5.0d+5 | 1.5d+6
-! ********************************************************************
-! water flow through snow
-! ********************************************************************
-Fcapil | 0.0600 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-k_snow | 0.0150 | 0.0050 | 0.0500
-mw_exp | 3.0000 | 1.0000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! turbulent heat fluxes
-! ********************************************************************
-z0Snow | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Soil | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-z0Canopy | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 10.0000
-zpdFraction | 0.6500 | 0.5000 | 0.8500
-critRichNumber | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 1.0000
-Louis79_bparam | 9.4000 | 9.2000 | 9.6000
-Louis79_cStar | 5.3000 | 5.1000 | 5.5000
-Mahrt87_eScale | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 2.0000
-leafExchangeCoeff | 0.0100 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-windReductionParam | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! vegetation properties
-! ********************************************************************
-winterSAI | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 3.0000
-summerLAI | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootingDepth | 3.0000 | 0.0100 | 10.0000
-rootDistExp | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-plantWiltPsi | -150.0000 | -500.0000 | 0.0000
-soilStressParam | 5.8000 | 4.3600 | 6.3700
-critSoilWilting | 0.0750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critSoilTranspire | 0.1750 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-critAquiferTranspire | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 10.0000
-minStomatalResistance | 50.0000 | 10.0000 | 200.0000
-leafDimension | 0.0400 | 0.0100 | 0.1000
-heightCanopyTop | 20.0000 | 0.0500 | 100.0000
-heightCanopyBottom | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 5.0000
-specificHeatVeg | 874.0000 | 500.0000 | 1500.0000
-maxMassVegetation | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 50.0000
-throughfallScaleSnow | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-throughfallScaleRain | 0.5000 | 0.1000 | 0.9000
-refInterceptCapSnow | 6.6000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-refInterceptCapRain | 1.0000 | 0.0100 | 1.0000
-snowUnloadingCoeff | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.5d-6
-canopyDrainageCoeff | 0.0050 | 0.0010 | 0.0100
-ratioDrip2Unloading | 0.4000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! soil properties
-! ********************************************************************
-soil_dens_intr | 2700.0000 | 500.0000 | 4000.0000
-thCond_soil | 5.5000 | 2.9000 | 8.4000
-frac_sand | 0.1600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_silt | 0.2800 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-frac_clay | 0.5600 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-fieldCapacity | 0.2000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-wettingFrontSuction | 0.3000 | 0.1000 | 1.5000
-theta_mp | 0.4010 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_sat | 0.5500 | 0.3000 | 0.6000
-theta_res | 0.1390 | 0.0010 | 0.1000
-vGn_alpha | -0.8400 | -1.0000 | -0.0100
-vGn_n | 1.3000 | 1.0000 | 3.0000
-mpExp | 5.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-k_soil | 7.5d-06 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-k_macropore | 1.0d-03 | 1.d-07 | 100.d-07
-kAnisotropic | 1.0000 | 0.0001 | 10.0000
-zScale_TOPMODEL | 2.5000 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-compactedDepth | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-aquiferScaleFactor | 0.3500 | 0.1000 | 100.0000
-aquiferBaseflowExp | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-qSurfScale | 50.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-specificYield | 0.2000 | 0.1000 | 0.3000
-specificStorage | 1.d-09 | 1.d-05 | 1.d-07
-f_impede | 2.0000 | 1.0000 | 10.0000
-soilIceScale | 0.1300 | 0.0001 | 1.0000
-soilIceCV | 0.4500 | 0.1000 | 5.0000
-! ********************************************************************
-! algorithmic control parameters
-! ********************************************************************
-minwind | 0.1000 | 0.0010 | 1.0000
-minstep | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1800.0000
-maxstep | 3600.0000 | 60.0000 | 1800.0000
-wimplicit | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000
-maxiter | 100.0000 | 1.0000 | 100.0000
-relConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-3 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_liquid | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_matric | 1.0d-6 | 1.0d-8 | 1.0d-3
-relConvTol_energy | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-absConvTol_energy | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-relConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-0 | 1.0d-2 | 1.0d+1
-absConvTol_aquifr | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-5 | 1.0d-1
-zmin | 0.0100 | 0.0050 | 0.1000
-zmax | 0.0500 | 0.0100 | 0.5000
-! ---
-zminLayer1 | 0.0075 | 0.0075 | 0.0075
-zminLayer2 | 0.0100 | 0.0100 | 0.0100
-zminLayer3 | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zminLayer4 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000
-zminLayer5 | 0.2500 | 0.2500 | 0.2500
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_lower | 0.0500 | 0.0500 | 0.0500
-zmaxLayer2_lower | 0.2000 | 0.2000 | 0.2000
-zmaxLayer3_lower | 0.5000 | 0.5000 | 0.5000
-zmaxLayer4_lower | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
-! ---
-zmaxLayer1_upper | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300
-zmaxLayer2_upper | 0.1500 | 0.1500 | 0.1500
-zmaxLayer3_upper | 0.3000 | 0.3000 | 0.3000
-zmaxLayer4_upper | 0.7500 | 0.7500 | 0.7500
-! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bf8e0a7e7..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_1dRichards.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
-! 1001 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bbc0c89a..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_distributedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1002 0.850 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
- 1003 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
- 1004 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 4.0000 9.500 3.000 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
- 1005 1.050 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
- 1006 1.050 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
- 2001 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
-! 1002 0.850 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1003 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1004 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 4.0000 9.500 3.000 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1005 1.050 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1006 1.050 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 3.0000 0.250 0.050 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 2001 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1002 0.90 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1003 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 2.55 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1004 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 4.00 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1005 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1006 1.10 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 2001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.25 0.3 0.45 2.55 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1002 0.90 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1003 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1004 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 4.00 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1005 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 1006 1.10 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 3.00 0.25 0.05 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
-! 2001 1.00 0.401 0.401 0.139 -0.84 1.30 0.0 0.0005 0.00015 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt b/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7142ae189..000000000
--- a/settings/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/summa_zParamTrial_lumpedTopmodel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***** DEFINITION OF TRIAL MODEL PARAMETER VALUES **********************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-! Note: Lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
-! Variable names are important: They must match the variables in the code, and they must occur before the data.
-! NOTE: must include information for all HRUs
-! ***********************************************************************************************************************
-hruIndex frozenPrecipMultip theta_mp theta_sat theta_res vGn_alpha vGn_n f_impede k_soil k_macropore critSoilWilting critSoilTranspire winterSAI summerLAI heightCanopyTop heightCanopyBottom kAnisotropic zScale_TOPMODEL qSurfScale fieldCapacity
- 1001 1.000 0.2211 0.4792 0.100 -0.858 1.306 0.0 0.00000353 0.06255 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 4.057 84.063 0.2
-! 1001 1.000 0.2210 0.4848 0.100 -0.84 1.409 0.0 0.00000223 0.00990 0.12500 0.200 0.4500 2.5000 9.500 3.000 1.0 3.143 85.898 0.2
-! 1001 1.00 0.300 0.550 0.139 -0.50 1.30 0.0 0.0000075 0.001 0.175 0.20 0.45 1.41 9.50 3.00 1.0 2.0 100.0 0.20
diff --git a/verification/syntheticTestCase/celia1990_testSUMMA.pro b/verification/syntheticTestCase/celia1990_testSUMMA.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 690149f98..000000000
--- a/verification/syntheticTestCase/celia1990_testSUMMA.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-pro celia1990_testSUMMA
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1000, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the file path
-fpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/celia1990/'
-; define the file name
-fname = 'celia1990_spinup_testSumma.nc'
-; define the path to the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-; define the name of the graphics file
-gname = 'syntheticTestCase_celia1990.png'
-; define the HRU index
-; define the number of desired time steps
-; loop through variables (liquid and matric)
-for ivar=0,1 do begin
- ; define variables
- if(ivar eq 0)then cvar='mLayerVolFracLiq'
- if(ivar eq 1)then cvar='mLayerMatricHead'
- ; make a base plot
- if(ivar eq 0) then begin
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0,0.6], yrange=[0.1,0.22], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Depth (m)', ytitle='Volumetric liquid water content (-)', /nodata
- endif else begin
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0,0.6], yrange=[-10,0], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Depth (m)', ytitle='Pressure head (m)', /nodata
- endelse
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(fpath+fname, /nowrite)
- ; extract the time vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- ; get the number of layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nLayers')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nLayers, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the number of snow layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSnow')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSnow, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the number of soil layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSoil')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSoil, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the start index for mLayers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midSoilStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midSoilStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; loop through time
- for itime=0,ntime-1 do begin
- ; define color
- icol = fix((float(itime+1)/52.)*200.) + 50
- ; get the mid-point of each layer
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'mLayerHeight')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerHeight, offset=[iHRU,(midSoilStartIndex[0,itime]+nSnow[0,itime])-1], count=[1,nSoil[0,itime]]
- ; get the desired variable for all layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,cvar)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, avar, offset=[iHRU,midSoilStartIndex[0,itime]-1], count=[1,nSoil[0,itime]]
- ; plot the data
- ;if(itime eq 9 or itime eq 27 or itime eq 51)then begin
- if(itime eq 10 or itime eq 32 or itime eq 49)then begin
- oplot, mLayerHeight[0,*], avar[0,*], color=icol
- oplot, mLayerHeight[0,*], avar[0,*], color=icol, psym=sym(1)
- print, 'time = ', long(itime+1)*1800L
- print, reform(avar[0,*])
- endif
- endfor ; loop through time
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
-endfor ; loop through variables
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/syntheticTestCase/miller1998_testSUMMA.pro b/verification/syntheticTestCase/miller1998_testSUMMA.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d25bac4..000000000
--- a/verification/syntheticTestCase/miller1998_testSUMMA.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-pro miller1998_testSUMMA
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1000, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the HRU
-; define the maximum soil depth
-maxDepth = 10.d
-; define the time step
-dTime = 900.d
-; define the desired time (units of seconds)
-xTime = [0.18d, 2.25d, 1.d] * 86400.d
-; define the soil depth
-sDepth = [10.d,5.d,2.d]
-; define the path to the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-; define the name of the graphics file
-gname = 'syntheticTestCase_miller1998.png'
-; define the file path
-fpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/miller1998/'
-; define experiment names
-expName = ['millerSand','millerLoam','millerClay']
-; define file suffix
-fSuff = '_spinup_testSumma.nc'
-; define colors
-icol = [80,210,150]
-; loop through variables (liquid and matric)
-for ivar=0,1 do begin
- ; define variables
- if(ivar eq 0)then cvar='mLayerVolFracLiq'
- if(ivar eq 1)then cvar='mLayerMatricHead'
- ; make a base plot
- if(ivar eq 0) then begin
- plot, indgen(5), yrange=[maxDepth,0], xrange=[0.05,0.45], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- ytitle='Depth (m)', xtitle='Volumetric liquid water content (-)', /nodata
- endif else begin
- plot, indgen(5), yrange=[maxDepth,0], xrange=[-5,0.5], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- ytitle='Depth (m)', xtitle='Pressure head (m)', /nodata
- endelse
- ; loop through files
- for ifile=0,n_elements(expName)-1 do begin
- ; define file names
- filenm = expName[ifile] + fSuff
- ; define the desired time step
- nTime = floor(xTime[ifile]/dTime + 0.5d)
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(fpath+filenm, /nowrite)
- ; extract the time vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- ; get the number of soil layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSoil')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSoil, offset=[iHRU,ntime], count=[1,1]
- ; get the start index for mLayers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midSoilStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midSoilStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,ntime], count=[1,1]
- ; get the mid-point of each layer
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'mLayerHeight')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerHeight, offset=[iHRU,midSoilStartIndex-1], count=[1,nSoil]
- ; get the desired variable for all layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,cvar)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, avar, offset=[iHRU,midSoilStartIndex-1], count=[1,nSoil]
- ; plot the data
- oplot, avar[0,*], mLayerHeight[0,*] + (maxDepth - sDepth[ifile]), color=icol[ifile], thick=3
- print, 'time = ', long(ntime+1)*long(dTime)
- print, reform(avar[0,*])
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- endfor ; loop through files
-endfor ; loop through variables
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/syntheticTestCase/mizoguchi1990_testSUMMA.pro b/verification/syntheticTestCase/mizoguchi1990_testSUMMA.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 4143a9ca7..000000000
--- a/verification/syntheticTestCase/mizoguchi1990_testSUMMA.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-pro mizoguchi1990_testSUMMA
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 1, xs=1400, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the path to the validatiion data
-vpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-; define the file of the validation data
-vfile = 'mizoguchiLabData.txt'
-aData = fltarr(4,20)
-; read in the mizoguchi data
-openr, in_unit, vpath+vfile, /get_lun
- readf, in_unit, aData
-free_lun, in_unit
-; define constants
-Tfreeze = 273.16
-iden_ice= 917.
