diff --git a/tasks/main.yml b/tasks/main.yml
index 15913ff..9ce0120 100644
--- a/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,192 +1,163 @@
-# 📃 Role overview
-## thermo-core
-Role belongs to lucian/devops
-Namespace - lucian
-Collection - devops
-Version - 1.0.0
-Repository - http://example.com/repository
-Description: your role description
-| Field | Value |
-|--------------------- |-----------------|
-| Readme update | 03/11/2024 |
-### Tasks
-#### File: tasks/main.yml
-| Name | Module | Has Conditions | Comments |
-| ---- | ------ | --------- | -------- |
-| Start ThermoCore diagnostics | ansible.builtin.debug | False | tasks file for thermo-core Initialize system and environment |
-| Check ambient environmental conditions | block | False | |
-| Fetch ambient temperature and pressure | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Verify ambient conditions for high-energy simulation | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-| Configure ThermoCore for high-energy conditions | block | False | Initialize high-temperature and high-pressure simulation |
-| Set high temperature and pressure thresholds | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Activate high-energy synthesis mode | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Begin energy generation cycle | block | False | Simulate energy generation cycle |
-| Initialize energy storage capacitors | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Simulate energy output based on temperature and pressure | ansible.builtin.set_fact | True | |
-| Confirm energy generation success | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Monitor for heat dissipation and coolant levels | block | False | Environmental monitoring and resource checks |
-| Measure coolant levels | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Check if coolant levels are sufficient | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-| Alert if coolant is low | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-| Verify pressure containment integrity | block | False | Safety checks for pressure containment |
-| Check pressure containment status | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Ensure containment for continued operation | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-| Adaptive energy generation based on environmental feedback | block | False | Adjust energy generation based on environmental input |
-| Gather environmental feedback data | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Adjust ThermoCore thresholds based on environment | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Adaptive cycle based on operational data | block | False | Machine learning feedback for system optimization |
-| Integrate operational data into learning model | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Adjust thresholds based on feedback loop | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-| Perform end-of-cycle diagnostics | block | False | Final cycle diagnostics |
-| Check all system metrics post-energy generation | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Review energy efficiency metrics | ansible.builtin.debug | False | |
-| Begin ThermoCore shutdown | ansible.builtin.debug | False | Shutdown and cooling procedures |
-| Run cooldown diagnostics | block | False | |
-| Monitor system cooldown rates | ansible.builtin.set_fact | False | |
-| Confirm cooldown success | ansible.builtin.debug | True | |
-## Task Flow Graphs
-### Graph for main.yml
-flowchart TD
-classDef block stroke:#3498db,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef task stroke:#4b76bb,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef includeTasks stroke:#16a085,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef importTasks stroke:#34495e,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef includeRole stroke:#2980b9,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef importRole stroke:#699ba7,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef includeVars stroke:#8e44ad,stroke-width:2px;
-classDef rescue stroke:#665352,stroke-width:2px;
- Start-->|Task| Start_ThermoCore_diagnostics0[start thermocore diagnostics]:::task
- Start_ThermoCore_diagnostics0-->|Block Start| Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_block_start_0[[check ambient environmental conditions]]:::block
- Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_block_start_0-->|Task| Fetch_ambient_temperature_and_pressure0[fetch ambient temperature and pressure]:::task
- Fetch_ambient_temperature_and_pressure0-->|Task| Verify_ambient_conditions_for_high_energy_simulation1[verify ambient conditions for high energy
When: **ambient temperature int 45 and ambient
pressure int 1000**]:::task
- Verify_ambient_conditions_for_high_energy_simulation1-.->|End of Block| Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_block_start_0
- Verify_ambient_conditions_for_high_energy_simulation1-->|Rescue Start| Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_rescue_start_0[check ambient environmental conditions]:::rescue
- Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Handle_unfavorable_ambient_conditions0[handle unfavorable ambient conditions]:::task
