Put your documentation here! Your text is rendered with GitHub Flavored Markdown.
- Intro - why we are here
- Show of hands who used looker before?
- Explain
Create a new Looker Project, which Partner Connection, All tables selected
Show SQL RUNNER, quey tables
Explain in the following order
- Views: auto generated
- Models: auto joins, b
- Explore from here
Add prepared order_items Look ML code
- Start with views: copy from GitHub and explain dimensions & measures
- Build our own model files
- Start showing the explore section
Show Looker Diagramm Visualizer
Show Data Docse
Building the dashboard:
- From explore
- Orders by date and department / categories
- Catory is not null
- And after jan 5th. 2019
- Kpi fields: total gross sales
- Orders by date and department / categories
- From dashboard
- Return rate
- Add filter: is returned : yes / no
- From explore
Aggregated awareness via explore
(Order Forecast via Looker?)
Save some looker & query costs: https://doitinternational.cloud.looker.com/dashboards/53?Looker%20User%20Branch%20Name=&Looker%20User%20Email=