-; define the path to the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-; define the name of the graphics file
-gname = 'syntheticTestCase_mizoguchi1990.png'
-; define file path
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/'
-; define file prefix
-file_pref = 'mizoguchi1990_spinup'
-; define suffixes
-cSuffix = ['_testSumma']
-; define the number of HRUs
-; define time steps for output
-ixDesire = [720,1440,3000]
-; define the y title
-ytit = ['Depth (m)', ' ', ' ']
-; define the y margin
-xmar0 = [10,6,2]
-xmar1 = [ 2,6,10]
-; define y legend
-yleg = ['12 hours','24 hours','50 hours']
-for iSuffix=0,0 do begin
- ; *****
- ; *******************************
- ; declare file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cSuffix[iSuffix]+'.nc'
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D!C%M'])
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(djulian)-1
- ; loop through the HRUs
- for iHRU=0,nHRU-1 do begin
- ; get the number of snow layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSnow')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSnow, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the number of soil layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSoil')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSoil, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the number of layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nLayers')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nLayers, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the start index for midSoil
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midSoilStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midSoilStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the start index for midToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midTotoStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midTotoStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the start index for ifcToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'ifcTotoStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ifcTotoStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the start index for ifcToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'ifcSnowStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ifcSnowStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; define start index
- istart_ix = ifcTotoStartIndex
- mstart_ix = midTotoStartIndex
- nElements = nLayers
- ; define parameters
- parnames = ['thCond_soil']
- ; get desired parameters
- for ipar=0,n_elements(parnames)-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,parnames[ipar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, xData
- print, parnames[ipar], xData, format='(a20,1x,100(f20.10,1x))'
- endfor
- ; loop through time
- for jtime=0,n_elements(ixDesire)-1 do begin
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0.,0.5], yrange=[0.205,-0.005], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Total volumetric water (-)', ytitle = ytit[jtime], xmargin=[xmar0[jtime],xmar1[jtime]], $
- /nodata
- ; make the plot title
- xyouts, 0.025, 0.005, yleg[jtime], charsize=3
- ; make a legend
- plots, [0.025, 0.125], [0.015, 0.015], color=60, thick=2
- xyouts, 0.127, 0.0165, 'SUMMA', charsize=2
- plots, 0.075, 0.02, psym=sym(1), symsize=2, color=250
- xyouts, 0.127, 0.0215, 'Observed', charsize=2
- ; get the time index
- itime = ixDesire[jtime]-1
- ; check time
- print, 'elapsed time = ', (60.d + atime[itime]-atime[0])/3600.d
- ; get the height of the layer mid-points
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'mLayerHeight')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerHeight, offset=[iHRU,mstart_ix[0,itime]-1], count=[1,nElements[0,itime]]
- ; get the volumetric liquid water content (-)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file, 'mLayerVolFracLiq')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerVolFracLiq, offset=[iHRU,mstart_ix[0,itime]-1], count=[1,nElements[0,itime]]
- ; get the volumetric ice content (-)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file, 'mLayerVolFracIce')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerVolFracIce, offset=[iHRU,mstart_ix[0,itime]-1], count=[1,nElements[0,itime]]
- ; get the total water content
- volFracTotal = mLayerVolFracLiq + mLayerVolFracIce
- ; define the color
- icol = 160.*float(jTime)/float(n_elements(ixTime)-1) + 80
- ; plot the model simulations
- oplot, volFracTotal, mLayerHeight, color=60, thick=2
- ; plot the observations
- oplot, aData[jtime+1,*], -aData[0,*]/1000.d, psym=sym(1), symsize=2, color=250
- endfor ; looping through time
- endfor ; looping through HRUs
- ; close the NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
-endfor ; loop through experiments
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/syntheticTestCase/sym.pro b/verification/syntheticTestCase/sym.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7fb851e..000000000
--- a/verification/syntheticTestCase/sym.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-; $Id: sym.pro,v 2012-10-20 16:41:41 mclark Exp $
-; NAME:
-; SYM
-; define a standard sequence of plotting symbols
-; utility
-; NUMBER -> symbol number
-; 0 : dot
-; 1 : filled circle
-; 2 : filled upward triangle
-; 3 : filled downward triangle
-; 4 : filled diamond
-; 5 : filled square
-; 6 : open circle
-; 7 : open upward triangle
-; 8 : open downward triangle
-; 9 : open diamond
-; 10 : open square
-; 11 : plus
-; 12 : X
-; 13 : star
-; 14 : filled rightfacing triangle
-; 15 : filled leftfacing triangle
-; 16 : open rightfacing triangle
-; 17 : open leftfacing triangle
-; function returns the symbol number to be used with PSYM= in the
-; PLOT command
-; SHOWSYM : Can be used to produce a symbol chart for reference
-; (Type .r sym, then showsym, optionally with the /PS option).
-; Extra keywords are passed to PLOTS, so you can e.g. choose
-; a fancy color for your chart.
-; This function produces a side effect in that the USERSYM procedure
-; is used to create a symbol definition. It's meant for usage within
-; the PLOT, OPLOT, etc. command
-; produces a plot with dots (standard symbol 3)
-; overplots 17 curves each with its own symbol
-; mgs, 22 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00
-; mgs, 10 Sep 1999: - added SHOWSYM procedure
-; Copyright (C) 1997, Martin Schultz, Harvard University
-; This software is provided as is without any warranty
-; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed
-; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be
-; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall
-; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package,
-; please contact the author to arrange payment.
-; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs@io.harvard.edu
-; with subject "IDL routine sym"
-pro showsym,ps=ps,_EXTRA=e
- psflag = keyword_set(PS)
- if (psflag) then begin
- olddev = !D.NAME
- set_plot,'PS'
- device,/COLOR,bits=8,xsize=8,ysize=5,yoffset=3,/INCHES, $
- filename='symbols.ps'
- endif
- plot,findgen(18),/NODATA,xstyle=4,YSTYLE=4
- for i=0,17 do begin
- plots,1,18-i,PSYM=SYM(i),_EXTRA=e
- xyouts,0.5,18-i-0.2,strtrim(i,2),align=1.
- endfor
- if (psflag) then begin
- device,/close
- set_plot,olddev
- print,'Symbollist created as symbols.ps.'
- endif
- return
-; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-function sym,number
- on_error,2 ; return to caller
- if(n_elements(number) eq 0) then return,1 ; default
- result=8 ; default: return psym=8, i.e. user defined symbol
-; define some help variables for
-; circle :
- phi=findgen(32)*(!PI*2/32.)
- phi = [ phi, phi(0) ]
- case number of
- 0 : result = 3 ; dot
- 1 : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi), /fill
- ; filled circle
- 2 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], /fill
- ; filled upward triangle
- 3 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled downward triangle
- 4 : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled diamond
- 5 : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled square
- 6 : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi)
- ; open circle
- 7 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ]
- ; open upward triangle
- 8 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ]
- ; open downward triangle
- 9 : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ]
- ; open diamond
- 10 : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ]
- ; open square
- 11 : result = 1 ; plus
- 12 : result = 7 ; X
- 13 : result = 2 ; star
- 14 : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; rightfacing triangle, filled
- 15 : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; leftfacing triangle, filled
- 16 : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
- ; rightfacing triangle, open
- 17 : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
- ; leftfacing triangle, open
- else : begin
- print,'invalid symbol number - set to 1'
- result = 1
- end
- endcase
- return,result
diff --git a/verification/syntheticTestCase/wigmosta1999_testSUMMA.pro b/verification/syntheticTestCase/wigmosta1999_testSUMMA.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2e47c6c..000000000
--- a/verification/syntheticTestCase/wigmosta1999_testSUMMA.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-pro wigmosta1999_testSUMMA
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1200, ys=700, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define soil parameters
-tan_slope = 0.3d ; -
-TOPMODEL_exp = 1.d ; -
-surfHydCond = 0.3d ; m h-1
-soilDepth = 1.5d ; m
-porosity = 0.25d ; -
-; define forcing
-qRain = 0.002 ; m/h
-; define number of spatial elements for the kinematic predictions
-nCoord = 500
-; define the number of hillslope elements for the model simulations
-nHill = 50
-; define the total length of the hillslope
-totalLength = 50.d ; m
-; define hillslope width
-hillWidth = 100.d ; m
-; define the domain area (m2)
-domainArea = hillWidth*totalLength
-; define the x-coordinate for the kinematic predictions
-xCoord = totalLength*(dindgen(nCoord)+0.5d)/double(nCoord)
-; define the x-xoordinate for the model simulations
-xSlope = totalLength*(dindgen(nHill)+0.5d)/double(nHill)
-; define the path to the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-; define the name of the graphics file
-gname = 'syntheticTestCase_wigmosta1999.png'
-; define the file path
-fpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/'
-; define the number of HRUs
-; *************************************************************************************************************
-; *************************************************************************************************************
-; define the total storage
-totalStorage = dblarr(nHRU)
-; define desired output times
-;outTime = [35,70,140,400]
-outTime = [35,70,140]
-; define x and y titles
-ytit = [' ', 'Drainable storage (m)', ' ']
-xtit = [' ', ' ', 'Downslope distance (m)']
-;ytit = [' ', 'Drainable storage (m)', ' ', ' ']
-;xtit = [' ', ' ', ' ', 'Downslope distance (m)']
-; define y margins
-ymar0 = [2, 4, 6]
-ymar1 = [2, 0,-2]
-;ymar0 = [2, 4, 6, 8]
-;ymar1 = [2, 0,-2, -4]
-; define experiments
-cExp = ['-exp1','-exp2']
-iCol = [80,250]
-; define prefix and suffix
-fPref = 'syntheticHillslope'
-fSuff = '_spinup_testSumma'
-; loop through output times
-for jTime=0,n_elements(outTime)-1 do begin
- ; define desired time index
- iTime = outTime[jTime]
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0,50], yrange=[0,0.5], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle=xTit[jTime], ytitle=yTit[jTime], ymargin=[ymar0[jTime],yMar1[jTime]], $
- /nodata
- ; plot a legend
- yoff = 0.01
- plots, indgen(6)+30, replicate(0.45,10), psym = sym(6)
- plots, [30,35], [0.4,0.4]
- xyouts, 36, 0.45-yoff, 'SUMMA', charsize=1.5
- xyouts, 36, 0.4-yoff, 'Kinematic', charsize=1.5
- ; plot the time
- xyouts, 2, 0.45, strtrim(iTime,2) + ' hours', charsize=1.5
- ; loop through experiments
- for iExp=0,n_elements(cExp)-1 do begin
- ; define parameters for each experiment
- if(cExp[iExp] eq '-exp1')then begin
- ; experiment 1
- TOPMODEL_exp = 1.0d ; -
- surfHydCond = 0.3d ; m h-1
- endif else begin
- ; experiment 2
- TOPMODEL_exp = 3.0d ; -
- surfHydCond = 3.0d ; m h-1
- endelse
- ; define filename
- filenm = fPref + cExp[iExp] + fSuff + '.nc'
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(fpath+filenm, /nowrite)
- ; extract the time vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- ; define number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(atime)-1
- ; loop through HRUs
- for iHRU=0,nHRU-1 do begin
- ; get the number of soil layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSoil')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSoil, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the field capacity
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'fieldCapacity')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, fieldCapacity, offset=iHRU, count=1
- ; get the start index for mLayers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midSoilStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midSoilStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ; get the depth of each layer
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'mLayerDepth')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerDepth, offset=[iHRU,midSoilStartIndex[0,itime-1]-1], count=[1,nSoil[0,itime-1]]
- ; get the desired variable for all layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'mLayerVolFracLiq')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, mLayerVolFracLiq, offset=[iHRU,midSoilStartIndex[0,itime-1]-1], count=[1,nSoil[0,itime-1]]
- ; get storage (m)
- totalStorage[iHRU] = total(mLayerDepth[0,*]*(mLayerVolFracLiq[0,*]-fieldCapacity))
- endfor ; looping through HRUs
- ; define the length of the hillslope at steady state (m)
- t0 = surfHydCond*soilDepth/TOPMODEL_exp ; m2 h-1
- x1 = t0*tan_slope/qRain ; m
- x2 = double(itime)*qRain/(porosity*soilDepth) ; -
- xL = min([x1*x2^TOPMODEL_exp, totalLength]) ; m
- ; define the steady-state water table
- hS = soilDepth*(qRain*xCoord/(T0*tan_slope))^(1.d/TOPMODEL_exp)
- ; define the water table at length xL
- hL = soilDepth*(qRain*xL/(T0*tan_slope))^(1.d/TOPMODEL_exp)
- ; define the water table from the kinematic predictions
- ix = where(hS lt hL, complement=jx)
- hK = dblarr(nCoord)
- hK[ix] = hS[ix]
- hk[jx] = hL
- ; plot the kinematic predictions
- oplot, xCoord, hK*porosity, color=iCol[iExp]
- ; overplot the model predictions
- oplot, xSlope, totalStorage, color=iCol[iExp], psym=sym(6)
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- endfor ; looping through experiments
-endfor ; looping through output times
-; *************************************************************************************************************
-; *************************************************************************************************************
-; define number of time steps
-ntime = 1000
-; define the time coordinate
-xTime = dindgen(ntime)+1.d
-; define forcing
-qrain = dblarr(ntime)
-qRain[ 0:549] = 0.002 ; m h-1
-qRain[550:999] = 0.d
-; define the hydrograph from the kinematic predictions
-qKin = dblarr(ntime)
-; define y margins
-ymar0 = [-4.5,-9.5]
-ymar1 = [ 2.0, 7.0]
-; define x-title
-xtit = [' ', 'Time (hours)']
-; loop through experiments
-for iExp=0,n_elements(cExp)-1 do begin
- ; make a base plot for runoff
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0,1000], yrange=[0,2.5], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle=xtit[iExp], ytitle='Runoff (mm/hour)', $
- ymargin=[ymar0[iExp],ymar1[iExp]], /nodata
- ; plot a legend
- yoff = 0.03
- plots, [600,750], [2.25,2.25], color=iCol[iExp], thick=3
- plots, [600,750], [2.00,2.00]
- xyouts, 760, 2.25-yoff, 'SUMMA', charsize=1.5
- xyouts, 760, 2.00-yoff, 'Kinematic', charsize=1.5
- ; ***
- ; get summa simulations...