- Handle_unfavorable_ambient_conditions0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Check_ambient_environmental_conditions1_block_start_0
- Handle_unfavorable_ambient_conditions0-->|Block Start| Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_block_start_0[[configure thermocore for high energy conditions]]:::block
- Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_block_start_0-->|Task| Set_high_temperature_and_pressure_thresholds0[set high temperature and pressure thresholds]:::task
- Set_high_temperature_and_pressure_thresholds0-->|Task| Activate_high_energy_synthesis_mode1[activate high energy synthesis mode]:::task
- Activate_high_energy_synthesis_mode1-.->|End of Block| Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_block_start_0
- Activate_high_energy_synthesis_mode1-->|Rescue Start| Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_rescue_start_0[configure thermocore for high energy conditions]:::rescue
- Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Handle_ThermoCore_setup_failure0[handle thermocore setup failure]:::task
- Handle_ThermoCore_setup_failure0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Configure_ThermoCore_for_high_energy_conditions2_block_start_0
- Handle_ThermoCore_setup_failure0-->|Block Start| Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_block_start_0[[begin energy generation cycle]]:::block
- Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_block_start_0-->|Task| Initialize_energy_storage_capacitors0[initialize energy storage capacitors]:::task
- Initialize_energy_storage_capacitors0-->|Task| Simulate_energy_output_based_on_temperature_and_pressure1[simulate energy output based on temperature and
When: **target temperature int min temperature
threshold and target pressure int optimal
pressure threshold**]:::task
- Simulate_energy_output_based_on_temperature_and_pressure1-->|Task| Confirm_energy_generation_success2[confirm energy generation success]:::task
- Confirm_energy_generation_success2-.->|End of Block| Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_block_start_0
- Confirm_energy_generation_success2-->|Rescue Start| Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_rescue_start_0[begin energy generation cycle]:::rescue
- Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Handle_energy_generation_failure0[handle energy generation failure]:::task
- Handle_energy_generation_failure0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Begin_energy_generation_cycle3_block_start_0
- Handle_energy_generation_failure0-->|Block Start| Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_block_start_0[[monitor for heat dissipation and coolant levels]]:::block
- Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_block_start_0-->|Task| Measure_coolant_levels0[measure coolant levels]:::task
- Measure_coolant_levels0-->|Task| Check_if_coolant_levels_are_sufficient1[check if coolant levels are sufficient
When: **coolant level int coolant level threshold**]:::task
- Check_if_coolant_levels_are_sufficient1-->|Task| Alert_if_coolant_is_low2[alert if coolant is low
When: **coolant level int coolant level threshold**]:::task
- Alert_if_coolant_is_low2-.->|End of Block| Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_block_start_0
- Alert_if_coolant_is_low2-->|Rescue Start| Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_rescue_start_0[monitor for heat dissipation and coolant levels]:::rescue
- Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Activate_emergency_coolant_system0[activate emergency coolant system]:::task
- Activate_emergency_coolant_system0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Monitor_for_heat_dissipation_and_coolant_levels4_block_start_0
- Activate_emergency_coolant_system0-->|Block Start| Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_block_start_0[[verify pressure containment integrity]]:::block
- Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_block_start_0-->|Task| Check_pressure_containment_status0[check pressure containment status]:::task
- Check_pressure_containment_status0-->|Task| Ensure_containment_for_continued_operation1[ensure containment for continued operation
When: **containment integrity intact**]:::task
- Ensure_containment_for_continued_operation1-.->|End of Block| Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_block_start_0
- Ensure_containment_for_continued_operation1-->|Rescue Start| Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_rescue_start_0[verify pressure containment integrity]:::rescue
- Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Engage_containment_failure_protocols0[engage containment failure protocols]:::task
- Engage_containment_failure_protocols0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Verify_pressure_containment_integrity5_block_start_0
- Engage_containment_failure_protocols0-->|Block Start| Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_block_start_0[[adaptive energy generation based on environmental
- Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_block_start_0-->|Task| Gather_environmental_feedback_data0[gather environmental feedback data]:::task
- Gather_environmental_feedback_data0-->|Task| Adjust_ThermoCore_thresholds_based_on_environment1[adjust thermocore thresholds based on environment]:::task
