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68 lines (52 loc) · 3.65 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (52 loc) · 3.65 KB


A vim plugin that logs autocmd events.


Provides the following commands:

Command Notes
:LogEvents Toggles logging of events.
Creates log file if it does not exist. Appends to log file if it already exists.
The plugin will echo messages advising the user whether the plugin was just enabled or disabled, and providing the path to the log file.
Causes an error if no log file path is set when attempting to enable event logging.
:EventLoggingStatus Display current logging status and log file path.
:EventLogFile Change the path to the log file.
Default log file is $HOME/vim-events-log (*nix) or $USERPROFILE/vim-events-log (Windows). Other operating systems have no default log file.
If the variable g:dn_events_log is set at the time the plugin is loaded, its value will be used as the path of the log file. The plugin will not check the validity of the path supplied. An invalid or unwritable path will result in an error when the plugin attempts to log an event.
:AnnotateEventLog Add a single line note to the event log file.
Displays an error message if event logging is not enabled.
:DeleteEventLog Deletes log file if it exists.


The following events are logged:

  • BufAdd, BufCreate, BufDelete, BufEnter, BufFilePost, BufFilePre, BufHidden, BufLeave, BufNew, BufNewFile, BufRead, BufReadPost, BufReadPre, BufUnload, BufWinEnter, BufWinLeave, BufWipeout, BufWrite, BufWritePost, BufWritePre, CmdUndefined, CmdwinEnter, CmdwinLeave, ColorScheme, CompleteDone, CursorHold, CursorHoldI, CursorMoved, CursorMovedI, EncodingChanged, FileAppendPost, FileAppendPre, FileChangedRO, FileChangedShell, FileChangedShellPost, FileReadPost, FileReadPre, FileType, FileWritePost, FileWritePre, FilterReadPost, FilterReadPre, FilterWritePost, FilterWritePre, FocusGained, FocusLost, GUIEnter, GUIFailed, InsertChange, InsertCharPre, InsertEnter, InsertLeave, MenuPopup, QuickFixCmdPost, QuickFixCmdPre, QuitPre, RemoteReply, SessionLoadPost, ShellCmdPost, ShellFilterPost, SourcePre, SpellFileMissing, StdinReadPost, StdinReadPre, SwapExists, Syntax, TabEnter, TabLeave, TermChanged, TermResponse, TextChanged, TextChangedI, User, VimEnter, VimLeave, VimLeavePre, VimResized, WinEnter, and WinLeave.

The following events are intentionally not logged because, according to the original project, they resulted in 'side effects':

  • BufReadCmd, BufWriteCmd, FileAppendCmd, FileReadCmd, FileWriteCmd, FuncUndefined, and SourceCmd.

If an event does not appear in either list it has been missed!


This plugin was forked from github repository dotvim created by Karl Yngve Lervåg (lervag).


At the time of forking the dotvim repository did not include any license. While github terms of service allow users to fork repositories, Mr Lervåg's rights are otherwise reserved.

As far as my own rights are concerned, I have used the CC0 license to ensure that to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.