- ; define filename
- filenm = fPref + cExp[iExp] + fSuff + '.nc'
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(fpath+filenm, /nowrite)
- ; extract the time vector
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- ; get the basin column outflow (m3 s-1)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'basin__ColumnOutflow')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, basin__ColumnOutflow
- ; get the total basin area (m2)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'basin__totalArea')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, basin__totalArea
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; define the model simulations (m3/s --> mm/hour)
- qSim = 1000.d*(3600.d*basin__ColumnOutflow/basin__totalArea)
- ; plot the model simulations
- oplot, xTime[0:nTime-1], qSim[0:ntime-1], linestyle=0, thick=3, color=iCol[iExp]
- ; ***
- ; get kinematic predictions...
- ; define parameters for each experiment
- if(cExp[iExp] eq '-exp1')then begin
- ; experiment 1
- TOPMODEL_exp = 1.0d ; -
- surfHydCond = 0.3d ; m h-1
- endif else begin
- ; experiment 2
- TOPMODEL_exp = 3.0d ; -
- surfHydCond = 3.0d ; m h-1
- endelse
- ; define terms
- ; NOTE: state equation:
- ; porosity*(dz/dt) = dT/dx (T = transmissivity (m2 h-1) = tan_slope*T0*(z/soilDepth)^TOPMODEL_exp)
- ; can be written written (using the chain rule) as
- ; porosity*(dz/dt) = (dz/dx) * (dT/dz)
- ; so we need the derivative dT/dz
- ; NOW: the celerity is then
- ; dx/dt = (1/porosity)*dT/dz
- ; which can be couched in difference form (Beven, 1981) as
- ; deltaX = deltaTime * dT/dz
- ; and setting deltaX to be the distance from the upstream boundary
- ; the eqn can be used to estimate that the time that the water table height
- ; reaches the downstream boundary
- ; define the steady-state water table
- t0 = surfHydCond*soilDepth/TOPMODEL_exp ; m2 h-1
- hS = soilDepth*(qRain[0]*xCoord/(T0*tan_slope))^(1.d/TOPMODEL_exp)
- ; rising limb: calculate q based on water table depth at the downslope end
- for itime=0,ntime-1 do begin
- if(qRain[itime] gt 0.d)then begin
- ; get the water table depth at the downslope end
- tc = xtime[itime] ; time
- t0 = surfHydCond*soilDepth/TOPMODEL_exp ; m2 h-1
- x1 = t0*tan_slope/qRain[itime] ; m
- x2 = tc*qRain[itime]/(porosity*soilDepth) ; -
- xL = min([x1*x2^TOPMODEL_exp, totalLength]) ; m
- hL = soilDepth*(qRain[itime]*xL/(T0*tan_slope))^(1.d/TOPMODEL_exp)
- ; get the streamflow (m h-1)
- qKin[itime] = (1.d/domainArea)*hillwidth*tan_slope*t0*(hL/soilDepth)^TOPMODEL_exp
- ; falling limb
- endif else begin
- qKin[itime] = -9999.d
- endelse
- endfor ; (looping through time)
- ; falling limb: calculate q based on the time that it takes for the water table to reach the downstream end
- ; compute celerity of the water table for all positions on the hillslope; dxdt = f(hS)
- t0 = surfHydCond*soilDepth/TOPMODEL_exp ; maximum transmissivity m2 h-1
- dtdz = (tan_slope*t0/soilDepth)*TOPMODEL_exp*(hS/soilDepth)^(TOPMODEL_exp - 1.d) ; derivative in transmissivity w.r.t water table height (m h-1)
- dxdt = dtdz/porosity ; celerity (m h-1)
- ; define the time that a given water table height will reach the downstream boundary
- td = 550.d ; time when drying begins
- delX = totalLength - xCoord ; distance from the downstream end
- tExit = td + delX/dxdt ; time that a water table height will reach the downstream end (h-1
- ; compute the flow associated with the water table height
- qFall = (1.d/domainArea)*hillwidth*tan_slope*t0*(hS/soilDepth)^TOPMODEL_exp
- ; plot the kinematic predictions
- oplot, xTime, qKin*1000.d, color=0, min_value = 0.d ; rising limb
- oplot, tExit, qFall*1000.d, color=0 ; falling limb
-endfor ; looping through experiments
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure01.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure01.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 52cdcc049..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure01.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure01
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1200, ys=800, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define parameter set
-ipar = 0
-; define constants
-TFreeze = 273.16d
-sb = 5.6705d-8
-; define name of the NetCDF file
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure01/'
-file_pref = 'vegImpactsRad_'
-file_suff = ['_riparianAspenBeersLaw','_riparianAspenNLscatter','_riparianAspenUEB2stream','_riparianAspenCLM2stream']
-; define the name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath + 'ReynoldsCreek_eddyFlux.nc'
-; define the path to the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-; define the name of the graphics file
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure01.png'
-; loop through years
-for iyear=2005,2007 do begin
- ; get water year
- cWaterYear = strtrim(iyear,2)+'-'+strtrim(iyear+1,2)
- ; define the name of the netcdf file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cWaterYear + file_suff[0] + '.nc'
- ; *****
- ; **********************************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime_mod = n_elements(djulian_mod)-1
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%H:%I'])
- ; define desired range
- ibeg_mod = 0
- iend_mod = ntime_mod-1
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; ********************************************
- ; open file for reading
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_obs = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get number of time elements
- ntime_obs = n_elements(djulian_obs)
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian_mod, im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih, imi, asec
- caldat, djulian_obs, im_obs, id_obs, iy_obs, ih, imi, asec
- ; get start index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[ibeg_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- ibeg_obs = isubset[0]
- endif else begin
- stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; get end index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[iend_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[iend_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[iend_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- iend_obs = isubset[nsubset-1]
- endif else begin
- ;stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; ****************************************
- ; define the number of valid days in each year
- cdays = ['209','236','220']
- ; get the xticks
- xticks = [' ',[strtrim(indgen(7)*3+3,2)],' ']
- ; define the plot title
- ptitle = cWaterYear + ' (valid days = ' + cdays[iyear-2005] +')'
- ; define ytitle
- if(cWaterYear eq '2005-2006')then ytitle='Below canopy!Cshortwave radiation (W m!e-2!n)'
- if(cWaterYear ne '2005-2006')then ytitle=' '
- ; define xmargin
- if(cWaterYear eq '2005-2006')then xmar=[14,-2]
- if(cWaterYear eq '2006-2007')then xmar=[10,2]
- if(cWaterYear eq '2007-2008')then xmar=[ 6,6]
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(24)+1, xrange=[0,24], yrange=[0,1000], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle=' ', xticks=8, xtickname=xticks, ytitle=ytitle, xcharsize=1.5, ycharsize=1.5, $
- xticklen=(-0.02), xmargin=xmar, ymargin = [4,4], title=pTitle, /nodata
- plots, [0,24], [1000,1000]
- ; plot legend
- if(cWaterYear eq '2005-2006')then begin
- xline = [1,5]
- y_top = 950
- y_gap = 50
- xcolr = [0,80,160,210,250]
- xtext = ["Above canopy forcing","Beer's law","NL 1999","MT 2012","Dick. 1983"]
- for ivar=0,4 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=xcolr[ivar], thick=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-10, xtext[ivar], charsize=1.25
- endfor
- plots, mean(xline), yline-y_gap, psym=sym(1), symsize=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-y_gap-10, 'Obs', charsize=1.5
- endif
- ; define observations of interest
- obsname = 'rsd'
- obs_stn = 0 ; 0 = Aspen understory; 1 = Aspen; 2 = Sagebrush
- ; get observations
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,obsname)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, obsdata, offset=[obs_stn,0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get sw down
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'SWRadAtm')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, SWRadAtm, offset=[ipar,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- SWRadAtm = reform(SWRadAtm)
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get dates
- caldat, djulian_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs], im_obs, id_obs, iy_obs, ih_obs, imi_obs
- caldat, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod
- ; get subset of observations
- obsSubset = obsdata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]
- ; get subset of forcing
- frcSubset = SWRadAtm[ibeg_mod:iend_mod]
- ; get number of time elements
- ntime_obs = n_elements(obsSubset)
- ntime_mod = n_elements(frcSubset)
- ; define arrays for missing data
- imissing_obs = bytarr(ntime_obs)
- imissing_mod = bytarr(ntime_mod)
- ; get arrays for model and observations
- datObs = dblarr(49)
- datTop = dblarr(25)
- datMod = dblarr(25)
- ; get observation times
- obsTime = ceil(ih_obs*100+imi_obs*1.66666666d)
- ; identify days with missing data
- for itime=0,ntime_obs-1 do begin
- if(obsSubset[itime] lt -100.d)then begin
- ; find misisng day in observations
- imatch = where(im_obs eq im_obs[itime] and id_obs eq id_obs[itime], nmatch)
- if(nmatch ne 48)then stop, 'expect to find 48 data points in observations'
- imissing_obs[imatch] = 1
- ; find misisng day in model output
- imatch = where(im_mod eq im_obs[itime] and id_mod eq id_obs[itime], nmatch)
- if(nmatch lt 23)then stop, 'expect to find 24 data points in model output'
- imissing_mod[imatch] = 1
- endif ; if missing data
- endfor
- ; get 30-min averages over the desired period
- for jhour=0,47 do begin
- imatch = where(obsTime eq jhour*50 and imissing_obs eq 0, nmatch)
- print, nmatch
- if(nmatch gt 50)then begin
- datObs[jhour] = total(obsSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endif else begin
- datObs[jhour] = 0.d
- endelse
- endfor
- datObs[48] = datObs[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; plot 30 min observations
- oplot, dindgen(48)/2.d + 0.25, datObs[1:48], color=0, psym=sym(1), symsize=2
- ; get hourly averages of the forcing over the desired period
- for jhour=0,23 do begin
- imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour and imissing_mod eq 0, nmatch)
- print, nmatch
- if(nmatch gt 50)then begin
- datTop[jhour] = total(frcSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endif else begin
- datTop[jhour] = 0.d
- endelse
- endfor
- datTop[24] = datTop[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; plot forcing
- oplot, dindgen(24)+0.5d, datTop[1:24], color=0, thick=2
- ; define colors
- icolor=[80,160,210,250]
- ; loop through the different experiments
- for isuff=0,n_elements(file_suff)-1 do begin
- ; define the name of the netcdf file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cWaterYear + file_suff[isuff] + '.nc'
- ; get below canopy solar
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarBelowCanopySolar')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, scalarBelowCanopySolar, offset=[ipar,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- scalarBelowCanopySolar = reform(scalarBelowCanopySolar)
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get subset of below-canopy solar
- modSubset = scalarBelowCanopySolar[ibeg_mod:iend_mod]
- ; get hourly averages of the forcing over the desired period
- for jhour=0,23 do begin
- imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour and imissing_mod eq 0, nmatch)
- if(nmatch gt 50)then begin
- datMod[jhour] = total(modSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endif else begin
- datMod[jhour] = 0.d
- endelse
- endfor
- datMod[24] = datMod[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; plot below-canopy solar
- oplot, dindgen(24)+0.5d, datMod[1:24], color=icolor[isuff], thick=2
- endfor ; (looping through files)
- ; *****
- ; **********************************************************
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(24)+1, xrange=[0,24], yrange=[0,1000], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Time of day', xticks=8, xtickname=xticks, ytitle=ytitle, xcharsize=1.5, ycharsize=1.5, $
- xticklen=(-0.02), xmargin=xmar, ymargin = [8,0], /nodata
- plots, [0,24], [1000,1000]
- ; define colors
- icolor=[40,80,160,210,250]
- ; plot 30 min observations
- oplot, dindgen(48)/2.d + 0.25, datObs[1:48], color=0, psym=sym(1), symsize=2
- ; plot forcing
- oplot, dindgen(24)+0.5d, datTop[1:24], color=0, thick=2
- ; define the name of the netcdf file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cWaterYear + '_riparianAspenVegParamPerturb.nc'
- ; loop through HRUs
- for iHRU=0,4 do begin
- ; get below canopy solar
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarBelowCanopySolar')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, scalarBelowCanopySolar, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- scalarBelowCanopySolar = reform(scalarBelowCanopySolar)
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get subset of below-canopy solar
- modSubset = scalarBelowCanopySolar[ibeg_mod:iend_mod]
- ; get hourly averages of the forcing over the desired period
- for jhour=0,23 do begin
- imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour and imissing_mod eq 0, nmatch)
- if(nmatch gt 50)then begin
- datMod[jhour] = total(modSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endif else begin
- datMod[jhour] = 0.d
- endelse
- endfor
- datMod[24] = datMod[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; plot below-canopy solar
- oplot, dindgen(24)+0.5d, datMod[1:24], color=icolor[iHRU], thick=2
- endfor ; (looping through HRUs)
- ; plot legend
- if(cWaterYear eq '2005-2006')then begin
- xline = [1,5]
- y_top = 950
- y_gap = 50
- xcolr = [0,40,80,160,210,250]
- xtext = ["Above canopy forcing","LAI = 1.00","LAI = 1.25","LAI = 1.50","LAI = 1.75","LAI = 2.00"]
- for ivar=0,5 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=xcolr[ivar], thick=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-10, xtext[ivar], charsize=1.25
- endfor
- plots, mean(xline), yline-y_gap, psym=sym(1), symsize=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-y_gap-10, 'Obs', charsize=1.5
- endif
-endfor ; (looping through years)