- Adjust_ThermoCore_thresholds_based_on_environment1-.->|End of Block| Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_block_start_0
- Adjust_ThermoCore_thresholds_based_on_environment1-->|Rescue Start| Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_rescue_start_0[adaptive energy generation based on environmental
- Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Handle_external_data_retrieval_failure0[handle external data retrieval failure]:::task
- Handle_external_data_retrieval_failure0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Adaptive_energy_generation_based_on_environmental_feedback6_block_start_0
- Handle_external_data_retrieval_failure0-->|Block Start| Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_block_start_0[[adaptive cycle based on operational data]]:::block
- Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_block_start_0-->|Task| Integrate_operational_data_into_learning_model0[integrate operational data into learning model]:::task
- Integrate_operational_data_into_learning_model0-->|Task| Adjust_thresholds_based_on_feedback_loop1[adjust thresholds based on feedback loop
When: **learning model ready default false**]:::task
- Adjust_thresholds_based_on_feedback_loop1-.->|End of Block| Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_block_start_0
- Adjust_thresholds_based_on_feedback_loop1-->|Rescue Start| Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_rescue_start_0[adaptive cycle based on operational data]:::rescue
- Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Manage_learning_model_integration_failure0[manage learning model integration failure]:::task
- Manage_learning_model_integration_failure0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Adaptive_cycle_based_on_operational_data7_block_start_0
- Manage_learning_model_integration_failure0-->|Block Start| Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_block_start_0[[perform end of cycle diagnostics]]:::block
- Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_block_start_0-->|Task| Check_all_system_metrics_post_energy_generation0[check all system metrics post energy generation]:::task
- Check_all_system_metrics_post_energy_generation0-->|Task| Review_energy_efficiency_metrics1[review energy efficiency metrics]:::task
- Review_energy_efficiency_metrics1-.->|End of Block| Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_block_start_0
- Review_energy_efficiency_metrics1-->|Rescue Start| Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_rescue_start_0[perform end of cycle diagnostics]:::rescue
- Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Handle_diagnostics_failure0[handle diagnostics failure]:::task
- Handle_diagnostics_failure0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Perform_end_of_cycle_diagnostics8_block_start_0
- Handle_diagnostics_failure0-->|Task| Begin_ThermoCore_shutdown9[begin thermocore shutdown]:::task
- Begin_ThermoCore_shutdown9-->|Block Start| Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_block_start_0[[run cooldown diagnostics]]:::block
- Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_block_start_0-->|Task| Monitor_system_cooldown_rates0[monitor system cooldown rates]:::task
- Monitor_system_cooldown_rates0-->|Task| Confirm_cooldown_success1[confirm cooldown success
When: **cooldown rate nominal**]:::task
- Confirm_cooldown_success1-.->|End of Block| Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_block_start_0
- Confirm_cooldown_success1-->|Rescue Start| Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_rescue_start_0[run cooldown diagnostics]:::rescue
- Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_rescue_start_0-->|Task| Emergency_cooldown_protocol0[emergency cooldown protocol]:::task
- Emergency_cooldown_protocol0-.->|End of Rescue Block| Run_cooldown_diagnostics10_block_start_0
- Emergency_cooldown_protocol0-->End
-## Playbook
-- hosts: localhost
- remote_user: root
- roles:
- - thermo-core
-## Playbook graph
-flowchart TD
- localhost-->|Role| thermo_core[thermo core]
-## Author Information
-your name
-#### License
-license (GPL-2.0-or-later, MIT, etc)
-#### Minimum Ansible Version
-#### Platforms
-No platforms specified.
+# tasks file for thermo-core
+# Initialize system and environment
+- name: Start ThermoCore diagnostics
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Initializing ThermoCore diagnostics and energy synthesis procedures."
+- name: Check ambient environmental conditions
+ block:
+ - name: Fetch ambient temperature and pressure
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ ambient_temperature: 35 # Example starting value
+ ambient_pressure: 1010 # Example static pressure
+ - name: Verify ambient conditions for high-energy simulation
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Ambient temperature and pressure are within acceptable limits for ThermoCore activation."
+ when: (ambient_temperature | int < 45) and (ambient_pressure | int > 1000)
+ rescue:
+ - name: Handle unfavorable ambient conditions
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Ambient conditions unsuitable. Delaying activation and notifying support systems."