-; write figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure02.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure02.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b52db0b1..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure02.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure02
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1800, ys=700, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define parameter set
-iHRU = 1
-; define constants
-TFreeze = 273.16d
-; define name of the NetCDF file
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure02/'
-file_name = file_path + 'vegImpactsWind_2006-2007_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb.nc'
-; define the name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath + 'ReynoldsCreek_eddyFlux.nc'
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure02.png'
-; *****
-; **********************************************
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(file_name, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime_mod = n_elements(djulian_mod)-1
- ; get the number of snow layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSnow')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSnow, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the number of soil layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nSoil')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nSoil, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the number of layers
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'nLayers')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, nLayers, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the start index for midSoil
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midSoilStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midSoilStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the start index for midToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'midTotoStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, midTotoStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the start index for ifcToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'ifcTotoStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ifcTotoStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; get the start index for ifcToto
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'ifcSnowStartIndex')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, ifcSnowStartIndex, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D!C%M'])
- ;ibeg_mod = 0
- ;iend_mod = ntime_mod-1
- ibeg_mod = 0
- iend_mod = ntime_mod-1
-; close NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; ********************************************
-; open file for reading
-nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_obs = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get number of time elements
- ntime_obs = n_elements(djulian_obs)
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian_mod, im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod, asec
- caldat, djulian_obs, im_obs, id_obs, iy_obs, ih_obs, imi_obs, asec
- ; get start index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[ibeg_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- ibeg_obs = isubset[0]
- endif else begin
- stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; get end index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[iend_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[iend_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[iend_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[ibeg_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- iend_obs = isubset[nsubset-1]
- endif else begin
- ;stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
-; close NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; **********************************
-print, '*** wind speed ***'
-; define observations of interest
-obsnames = ['wind', 'wind']
-obs_stns = [1, 0] ; 0 = Aspen understory; 1 = Aspen; 2 = Sagebrush
-; define model variables of interest
-modnames = ['windspd','scalarWindspdCanopyBottom']
-; define y title
-ytit = ['Above-canopy!Cwindspeed (m s!e-1!n)', 'Below-canopy!Cwindspeed (m s!e-1!n)']
-; define legend
-yleg1 = ['Observed windspeed above the Aspen canopy','Observed windspeed below the Aspen canopy']
-yleg2 = ['Observed windspeed at the "exposed" site','Simulated windspeed below the Aspen canopy']
-; loop through variables
-for ivar=0,n_elements(modnames)-1 do begin
- ; get observations
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,obsnames[ivar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, obsdata, offset=[obs_stns[ivar],0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get model output
- nc_file = ncdf_open(file_name, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,modnames[ivar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, moddata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- jtime=ibeg_obs
- obsmatch = dblarr(n_elements(moddata))
- ; match obs with the model
- for itime=0,n_elements(moddata)-1 do begin
- ; check we have matched correctly
- ;print, im_mod[itime], id_mod[itime], iy_mod[itime], ih_mod[itime], imi_mod[itime]
- ;print, im_obs[jtime], id_obs[jtime], iy_obs[jtime], ih_obs[jtime], imi_obs[jtime]
- ;print, im_obs[jtime+1], id_obs[jtime+1], iy_obs[jtime+1], ih_obs[jtime+1], imi_obs[jtime+1]
- if((iy_obs[jtime] ne iy_mod[itime]) or $
- (im_obs[jtime] ne im_mod[itime]) or $
- (id_obs[jtime] ne id_mod[itime]) or $
- (ih_obs[jtime] ne ih_mod[itime]) )then stop, 'dates do not match'
- if(ih_obs[jtime] ne ih_obs[jtime+1])then stop, 'different hour'
- ; average the wind speed
- wind = obsdata[jtime:jtime+1]
- if(min(wind) gt 0.d)then begin
- obsmatch[itime] = mean(wind)
- endif else begin
- obsmatch[itime] = -9999.d
- endelse
- ; increment index
- jtime=jtime+2
- endfor
- ; get hourly obs for the model
- ;for itime=0,n_elements(obsdata)-1, 2 do begin
- ; wind = obsdata[itime:itime+1]
- ; if(min(wind) gt 0.d)then begin
- ; obsdata[itime:itime+1] = mean(wind)
- ; endif else begin
- ; obsdata[itime:itime+1] = -9999.d
- ; endelse
- ;endfor
- if(ivar eq 0)then ymar = [3,1]
- if(ivar eq 1)then ymar = [4,0]
- ; make a base plot
- plot, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], xrange=[djulian_mod[ibeg_mod],djulian_mod[iend_mod]], yrange=[0,20], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=12, ytitle = ytit[ivar], xmargin=[70,-70], ymargin = ymar, title=ptitle, /nodata
- ; plot data
- ;oplot, djulian_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs], obsdata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs], min_value=(-9998.), color=80
- oplot, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], obsmatch[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], min_value=(-9998.), color=0
- oplot, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], moddata[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], color=210
- ; make a legend
- x1 = djulian_mod[ibeg_mod] + 0.48*(djulian_mod[iend_mod] - djulian_mod[ibeg_mod])
- x2 = djulian_mod[ibeg_mod] + 0.58*(djulian_mod[iend_mod] - djulian_mod[ibeg_mod])
- plots, [x1,x2], [18,18]
- plots, [x1,x2], [16,16], color=210
- xyouts, x2+3, 17.75, yleg1[ivar], charsize=1.5
- xyouts, x2+3, 15.75, yleg2[ivar], charsize=1.5
-; make a base plot
-plot, indgen(5), xrange=[0,1], yrange=[0,5], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Exceedance probability', ytitle='Below-canopy windspeed (m s!e-1!n)', $
- ymargin=[-13.5,1], xmargin=[-70,90], /nodata
-; identify valid data
-ivalid = where(obsmatch gt 0., nvalid)
-; compute exceedance probability for the observations
-windObs = obsmatch[ivalid]
-sortObs = windObs(sort(windObs))
-cumProb = dindgen(nvalid)/double(nvalid+1)
-oplot, 1.d - cumProb, sortObs, color=0, thick=2
-; define colors
-; get different parameter sets
-for iHRU=0,3 do begin
- ; get model output
- nc_file = ncdf_open(file_name, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarWindspdCanopyBottom')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, moddata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; compute exceedance probability for the model
- windMod = moddata[ivalid]
- sortMod = windMod(sort(windMod))
- cumProb = dindgen(nvalid)/double(nvalid+1)
- oplot, 1.d - cumProb, sortMod, color=icolor[iHRU], thick=2
-endfor ; looping through HRUs
-xline = [0.4, 0.6]
-y_top = 4.75
-y_gap = 0.25
-xcolr = [254,210,160,80,0]
-xtext = ['Canopy wind parameter = 0.10',$
- 'Canopy wind parameter = 0.28',$
- 'Canopy wind parameter = 0.50',$
- 'Canopy wind parameter = 0.75',$
- 'Below-canopy observations']
-for ivar=0,4 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=xcolr[ivar], thick=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.01, yline-0.025, xtext[ivar], charsize=1.5
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure03.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure03.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 8697a3157..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure03.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure03
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1200, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the color grey
-tvlct, r, g, b, /get
-r[1] = 180
-g[1] = 180
-b[1] = 180
-tvlct, r, g, b
-; define constants
-dt = 3600.d
-TFreeze = 273.16d
-; define the name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath + 'ReynoldsCreek_eddyFlux.nc'
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure03.png'
-; define file path
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/'
-; define the file prefix
-file_pref = ['figure03/vegImpactsWind_2006-2007','figure02/vegImpactsWind_2006-2007']
-; define the file suffix
-file_suff = ['_riparianAspenExpWindProfile','_riparianAspenWindParamPerturb']
-; define HRU
-; declare file
-filenm = file_path + file_pref[0] + file_suff[0] + '.nc'
-; *****
-; **********************************************
-; open file
-nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(djulian)-1
- ; define the date format
- ;dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%H'])
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M'])
- i_beg = 0
- i_end = ntime-1
- ; 1 Dec - 31 March
- i_beg = 743
- i_end = 4367
- ; 24 Feb - 21 March
- ;i_beg = 3500
- ;i_end = 4100
- ; define number of desired data points
- ndesire = (i_end - i_beg) + 1
-; close NetCDF file
-ncdf_close, nc_file
-; *****
-; **************************************
-; plot a "ghost plot" -- just to take care of the first unused space
-plot, indgen(5), color=255
-; define intensive observation periods
-ibeg_iop = [1055,1703]
-iend_iop = [1151,1799]
-; define colors
-; make a base plot for cumulative melt
-plot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], xrange=[djulian[i_beg],djulian[i_end]], yrange=[0,550], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=5, ytitle = 'Cumulative snowpack drainage (mm)', xmargin=[-56.75,5], ymargin=[-5,1], /nodata
-; shade the iops
-for iop=0,1 do begin
- x1 = djulian[ibeg_iop[iop]]
- x2 = djulian[iend_iop[iop]]
- y1 = 0
- y2 = 550
- polyfill, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], color=1
- if(iop eq 0)then xyouts, x1 + 0.6d*(x2 - x1), 200., 'First evaluation period', orientation=90, alignment=0.15, charsize=1.5
- if(iop eq 1)then xyouts, x1 + 0.6d*(x2 - x1), 200., 'Second evaluation period', orientation=90, alignment=0.15, charsize=1.5
-; loop through suffixes
-for isuff=1,0,-1 do begin
- ; define HRU
- iHRU=kHRU[isuff]
- ; define filename
- filenm = file_path + file_pref[isuff] + file_suff[isuff] + '.nc'
- ; get snowpack drainage
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarRainPlusMelt')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- rainPlusMelt = reform(vardata[0,i_beg:i_end])
- ; get rainfall
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarRainfall')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- rainfall = reform(vardata[0,i_beg:i_end])
- ; get snow depth
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarSnowDepth')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- snowDepth = reform(vardata[0,i_beg:i_end])
- ; get snow melt
- snowMelt = dblarr(n_elements(snowDepth))
- iSnow = where(snowDepth gt 0.001d, nSnow, complement=iBare, nComplement=nBare)
- if(nSnow gt 0)then snowMelt[iSnow] = rainPlusMelt[iSnow]*1000.d
- if(nBare gt 0)then snowMelt[iBare] = rainPlusMelt[iBare]*1000.d - rainfall[iBare]
- ; compute cumulative melt
- cumMelt = dblarr(ndesire)
- cumMelt[0] = snowMelt[0]*dt
- for iCum=1,ndesire-1 do begin
- cumMelt[iCum] = cumMelt[iCum-1] + snowMelt[iCum]*dt
- endfor
- ; plot cumulative melt
- oplot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], cumMelt, color=icolor[isuff], thick=2
-; plot a legend
-x0 = djulian[i_beg] + 0.60d*(djulian[i_end] - djulian[i_beg])
-x1 = x0 + 1.d
-x2 = x1 + 7.d
-plots, [x1,x2], [505,505], color=80, thick=2
-plots, [x1,x2], [475,475], color=254, thick=2
-xyouts, x2+1.d, 470, 'Exponential wind profile extends to the ground surface', charsize=1.25
-xyouts, x2+1.d, 500, 'Logarithmic wind profile below vegetation canopy', charsize=1.25
-plots, [x0,x0], [450,550]
-plots, [x0,djulian[i_end]], [450,450]
-; *****
-; ***************************
-; define colors
-; define variables
-cvar = ['scalarSenHeatGround','scalarSurfaceTemp','scalarSnowDepth']
-; define plot titles
-ytit = ['Sensible heat (W m!e-2!n)','Surface temperature (!eo!nC)','Snow depth (m)']
-; define plot range
-ymin = [0,-15,0]
-ymax = [1000,5,0.6]
-; loop through variables
-for ivar=0,n_elements(cvar)-1 do begin
- ; define y-margin
- if(ivar eq 0)then ymar=[-3, 8]
- if(ivar eq 1)then ymar=[ 1, 4]
- if(ivar eq 2)then ymar=[ 5, 0]
- ; loop through intensive observation periods
- for iop=0,1 do begin
- ; define subset
- ibeg_sub = ibeg_iop[iop]
- iend_sub = iend_iop[iop]
- ; make a base plot
- if(ivar eq n_elements(cvar)-1)then begin
- plot, djulian[ibeg_sub:iend_sub], xrange=[djulian[ibeg_sub],djulian[iend_sub]], yrange=[ymin[ivar],ymax[ivar]], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=4, ytitle = ytit[ivar], xmargin=[10,5], ymargin=ymar, /nodata
- endif else begin
- plot, djulian[ibeg_sub:iend_sub], xrange=[djulian[ibeg_sub],djulian[iend_sub]], yrange=[ymin[ivar],ymax[ivar]], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtickname=[' ',' ',' ',' ',' '], xticks=4, ytitle = ytit[ivar], xmargin=[10,5], ymargin=ymar, /nodata
- endelse
- oplot, [djulian[ibeg_sub],djulian[iend_sub]], [0.,0.]
- ; loop through suffixes
- for isuff=0,1 do begin
- ; define HRU
- iHRU=kHRU[isuff]
- ; define filename
- filenm = file_path + file_pref[isuff] + file_suff[isuff] + '.nc'
- ; get data
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,cvar[ivar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- vardata = reform(vardata)
- ; scale data
- if(cvar[ivar] eq 'scalarSurfaceTemp')then vardata = vardata - Tfreeze
- ; plot data
- oplot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], vardata[i_beg:i_end], color=icolor[isuff], thick=2
- endfor ; looping through experiments
- ; plot legend
- if(ivar eq n_elements(cvar)-1)then begin
- xpos = djulian[ibeg_sub] + 0.5d*(djulian[iend_sub] - djulian[ibeg_sub])
- if(iop eq 0)then xyouts, xpos, -0.15, 'First evaluation period', alignment=0.5, charsize=2
- if(iop eq 1)then xyouts, xpos, -0.15, 'Second evaluation period', alignment=0.5, charsize=2
- endif
- endfor ; looping through iops
-endfor ; looping through variables
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure04.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure04.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index c65718a3a..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure04.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure04
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 1, xs=800, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define temperatures
-tair = -dindgen(61)/5.d + 2.d
-; define density
-dens = 67.92d + 51.25d*exp(Tair/2.59d)
-; define temperature impact on interception capacity
-delI = 0.27d + 46.d/dens
-; plot temperature - temp func
-plot, tair, delI, xrange=[-10,2], yrange=[0,1], xstyle=1, ystyle=9, $
- xtitle='Temperature (!eo!nC)', ytitle='Scaled interception capacity (-)', $
- xmargin=[10,10], title='Hedstrom and Pomeroy (1988)', /nodata
-oplot, tair, delI, color=250, thick=2
-; make a second axis for snow density
-axis, yaxis=1, ytitle='Snow density (kg m!e-3!n)', yrange=[0,200], ystyle=1, color=80, /save
-oplot, tair, dens, color=80, thick=2
-; define leaf area ratio
-lrat = dblarr(61)
-lrat[where(tair gt -1.d)] = 4.d
-lrat[where(tair le -3.d)] = 1.0d
-ipos = where(tair gt -3.d and tair le -1.d)
-lrat[ipos] = 1.5d*tair[ipos] + 5.5d
-; plot temperature - VIC temp func
-plot, tair, lrat, xrange=[-10,2], yrange=[1,4], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Temperature (!eo!nC)', ytitle='Scaled interception capacity (-)', $
- xmargin=[10,10], title='Andreadis et al. (2009)', /nodata
-oplot, tair, lrat, color=250, thick=2
-; make a figure
-write_png, 'zFigures/Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure04.png', tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure05.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure05.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 13691be46..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure05.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure05
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 1, xs=1400, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure05.png'
-; define the path of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-; define list of obs files
-file_list = [valPath+'Storck_9697_cutTreeData.txt', $
- valPath+'Storck_9798_cutTreeData.txt']
-; define file path for model output
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure05/'
-; define file prefix for different experiments
-file_pref = ['storckSite_spinup_hedpom', $
- 'storckSite_spinup_storck']
-; define file suffix
-file_suff = ['9697', $
- '9798']
-; define the number of tick marks
-nxticks = [9,8]
-; define initial HRU
-iHRU = 0
-; loop through files
-for ifile=0,n_elements(file_suff)-1 do begin
- ; loop through experiments
- for iPrefix=0,n_elements(file_pref)-1 do begin
- ; *****
- ; *************************************
- ; define file name
- filenm_mod = file_path + file_pref[iPrefix] + file_suff[ifile] + '.nc'
- print, filenm_mod
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm_mod, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(djulian_mod)-1
- ; close the NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; ******************************************
- ; define filename
- filenm_obs = file_list[ifile]
- ; identify number of lines
- nlines = file_lines(filenm_obs)
- ; define data
- dataArr = dblarr(9,nlines)
- ; read data
- openr, in_unit, filenm_obs, /get_lun
- readf, in_unit, dataArr
- free_lun, in_unit
- ; get time
- iy = long(dataArr[0,*])
- im = long(dataArr[1,*])
- id = long(dataArr[2,*])
- ih = long(dataArr[3,*])
- imi = long(dataArr[4,*])
- ; get data
- belowCanopySWE = reform(dataArr[5,*])
- tree01_storage = reform(dataArr[6,*])
- tree02_storage = reform(dataArr[7,*])
- tree03_storage = reform(dataArr[8,*])
- ; get julian day
- djulian = julday(im,id,iy,ih,imi)
- ; define plot range
- if(ifile eq 0)then begin
- i_beg = 248
- i_end = 6728
- endif else begin
- i_beg = 624
- i_end = 6432
- endelse
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D %M!C%Y'])
- ; define x margin
- if(iprefix eq 0)then xmar=[8,2]
- if(iprefix eq 1)then xmar=[6,4]
- ; define ymargin
- if(ifile eq 0)then ymar=[4,2]
- if(ifile eq 1)then ymar=[6,0]
- ; make a base plot
- plot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], xrange=[djulian[i_beg],djulian[i_end]], yrange=[0,40], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=nxticks[ifile], ytitle = 'Canopy interception (mm)', xmargin=xmar, ymargin=ymar, $
- /nodata
- ; define the color grey
- tvlct, r, g, b, /get
- r[1] = 180
- g[1] = 180
- b[1] = 180
- tvlct, r, g, b
- ; overplot data
- for itime=i_beg,i_end do begin
- if(tree01_storage[itime] gt 0.d)then $
- oplot, [djulian[itime],djulian[itime]], [0.d,tree01_storage[itime]], color=1
- endfor
- ; identify area of no data
- if(ifile eq 0)then ktime = 2250
- if(ifile eq 1)then ktime = 1265
- oplot, [djulian[ktime],djulian[ktime]], [0.d,40.d], color=0
- xyouts, mean([djulian[i_beg],djulian[ktime]]), 35.d, 'no data', alignment=0.5
- ; *****
- ; *****************************
- ; define colors
- icolor=[80,254]
- ; loop through HRUs
- for iHRU=0,1 do begin
- ; open netcdf file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm_mod, /nowrite)
- ; get intercepted liquid water
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarCanopyLiq')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, scalarCanopyLiq, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- scalarCanopyLiq = reform(scalarCanopyLiq)
- ; get intercepted ice
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarCanopyIce')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, scalarCanopyIce, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- scalarCanopyIce = reform(scalarCanopyIce)
- ; close netcdf file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- oplot, djulian_mod, scalarCanopyLiq+scalarCanopyIce, color=icolor[iHRU], thick=1.5
- endfor ; (looping thru HRUs)
- ; define position of the legend
- y_top = 36.0
- y_gap = 2.0
- xline = [djulian[i_beg]+0.45d*(djulian[i_end]-djulian[i_beg]), $
- djulian[i_beg]+0.60d*(djulian[i_end]-djulian[i_beg])]
- ; define title for the legend
- jcolor=[80,254]
- if(iprefix eq 0)then xyouts, xline[0], y_top+1.5d, 'Hedstrom and Pomeroy (1998)', charsize=1.5
- if(iprefix eq 1)then xyouts, xline[0], y_top+1.5d, 'Andreadis et al. (2009)', charsize=1.5
- ; define text for the legend
- if(iprefix eq 0)then xtext = ['Branch capacity (cold) = 6.6 mm', 'Branch capacity (cold) = 13.2 mm']
- if(iprefix eq 1)then xtext = ['Branch capacity (cold) = 5 mm', 'Branch capacity (cold) = 10 mm']
- ; define the legend
- for ivar=0,1 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=jcolor[ivar]
- xyouts, xline[1]+1., yline-0.25, xtext[ivar], charsize=1.25
- endfor
- ; define the observations
- x1 = xline[0]
- x2 = xline[1]
- y1 = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap - y_gap*0.65
- y2 = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap + y_gap*0.35
- polyfill, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], color=1
- xyouts, x2+1., y1+0.75, 'Observed canopy SWE', charsize=1.25
- endfor ; (looping through decisions)
-endfor ; looping through years
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure06.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure06.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index fc251a6d6..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure06.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure06
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=1000, ys=500, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define constants
-Tfreeze = 273.16
-iden_ice= 917.