+# Initialize high-temperature and high-pressure simulation
+- name: Configure ThermoCore for high-energy conditions
+ block:
+ - name: Set high temperature and pressure thresholds
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ target_temperature: "{{ min_temperature_threshold | int + 2000 }}" # High-temperature simulation
+ target_pressure: "{{ optimal_pressure_threshold | int + 500 }}" # High-pressure simulation
+ - name: Activate high-energy synthesis mode
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Activating high-energy synthesis mode with target temperature {{ target_temperature }}K and pressure {{ target_pressure }}Pa."
+ rescue:
+ - name: Handle ThermoCore setup failure
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Failed to set high-energy thresholds, reverting to safe mode."
+# Simulate energy generation cycle
+- name: Begin energy generation cycle
+ block:
+ - name: Initialize energy storage capacitors
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Energy storage capacitors initialized for thermal energy absorption."
+ - name: Simulate energy output based on temperature and pressure
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ generated_energy: "{{ target_temperature * target_pressure / 1000000 }}" # Simplified energy calculation
+ when: target_temperature | int > min_temperature_threshold and target_pressure | int > optimal_pressure_threshold
+ - name: Confirm energy generation success
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Generated {{ generated_energy }}MW of energy under current conditions."
+ rescue:
+ - name: Handle energy generation failure
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "ThermoCore energy generation failed. Lowering thresholds and recalibrating."
+# Environmental monitoring and resource checks
+- name: Monitor for heat dissipation and coolant levels
+ block:
+ - name: Measure coolant levels
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ coolant_level: 50 # Example static value
+ - name: Check if coolant levels are sufficient
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Coolant levels sufficient for sustained operations."
+ when: coolant_level | int >= coolant_level_threshold
+ - name: Alert if coolant is low
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Warning: coolant levels below operational threshold."
+ when: coolant_level | int < coolant_level_threshold
+ rescue:
+ - name: Activate emergency coolant system
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Emergency coolant system activated due to low levels."
+# Safety checks for pressure containment
+- name: Verify pressure containment integrity
+ block:
+ - name: Check pressure containment status
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ containment_integrity: "intact" # Simulated static value
+ - name: Ensure containment for continued operation
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Containment system holding, safe for continued operation."
+ when: containment_integrity == "intact"
+ rescue:
+ - name: Engage containment failure protocols
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Containment breach detected! Shutting down ThermoCore to prevent hazards."
+# Adjust energy generation based on environmental input
+- name: Adaptive energy generation based on environmental feedback
+ block:
+ - name: Gather environmental feedback data
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ external_temperature: 45 # Mock value
+ external_pressure: 980 # Mock value
+ - name: Adjust ThermoCore thresholds based on environment
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Adjusting thresholds to maintain optimal energy output with external temp {{ external_temperature }}°C and pressure {{ external_pressure }}Pa."
+ rescue:
+ - name: Handle external data retrieval failure
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Failed to retrieve external data. Using default thresholds for energy generation."
+# Machine learning feedback for system optimization
+- name: Adaptive cycle based on operational data
+ block:
+ - name: Integrate operational data into learning model
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Integrating operational data into machine learning model for future optimizations."
+ - name: Adjust thresholds based on feedback loop
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Thresholds adjusted according to real-time feedback and learning model data."
+ when: "learning_model_ready | default(false)"
+ rescue:
+ - name: Manage learning model integration failure
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Machine learning model update failed; running on default configurations."
+# Final cycle diagnostics
+- name: Perform end-of-cycle diagnostics
+ block:
+ - name: Check all system metrics post-energy generation
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Performing end-of-cycle diagnostics for ThermoCore system stability."
+ - name: Review energy efficiency metrics
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Energy efficiency for the current cycle: {{ generated_energy | default('N/A') }}MW."
+ rescue:
+ - name: Handle diagnostics failure
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Diagnostics incomplete; scheduling further analysis."
+# Shutdown and cooling procedures
+- name: Begin ThermoCore shutdown
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Initiating controlled shutdown and cooling of ThermoCore system."
+- name: Run cooldown diagnostics
+ block:
+ - name: Monitor system cooldown rates
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ cooldown_rate: "nominal" # Simulated value
+ - name: Confirm cooldown success
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Cooldown successful; ThermoCore safe for maintenance."
+ when: cooldown_rate == "nominal"
+ rescue:
+ - name: Emergency cooldown protocol
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: "Emergency cooldown initiated due to excessive heat."