-nsites = 2
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure06.png'
-; define the path of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-; define datafiles with model validation
-valFile = [valPath+'ReynoldsCreek_valData.nc', $
- valPath+'senatorBeck_SASP_1hr.nc']
-; define name of validation data
-valName = ['zs_sheltered','snowDepth']
-; define multiplier
-valMult = [0.01d,1.d] ; convert from cm to m, negative because coordinate variable is positive downwards with zero at the soil surface
-; define file path
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure06/'
-; define file prefix
-file_pref = 'albedoTest_'
-; define site name
-site_name = ['_reynolds', $
- '_senator']
-; define the file suffix
-cSuffix = ['VariableDecayRate','ConstantDecayRate']
-; define colors for each experiment (defined by file suffix)
-; define the plot title
-ptitle = ['Reynolds Mountain East', 'Senator Beck']
-; define the HRU
-; define year
-iyear = [2005,2010]
-; define x margin
-; define ytitle
-ytit='Snow depth (m)'
-; loop through files
-for ifile=0,nsites-1 do begin
- ; define water year
- cWaterYear = strtrim(iyear[ifile],2)+'-'+strtrim(iyear[ifile]+1,2)
- ; declare file
- filenm = file_path+file_pref+cWaterYear+site_name[ifile]+cSuffix[0]+'.nc'
- ; *****
- ; ***********************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D!C%M'])
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(djulian_mod)-1
- ; close the NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; define plot range
- i_beg = 0
- i_end = ntime-1
- ; make a base plot
- plot, djulian_mod[i_beg:i_end], xrange=[djulian_mod[i_beg],djulian_mod[i_end]], yrange=[0,3], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=12, ytitle = ytit, xmargin=xmar, ymargin=ymar, xticklen=(-0.02), $
- title=ptitle[ifile]+' ('+cWaterYear+')', /nodata
- plots, [djulian_mod[i_beg],djulian_mod[i_end]], [3,3]
- ; *****
- ; *****************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile[ifile], /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian, im, id, iy, ih, imi, asec
- isubset = where( (iy eq iyear[ifile] and im ge 10) or (iy eq iyear[ifile]+1 and im lt 10), nsubset)
- i_beg = isubset[0]
- i_end = isubset[nsubset-1]
- ; get the desired variable
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,valName[ifile])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, valData
- ; remove errors
- if(ifile eq 1)then begin
- if(iyear[ifile] eq 2007) then imissing = where((im ge 7 and im lt 10) or (im eq 6 and id ge 20) or (im eq 10 and id le 5))
- if(iyear[ifile] eq 2008) then imissing = where((im eq 10 and id le 20))
- if(iyear[ifile] le 2008) then valdata[imissing] = -9999.d
- endif
- tvlct, r, g, b, /get
- r[1] = 180
- g[1] = 180
- b[1] = 180
- tvlct, r, g, b
- ; overplot the desired variable
- for itime=i_beg,i_end do begin
- sDepth = valdata[itime]*valMult[ifile]
- if(sDepth gt 0.d)then $
- oplot, [djulian[itime],djulian[itime]], [0.d,sDepth], color=1
- endfor
- ; close the NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; *******************************
- ; reset julian day to match model simulations
- djulian = djulian_mod
- ; re-define plot range
- i_beg = 0
- i_end = ntime-1
- ; loop through different parameterizations
- for isuffix=0,n_elements(cSuffix)-1 do begin
- ; declare file
- filenm = file_path+file_pref+cWaterYear+site_name[ifile]+cSuffix[isuffix]+'.nc'
- ; get the snow depth
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarSnowDepth')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, scalarSnowDepth
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; overplot the snow depth
- oplot, djulian, scalarSnowDepth, color=icolor[iSuffix]
- endfor ; (looping through experiments)
- ; plot a legend
- if(ifile eq 0) then begin
- xline = [djulian[i_beg]+0.40d*(djulian[i_end]-djulian[i_beg]), $
- djulian[i_beg]+0.55d*(djulian[i_end]-djulian[i_beg])]
- y_top = 2.90
- y_gap = 0.095
- xcolr = [80,250]
- xtext = ['Variable albedo decay','Constant albedo decay']
- for ivar=0,1 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=xcolr[ivar]
- xyouts, xline[1]+5., yline-0.025, xtext[ivar], charsize=1.25
- endfor
- ; define the observations
- x1 = xline[0]+10.d
- x2 = xline[1]
- y1 = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap - y_gap*0.65
- y2 = y_top - float(ivar)*y_gap + y_gap*0.35
- polyfill, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], color=1
- xyouts, x2+5., y1+0.025, 'Observed snow depth', charsize=1.25
- endif
-endfor ; loop through sites
-; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure07.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure07.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 24745c332..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure07.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure07
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=800, ys=800, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define constants
-TFreeze = 273.16d
-sb = 5.6705d-8
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure07.png'
-; define the path and name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath+'ReynoldsCreek_eddyFlux.nc'
-; define name of the NetCDF file
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure07/'
-; define file prefix for the soil stress experiments
-file_pref = 'vegImpactsTranspire_'
-; define file suffix for the stomatal resistance experiments
-file_suff = ['_ballBerry','_jarvis','_simpleResistance']
-; define HRUs
-iHRU = 0
-; loop through years
-for iyear=2006,2006 do begin
- ; get water year
- cWaterYear = strtrim(iyear,2)+'-'+strtrim(iyear+1,2)
- ; define the name of the netcdf file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cWaterYear + file_suff[0] + '.nc'
- ; *****
- ; **********************************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime_mod = n_elements(djulian_mod)
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%H:%I'])
- ; define desired range
- ;ibeg_mod = 0
- ;iend_mod = ntime_mod-1
- ; 30 May - 13 Aug
- ibeg_mod = 5784
- iend_mod = 7607
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; ********************************************
- ; open file for reading
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_obs = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get number of time elements
- ntime_obs = n_elements(djulian_obs)
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian_mod, im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod, asec
- caldat, djulian_obs, im_obs, id_obs, iy_obs, ih_obs, imi_obs, asec
- ; get start index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[ibeg_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- ibeg_obs = isubset[0]
- endif else begin
- stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; get end index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[iend_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[iend_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[iend_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[iend_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- iend_obs = isubset[nsubset-1]
- endif else begin
- ;stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; *********************
- ; get dates
- caldat, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod
- ; get diurnal array
- datMod = dblarr(25)
- datObs = dblarr(49)
- ; define colors
- icolor=[80,160,210,250]
- ; get the xticks
- xticks = [' ',[strtrim(indgen(7)*3+3,2)],' ']
- ; define xtitle
- ytitle=['Total evapotranspiration (mm h!e-1!n)',' ',' ']
- ; loop through plots
- for iPlot=0,0 do begin
- ; *****
- ; **********************
- ; define station
- istn = 1 ; 0 = Aspen understory; 1 = Aspen; 2 = Sagebrush
- ; define variables of interest
- varname = 'LE-wpl'
- ymax = (-0.6d)
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(24)+1, xrange=[0,24], yrange=[0,ymax], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Time of day', xticks=8, xtickname=xticks, ytitle=ytitle[iplot], xcharsize=1.5, ycharsize=1.5, $
- xticklen=(-0.02), xmargin=[14,2], ymargin=[6,2], /nodata
- plots, [0,24], [ymax,ymax]
- ; get undesirable wind directions
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file, 'WindFlag')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, iWindflag, offset=[istn,0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- iWindflagSubset = reform(iWindflag[ibeg_obs:iend_obs])
- ; get observed latent heat flux
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,varname)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[istn,0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- obsSubset = reform(vardata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs])
- ; get observation times
- obsTime = ceil(ih_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*100+imi_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*1.66666666d)
- jtime=0
- ixObsValid = bytarr(n_elements(obsSubset))
- ixModValid = bytarr(n_elements(iy_mod))
- ; match obs with the model
- for itime=0,n_elements(iy_mod)-1 do begin
- ; define time in date array
- ktime = jtime+ibeg_obs
- ; check we have matched correctly
- ;print, im_mod[itime], id_mod[itime], iy_mod[itime], ih_mod[itime], imi_mod[itime]
- ;print, im_obs[ktime], id_obs[ktime], iy_obs[ktime], ih_obs[ktime], imi_obs[ktime]
- ;print, im_obs[ktime+1], id_obs[ktime+1], iy_obs[ktime+1], ih_obs[ktime+1], imi_obs[ktime+1]
- ;stop
- if((iy_obs[ktime] ne iy_mod[itime]) or $
- (im_obs[ktime] ne im_mod[itime]) or $
- (id_obs[ktime] ne id_mod[itime]) or $
- (ih_obs[ktime] ne ih_mod[itime]) )then stop, 'dates do not match'
- if(ih_obs[ktime] ne ih_obs[ktime+1])then stop, 'different hour'
- ; check if the data is desired
- if(iWindflagSubset[jtime] eq 0 and iWindflagSubset[jtime+1] eq 0 and obsSubset[jtime] gt -9998.d and obsSubset[jtime+1] gt -9998.d)then begin
- ixObsValid[jtime:jtime+1] = 0
- ixModValid[itime] = 0
- endif else begin
- ixObsValid[jtime:jtime+1] = 1
- ixModValid[itime] = 1
- endelse
- ; increment index
- jtime=jtime+2
- endfor
- ; get 30-min averages over the desired period
- for jhour=0,47 do begin
- ;imatch = where(obsTime eq jhour*50 and iWindflagSubset eq 0 and obsSubset gt -9998.d, nmatch)
- imatch = where(obsTime eq jhour*50 and ixObsValid eq 0, nmatch)
- nrgAverage = total(obsSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- datObs[jhour] = (nrgAverage/2260000.d)*3600.d ; W m-2 --> mm/hr
- ;print, jhour, datObs[jhour]
- ;print, obsSubset[imatch]
- ;stop
- endfor
- datObs[48] = datObs[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; get time and check
- xtime = dindgen(48)/2.d + 0.25d
- ;print, transpose([[xtime],[datObs[1:48]]])
- ; plot 30 min observations
- oplot, xtime, datObs[1:48], color=0, psym=sym(1), symsize=3
- ; *****
- ; ***************************
- ; define parameters
- parnames = ['theta_mp','theta_sat','theta_res','critSoilWilting','critSoilTranspire','vGn_alpha','vGn_n','mpExp','k_soil','k_macropore','rootingDepth','rootDistExp']
- ; loop through experiments
- for ifile=0,2 do begin
- ; define file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref + cWaterYear + file_suff[ifile] + '.nc'
- ; print progress
- print, filenm, iHRU
- ; get desired parameters
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- for ipar=0,n_elements(parnames)-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,parnames[ipar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, xData
- print, parnames[ipar], xData, format='(a20,1x,100(f20.10,1x))'
- endfor
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get simulated latent heat flux
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarLatHeatTotal')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vData, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- total_ET = (reform(vData[ibeg_mod:iend_mod])/2260000.d)*3600.d ; W m-2 --> mm/hr
- ; get hourly averages of the model output over the desired period
- for jhour=0,23 do begin
- ;imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour and ixModValid eq 0, nmatch)
- imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour, nmatch)
- datMod[jhour] = total(total_ET[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endfor
- datMod[24] = datMod[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; smooth with a 3-hour moving average
- datSmooth = fltarr(25)
- datSmooth[0] = datMod[0]
- datSmooth[24] = datMod[24]
- for jhour=1,23 do begin
- datSmooth[jhour] = mean(datMod[jhour-1:jhour+1])
- endfor
- ; plot total ET
- xtime = dindgen(24)+0.5d
- ;print, transpose([[xtime],[datMod[1:24]]])
- oplot, xtime, datSmooth[1:24], color=icolor[ifile], thick=5
- ;if(iplot eq 2)then stop
- endfor ; (looping through experiments)
- ; define legend
- xtext = ['Ball-Berry','Jarvis','Simple resistance']
- ; plot legend
- xline = [1,3]
- y_top = -0.566
- y_gap = -0.033
- for jvar=0,2 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(jvar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=icolor[jvar], thick=2
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline+0.005, xtext[jvar], charsize=2
- endfor
- plots, mean(xline), yline-y_gap, psym=sym(1), symsize=3
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-y_gap+0.005, 'Observations', charsize=2
- endfor ; (looping through plots)
-endfor ; (looping through years)
-; write figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure08.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure08.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index ae2e3e911..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure08.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure08
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 0, xs=2000, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define constants
-TFreeze = 273.16d
-sb = 5.6705d-8
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure08.png'
-; define the path and name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath+'ReynoldsCreek_eddyFlux.nc'
-; define name of the NetCDF file
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/'
-; define file prefix for the soil stress experiments
-file_pref0 = ['figure08/vegImpactsTranspire_','figure09/basinRunoff_']
-; define the file suffix for the root profile experiments
-file_suff1 = ['_perturbRoots','_perturbRoots','_perturbRoots']
-; define the file suffix for the lateral flow experiments
-file_suff2 = ['_1dRichards','_lumpedTopmodel','_distributedTopmodel']
-; define HRUs
-ixHRU1 = [1,2,3]
-ixHRU2 = [1,1,6]
-; loop through years
-for iyear=2006,2006 do begin
- ; get water year
- cWaterYear = strtrim(iyear,2)+'-'+strtrim(iyear+1,2)
- ; define the name of the netcdf file
- filenm = file_path + file_pref0[0] + cWaterYear + file_suff1[0] + '.nc'
- ; *****
- ; **********************************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_mod = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime_mod = n_elements(djulian_mod)
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%H:%I'])
- ; define desired range
- ;ibeg_mod = 0
- ;iend_mod = ntime_mod-1
- ; 30 May - 13 Aug
- ibeg_mod = 5784
- iend_mod = 7607
- ;ibeg_mod = 6311
- ;iend_mod = ibeg_mod + 24
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; ********************************************
- ; open file for reading
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_obs = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get number of time elements
- ntime_obs = n_elements(djulian_obs)
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian_mod, im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod, asec
- caldat, djulian_obs, im_obs, id_obs, iy_obs, ih_obs, imi_obs, asec
- ; get start index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[ibeg_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[ibeg_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- ibeg_obs = isubset[0]
- endif else begin
- stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; get end index
- isubset = where((iy_obs eq iy_mod[iend_mod]) and (im_obs eq im_mod[iend_mod]) and (id_obs eq id_mod[iend_mod]) and (ih_obs eq ih_mod[iend_mod]), nsubset)
- if(nsubset gt 0)then begin
- iend_obs = isubset[nsubset-1]
- endif else begin
- ;stop, 'no validation data in the simulation time period'
- endelse
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; *********************
- ; get dates
- caldat, djulian_mod[ibeg_mod:iend_mod], im_mod, id_mod, iy_mod, ih_mod, imi_mod
- ; get diurnal array
- datMod = dblarr(25)
- datObs = dblarr(49)
- ; define colors
- icolor=[80,160,210,250]
- ; get the xticks
- xticks = [' ',[strtrim(indgen(7)*3+3,2)],' ']
- ; define xtitle
- ytitle=['Total evapotranspiration (mm h!e-1!n)',' ',' ']
- ; loop through plots
- for iPlot=0,1 do begin
- ; *****
- ; **********************
- ; define station
- istn = 1 ; 0 = Aspen understory; 1 = Aspen; 2 = Sagebrush
- ; define variables of interest
- varname = 'LE-wpl'
- ymax = (-0.6d)
- ; define y margin
- if(iplot eq 0)then xmar=[14,2]
- if(iplot eq 1)then xmar=[8,8]
- ; make a base plot
- plot, indgen(24)+1, xrange=[0,24], yrange=[0,ymax], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
- xtitle='Time of day', xticks=8, xtickname=xticks, ytitle=ytitle[iplot], xcharsize=1.5, ycharsize=1.5, $
- xticklen=(-0.02), xmargin=xmar, ymargin=[6,2], /nodata
- plots, [0,24], [ymax,ymax]
- ; get undesirable wind directions
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file, 'WindFlag')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, iWindflag, offset=[istn,0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- iWindflagSubset = reform(iWindflag[ibeg_obs:iend_obs])
- ; get observed latent heat flux
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,varname)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vardata, offset=[istn,0], count=[1,ntime_obs]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- obsSubset = reform(vardata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs])
- ; get observation times
- obsTime = ceil(ih_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*100+imi_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*1.66666666d)
- ; print the valid data
- ;for itime=ibeg_obs,iend_obs do begin
- ; print, iy_obs[itime], im_obs[itime], id_obs[itime], ih_obs[itime], vardata[0,itime], iWindflag[0,itime], $
- ; format='(i4,1x,3(i2,1x),f13.5,1x,i4)'
- ;endfor
- jtime=0
- ixObsValid = bytarr(n_elements(obsSubset))
- ixModValid = bytarr(n_elements(iy_mod))
- ; match obs with the model
- for itime=0,n_elements(iy_mod)-1 do begin
- ; define time in date array
- ktime = jtime+ibeg_obs
- ; check we have matched correctly
- ;print, im_mod[itime], id_mod[itime], iy_mod[itime], ih_mod[itime], imi_mod[itime]
- ;print, im_obs[ktime], id_obs[ktime], iy_obs[ktime], ih_obs[ktime], imi_obs[ktime]
- ;print, im_obs[ktime+1], id_obs[ktime+1], iy_obs[ktime+1], ih_obs[ktime+1], imi_obs[ktime+1]
- ;stop
- if((iy_obs[ktime] ne iy_mod[itime]) or $
- (im_obs[ktime] ne im_mod[itime]) or $
- (id_obs[ktime] ne id_mod[itime]) or $
- (ih_obs[ktime] ne ih_mod[itime]) )then stop, 'dates do not match'
- if(ih_obs[ktime] ne ih_obs[ktime+1])then stop, 'different hour'
- ; check if the data is desired
- if(iWindflagSubset[jtime] eq 0 and iWindflagSubset[jtime+1] eq 0 and obsSubset[jtime] gt -9998.d and obsSubset[jtime+1] gt -9998.d)then begin
- ixObsValid[jtime:jtime+1] = 0
- ixModValid[itime] = 0
- endif else begin
- ixObsValid[jtime:jtime+1] = 1
- ixModValid[itime] = 1
- endelse
- ; increment index
- jtime=jtime+2
- endfor
- ; get 30-min averages over the desired period
- for jhour=0,47 do begin
- ;imatch = where(obsTime eq jhour*50 and iWindflagSubset eq 0 and obsSubset gt -9998.d, nmatch)
- imatch = where(obsTime eq jhour*50 and ixObsValid eq 0, nmatch)
- nrgAverage = total(obsSubset[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- datObs[jhour] = (nrgAverage/2260000.d)*3600.d ; W m-2 --> mm/hr
- ;print, jhour, datObs[jhour]
- ;print, obsSubset[imatch]
- ;stop
- endfor
- datObs[48] = datObs[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; get time and check
- xtime = dindgen(48)/2.d + 0.25d
- ;print, transpose([[xtime],[datObs[1:48]]])
- ; plot 30 min observations
- oplot, xtime, datObs[1:48], color=0, psym=sym(1), symsize=4
- ; *****
- ; ***************************
- ; define parameters
- parnames = ['theta_mp','theta_sat','theta_res','critSoilWilting','critSoilTranspire','vGn_alpha','vGn_n','mpExp','k_soil','k_macropore','rootingDepth','rootDistExp']
- ; loop through experiments
- for ifile=0,2 do begin
- ; define file prefix
- if(iplot le 1)then begin
- file_pref = file_pref0[iplot]
- endif else begin
- if(ifile eq 0)then begin
- file_pref = file_pref0[0]
- endif else begin
- file_pref = file_pref0[iplot]
- endelse
- endelse
- ; define files
- case iplot of
- 0: filenm = file_path + file_pref0[iplot] + cWaterYear + file_suff1[ifile] + '.nc'
- 1: filenm = file_path + file_pref0[iplot] + cWaterYear + file_suff2[ifile] + '.nc'
- endcase
- ; define HRUs
- case iplot of
- 0: iHRU = ixHRU1[ifile]-1
- 1: iHRU = ixHRU2[ifile]-1
- endcase
- ; print progress
- print, filenm, iHRU
- ; get desired parameters
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- for ipar=0,n_elements(parnames)-1 do begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,parnames[ipar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, xData
- print, parnames[ipar], xData, format='(a20,1x,100(f20.10,1x))'
- endfor
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; get simulated latent heat flux
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'scalarLatHeatTotal')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, vData, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime_mod]
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- total_ET = (reform(vData[ibeg_mod:iend_mod])/2260000.d)*3600.d ; W m-2 --> mm/hr
- ; get hourly averages of the model output over the desired period
- for jhour=0,23 do begin
- ;imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour and ixModValid eq 0, nmatch)
- imatch = where(ih_mod eq jhour, nmatch)
- datMod[jhour] = total(total_ET[imatch])/double(nmatch)
- endfor
- datMod[24] = datMod[0] ; zee wrap-around
- ; smooth with a 3-hour moving average
- datSmooth = fltarr(25)
- datSmooth[0] = datMod[0]
- datSmooth[24] = datMod[24]
- for jhour=1,23 do begin
- datSmooth[jhour] = mean(datMod[jhour-1:jhour+1])
- endfor
- ; plot total ET
- xtime = dindgen(24)+0.5d
- ;print, transpose([[xtime],[datMod[1:24]]])
- oplot, xtime, datSmooth[1:24], color=icolor[ifile], thick=4
- endfor ; (looping through experiments)
- ; define legend
- if(iplot eq 0)then xtext = ['Root exp = 1','Root exp = 0.5','Root exp = 0.25']
- if(iplot eq 1)then xtext = ["Baseflow = 1D Richards'",'Baseflow = Topmodel (lumped)','Baseflow = Topmodel (distributed)']
- ; plot legend
- xline = [1,3]
- y_top = -0.566
- y_gap = -0.033
- for jvar=0,2 do begin
- yline = y_top - float(jvar)*y_gap
- plots, xline, [yline,yline], color=icolor[jvar], thick=4
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline+0.005, xtext[jvar], charsize=3
- endfor
- plots, mean(xline), yline-y_gap, psym=sym(1), symsize=4
- xyouts, xline[1]+0.25, yline-y_gap+0.005, 'Observations', charsize=3
- endfor ; (looping through plots)
-endfor ; (looping through years)
-; write figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure09.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure09.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea7daec4..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/plot_paper2figure09.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-pro plot_paper2figure09
-; define plotting parameters
-window, 1, xs=1800, ys=1000, retain=2
-device, decomposed=0
-erase, color=255
-; define the date format
-dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%Y'])
-; define the color "grey"
-tvlct, r, g, b, /get
-r[1] = 180
-g[1] = 180
-b[1] = 180
-tvlct, r, g, b
-; define constants
-Tfreeze = 273.16
-iden_ice= 917.
-; define basin area (m2)
-basarea = 389700.0d ; from Pierson et al. (WRR2001)
-; define some conversion constants
-secprday = 86400.d ; number of seconds in a day
-iden_wat = 1000.d ; intrinsic density of water (kg m-3)
-; define the path and name of the graphics file
-gpath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/verification/zFigures/'
-gname = 'Clark_et_al__WRR2015b_figure09.png'
-; define the path and name of the validation data
-valPath = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/testCases_data/validationData/'
-valFile = valPath+'ReynoldsCreek_valData.nc'
-; define variable name and conversion factor
-valName = 'Q'
-valMult = iden_wat*secprday/basarea
-; define file path for the distributed simulations
-file_path = '/home/mclark/test_summa/summa/output/wrrPaperTestCases/figure09/'
-; define suffixes
-cSuffix = ['_1dRichards','_distributedTopmodel']
-; define prefix
-fPrefix = 'basinRunoff_'
-; define julian days
-time0 = julday(10,1,2002)
-time1 = julday(10,1,2008)
-; define titles
-ptit = ["Baseflow = 1D Richards'",'Baseflow = saturated sub-surface flow (distributed)']
-; define colors
-; define HRU for 1-d simulations
-; loop through different prefixes
-for ifile=0,1 do begin
- ; define suffix and prefix
- iSuffix=ifile
- ; define y margin
- if(ifile eq 0)then ymar=[ 1,5]
- if(ifile eq 1)then ymar=[ 5,1]
- ; make a base plot for some time series
- if(ifile eq 0)then begin
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[time0,time1], yrange=[0,35], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, xticklen=(-0.02),$
- xtickname=[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '], xticks=6, ytitle = 'Runoff!C(mm/day)', $
- xmargin=[12,5], ymargin=ymar, /nodata
- endif else begin
- plot, indgen(5), xrange=[time0,time1], yrange=[0,35], xstyle=1, ystyle=1, xticklen=(-0.02),$
- xtickformat=['label_date'], xticks=6, ytitle = 'Runoff!C(mm/day)', $
- xmargin=[12,5], ymargin=ymar, /nodata
- endelse
- ; plot the experiment
- xyouts, time0+50.d, 30, ptit[ifile], charsize=2.5
- ; plot the legend
- x1 = time0+100.d
- x2 = x1+200.d
- oplot, [x1,x2], [27.0,27.0], color=250
- xyouts, x2+5.d, 26.d, 'Simulations', charsize=2.
- ; define the observations
- y1 = 22.0d
- y2 = 24.5d
- polyfill, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], color=1
- xyouts, x2+5., y1, 'Observations', charsize=2.
- ; junk loop (not used)
- for iJunk=0,0 do begin
- ; loop through the years
- for iyear=2002,2007 do begin
- ; declare model output file
- filenm = file_path + fPrefix+strtrim(iyear,2)+'-'+strtrim(iyear+1,2)+cSuffix[ifile]+'.nc'
- print, filenm
- ; *****
- ; ****************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(valFile, /nowrite)
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian_obs = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; get data subset
- caldat, djulian_obs, im, id, iy, ih, imi, asec
- isubset = where( (iy eq iyear and im ge 10) or (iy eq iyear+1 and im lt 10), nsubset)
- ibeg_obs = isubset[0]
- iend_obs = isubset[nsubset-1]
- ; get the desired variable
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,valName)
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, valData
- ; compute cumulative runoff
- ;cRunoff = dblarr(ntime)
- ;cRunoff[0] = valdata[0]*iden_wat*3600.d/basarea
- ;for itime=1,ntime-1 do begin
- ; cRunoff[itime] = cRunoff[itime-1] + valdata[itime+i_beg]*iden_wat*3600.d/basarea
- ;endfor
- ; plot runoff
- ;oplot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], cRunoff[0:ntime-1], color=80
- ; close the NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; *****
- ; *******************************
- ; open file
- nc_file = ncdf_open(filenm, /nowrite)
- ; define some parameters to check
- parlist = ['frozenPrecipMultip','k_macropore','theta_mp','theta_res','theta_sat','vGn_n','fieldCapacity','f_impede','k_soil','kAnisotropic','zScale_TOPMODEL','qSurfScale']
- ; get some parameters
- for ipar=0,n_elements(parlist)-1 do begin
- ; get parameter
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,parlist[ipar])
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, pardata
- ; print
- if(iyear eq 2002)then print, strtrim(parlist[ipar],2)+': ', pardata, format='(a,100(f12.8,1x))'
- endfor
- ; get the HRU area
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'HRUarea')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, HRUarea
- ; get time units
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'time')
- ncdf_attget, nc_file, ivar_id, 'units', bunits
- cunits = string(bunits)
- ; extract the units "words"
- tunit_words = strsplit(string(cunits),' ',/extract)
- tunit_idate = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[2],'-',/extract))
- tunit_ihour = fix(strsplit(tunit_words[3],':',/extract))
- bjulian = julday(tunit_idate[1],tunit_idate[2],tunit_idate[0],tunit_ihour[0],tunit_ihour[1],tunit_ihour[2])
- ; get the offset in days
- if(strtrim(tunit_words[0],2) eq 'seconds') then aoff=1.d/86400.d else stop, 'unknown time units'
- ; extract the time vector
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, atime
- djulian = bjulian + atime*aoff
- ; define the date format
- dummy = label_date(date_format=['%D-%M!C%Y'])
- ; get the number of time elements
- ntime = n_elements(djulian)-1
- ; get start and end indices
- i_beg = 0
- i_end = ntime-1
- ; get the name of the groundwater decision
- NCDF_ATTGET, nc_file, 'groundwatr', btext, /global
- ; get the runoff
- if(string(btext) eq 'noXplict')then begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'averageSurfaceRunoff')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, averageSurfaceRunoff, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'averageSoilDrainage')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, averageSoilDrainage, offset=[iHRU,0], count=[1,ntime]
- averageInstantRunoff = reform(averageSoilDrainage) + reform(averageSurfaceRunoff)
- endif else begin
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'averageInstantRunoff')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, averageInstantRunoff, offset=[0], count=[ntime]
- endelse
- ; get total routed runoff
- ivar_id = ncdf_varid(nc_file,'averageRoutedRunoff')
- ncdf_varget, nc_file, ivar_id, averageRoutedRunoff, offset=[0], count=[ntime]
- ; close NetCDF file
- ncdf_close, nc_file
- ; validation data
- ;if(iSuffix eq 0)then begin
- for itime=ibeg_obs,iend_obs do begin
- oplot, [djulian_obs[itime],djulian_obs[itime]], [0.,valdata[itime]*valMult], color=1
- endfor
- ;oplot, djulian_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs], valdata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*valMult, color=80
- ;endif
- ; plot runoff
- if(string(btext) eq 'noXplict')then begin
- oplot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], averageInstantRunoff[i_beg:i_end]*secprday*iden_wat, color=250
- endif else begin
- oplot, djulian[i_beg:i_end], averageRoutedRunoff[i_beg:i_end]*secprday*iden_wat, color=250
- endelse
- ;stop, 'checking a given year'
- ; save data
- if(iyear eq 2002)then begin
- tData = djulian_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]
- xData = valdata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*valMult
- yData = averageRoutedRunoff[i_beg:i_end]*secprday*iden_wat
- endif else begin
- tData = [tData,djulian_obs[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]]
- xData = [xData,valdata[ibeg_obs:iend_obs]*valMult]
- yData = [yData,averageRoutedRunoff[i_beg:i_end]*secprday*iden_wat]
- endelse
- endfor ; loop through years
- ;stop
- ; compute NS
- xMean = mean(xData)
- yMean = mean(yData)
- xNash = 1.d - total( (xData - yData)^2. ) / total( (xData - xMean)^2. )
- ;xyouts, djulian[i_beg] -800.d, 30.d, 'NS = '+strtrim(string(xNash,format='(f9.3)'),2)
- print, 'xNash, xMean, yMean = ', xNash, xMean, yMean
- endfor ; loop through parameters
-endfor ; loop through experiments
- ; make a figure
-write_png, gpath+gname, tvrd(true=1)
diff --git a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/sym.pro b/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/sym.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7fb851e..000000000
--- a/verification/wrrPaperTestCase/sym.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-; $Id: sym.pro,v 2012-10-20 16:41:41 mclark Exp $
-; NAME:
-; SYM
-; define a standard sequence of plotting symbols
-; utility
-; NUMBER -> symbol number
-; 0 : dot
-; 1 : filled circle
-; 2 : filled upward triangle
-; 3 : filled downward triangle
-; 4 : filled diamond
-; 5 : filled square
-; 6 : open circle
-; 7 : open upward triangle
-; 8 : open downward triangle
-; 9 : open diamond
-; 10 : open square
-; 11 : plus
-; 12 : X
-; 13 : star
-; 14 : filled rightfacing triangle
-; 15 : filled leftfacing triangle
-; 16 : open rightfacing triangle
-; 17 : open leftfacing triangle
-; function returns the symbol number to be used with PSYM= in the
-; PLOT command
-; SHOWSYM : Can be used to produce a symbol chart for reference
-; (Type .r sym, then showsym, optionally with the /PS option).
-; Extra keywords are passed to PLOTS, so you can e.g. choose
-; a fancy color for your chart.
-; This function produces a side effect in that the USERSYM procedure
-; is used to create a symbol definition. It's meant for usage within
-; the PLOT, OPLOT, etc. command
-; produces a plot with dots (standard symbol 3)
-; overplots 17 curves each with its own symbol
-; mgs, 22 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00
-; mgs, 10 Sep 1999: - added SHOWSYM procedure
-; Copyright (C) 1997, Martin Schultz, Harvard University
-; This software is provided as is without any warranty
-; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed
-; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be
-; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall
-; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package,
-; please contact the author to arrange payment.
-; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs@io.harvard.edu
-; with subject "IDL routine sym"
-pro showsym,ps=ps,_EXTRA=e
- psflag = keyword_set(PS)
- if (psflag) then begin
- olddev = !D.NAME
- set_plot,'PS'
- device,/COLOR,bits=8,xsize=8,ysize=5,yoffset=3,/INCHES, $
- filename='symbols.ps'
- endif
- plot,findgen(18),/NODATA,xstyle=4,YSTYLE=4
- for i=0,17 do begin
- plots,1,18-i,PSYM=SYM(i),_EXTRA=e
- xyouts,0.5,18-i-0.2,strtrim(i,2),align=1.
- endfor
- if (psflag) then begin
- device,/close
- set_plot,olddev
- print,'Symbollist created as symbols.ps.'
- endif
- return
-; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-function sym,number
- on_error,2 ; return to caller
- if(n_elements(number) eq 0) then return,1 ; default
- result=8 ; default: return psym=8, i.e. user defined symbol
-; define some help variables for
-; circle :
- phi=findgen(32)*(!PI*2/32.)
- phi = [ phi, phi(0) ]
- case number of
- 0 : result = 3 ; dot
- 1 : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi), /fill
- ; filled circle
- 2 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], /fill
- ; filled upward triangle
- 3 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled downward triangle
- 4 : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled diamond
- 5 : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; filled square
- 6 : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi)
- ; open circle
- 7 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ]
- ; open upward triangle
- 8 : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ]
- ; open downward triangle
- 9 : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ]
- ; open diamond
- 10 : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ]
- ; open square
- 11 : result = 1 ; plus
- 12 : result = 7 ; X
- 13 : result = 2 ; star
- 14 : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; rightfacing triangle, filled
- 15 : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
- ; leftfacing triangle, filled
- 16 : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
- ; rightfacing triangle, open
- 17 : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
- ; leftfacing triangle, open
- else : begin
- print,'invalid symbol number - set to 1'
- result = 1
- end
- endcase
- return,result
diff --git a/www/contact.md b/www/contact.md
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-Most of the active discussion about SUMMA's development takes place on the [SUMMA github page](https://github.com/UCAR/summa). We strongly suggest that you go look there first if you have questions regarding the code. In addition, the [Resources](resources.md) page on this web site and the `docs` directory in the SUMMA source code archive include information on the model background, installation and operation.
-We do not have the resources to provide individual support for SUMMA. However, for more general questions, please send an email to [summa@rap.ucar.edu](mailto:summa@rap.ucar.edu).
diff --git a/www/left_hand_sidebar.md b/www/left_hand_sidebar.md
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-* [Overview](overview.md)
-* [Resources](resources.md)
-* [Source code](source_code.md)
-* [Contact](contact.md)
-* [Related links](related_links.md)
\ No newline at end of file
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-**SUMMA** or the **Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives** is a hydrologic modeling aproach that is built on a common set of governing equations and a common numerical solver, which together constitute the “structural core” of the model. Different modeling approaches can then be implemented within the structural core, enabling a controlled and systematic analysis of alternative modeling options, and providing insight for future model development.
-The important modeling features are:
- 1. The formulation of the governing model equations is cleanly separated from their numerical solution;
- 1. Different model representations of physical processes (in particular, different flux parameterizations) can be used within a common set of governing equations; and
- 1. The physical processes can be organized in different spatial configurations, including model elements of different shape and connectivity (e.g., nested multi-scale grids and HRUs).
-SUMMA can be used to configure a wide range of hydrological model alternatives. We anticipate that systematic model analysis will help researchers and practitioners understand reasons for inter-model differences in model behavior, and, when applied across a large sample of catchments, may provide insights on the dominance of different physical processes and regional variability in the suitability of different modeling approaches. An important application of SUMMA is selecting specific physics options to reproduce the behavior of existing models – these applications of *“model mimicry”* can be used to define reference (benchmark) cases in structured model comparison experiments, and can help diagnose weaknesses of individual models in different hydroclimatic regimes.
\ No newline at end of file
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-* [NCAR RAL - Hydrometeorological Applications Program](http://www.ral.ucar.edu/hap/)
-* [WRF-Hydro](http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/wrf_hydro)
-* [UW Surface Water Hydrology Group](http://www.hydro.washington.edu)
-* [UW Mountain Hydrology Research Group](http://depts.washington.edu/mtnhydr)
-* [University of Adelaide WaterSystems](http://ecms.adelaide.edu.au/civeng/research/water)
-* [NASA-LIS](http://lis.gsfc.nasa.gov)
diff --git a/www/resources.md b/www/resources.md
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-# SUMMA background and implementation
-The motivation for SUMMA's development and some initial examples are described in a two-part paper in [Water Resources Research](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1944-7973). If you use SUMMA, please credit these two publications. If you use SUMMA, please credit these two publications:
-* Clark, M. P., B. Nijssen, J. Lundquist, D. Kavetski, D. Rupp, R. Woods, E. Gutmann, A. Wood, L. Brekke, J. Arnold, D. Gochis, R. Rasmussen, 2014: A unified approach to hydrologic modeling: Part 1. Model structure. *Water Resources Research*, in review.
-* Clark, M. P., B. Nijssen, J. Lundquist, D. Kavetski, D. Rupp, R. Woods, E. Gutmann, A. Wood, D. Gochis, R. Rasmussen, D. Tarboton, V. Mahat, G. Flerchinger, D. Marks 2014: A unified approach to hydrologic modeling: Part 2. Comparison of alternative process representations. *Water Resources Research*, in review.
-SUMMA's implementation is described in detail in an NCAR Technical Note, which is [available](link to pdf of technical note) in draft form.
-# Publications
-# Presentations
-# Other
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-* Activity
-* Projects
-* Sponsors
- * National Science Foundation
- * U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
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-SUMMA is an open-source project, with code made available under version 3 of the GNU General Public License ([GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)). Among other things this means that we require that if you make changes to SUMMA (which we strongly encourage) and you want to distribute those changes, then all released improved versions must also be free software.
-The SUMMA source code is maintained and distributed through the [SUMMA page on github](https://github.com/UCAR/summa). This site also maintains information on model installation. Most of the active development on SUMMA is managed and discussed on this page as well.